Jamal Badawi – Pillars of Islam 12 – Hajj Rites And Significance Cont

Jamal Badawi
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The importance of peace and blessings for those who do not want to do a wrong thing is discussed in a series on the importance of peace and blessings for those who do not want to do a wrong thing. The black stone is believed to be the only part remaining in the structure of the second cover, and kissing the stone is not required. The history of the use of the stone in Islam is discussed, including its significance as a symbol of Islam and its historical significance. The importance of social and political orientation is also emphasized. The segment concludes with a call to join a new series on moral teachings in Islam.

AI: Summary ©

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			In the name of God the benevolent the Merciful, the creator and the Sustainer of the universe, peace
and blessings upon his servant and messenger Muhammad forever amin, I bear witness that there is no
god worthy of worship except for the one God. And I bear witness that Muhammad is the slave Servant
and Messenger of God. I greet you with the universal greetings of face the greetings that have been
used by all of the profits from Prophet Abraham to Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon
them. Assalamu Aleikum which means peace be unto you, and our Islamic focus program. today. We have
our 12th program in our series on the Pillars of Islam, and today's program will have our concluding
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			program on Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca. I'm your host Hamlet Rashid. And joining me on the program
today is Dr. Jamal betta. We have St. Mary's University. Assalamu Aleikum, brother.
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			Now this is our final program on the unhatched I wonder if perhaps you could very quickly go back
and just highlight some of the main points that we touched upon in our earlier programs dealing with
the subject of pilgrimage to Makkah, okay. And last time, we started, first by making a distinction
between the lesser pilgrimage called Umbra and the great pilgrimage, which is mandatory on every
Muslim who was able to do it.
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			And we said that the lesser pilgrimage can be done at any time, it's constituted of visiting the
holy house, the second house, the Kaaba, and doing a few writes, which only can take a couple of
hours really.
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			Secondly, we said that in order to go for either types of pilgrimage,
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			the person should enter into a state of consecration called ashram, which involves both the
intention to do that, in obedience and devotion to God, which is also constituting of wearing this
kind of attire that I explained last time, which is simply one simple piece of cloth to be wrapped
around the waist to cover the lower parts of the body. And another one just to cover the upper part
leaving the left arm
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			And we said, we discussed also the wisdom behind it that the person is casting behind himself, the
ego, closing as a symbol of wealth, or race or nationality or prestige, and becoming simply a human
being wording like everybody has that very simple claim. Closing.
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			We said also that that state of consecration should take place actually, before one enters Makkah,
were described describe the boundaries of maca. And that said, depending on the area where you're
traveling from the area that's regarded as maca ranges anywhere between six to 16 kilometers.
However, this state of consecration should be entered into prior to entering Mecca. In fact, there
are specific places are located
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			in various directions, and specified by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in which you should
really be in the state of consecration. It ranges anywhere between about 94 or 100 kilometers to 500
kilometers around. So that's the state where you really should be observing this. And he said that
the state of consecration is not merely
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			merely intention plus simple dress. But it also involves being at peace with other human beings,
avoiding arguments and violence, with animals not permitted to kill animals, even for food, or even
insects, unless there is danger to your life. And even being faced with others objects and nature,
you're not allowed even to cut a tree or trim your fingers or cut your hair, just in a state of
total peace and devotion. And he said, why the person is going on,
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			on his way to the Kaaba.
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			There is a chanting, and I give the translation last time of the chanting. And then we said the
first the person goes next to the camera.
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			And there he makes seven, circling or going around the Kaaba for seven times.
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			With the Kaaba
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			On the left hand side, and every of each one of these seven, second emulations are circling, has to
start from the corner where the cornerstone of the cabinet, the black stone is housed. So that
organizes the whole movement.
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			That was basically the essence of the first portion of the extra rights of tokens as we discussed
last time.
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			I like to look at the question of the black sandstone and its significance. This is something that's
quite often misunderstood by Muslim and non Muslim alike in terms of what the Blackstone is what is
significant is its significance is and oftentimes people raised the question about, about the
Blackstone, particularly in view of the fact that Islam is very, very particular about the old
question of worshipping images or adultery and addressing, they're very much against that kind of
thing. Can you explain what the Blackstone is and what its significance is, okay, the first point to
indicate that the Blackstone is neither an idol or an image. And you said it rightfully, that in
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			Islam, you don't have any image whatsoever of God. Islam is very staunchly against idols or anything
even that resembles idols. The Black Stone is simply a small piece of stone, which is placed in one
of the corners of the car. It doesn't have any particular shape is just irregular shape. Because of
the passage of time, of course, it's not that big.
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			And as far as the origin of the Blackstone, there are all kinds of
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			speculations about it. Some traditions say that this was a mature meteorite that fell from the sky,
which actually looks like that, because it's not totally black. It's really dark, grayish, I saw it
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			There's another tradition that says that the angels brought that stone to Prophet Abraham, about
3000 years ago when he was bending the cover for the worship of the One God to use it as like
cornerstone of the building.
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			However, there's something that's really certain about it, that there is no difference about, that
the black stone is the only part that is believed to be remaining of the original structure of the
second place the cover. Because throughout history, as you know, the cover because of natural
disasters, or other reasons have been destroyed and rebuilt several times. But the Black Swan has
always been there. That's the only thing that was really saved. So it's a kind of remind us of the
origin of the building of the cabinets. And so when Muslims go for a pilgrimage, and
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			touch or, or kiss or point to the black stone, it has absolutely nothing to do with adoration and a
sense of worship because of Muslim worship God and on that when you touch that stone, it's really
feels that you're identifying with Prophet Abraham, who is the spiritual father, of monotheism, the
father of both Israelites and ishmaelites. prophets.
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			You feel that you're part of a community of believers that descended throughout history. And all
prophets were taught the same basic monotheistic faith. It's a kind of emotional attachment, just
like a relic from Prophet Abraham, our grandfather, the grandfather of all
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			monotheistic faiths, in fact,
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			not only this as a relic itself,
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			it doesn't have any particular significance. But that
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			the question of kissing, which sometimes
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			people wonder well with kissing me in worship, which is absolutely irrelevant, really, we all have
kids, because our kids, we kiss our loved ones. But it doesn't mean that you worship them or take
them for God's kissing simply means that this is something you cherish or you appreciate, and we
definitely appreciate and cherish that relic of Prophet Abraham.
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			It is important also to notice that as an evidence and additional evidence of the fact that the
Blackstone has no significance in itself. Let me quote you two things. One was a statement made by a
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			very good Muslim Amash, who was the second Caleb after Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. When he
gets that stone. He said, I know that you are merely a stone, incapable of any good or harm. And had
it been that I have seen Prophet, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him doing that I would have not
even touched you.
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			That shows again, it's simply a relic, really nothing more. The other condition also that it is
desirable when one starts the circumambulation or the circling of the Kaaba, that he raises his
hand, if it can't reach can just raise your hand and say, Bismillah, Allahu Akbar, that's in the
name of Allah, or in the name of God, God is the greatest. So even though you're studying your point
of movement, that you remember that God is the greatest, that nobody else that can share the divine
attributes of God, absolutely not an object, not a person, no matter who you might be. And when you
continue on after saying that you say, also, Oh, God, out of faith in you, acceptance of the book
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			that you sent, that's the Quran and out of respect of the oath that the authors have faith in you,
and following the path of your profits. And then you can go on continue making all kinds of
supplication and prayers while you're going around the cabin. And by the way, the kissing of the
stone or touching it is, is not really a requirement. Because it is impossible when you have
hundreds of 1000s of people, it's very difficult to reach. And it suffices just to start when you
start circumambulation just to raise your hand and say this in the name of God and God is the
greatest and just continue on.
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			So, the,
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			the point that I hope is be made clear now is that the whole rites of pilgrimage from the A to Z, Z,
the whole life of a true devoted Muslim, from the A to the Z is nothing but a continuous act of
devotion to God alone, not absolutely to any object or any person no matter how a person is great or
profit. It is simply like I said,
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			Abraham, I want to thank you for clarifying that, because as I mentioned, that this is a commonly
misunderstood thing, particularly among non Muslims.
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			Now, after the cover, has been circled,
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			what takes place next week next to that, the pilgrim after he finished going around, it goes to a
place which is nearby the Kaaba, it's called the station of Abraham.
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			You'll notice here there is a small structure, there's some glass
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			casing around it.
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			I was fortunate enough to be able to get close and look under, actually what it contains is the
footprint of Prophet Abraham. When he was building the cover, apparently it was moist, that time and
then it dried, and it still you could see
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			a footprint relatively big.
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			You know,
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			actually, it was said that Prophet Abraham was standing on that rock or stone, when he was trying to
place the Blackstone, in the as a as a cornerstone of the building of the cabin use this also to
just lift or replace the,
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			the stones and the building. It's interesting to remember here that it also reminds us that Prophet
Abraham was not building this house for himself. As you know,
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			it was built in devotion to that as the center of monotheism for the use of his son, Prophet
Ishmael, peace be upon him and all the descendants who came after him and presently the millions of
Muslims from all over the world who go there to worship God and visit the second house.
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			After this, the pilgrim move to a nearby place.
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			what's called safa and marwah. And this just like to small hill, it's a Hilux, I should say, small
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			about one quarter of a mile apart, the program is supposed to go 71 ways, not just 71 ways, from one
direction to the other is counted as well as one verse of course we are weak or sick can be carried.
This particular picture doesn't show it but there are facilities available for the old or weak to be
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			they after finishing the seven rounds,
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			most vegans can cut their hairs just as a symbolical of ending this procedure, cutting even a few
hair would do it and then moving to the well of Zamzam to drink from it. Of course, considering the
huge number of pilgrims, there are facilities there on both sides, one for women, one for men, and
the water is pumped out of that well of Zamzam. As you know,
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			This year there are a number of faucets that people go there to drink from it or niqab solution.
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			If they wish, in preparation for the, for the prayers, this is by the way the same well that gushed
under the feet of Prophet Ishmael when he was a baby that I mentioned last time, it has significance
both in history as well as
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			lesson really coming with it, right? I wonder if perhaps you could
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			develop the the this point about you know, hastening between the the two hills, what is the
significance of going back and forth? Okay, this actually is reenactments of what Hagar The Second
Life of Prophet, Abraham peace be upon him did when Abraham left along with her son, baby Ishmael at
this time alone. When she ran out of water, you might recall in a previous program, we've
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			gone into some more detail about the origin of it, that she started searching for water between Safa
and Marwa looking for any past, you know passerby who might have water for the baby.
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			And then after she finished the seven rounds, she went back to check on her baby. And she found
miraculously that the will of Samson was gushing under his feet when he was crying and kicking the
earth with his heels. This is the same one that exists so far.
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			But since we talked about the historical part of it, perhaps I suppose that you're asking me about
some of the lessons Yes, that one may be able to derive from Why should they go? In addition to
commemoration? Yes, it's important.
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			What there are a number of good lessons to be learned here, and they all reflect the systemic way of
thinking. First of all, when Hagar was left, in a desolate place, no plants, no water, nobody else.
She did not simply sit down to cry, and wait for her death, and the death of her infant. She knew
that there was nobody around to bring her what she ran out of what she knew that this is what was
uncertain. But she did. She did not adopt a fatalistic approach I can do nothing about. So it's a
lesson that shows Islamic rejects this attitude of fatalism but you should try to do something, look
at as a community.
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			Secondly, it's a great lesson in substitute and trust in God, she's alone, there is nothing but
still, she's running on the hope that God
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			or God's mercy, will still find a way for her out of that difficulty. This is always the should be
the attitude of a devoted was no matter how much tribulation or difficulty, a person should always
live by the hope
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			that God's
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			solution and compassion may not be too far away.
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			But a third lesson perhaps is relatively even more important than at least in my thinking.
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			For hundreds of years now, since Prophet Muhammad peace be upon in came and even before him, people
still used to commemorate that incident, but particularly when pilgrimage became an institution in
Islam. For hundreds of years, at least 1400 years, since the days of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
him, we find that hundreds of millions of people have ran between the Hills of South America at
present nearly 2 million or more because many people also go outside of the great pilgrimage period.
Hundreds of millions of people are annually running between these two heads, and whose footsteps are
they following. They're following the footsteps of a poor, humble
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			believes to be African bondwoman
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			everybody, kink or heads of states, people from professions wealthy for everybody from all walks of
life is following the steps of that very simple, humble, poor, bandana.
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			And that carries a great deal of significance. Number one, it shows in a conclusive way, the true
Islamic attitude towards human brotherhood, that the soul artificial barriers that humans have
created by way of racial superiority, ethnic superiority, *, superiority, has nothing to do in the
sight of God with the basic human and spiritual qualities, which is really what counts among all
people like one scholar said a woman and among old women, a poor and bad woman, and everybody
commemorates our respect paid respects to her and show this in a way also
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			It reflects the profound respect that Islam gives to women, which is something again that has been
greatly distorted by many uninformed and misinformed. And you could say and myth informed writers
about Islam.
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			The fact that everybody, including the Prophet himself, Dr. Muhammad peace be upon him was following
the steps of that humbled woman. And this is not the only incident in the Quran itself we find
praise of many saintly women. Indeed, there is a whole chapter in the Quran Chapter 19 called the
chapter of Mary after the name of Virgin Mary, the mother of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him. So it
shows Islamic respect for woman and particularly for motherhood because that's running Of course,
was an expression of motherhood, which again, in Islam is regarded as the cornerstone
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			and foundation of society, destroy the Institute of motherhood, and your set the society in motion
towards self destruction. So there are lots of
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			that many Muslims feel I felt that myself man in between the Safa Nova
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			commemorating this unique experience.
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			Before we go on and examine the rights of the greater pilgrimage, I'd like to just ask you about
another common point that's often raised by non Muslim writers. And that has to do with the
suggestion that that many of them make that the rights of the pilgrimage were practiced by pre
Islamic Arab pagans, and by your friends, suggesting that when Islam came along, many of these
customs were just more or less tolerated or became, you know, part of the Islamic tradition or
custom. How would you respond to a claim like that they have to us and sometimes have to risk are
more harmful than not saying anything on the part of the site? Because they don't carry the
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			information far enough. It is true, yes, that before Islam, even the pagan Arabs used to observe
some of the sights of pilgrimage. But did they invent it? They didn't. The pagan Arabs were simply
following what remained in that tradition of the original rites, which were done since the days of
Prophet Ishmael.
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			So why not carry it far enough to its monotheistic origin? So this is the very simple fault. You
don't be in the logic of presenting this argument. What Islam did is not to adopt any pagan practice
because they were in themselves imitating the practice of tradition, it wasn't a monotheistic
prophet like as far as Abraham. Right. What Islam did was simply to restore
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			the Kaaba to its original purpose, to restore the rights of pilgrimage to its original pure form.
For example, the Kaaba was there it was dedicated originally by Prophet Abraham, for the worship of
the one that the pre Islam, pagan Arabs, corrupted discover by placing inside it, items. When it's
time came it destroyed and remove those items. It doesn't say that it adopted the carpet that was
used by either wash, but simply say it restored it removed, cleaned it from either in pilgrimage
also, if we have time, it could have gone on and on explaining against certain reforms that
establishes us, for example, in pre Islamic days, they used to make the round about the cover.
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			naked men during the day women during the night at Stanford did that because again, it's contrary to
the roots of modesty also that Islam provides simply restoration to the original
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			I'd like to move on out into the grid here, pilgrimage shape, could you perhaps give us a
description of what the what activities what rights are involved in the greater pilgrimage? Okay, so
give a brief explanation. Of course, once you enter also into the greater programs, you have to be
in the same state of consecration, the same kind of dress like I explained before, so everything
that we mentioned, about lesser pilgrimage apply as well.
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			It starts on the eighth day of the hijab, the 12 months in Islamic calendar, where the pilgrims move
to a place called Minar, which is about
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			kilometres outside of Mecca.
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			They wait there until the following day, which is the ninth and that's the climax the day where the
climax of pilgrimage take place. After they pray. The noon prayers, they enter into the plane called
the plane of artifacts.
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			They go to this to spend the whole day in utter devotion to God
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			The term out of heart is etymologically derived from knowledge artifacts.
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			It is a vast, empty plane surrounded with
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			dark lava peaks covered with soft sense.
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			Standing in the mount or displaying of artifacts is indeed a unique experience. In this slide here
we have the mount of mercy where Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him gave his last sermon before his
death, the farewell sermon as it's known, but the feeling that you have there is indeed amazing.
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			You get nearly 2 million people, at least, according to recent years estimate, standing there in
devotion to God,
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			males and females, blacks, whites, reds, yellows, people from all ethnic backgrounds, from all walks
of life and professions from
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			all corners of the earth.
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			Showing in a practical way, that social origins place, ethnic orientation was a profession has no
bearing on the basic spiritual and human qualities of the human being. Indeed, this particular
experience, which is amazing, was the primary thing that moved the late
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			shabbas, known as Malcolm X, to have his ideas changed concerning this whole issue of racial
superiority, and came from this pilgrimage with the notion that
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			no racial superiority, black or white should be tolerated that all humans are brothers in the face
of God. The other thing that you notice also, when you look at the scene and artifact, is that it
reminds people with this resurrection and standing of all races, groups before God, for the final
judgment, it is indeed a very unique and powerful, profound experience that you've got to be there
to really get the feel of it.
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			Rather now when the pilgrim leaves arafat what remaining activities or rights are there, okay, they
go to a place called Miss Delta. And just again, a simple plane where they spent the night in vigil
and relaxing a little bit. At dawn, they wake up for morning prayers. And then after sunrise, they
go to a place called Minar.
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			Where they make a stoning. symbolical stoning. Do you notice here there's a stone pillar, and they
take small pebbles and throw it which is symbolizes victory over Satan and evil prompting within
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			And then after they finish that they can just cut a little bit of their hair also symbolizing the
end of the restrictions of RAM or most of it, follow this the move to a place called Mina, which is
about halfway through between Mecca to artifacts. And here they make the
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			they make the sacrifice of the animals. After this is finished, they go to the Kaaba, as you see
here to make another
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			circling of the Kaaba called the Father.
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			And this should be really the ending of the procedures of pilgrimage itself. However, before
departing Makkah if they stay longer than that, they go also to make another second ambulation are
circling, which is called the federal circling.
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			It is desirable for the pilgrims to spend a couple, two or three more nights in the place called
Minar. And every day they go again for this symbolically stoning of the of the devil, which again,
symbolizes victory, over evil, collectively by the community of believers. Finally, those who have
time they can go to visit the Medina
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			and pray in the mosque of the Prophet, which again, as I indicated before, it is not an absolute
requirement of pilgrimage, but it's desirable if people are there, and then they come home
hopefully, with a new rebirth, with a new inspiration and sense of purpose in their lives. No wonder
then that we find Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says that the person who does pilgrimage
properly comes back clean from sins as that they want his mother give birth.
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			Thank you, brother Jamal. This concludes our final program in our series on Pillars of Islam. We
want you to join us next week when we'll start our new series, dealing with the moral teachings in
Islam. Thank you for watching Islam and focus Assalamu alaikum peace be unto you