Jamal Badawi – Muhammad 11 – Muhammad P Abrahamic Tree 11 Jesus P On The Coming Of Muhammad P 5

Jamal Badawi
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AI: Summary ©

The discussion on Islam's history and its significance includes a summary of its teachings, including its use of the term " spirit of truth" to identify the Prophet Muhammad, its use of the "monster of God" label to describe his teachings, and its history of being used to describe Jesus as his partner. The speaker also discusses the objection that the use of the word "vericified" in the Bible is a poor objection and the importance of following Jesus's teachings. They also discuss the history of the relationship between the parent and Jesus, and the difficulty of finding trace of Jesus's language in Greek language. Finally, the speaker suggests that the use of the "monster of God" label may have been an error or a false representation of Jesus's weight, and invites listeners to continue searching for information.

AI: Summary ©

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			AsSalamu Alaikum and welcome you once again to Islam focus. Today's program inshallah will be our
11th in our series, the last messenger of God, Mohammed,
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			Hassan Mohammed and the Abrahamic family tree. Our topic today will be our fifth and coming up
Muhammad, as foretold by Jesus made peace be upon him. I'm your host Shawnee Mission here once again
from St. Mary's University is Dr. Jim over there. So
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			could you give us a summary please, of last week's program? Sure. First of all, we discussed the
expression spirit of truth, which was referred to in the Gospel of john, to identify the Paraclete,
about when Jesus said will come after him. We indicated that etymologically speaking, this means
inspired, truthful one. And that is equivalent in Arabic to an amine, the nickname of Prophet
Mohammed being both a prophet and truthful person. You also indicated that expression of spirit of
truth, which appears in john to describe the product lead, may not cause any problem, unless we
insist, as some theologians did that the product is the same as the Holy Spirit. But the problem
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			seemed to arise only because of one single verse in the whole of the New Testament, which make this
identification, namely john 1426. We indicated that one of the manuscripts discovered in 1812, on
Mount Sinai, does not to use the term Holy Spirit, but simply use the term spirit, which is used in
the Bible also to mean the prophet and a messenger not literally a spirit.
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			In addition to the etymological aspect, we also found that there are historical proofs that the word
multitudes of Christians in various parts of the world who understood the term correctly to refer to
a human being, and that is why people like naming and Montana's were followed by a large number of
Christians for a long period of time. Even though these were human beings, and they claimed
themselves to be the purpose of being independent was expected to be another prophet.
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			After giving the reasons as to why you'd be perfectly, cannot be equated with the Holy Spirit, as
has been traditionally interpreted. We give positive reasons why the profile of the product niche is
actually is about Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. And we give a number of reasons based on the
description, or profile of that perfectly given by Jesus, or attributed to Jesus, according to the
gospel of john, especially in chapters 1415 and 16. Are you aware of any objections to the analysis
you offered concerning the identity of the powerclean? Yes, especially evangelical people have been,
you know, objecting to that and trying to negate any notion that Muhammad will be accepted even as a
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			prophet or that can be any successors to Jesus, please.
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			Let me discuss cyber peace to begin with. First of all,
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			they say that Jesus says that this Paraclete will stay with you forever. And they say that Muslims
themselves acknowledge that Prophet Mohammed did not live forever, that he lived for a certain
period of time and then he passed away and he was he's buried in Medina. So how come that is that?
The description of him?
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			But the question here is what is really meant by dwelling in you forever? Does it mean that the
product lead or that person
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			when they will review as a physical body or his teachings? Now we have indicated before there's
plenty of evidence from the Quran and outside of the Quran from history, that the teachings of the
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the revelation he received? It has been preserved
scrupulously that was a subject of two complete series.
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			And 1400 years after him, he still lives with us with anyone who believed in him in terms of his
teachings and his memory and what he taught people to follow.
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			And even when you use the term when he knew or not even among you, when you do know that this can be
used figuratively if somebody loves his wife
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			Kenny says you are in my heart, you are inside my heart. It doesn't mean that you as a physical
person is literally inside my heart. It's a figurative language that shows relationship.
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			A second objection.
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			They say that Jesus here was speaking to his own disciples, to Peter, john and others. And as such,
he's not really talking about something that will happen later on six centuries after him nearly in
Mecca or Medina would Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. King said, How come that applies to this
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			But the strange thing about those who raised this
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			objections like Reverend Sharkey was an Egyptian priest, for example, they themselves believe that
the Holy Spirit is still dwelling with the believers 2000 years after Jesus, which means not limited
to the generation addressed by Jesus who are standing before him. When he said those words, it is
well known that when a prophet addresses his contemporaries, is not only addressing the believers
standing here now, but it also addresses all believers in successive generations. In fact, there is
evidence to that in the gospels themselves. And the Gospel according to Mark in chapter 14. And
according to Matthew chapter 26, we find, for example, Jesus Peace be quoted as saying that you will
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			see, or this generation will not pass away before you see the Son of Man coming in glory in the
clouds. One, whatever that means, obviously, he is not talking about the contemporaries, because he
never came back in the clouds
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			to rule and judge in the lifetime, those people. So it means, again, in one sense that he's
addressing the community of believers through successive generations, as well.
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			You know, when Jesus, Moses or Mohammed addressed their own people, their own contemporaries living
with them, and give them some moral teachings or advice or guidance? Does that mean that it's
irrelevant, or inapplicable to those who come after them? So this sounds to be a really poor
objection, raining? A third objection? They say that Jesus said about the Paraclete, addressing his
disciples that you know him?
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			And he said, How come? The contemporaries of Jesus did not know hunger because he was born, much
later outcome that applies to him? There are a number of responses to that one, I just mentioned,
that when he said you, does it mean, that believers standing before me, or you means the community
of believers who claim to follow me, you wouldn't know him.
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			It is also known that when you say, you know him, that it could easily mean you know him because I
have given you the profile or the science of who that person is, he said, he will glorify me, he
will say this, you will do that. So you know him that means your generations of believers, following
me, Christ will recognize and know that profit if you really are careful by examining the kind of
profile or the description and giving you the sign so you should know him, you know, when he comes.
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			Historically speaking, we know that there have been millions upon millions of Christians who
recognize the truthfulness of the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and actually
knew him, recognize them as Jesus Himself predicted before the advent of Prophet Muhammad peace be
upon him we know that many areas especially in the under the Byzantine rule, were majority
Christians like Egypt for example, Coptic.
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			Now, we know that in a country like Egypt, nearly 93% are Muslims.
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			In that same thing applies to Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,
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			many of the countries of North Africa is significant minorities in Asia, Europe, Russia and other
places. But the point here is that many of those people who embrace Islam will recognize the
truthfulness of the last prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, have been Christians before so the
address actually is to meet a Christians who opted to follow the rules and follow Prophet Muhammad
as instructed by Jesus speech.
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			In fact, there have been many historical anecdotes of people who believed in Prophet Muhammad on the
basis of their knowledge of his profile and description in the Old and New Testament and that
included both Jews and Christians. One of the most famous means is the negus, the kingdom of
Ethiopia at the time
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			Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who after hearing about the Prophet and his description and his
teaching, he admitted that this is the one about whom Jesus spoke before and it is said that he died
as a Muslim actually.
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			That includes a scholar who lived
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			towards the beginning just about the beginning of the mission of Prophet Mohammed but died very soon
because he was on what are called Nelson who was the, the uncle of the prophets wife, Khadija.
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			Again, he was a learned Christian, and he was the one who immediately recognized the prophecy of
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
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			There are a number of clergy, even biblical scholars throughout history who
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			embraced Islam, basically, by realizing that the profile given in the old the New Testament really
speaks about the advent of Prophet Muhammad peace. I can speak even from my personal experience, I
know a gentleman who was finishing his theological study in seminary. He was in his final stages
when he contacted our foundation dystonic information foundation.
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			And he eventually embraced Islam. And in one telephone conversation when he called me the other day,
he told me that the beginning that sparked his interest in Islam, being himself that biblical
scholars and students of theology was reading my humble little booklets called Mohammed in the
Bible, which I neglect to make available free of charge to anyone who asked for it or write to the
address detectors at the end of the program.
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			But this is only one of many examples based often I had was also a Christian priest who embraced
Islam and wrote a book actually about Mohammed in the Bible. There are quite a few
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			that seem to enforce the point that I'm saying that when Jesus says that you will know him or you
know him, that there is enough time, or enough indications about the nature of that productive, I am
telling you to come after you, after Jesus, that you should be able to recognize him. Unfortunately,
the majority of our Christian brethren are not aware of this, possibly, because the kinds of
interpretation offered them by official religious institutions throughout history, have had taken a
one track approach in interpreting those prophecies, of course, objection.
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			They say that Jesus said that the world cannot receive him does not know Him or see him. But they
say no, Mohammed has been seen and known now, by the word. But again, when Jesus speaks about the
world knows him not, maybe the world does not know him now, because he has not been born yet. That
description does not apply to the Holy Spirit, for example, because the Holy Spirit was known. And
Jesus said, receiving the Holy Spirit in his lifetime. So maybe that's a distinction between the
Holy Spirit and Prophet Muhammad that he is not known because he's not been born, even yet he's
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			that will be sent from some God or the Father. But even if we take the world does not know him, or
see him
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			to apply to the future, which is even a weaker likelihood. It's still accurate because Muslims are
only one fifth, one out of five human beings, which means four fifths of the human race, that
belonged to other communities of faith, do not recognize or realize the reality of Prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him and his mission at times, because or at least in part because of the defamatory
media and references that are given about, about Islam.
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			The fifth objection that they say that Jesus said that this perfectly when
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			will proceed from the Father proceeds from the Father or from Brad, which means they say someone who
was not to be born like Mohammed born from a woman.
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			This was raised, for example, by Reverend Serbia's.
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			Now, the strange thing about that objection is that the same people who raised this objection, do
not find any contradiction or problem in saying that Jesus proceeds from the Father, even though
they admit that he also was born. He was also born from Mary. They don't see any difficulty with
that, but this is only in the case of Prophet Muhammad is given and you have to apply the same
standard. Look, we say, however, that proceeding from the father does not mean the third person
eternity. It simply means proceed in a sense that God would send him that his teachings come from
the Father is sent by the father carrying his when his teaching and his mission to mankind
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			Any other objections, especially now on the nature of the relationship between the parent cleat and
Jesus, there's been a number that have been familiar with reading the literature written by
Christian I tried to get familiar with both point of views and before one comes to conclusion. One
of them is that
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			they said that Jesus said, I am going to send you the Paraclete. And they say that means then that
the Paraclete would be the messenger of Jesus. And they say, Mohammed PCF, and he never claimed to
be the messenger of Jesus, he claimed to be the Messenger of God, unless you admit that Jesus is
God, this is the kind of, you know, RV, that is mean,
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			to begin with.
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			When Jesus used the term sin view, from the Father, it does not necessarily mean that Jesus is God,
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			sending prophets because he himself is a prophet, a first himself as a profit, but it just they seem
that all of the profits are one dimension is basically one. It's almost like everyone coming to
compete or sent by the other to complete the mission that God sent them all to, to complete. So his
mission actually is representative of the teaching of Holland profits refer him.
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			On the other hand, as we indicated in a previous program. So one of the verses also that speak about
the curriculum, Jesus says that he will pray to the Father, and the Father would seem then the
productive, he was praying the father to send the protein, and that even is a more clear admission,
that the cinder is not really Jesus, but God Himself, which means that he will send another prophet
or message. A second objection, pretending, as you said, to the relationship between the parklet and
funded are partly for Jesus to be more accurate,
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			is that they say that, Jesus said that the correct lead will witness of me and commodifying. And
they said, this doesn't apply to Prophet Muhammad asked him right. So when Prophet Muhammad did not
witness to the divinity of Jesus, or glorify Him as God incarnate,
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			but the question here is who said that Jesus was God incarnate? I think this is a topic we have
discussed in some detail in the previous series. This is only presumptuous on the on the part. He
indicated previously, that there's absolutely no evidence scripturally logically or historically,
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			based on the words of Jesus Himself, or the Old Testament, for that matter, that Jesus is God
incarnate. That's a matter we have discussed before. So it's presumptuous for me to say that because
he refused to recognize, acknowledge or recognize Jesus as God, then he did not testify with Jesus
because that assumed that Jesus was God, which is a questionable assumption in itself.
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			The fact of the matter is that the one
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			only one only process, the only possession of spiritual truth or parklets, who came after Jesus,
testified of him and glorified Him, His Prophet Muhammad peace, there are a number of reasons just
to support it. One,
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			Jason, Prophet Muhammad witness to Jesus, not as God but as his real, respected position and honored
status, as one of the greatest prophets of God knows that's a testimony. That's a clarification, no
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			he glorify Jesus by revealing the truth about his nature. Because after all, nobody would be happier
in Jesus peace be upon him,
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			removing any confusion in the matter of belief in things that would affect in any way the purity of
monotheistic faiths that Tito Moses taught and how that came after him to teach.
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			summit peace be upon him glorify Jesus when he recited the revelation given to him from God, as we
mentioned in a previous point, to glorify his mothers, to absolve her from any false accusation, and
to absorb any accusation about Jesus even being untrue or false prophet has some claimed.
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			Firstly, it was Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him or glorify Jesus.
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			From the accusation of being a cursed by his enemies, as you know, in that was mentioned in the
previous series, that some of the enemies of Jesus said that Jesus was a false prophet, because in
the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 21, verse 23, anyone who's crucified is oppressed. So we use that
as an excuse to prove that Jesus was a prophet, which is not true.
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			glorifying him from some of his own followers, even who were misguided, like those who claim that
Jesus for example was a curse for us, which is
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			Another very appropriate term to use to refer to Prophet Jesus peace be upon and this is found in
the book of Galatians chapter three, verse 13.
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			He glorified Jesus from those who attributed to him, even in the gospels, of being harsh in the
treatment of his mothers, as we find in john chapter two, verse three and 14, he is what his mother
woman, what do I have to do with with the
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			recording vision tion? Dogs, as you find them the Gospel according to Matthew, in chapter 16, in
chapter 33, on the contrary, no word in the Quran? Do you find such harsh turns attributed to Jesus,
actually, in his relationship with his mother, suffice to refer to chapter 19 in the Quran, what
better than duality, that God has made me kind to my mother, not an overbearing,
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			harsh. So in other words, when you look into the real
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			revelation, the teaching that were revealed through Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is nothing
short of glorifying Jesus, and witnessing to him as a great prophet and messenger,
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			the subjection that they say that Jesus said about him that he will take of what of me? Or is of me
and declare it to you? And they say, How did Mohammed take from what is of Jesus or belongs to
Jesus? Well, to answer that question, what belongs to Jesus, or Mohammed, or Moses or any other
prophets is one in the same? Because the essence and the core of the teaching of all of these great
prophets belongs to God after all, so when he says, Take what is of me, the same monotheistic faith,
taught before me, and confirmed after me through the admission of that most Great Prophet, Muhammad,
peace, quite frankly, I have tried
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			my best to examine carefully all of these objections, but none of which they seem to be justifiable.
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			So Dr. Brenda, you mentioned in the previous program, that term attributed to Jesus to refer to one
who was to come after him is a Greek term.
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			Now, is there any trace to the term used by Jesus May peace be upon him in his own language? Well,
to answer that question, I think we must realize that Jesus peace be upon him did not speak Greek,
the augustan irrelevance, para Cletus, Jesus did not speak Greek he spoke Aramaic, which is a
dialect of Hebrew. Unfortunately, there is no trace of the original words of Jesus in His own
language. And I think this would have been very useful, because as you know, the difficulty always
arises in translation and the accuracy of translation and next up, and if we didn't have any access
to the Aramaic words of Jesus as he uttered, then of course, you would have been very useful to
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			discern what exactly is said.
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			Now, in addition to the problem of translation also from one language to the other, there are also
problems in copying the manuscripts even after they are translated.
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			It is interesting to notice, for example, that there are two terms in Greek which are very similar
very slight variation. One is perfectly to us, which has been interpreted interpreted as the
advocate to come after Jesus. The other is spirit, Cletus, Cletus, percolators, very close. And when
they are written, they look very much, very much the same with very slight variation.
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			Now, the first term percolators, which is found in the noon,
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			manuscripts of the gospel, according to john, which has been translated as I mentioned, as advocate.
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			The other term correct lettuce. And that's an interesting one actually means someone who's
illustrious or praised, which is equivalent to the Arabic term ashmit. Another name of Prophet
Mohammed because both Ashman and Mohammed come from the same Arabic root hands which means praise.
In fact, is is superlative, of alpha deal, superlative term of Mohammed which means which means
actually the most praised one, which is a very known not only title, but actually the actual meaning
of the name of graphics and Harman, digital.
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			Now, that leads us to inquire as to whether they might have been I'm not saying that for certain to
be honest. But it raises the possibility that they might have been a problem or an error in
translation. It is quite possible that the original term was very Cletus not productive notice and
prickly this actually means I met or helmet and that will be totally
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			in conformity with what backward, says in Surah 61, verse six that Jesus indeed said, I am giving
blessed tidings of a prophet to come after me his name being
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			the president, which is exactly equivalent to
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			predict letters.
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			I see now that you mentioned in your answer, that when you spoke, use the term known manuscript now,
among the tickets from that that other manuscripts may have existed that are not available to us, I
think yes, and they will, perhaps overly cautious by saying, I'm not saying that persistent and I
still stand by that. But I think there are some indications, however,
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			that seems to show that they were variations. I'll give you an example of this. One of the Christian
missionaries who were very active in India trying to converse Muslims during the British colonial
period, wrote once about this issue of Paraclete. And he said that Muslims made a mistake, when they
thought that the parrot lips about whom Jesus spoke that is to come after him is Mohammed, a prophet
Mohammed or Ahmed and he says that the the main reason of the errors of Muslims he says is that
there is another term in Greek and para Cletus, which means Atma. But he says what is there in the
Gospel According to john is not particularly Cletus, which means the advocate.
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			Then this same missionary, by the way, his name is Claire's, this dumb T is the same missionary
actually wrote another book, which was translated into English by William Morris and I are under the
title and sources of Islam. In that book, this gun says that some Muslims notice were misled
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			by an old translation of a Catholic priest, who translated correctly, or better collective about
whom Jesus spoke into the Arabic term. In other words, he made an Arabic translation. And he was
determined to translate perfectly and he said, this priest, Catholic priest was wrong.
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			Here we find a Christian missionary, who, by his own admission,
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			says that a Catholic priest
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			did translate from some old manuscripts. they translate the term practically into the Arabic term,
but he says he was wrong in that translation. But the question here is this. On what basis did that
learned Catholic priest translate the original into?
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			Is it not possible that that ancient translation, or that priest did have some access to a verdient
manuscripts of the Gospel According to john, which had the term predict later snop practices, which
actually means that and he accurately rather than wrongly accurately translated that as,
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			but this is not the only relevant question about the origin of the words used by Jesus space.
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			We have mentioned before that there have been variations, to say that it was always perfectly it is
questionable. We have mentioned the relating of the something about the discovery of the manuscript
of the gospel of john, in Mount Sinai in 2018.
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			And that, again, version, we have seen that the Holy Spirit does not appear as Holy Spirit, but
simply as a spirit. That seems to leave us with the possibility, if not the likelihood, that there
might have been other variants manuscript of the Gospel According to john, which actually has the
Greek term percolators, which means
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			Well, thank you very much tactically don't seem to have time. So we'll have to continue from this
point next week, inshallah. And we want to thank you all for joining us here this time and focus. As
always, any questions that you may have, whether these are recording our program, or any question on
Instagram or any comments you may have would be most appreciated. Please note our phone number and
our address, which will be appearing on your screen. So from all of us, like