Ismail Londt – Sab Asl Maqmt basics

Ismail Londt
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The speaker explains the three different ways to start a video and gives a clip on Sabah's three different patterns. They also give a brief overview of the three different startings for Sabah's video. The clip ends with a statement about practice and a promise to be of those who see Sabah.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:05 --> 00:00:10
			Of three,
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			I will
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			give you three ways to start,
three keys and three basic
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			structures or patterns. Sha Allah,
00:00:31 --> 00:00:31
			so Sabah,
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			an easy way to start is to start
from low and then ascend three
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			steps. Abu Lamya regime can is
what *.
00:01:02 --> 00:01:07
			That is withheld, and so is a
somewhat withheld maqam because of
00:01:07 --> 00:01:08
			its sad nature.
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			So again,
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			um, you
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			have choices in the endings.
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			We'll have as some separate clips,
addressing endings Inshallah, then
00:01:36 --> 00:01:40
			same start, but a different
structure, and this one is the
00:01:40 --> 00:01:45
			more common form or sound or
pattern for Saba, where you go
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			into your third or fourth step
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			see The other one you you you held
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			in Here you go. One higher Kala
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			in Nahum, all rambihill,
00:02:20 --> 00:02:22
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			sounds like something Sheik
Mohammed, Siddiq, I mean, shall we
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			would do so?
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			You. May the Lama you
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			different ending, but it's about
the structure same start and a
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			different structure where you go
higher than that fourth step you
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			in. Now who?
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			again, Kala in no.
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			a different start.
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			Instead of your steps entering and
then two steps,
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			you have options in the mid
region, higher so kala,
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			kala, kala,
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			kala. So what was your first kala?
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			This is simply two steps Kala
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			in that's your first pattern, Kala
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			in a womb. That's your second
pattern and your third Will you
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			push Kala
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			Get the idea,
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			and your third way to start is
with the push kala.
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			May I, Dil la mAh.
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			New Moon. So you have your three
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			ways of starting, kala,
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			the third one, this is your push,
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			But if you go back, if you watch
the clip again, I actually give
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			you four starts. So if I were to
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			it to you again and then
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			in, that's a extra one for you. I
never meant for that one
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			in now and the third intended one,
particularly now, your fourth
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			option is
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			in. So as far as the structures
are concerned, the keys are easy
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			to learn, but what you do in
between, you can chop and change,
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			or you can choose from the one and
from the other and put together.
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			You know, like you can have the
second structure where you go to
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			your footste and in the push. So
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			if we take
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			second way of starting. Yo, my
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			jumbo so I did the first step and
a push
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			in me.
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			so, yes, practice on Sabah. It's,
it's sad, and it fits on this
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			verse, and it's meaning, nay,
verily, they from their Lord on
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			that day, they will be veiled. May
we not be of those who are veiled
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			from our Lord on that day, but
may, may we be of those who are
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			allowed to see him, I mean, so
practice and all of the best.
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