Ismail Londt – Post Ramadan. Its been three weeks. Consistency! Challenges

Ismail Londt
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing the challenges they faced in their life and how they will never be able to be consistent in times of ease. They acknowledge that they have had some challenges, but are not as worried about them as other people may be. They question how they will ever be able to be consistent if they are faced with difficult times.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's been

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three weeks since Ramadan. It may seem a bit longer, but it's not.

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I'm facing some challenges, like everyone else, but compared to

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some in the world, I still have it fairly easy.

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So my question to myself is this, if I'm not able to be consistent

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in times of ease, how will I ever be consistent when I'm faced with

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a challenge? Let's take advantage of the ease, the peace, the health

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and the strength that we are still blessed with.

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