Ismail Londt – Bayyt Tadwr 2
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The speaker discusses different techniques for learning Shuri, including learning on the Asli level and learning on the third level. They also mention a drop and a step climb for finding a suitable partner for a job. The speaker emphasizes the importance of practice and learning to enhance one's ability to achieve Shuri.
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mother based recitation
going from the Asli into Shuri, is a beautiful sound. It's what I
love doing at times. It's very attractive and soothing.
I find it easiest when doing the Asli on the higher level. So if we
were to start,
I will him in a shape or new 1g.
Bismillah. Bismillahi, Rahmani, Rahim,
Al hamdu, Lila yung Bilal mean, rahmanir, Rahim, Maliki omideen,
that Maliki was the Maliki of meeting was the shooting. So do it
on the doing it connected to the sound of osli a minasha upon
bismillahir, rahmanir, Rahim Al Hamdulillah, Bilal. Mean our
rahmanir, Rahimi, Maliki omidy,
go back to the osli Iya can Abu do
na ayim and I'm a him, you see, easy to find that slip into Shuri
once you reach a particular Loki so he cannot. Buddha, yeah, can a
star, you know, Dinosaur, Paul musta. Criminals. Paul must
lean Surah,
suropa Latina, and I'm Talai him, Boyer, nambubi, alaihi, Mola
boli, that was the Shuri, but with a push. Sura palavi na, anaam,
you're looking for a
key. You're looking for a basic structure. There are lots of ways
that this can be done in but there gave you two ways where you do it
on the third level of bayati, osley, either higher level,
Alhamdulillah, your bin la mean you may continue in this manner a
rahmanir, Rahim, and you drop Maliki. Oh me, Dean, and continue
again. Iya cannot. Budua. Iya can. Stay in and you can continue, or
you could shift into the Shuri ya, it on your ear yet in your mind.
Yeah. Can Abu do? A ya? Canastain, eh, Dino sur Paul musta, cream in
a surah, Paul musta, take other verses,
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, cool to be Robin nas
malikin nas,
ila hin NAS.
So I found the drop. I found the spot where surely would be
conducive from,
and I did it slowly. I did not push. Let's see if I were to push.
Bismillah, rahmanir, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,
polar bin NAS, Maliki NAS,
Ilahi was Ilhan NAS,
let's do the verses together.
Bismillahir, rahmanir, Rahim,
Allahu, bin asmaakin, Assimil,
Shari LA.
That's what the drop and slow climb into Shuri. Let's do it with
the push.
Cool arrow. Bin na simali kin, see Ilah in Simi sharrill was Simin
al Ji,
Oh ALLAH the we Sufi, sudurin, nas, back to the osli, Minal Jin
nati one NAS, Minal Jin nati one NAS.
Min al Jin
na Tinu,
options there with a touch of Shuri at the end as well. Listen
practice, try to see or hear the connection and apply it on various
verses. But it's about the third level, the heightened one in Asli,
and finding that drop from which Shuri would be conducive. And I
showed you two ways, either you climb gradually into Shuri or you
push into Shuri. Lovely, all of the best. Allah open and ease the
path ahead, refine the ear and enhance the ability. I mean
SallAllahu, alayhi, sayyidna, Muhammad, Alhamdulillah, mean
salah, Malik, Muhammad Allah. A