Ismail Kamdar – The Reign of Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The history and potential of the Islamic Empire, including its rise from merger with the Having Empire and its potential expansion into the Middle East, are discussed. The rise of Islam in the United States and the United Kingdom, along with the rise of the United States and the United Kingdom, is also highlighted. The importance of protecting Muslims and trusting Islam's plan to dismantle the Empire is emphasized, along with the downturn in political and political events that have occurred throughout history. The conversation concludes with a brief recap of the history and potential of the Empire.
AI: Transcript ©
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Inshallah, we

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conclude our history of the aftermath of Karbala Udi, brief

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biography of King Abdul Malik ibarwan.

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And Abdul Maliki al marwani isn't someone who would usually do akut

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about right? He's not one of the sahaba. He's not one of the

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awliya. He was a king. He had his good and he had his bad. And there

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are lessons that we can take from them. There are lessons we can

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take from the fact that the bulk of the people in our history,

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we're human. They have good and bad qualities, just like us. And

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we ask Allah to forgive them, and we ask Allah to forgive us.

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Abdul Malik, I want a very interesting figure in our history,

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because he did a lot of guru for the Ummah, and he did a lot of bad

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things as well.

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And his life can be divided into three phases.

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The first phase is his youth.

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Abdul Malik grows up in Malina as one of the Tavi rain, one of the

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second generation Muslims.

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There is a difference of opinion of whether his father or the

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sahabi or not. It seems most likely he was not that he accepted

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Islam after the Prophet SAW passed away.

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But nonetheless, growing up in Madina, Abdul Malik grew up around

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the Sahaba,

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and it is stated that he was a righteous young man. He will pray

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in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam regularly, some

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say that he studied fiqh. Some say he memorized the Quran.

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He had a very noble childhood.

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But something clicked, something changes at some point in his life,

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the civil war between the Umayyads and Abdullah ibn suvail had been

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going on for about three or four years when Abdul Malik receives

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the news that his father had been killed by his stepmother and that

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he is now The new king.

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So Abdul Malik's father, Marwan, had married the widow of Yazid to

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take the Khilafat away from the family of mahawiya to the family

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of Marwan, and he succeeded in doing so, but he was killed by his

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and his son, Abdul Malik comes into power at a very difficult

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time, at a time where the omegas and Abdullah ibn Dubai have been

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at war for years.

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And what we see next from Abdul Malik is a different side of his

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personality, right? Young Abdul Malik was a righteous man.

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Abdul Malik, during the Civil War, was a brutal dictator,

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and for the next 10 years, he goes into this brutal mode of just

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making sure that he wins the Civil War and brings the entire

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Darul Islam under his leadership.

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And to this, he did some bad things, right? Most notably, he

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hires Haja even Yusuf and his main commander,

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and we know that step by step, Abdul Malik being a really crafty

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statesman, really good at strategy, really good at war and

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diplomacy, he step by step, he takes over

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one city at a time, and

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he's so crafty that even the brothers and the nephews of

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Abdullah ibn Zubayr switched sides and joined him. So Abdullah ibn

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Zubayr put some of his family members as governors of different

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regions. They switched loyalties and start working for Abdul Malik.

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And eventually, what we mentioned last week happens, the army of

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Abdullah ibn Zubayr in Makkah, and they kill him, and the entire

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Ummah now comes under the leadership of Abdul Malik, and the

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second civil war comes to an end

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note that this is false perception in our history, that nobody did

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anything about karma, yet we covered over the past three weeks,

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that in the aftermath of God Mala, there was 14 years of war, of

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civil war caused by karma. Uh, delight in Dubai. Didn't let it

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rest. So this is a false notion that nobody did anything about it,

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even the people of Madina Begum because of it.

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After the the aftermath of God Bala comes to an end at this point

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in our history. And what I want to talk about now is actually the

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reign of Abdul Malik, because this is a very interesting individual

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in our history that most people don't know about.

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Abdul Malik is the actual, real founder of the umenyl Empire. In

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many ways, he's the real founder of the Umayyad empire.

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Why do I say this? Before Abdul Malik, we had Umayyad, khalifas,

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Uzma Malawi, but Hagar, right? But there wasn't an empire. You see

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Islam from the time of Rasulullah to the time of Abdul Malik, is an

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emerging power. It's a rising power, right? They are growing.

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They are taking over lands. They are a rising power.

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And Abdul Malik, when he becomes the Khalifa, we see a third change

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in his personality. We have the righteous young man. Then during

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the Civil War, we have the brutal dictator. And when the civil war

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comes to an end, and he has the entire Ummah under his control. We

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now see another side of Abdul Malik. He becomes a visionary. He

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becomes a man of vision. He becomes a man who sees what this

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ummah could be, and he shapes it accordingly.

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Abdul Malik is the first real king in our history

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and all of the kingdoms that come after him, following his in his

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footsteps and build upon his policies. He's the one who really

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shapes what the umma would become. You know, when we look back and we

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talk about this great civilizations, the great Muslim

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civilizations, that we have superpowers, and they dominated

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the world for over 1000 years. We talk about the Abbasid. We talk

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about the Ottomans. Really, the first person to do this was Abdul

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right? And he's, and he's in his reign the Ummah shifts from the

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rightly guided model of the philaf of the Rashidun towards the Empire

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model, and he becomes the founder of the Muslim empire. Now,

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what do you mean by the Muslim empire? Tell you a few things that

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he did that turned the Muslim world from a emerging power into

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an empire.

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Number one is that he developed a national language. So before the

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time of Abdul Malik, every region had their own language. The people

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in Syria, they actually spoke Greek. And did all of the people

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working Greek, because it used to be part of the Roman

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Empire, right? The people in Iraq and Iran spoke Persian, and all

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the people were presenting Persian Abdul Malik makes Arabic the

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national language of dawn, Islam.

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And it's because of this policy that all of those lands today are

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Arabic lands. And all of those countries we go there today,

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people speak Arabic. It starts in the time of Abdul Malik, when he

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makes it the official language of the Empire. Is

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something people before him didn't really think about doing that. The

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language that the Empire. This is the Empire. Now I needed official

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language, right? A second thing that he does is he develops a flag

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that this is the flag for our country, right, like an official

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flag of the imagin empire. But the most interesting thing that Abdul

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Malik does that elevates his reign to an actual empire. He invents

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Islamic currency,

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and he invents Islamic currency. You see, until this point in

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history, Muslims are using Roman currency, or Persian currency,

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to show that they are now an empire equal to the Roman Empire.

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Abdul Malik says, We need our own currency, and so you'll find that

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the earliest winter Islamic coins go back to the reign of Abdul

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Malik, and it's still available today. What millions, but it's

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still available, right? And what's interesting is the first batch of

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coins that he printed has his face on it, and then the Ulama.

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So that was discontinued very quickly, and the second batch came

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out when Islamic slogans on it instead, and that became the norm

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for the Muslim world for over 1000 years. So what we see in the reign

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of Abdul Malik is the evolution of the Muslim world from a merging

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power into a superpower. It's under the reign of Abdul Malik and

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his children that Muslims really become a global superpower. They

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become the most dominant nation on earth, and they will remain so

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under the awaits and the Abbasid and the Ottomans for 1000 years.

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But it's not to this man. He's the one who has the vision of being an

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empire. He has this vision of being equal to the Romans, if not

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greater, and challenging their stages as the world's superpower.

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And he said some policies to ensure this happens. And so

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history changes. In the reign of Abdul Malik,

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the one of the results of this change is that Islam starts to

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grow rapidly once again.

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So we notice the first major growth in our history is in the

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reign of Omar Ravi Lahu, right at the time of Umar Rahul, the

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Muslims took over basically what we call today in the Middle East,

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from Egypt to Iran, right, all of this area they took over. But then

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it's that names. It doesn't really grow after that, right from the

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time of Abdul Malik

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in the reign of Abdul Malik's first son, Walid,

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by the time Walid passes.

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Is the Muslim side, and this is Palestine, and this is Jerusalem.

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So we see that even 1300 years ago,

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Jerusalem, Palestine, was very close to the hearts of the

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Muslims, and it became a the third Holy Land, and it remained one of

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the most important places to the Ummah throughout our history.

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Unfortunately, the past 75 years, it's been under occupation, and in

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the past year, it's been facing a genocide.

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And many of us are frustrated. Many of us are lost for words.

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Many of us don't know, what do we do? What can we do about what's

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happening in Palestine?

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And I don't have the answers. I don't have the answer.

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It has to come from the leadership.

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And one of the duties of the king in Islam, of the Khalifa, was to

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protect the Muslims. This

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is why we have the Ottoman Empire. And the Zionist wanted to form

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The Ottomans told him, as long as we are around, you can't have that

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land that belongs to the Muslims. And so they work to dismantle the

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Empire. They work to dismantle the Khilafat and we end up in the

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situation via each way. I don't have an answer, I don't have a

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solution. All I can do is remind us to make you are. Remind us to

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have someone, remind us to trust Allah's land, to remind the Allah

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knows what is best for us, and to remind us to use whatever little

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bit of power we have to try and make a difference. Whether it's to

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one family of refugees, whether it's to one student from Gaza, we

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come to South Africa, whether it's to anyone that you can, any way

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that you can help the people there, whatever little bit that

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you can do for anyone from that region, do it, whether it's

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promoting the church, whether it's responding to the lives of of the

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Zionist propaganda out there, whatever it is, do whatever little

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you Can. Allah will inshaAllah reward us for that will remind us

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that our history, it's a series of ups and downs, and the downs are

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normally preparing us for enough. The downs are normally preparing

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us for enough. So Rasulullah, they go to all of those difficulties in

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Makkah, the early years of Madina. And then we have the khalafar

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Rashid. You have the downs, and then we have the up and then after

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that, in the period of civil war. And then we have the mighty Omega

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Empire, the downs and the UPS. And then we have a civil war between

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the Abbasid and the Umayyads. And then we have the golden age of the

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Abbasid empire. And he carries on. And he carries on the Crusaders

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come in, then Salahuddin comes in, the morguls Come in, then the

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Ottomans come in. So we are at that curve now, when the bad

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things are happening, but we trust Allah's plan. We trust Allah's

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father, the way the disciple of history keeps repeating itself,

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good things will come

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and as an ummah remind us to remain optimistic about the

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future, to trust Allah's plan and to remember the Hadith. The hadith

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would see when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam told us

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that Allah, Subhanahu wa said, I am as my servant thinks of

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me. Allah said, I am as my servant thinks of me. So think good of

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Allah. Think that Allah is using this as a means of preparing the

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Ummah for something great, of preparing the people of Palestine

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for something great. Perhaps they will be the leaders of the next

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generation of this. Perhaps the revival of the ummah will come

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from that land we have to think good, because everything is the

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mother of Allah. Everything happens as Allah claims, as Allah

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voted, and we can only do what is within our power to react to

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situations at the end of the day. Nobody chooses when they are born,

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or where they are born, or what situations they live through, but

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we all choose how we react to it. That is what is in our control. So

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don't stop having hope. Don't stop making dua. Don't stop doing what

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you can to support the people of Palestine. Keep at it.

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Allah's victory will come when he wills it in ways that we can never

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imagine. Miracles have happened throughout our history, and they

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will continue to happen until the end of time. Now we are asking

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Allah, Subhanahu wa to liberate the land of Al Aqsa and Islamic

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lands from all of the oppressors in that region. We ask Allah to

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return those lands to be in the lands of peace and justice and

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Sharia and philaf and to make those lands once again powerful

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and mighty land the Muslims can live in peace and safety. We ask

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Allah to accept them after them, of all of those who passed away

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fighting to defend Al Aqsa and the regions around it from the

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oppressors and even those amongst their leadership, we have hearted.

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We ask Allah to accept them after them, and we ask Allah to forgive

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us for our nobility. We.

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To help them as we should be helping them, and we ask Allah to

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us whatever little that we do to try and help them.

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Allah Steen, Allah Abu asmaati has Abu Asmaa present. Subah, you.

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