Ismail Kamdar – Summary of Juz 17
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The transcript discusses the common themes of the Surahs and the Prophet agenda. The surahs have a strict schedule, with many verses being revealed towards the end of the market period. The Prophet agenda is to avoid the day of judgment, while the agenda of Islam is to prepare for it. The importance of being sincerely involved in small ways for the sake of Allah is highlighted.
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hamdu Lillah
wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabeel Karim Allah Allah He was heavy as money number about
tonight's recitation will include Surah
Surah Al Hajj and surah. cumbia was a Mongol sutra, which focuses on the stories of the prophets. This is where it gets its name from, in fact, the 16 prophets mentioned by name in the show. And so this is the most stories of the prophets found in one surah. And then Pura Hajj is one of those few students in the Quran, where he Allah have a difference of opinion on whether it is Makayla or Medina. And what seems to be the strongest opinion is that wasn't revealed all at once. Some of his verses were revealed towards the end of the market period, and some of his verses the beginning of the medieval period. And so that's why he discusses topics which were relevant to both Makkah and
Medina. Now, one of the things that these two students have in common is actually many things they have in common. One of them is the beginnings of the surah. Both of these sutras begin with a very strict warning about the Day of Judgment. They both begin with very hard hitting verses about the description of what the Day of Judgment is going to be like. So these are general market verses which we need to hit the Moorish hollyhocks, make them reflect on the ophira and make them realize the importance of accepting Islam. And these verses should take our hearts as well and make sure that we are focused on preparing for the ophira and not just focused on the studio. Remember the
Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the man asked him when is the day of judgment Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, what have you prepared for it? And that is really our mindset that we should be preparing for the day of judgment because none of us know when it is our last day on this earth. So this is one of the things they have in common. Another thing that these two students have in common is the legacy of the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salaam. So sudra Gambia, tells us the story of the Prophet Ibrahim Elisa and his descendants and we know most of the prophets that came after Ibrahim Alayhi Salam are his descendants, his nephew, loot aleza his sons
his money that is half his grandson yaku, his great grandson, and even all the later prophets that would show the man Moosa how Louisa even the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all of them are descendants of Prophet Ibrahim Ali Salah. And so this is the Abrahamic legacy, the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and inshallah Hajj gives us a different perspective on the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, and that is the Hajj itself, that the person who was instructed to begin the Hajj was Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, and in the loss of 100, houses the story where he commanded the property Ibrahim to give the call for Hajj, and the Prophet Ibrahim one did, who will
come because he's in a barren desert, empty land calling people for hygiene, who will come in and watch Why did you give the call and I will make sure they come with every type of transportation and to handle up 1000s of years later, that call was given by Ibrahim Elisa 1000s of years ago, now, either to today, every single year, millions of people respond to them. And the interesting point in this verse is that he talks about coming on every type of transportation. So people came in the past on capitals, they came in the past on horses, and now people go for hij, with airplanes and with trains and with cars. So it's as if I was not just including the child quotation of the past. But
what's to come in the future as well. One of the lessons we can take from this is that when we do something sincerely for the sake of Allah, you will put Baraka and sometimes you look like what you're going to do that you wonder, like, Who's going to come? Who's going to attend? Who's going to benefit? You know, who is this going to reach? Don't worry about all of this. The nh one is so much more how many people view our videos, how many people like our course how many people subscribe to our channels, or Muslims or whatever you're wanting should be about pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. If what you are doing is sincerely for the sake of Allah, Allah good Baraka in April rich
Queen meets rich, and you will receive your reward for that. So these are some of the lessons we can take from Sure. I'm Dr. Rajan Subhana. Rahman easily fooled wa salam ala Mohammed