Ihab Saad – Day 17 Mariam and Taha
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The transcript discusses the history and meaning of the title "DSha" in the Bible, including the origin and meaning of the title's meaning, and the history of Sayyid's use of the word "will" to describe actions and actions of his father. The transcript also discusses the importance of being informed of false deeds and the importance of remembering the Lord's law. The story of the rainbow of the Day of Judgment is also discussed, and the importance of being informed of false deeds and the remorse of false accusations is emphasized.
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As salaamu, alaykum, warahmatullahi, wabarakatuh,
welcome to another stop on our journey with the Quran. And today,
Inshallah, we're going to be talking about Jordan of the
beautiful sword of the Quran, Surat Maryam and Surat Taha. Surat
Maryam is a Surah maqqya revealed to the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi
wa sallam in Mecca, and it's named after a Sayyida Mariam alayhi
salam, the mother of Sayyid na isallah Nabi na Ali salatu,
salaam. Allah subhanahu wa named asayah malaysalam as the best
woman ever created.
As Allah subhanahu wa tells us in Surat Ali, Iran, that Allah
subhanahu wa has chosen her over all the women of mankind to
receive that gift from Allah subhanahu wa that would be her
Son, Sayyidina, Isa ala Nabi, nawali, salatu salah,
in a certain narration that's attributed to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I'm not sure about its authenticity,
but the meaning is valid. And that meaning is that there were many
perfect men.
However, there were only four perfect women,
and these poor perfect women. Perfect women were Asiya, the wife
of Iran, the one who told Ferran to take Sayyidina Musa and to
raise him as a son. And she was a believer who asked Allah subhanahu
wa to spare her and to save her from Iran and his bad deeds, and
to get her into his paradise, SubhanAllah. So Allah subhanahu wa
calls her a perfect woman. According to that narration, the
other one is a Sayyida, Mariam, alaihi salam, the mother of
Sayyidina, Isa, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala called her a perfect woman,
not only a perfect woman woman, but the best woman ever created.
And then the remaining two are from within the family of the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And these were asylum
RadiAllahu Anh, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, the beloved wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. And the last one is a Sayyida, Fatima Zara RadiAllahu
Ana, the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam. So
these are four perfect women, if we look at their lives, if we look
at their struggle and their sacrifice, Allah subhanahu wa
taala is teaching us lessons through their lives, and today,
we're going to talk about the lessons learned from the life of
asylum. Ariam, alayhi salam, we talked before about this blessed
family, the Family of Imran. Emran is the father of Sayyida Mariam
Alayhis Salam, although he is never mentioned in the Quran, in
any event, her mother is mentioned, but her father is never
mentioned. The Family of Imran is that blessed family that included
Sayyida, Mariam, alaihi, salam, Sayyid na isallah Nabi na Ali
salatu wa salam, Sayyid nazakariyyah, alabina, ali salatu
salaam, and Sayyid na Yahi, Yala Nabi na Ali salatu wa salam, and
the mother of Sayyid, Sayyid na Yahya, the wife of Sayyidina
Zakariya, ala Nabi na ahi salatu Salaam. This is a blessed family.
Therefore the surah here starts, although it's named Surat Maryam,
it starts with the remembrance of Sayyidina, Zakariya, Ala. Nabi na
Adi salatu Salaam. The Surah starts with these individual
letters, and this time, this is the only Surah that starts with
these five individual letters. There are many sword in the Quran
that start with hamim, many sword that start with a meme, many sword
that start with aleph. Lamra, however, this is the only Surah
that starts with these five letters. KEF, hey, I insult. And
then Allah subhanahu wa is telling us, DIQ rahmeti, Rabbi ka Abu
Dahu, Zakariya, the remembrance of the Mercy of Allah subhanahu wa
over his servant, Zakariya, ala Nabi na Ali salatu, salaam ID
Nadar, Rabbah and hafiq. He called Allah subhanahu wa supplicated to
Allah subhana wa Taala in secrecy, he was suffering in silence
Sayyidina Zakariya, Nabi na Ali salatu. Salaam comes from the
offspring of Sayyidina Ibrahim, from the line of Sayyidina is Haqq
and Sayyidina Akbar Salem, and he was entrusted with the care for
the temple. So he was the caretaker of the temple,
Sayyidina, Zakaria and abna Ali. So that was salam. When he grew
old, he worried, who's gonna take care of the temple after me?
I don't have a son. Normally, it would be my descendant, my son,
who would take that responsibility.
However, I do not have a son, and I'm worried who is going to
establish the rule of Allah subhanahu wa and the worship of
Allah subhana wa Taala in the temple. So he's supplicating in a
very tender way to Allah subhanahu wa mini kar O Allah, my bones have
become weak, which means I have become weak. It's a very eloquent,
eloquent way of speech. My bones have become weak, and my head, my
hair has turned completely white. Ishta Allah, Rasha, even out of
old age. Well, I cannot be shakiya, he knows that, according
to the normal reasons, according to logic, according to what people
call nature and biology, it's impossible for him to beget a son
at this age, it's impossible for him to become a father. If that
were to happen, it would have happened in his youth, when he was
strong and when his wife was still in the age of fertility and
childbearing. But his wife grew old. He has grown old. However, he
still has hope in Allah subhanahu wa because he knows that Allah
subhanahu wa taala is the one who created the reasons and the means,
and Allah subhanahu wa can create against these reasons and against
these means. He is the One who created them, and He is the one
who can override them, if He wills Subhan wa Taal,
waini, Amin Wai Wakan, Nati, rati, aa fahab Li mil
I have never suffered
negatively, or I've never failed to receive what I asked for. Oh,
Allah subhanahu wa, I've always been happy with asking you and
supplicating to you, and today I still have hope that through a
miracle. I'm not sure how, I don't know how, but I hope to have a
son. I am complaining or I'm describing my conditions to you.
Oh, Allah. And you know them better than I do. My wife is old.
She's never been able to
get a son to get pregnant. She has been barren all of her life, and
I'm worried about who is going to take about the people after me
they might neglect this temple.
Fabliyah, oh, Allah, I want. I'm asking you, I beg. I'm begging you
to grant me from your treasures. Waliya,
this son who's going to inherit from me and inherit from the
family of Yakub, that blessed family, these descendants of the
prophets, wa jal, Guru, Rabbi, Radhiya and Oh Allah, make him
pleased with you. And May May be you pleased with him,
Allah subhanahu wa responded to that supplication, to that hidden
supplication in the darkness of the night, in the seclusion of
remote corner of the temple, no one else heard the supplication,
but Allah subhana wa Taala and Allah subhanahu wa responds to
this supplication, yazakariya in this mo Yahya, Lam Naja, Allahu,
Min Kabu, Sami, ya o Zakariya, We have granted your wish. We have
responded to your supplication. You are gonna be the proud father
of a son whose name is gonna be Yahya, which means the one who
lives, and no one else has been ever named with that name before
him. He is going to be the first person to be named Yahya,
Sayyidina, Zakariya, alamena Ali salatu. Salaam is a prophet of
Allah, Subhanahu wa his heart the full of is full of faith and hope,
and he's the one who initiated that request to Allah subhanahu
wa. Yet, when Allah subhanahu wa informs him that your request has
been granted, he wondered. He doesn't want to believe his ears.
He doubts, was this really the response to my supplication, or is
it the shaitan playing tricks with me? So he's asking Allah subhanahu
wa, Allah, how come? How can I have a child at this old age, when
I'm so old and my wife is so old, how can it happen? And Allah
subhanahu wa tells him, Qala Qadir, qawlam Buk, thus spoke
Allah subhanahu wa, when Allah subhanahu wa speaks. There's no
objection or no resistance to the words of Allah subhanahu wa, to
the commands of Allah subhanahu wa. This is nothing I can do that
anytime ALLAH SubhanA wa taala.
Saying, This is so easy for me, wakalaq to come in, Kabul walam,
Taku shahiya And I created you from before, and you are nothing.
So why are you surprised that Allah subhanahu wa can grant you
that son that you have long asked for, Sayyidina Zakaria still wants
some confirmation, so he asked Allah subhanahu wa, Allah give me
a physical sign so that I know that I'm not dreaming. I'm not
imagining things. And Allah subhanahu wa told him, call him
and NASA tell it. So here for three consecutive nights, you will
not be able to speak.
Only you're going to be able to you're going to be able to glorify
Allah subhanahu wa, make the speak to Allah subhanahu wa, so the only
thing that you're going to be able to say is the remembrance of Allah
subhanahu wa. Other than that, you're not going to be able to
speak any regular speech to the people around you, to the people
in the temple. You won't be able to do that. After three days, your
speech is going to be restored. So again, in addition to your
glorification and gratitude to Allah subhanho wa taala, you can
tell the other people about this great gift that Allah subhanahu wa
is God to send your way? So when he got out of the temple, he told
the people around him, glorify Allah subhanho wa taala. Thank
Allah subhanho wa taala, day and night, for this blessing that he,
subhanAllah, not only has bestowed upon me, but upon all of you,
because now there's gonna be a pious caretaker of the temple
establishing the rule of Allah subhanahu wa and Allah subhanahu
wa, Salam Ya.
Ya. Take this responsibility seriously. Take it with strength.
Don't be weak in establishing the rule of Allah subhanahu wa, and
Allah subhanahu wa gave him wisdom from a very young age. So this is
the beginning of the miracle on this family, this blessed family,
a family of Imran in the form of Sayyidina Yahya, being granted to
Sayyidina, Zakariya and Nabi Nadi. Salatu wa, salam, Allah subhanahu
wa describes him as a good son, a pious son, a son who would take
care of his parents. Wabaram, beware day. So the bir of the
parents, as we mentioned before, comes immediately after the
worship of Allah subhana wa Taala salutes Sayyidina Yahya by saying
was Alamo na Alaihi, Yao, mawulidah, Watu Wao mayo, Batu
Haya, and be May peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he
dies and the day he's going to be resurrected. And then Allah
subhana wa Taala takes us to another member of this blessed
family, Sayyida, Maryam alaihi salam, when Allah subhanahu wa,
when she was worshiping again in seclusion in the far corner of the
temple, away from everyone else, dedicated her life to the worship
of Allah subhanahu wa, and then suddenly, In that secluded place
that was only prepared for her, she finds a human, or what appears
to be a human in front of her. So immediately, she seeks refuge in
Allah subhanahu wa fear Allah subhanaw taala, do not approach
this is a place for me to worship Allah subhanaw taala, I'm asking
you to leave. And I'm asking you by Allah subhanho wa taala, since
you came to the temple, you've got to be a believer. I'm asking you,
by the rights of Allah subhanahu wa to stay away from him, from me.
And he tells her, I am actually coming from Allah subhanahu wa.
Allah subhanahu wa sent me as a messenger to give you the good
news and the glad tidings that you will bear a child now, as Sayyida
Mariam, the version was never been approached by or touched by men
before, she wonders again. She's thinking in the normal way of
creation that a son comes from two parents, a father and a mother, a
male and a female. So she wonders, how come you're telling me that
I'm gonna be bearing a child when I've never been touched by a man?
And again, he tells her, this is the will of Allah subhanahu wa,
subhana wa Taala commanded. So Allah subhanahu wa is the one who
created the means and the reasons, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
selects. Subhana wa Taala wills to defy these means and reasons by
granting you that child, which is a gift from Allah subhana wa Taala
who's not gonna be coming through the normal way of two parents
having a child.
Now she's so worried.
Because what's going to happen to my reputation when people see me
pregnant, when they see me carrying a child, what are they
going to say about me? What are they going to say about my
parents, about my upbringing? So she's worried about that, and she
has to, because, again, her reputation is her only treasure
that she has she has been known as this pious, dedicated young woman.
So now, if she comes with a child, she's going to be accused in her
honor. So she's asking Allah subhanahu wa, How come is that
going to happen? And Allah subhanahu wa taala says, this is
the will of Allah in nama Amro, either Shay and any Abu laho,
kunfa Akon, that things happen just by the word of Allah,
Subhanahu wa Kun be and it becomes now she became pregnant, heavily
pregnant, about to maybe again for that time, she was wearing
clothes that can hide this pregnancy so people did not feel
that pregnancy, and she concealed it for that period. But now she
has come become full term. She's about to give birth. She's
stepping out of the temple trying to go again to a secluded place
away from the eyes of everyone. She's weak, she's tired, she's
exhausted, as it's expected of a woman in her ninth month of
pregnancy, in labor. So she says, I wish I was never born. I wish I
had died long before that. What kind of scandal is gonna happen?
What kind of accusation Am I gonna faith Am I gonna face? She's
tired, she's hungry, she's thirsty, so Allah subhanahu wa
comforts her. She is resting next to the trunk of a tree by a river
that's running. Allah subhanahu wa tells her, just shake the trunk of
that tree, push it and the tree is gonna drop close to you, dates
that are ripe, that are easy to to eat, and they're gonna be
nutritious and supporting you in that time of labor. And then that
river next to you, you can drink from it, eat and drink and calm
down. Fakuli washobi wakariaina,
since it's the will of Allah subhana wa taala, ALLAH SubhanA wa
Taala has prepared for you a response for all of these
accusations. Do not worry about your reputation. Do not worry
about the response of your people when you come with a child on your
Now here's a very beautiful hint through this area. Imagine, and I
challenge anyone, by the way, I challenge the strongest of us to
go to a tree, to go to a palm tree and stand by the bottom of that,
that palm tree and try to shake the trunk. You can try for as long
as you can, nothing's gonna happen. If that palm tree is full
of dates, and you can see the dates when you try to push that
palm tree, nothing's gonna happen. It's not gonna yield, it's not
gonna shake, it's not gonna move. So what imagine now, if that
happens to the strongest person who cannot shake the trunk of the
tree, Allah subhanahu wa is telling as Sayyida Mariam, the
woman in labor, in weakness, in pain, to shake the palm of the
tree. And Allah subhana wa taala, again, is promising her it's gonna
drop these dates, these ripe, delicious dates, on you. Allah
subhanahu wa could have provided a Sayyida Mariam, as he has provided
for her before, when she was in the temple, when fruits and
vegetables out of season would come to her, and Sayyidina Zakaria
would ask Anna leqihadi, Aya Mariam, where did you get this
from? How did this get in here? And she said, huam in Allah Allah
subhanahu wa could have supported her in the same way. However,
Allah subhana wa Taala is reminding us, even in moments of
weakness, even in the moments when you are tired, try to do the
maximum of your effort. Leah, you can live Allahu NAFTA and Illah
wasa. Allah subhanahu wa holds us accountable for the maximum of our
effort was Saha, not just any effort, but the maximum of the
effort. And that's exactly what asayyah Mariam alaihi salam is
doing here. She follows the commandment of Allah subhanahu wa,
the dates come. She drinks from that water. And now she comes back
to her village, to her people, carrying a child that is crying.
They look at her and tell her what happened to you, Maryam, where did
you get this child from? Who is the father of that child you claim
to be this chaste, clean, pure.
Woman, what have you done behind our backs? And they start pointing
fingers to her. So instruct, instructed by Allah subhanahu wa.
She points to that baby.
She points to the baby.
And they asked her, What do you expect to happen? Is it? Is he
gonna talk to us. Is he gonna respond to us and Allah subhanahu
wa, to accomplish that miracle, make Sayyidina assalato Salam
speak as a baby and say in the Abdullah, I am the servant of
Allah subhanahu wa. He gave me the book, and he made me a Prophet.
He's telling them about something that's gonna happen years later
when he grows up. But he's telling he's giving them a fast forward, a
glimpse of the future. He's telling them this is the
declaration of the innocence of my mother. I am the gift from Allah
subhanho wa taala, through the will of Allah subhana wa taala,
through this miraculous way to my mother, she is innocent as she has
always been, and I am a proof that I am. The miracle from Allah
subhanahu wa taala made me blessed wherever I am, and ALLAH SubhanA
wa Taala commanded me, while saw nib Salat zakati, madam to haya
wabaram bewaili, that he and again, ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, who
made me a Prophet, a messenger, gave me the book, commanded me to
establish the prayer and to pay my zakat, to Pay the charity, the
alms. He also, Subhan wa Taala commanded me to be kind to my
mother. In the story of Sayyid na Yahia, wabaram biwali dayhi,
because he had two parents. In the story of Sayyidina, Isa alabina,
ali salatu, salam, wabaram, Biwa Ali dati, because he only has one
parent, a Mariam alaha Salam. And then was Salam wa alayhi, Yao
maulitu wa yaw Mutu wa uma Ubah to Haya. And may the peace in the
story of Sayyidina Bina Ali, salatu, Salam wa salam una Alaihi,
may peace be upon him. But in the story of Sayyidina Isa was Salam
wa alayhi, and the peace may be upon me the day Abu I was born,
the day I die and the day I am resurrected. Now we know that
Sayyidina, Isa ala Nabi na Ali salatu, salaam was raised to the
heavens alive, and he is still alive. He will come back to Earth
by the end of time and rule on earth according to the Sharia of
the Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he will come
back as a Muslim, as a follower of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, rule with Islam, live for as long Allah as Allah subhana wa
Taala authorizes him to live. And then he will die on Earth, and
will be buried on Earth, and then on the day of judgment he will be
resurrected. Allah subhanahu wa says, this is a glimpse. This is a
brief story about a Mariam Kawal hai vi am Tarun, the truth that
they are denying me. Canal illahi, Aya tahidam.
Aya tahida minwaladin Subhana,
wa Taala would never take a son SubhanaHu, maybe he, may he be
glorified from that His will Subhana wa taala, when he wills
something to happen, is just enough for Allah subhanahu wa to
say, Kun fayakun Be, and it would be, and Sayyidina Isa reminds them
that I am not the God. I am not the Son of God. I'm a servant of
God. Abdullah in Allah be what a bukum Fah Abu do ha musta rim
Allah, subhana wa Taala is my Lord, and is your Lord? Worship
Him. This is leading to the straight path. And then Allah
subhana wa Taala tells us about the people after Sayyidina Isa,
how they differed, and how they change, how they switched, how
they veered from that path by claiming his divinity, or that he
is part divine. He is the Son of God, or he is the God, the
incarnation of God, the Allah subhanahu wa si fool. And Allah
subhanahu wa, again, is telling Sayyidina Isa and telling the
prophets Allah Ali,
Asmaa, hasra, it's a Minun,
warned them about the Day of Judgment. Allah subhanahu wa gives
it a different name here. Not yam a deen, not yam al qayma, not yam
al hisab, but yam al hasra, the day of regret, the day of remorse,
when the non believers are gonna feel regret and remorse, or those
who changed the nature of.
Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was
talking about paradise and about the day of judgment, and about the
companions and about the believers who are going to be spared from
any torture in the hellfire.
His wife has, Sayyida Hafsah, about the Allahu Anh an
understanding. So she told the prophet saw them. How come or
rasulallah, doesn't Allah subhanahu Wan she understood that
every individual will have to go through the hellfire, even if
briefly, before going to paradise. But Rasulullah corrected her,
corrected her misunderstanding
that Allah subhanahu wa taala says he told her, don't you hear Allah
subhanahu wa in the following Aya saying to manuntakaw, another,
ones who are mindful of Allah subhanho wa taala, the ones who
fear Allah subhanahu wa are going to be completely spared from this
* fire. They are not going to even enter that * fire. But the
ones the oppressors, the ones who are not mindful of Allah subhanahu
wa, are going to stay there sitting in misery and in
punishment and in torture. So again, when we ask Allah, subhana
wa Taala to take us to Paradise, allahummad Hill, Jannat Bihari,
sarabhi khatiya, Ada binwalisa O Allah grant us paradise without
passing through or going through the hellfire and without any
detailed discussion about our our books and our accountability,
because if ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala discusses the details of the book,
the person will be found guilty and they will be held accountable
and Will are gonna be punished. But if ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
makes that questioning easy and short and simple, he Subhanallah
Taylor will grant that person forgiveness, even for the minor
sins that he or she has committed, because all of us commit sins day
and night, but Allah, Subhanahu wa is so forgiving his Subhanallah
has concealed many of these sins during our lives, and he,
subhanAllah, we ask him, subhanAllah, to forgive them On
the Day of Judgment and to grant us paradise without any
punishment. Allah subhanahu wa is telling us about the story of that
arrogant servant of Allah subhanahu wa, slave of Allah
subhanahu wa, that tyrant at the time of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, who claimed that he defies Allah subhanho wa taala,
that Allah subhanahu will not resurrect anyone that is just this
life. And once we die, we die. That's it. And he said, even if
there's a life after death, I have wealth, I have strength, I have a
big family here in this life. So your Lord definitely is going to
honor me also on if there's an eternal life, he's gonna grant me
children, and he's gonna grant me wealth as well. A Farah Italian,
wakala utayana malata, a Tala al Haye Amit Takada in the Rahman
yada. Have you seen that man, that arrogant, tyrant, ignorant, who
claims that there's no life after that, or if there is life after
death, he is gonna be as prosperous as he is in this life,
and he will have money and children.
Has he looked at the unknown? Has he looked at the events of the day
of judgment? Or does he have a promise from Allah subhanahu wa
indeed, now, Senegal, Maya cool, when a mulaumet, wanari, su
humaya, kuwaitina, Farda, we are gonna write what he said, and
we're gonna extend his life so that he does even more sins to
deserve more punishment on the day of judgment, and then he is going
to be deserving of what he has sent forward, and he will come to
us to meet Allah subhanahu wa, just like anyone else
individually, there's going to be that individual stand in front of
Allah subhanahu wa to account for one's deeds.
Allah subhanahu wa, by the end of the surah denies these false
allegations of those who claimed of Sayyidina Isa to be the son of
Allah subhanahu wa, you have come with something abhorrent,
unacceptable to Allah subhanahu wa. If you claim that Allah
subhanahu wa has a son. This is a very heavy word to make, that
claim against Allah subhanho wa taala, takadu sama tournament, you
Allah, that the skies are about to collapse from the weight of that
Cain truly was transformed into a living snake, which is something
they can never imagine doing. So as soon as they see that they
recognize this is beyond our powers, whoever helped you do that
has got to be the True Lord. So they immediately prostrate to
Allah subhanahu wa decreting, declaring and birabi Harun our
Musa, we declare that we are believers in the Lord of Harun and
Musa firao Now is burning with anger. Is this our agreement? You
betrayed our agreement, you failed in the test, and now you declare
that you're gonna follow another Lord. Look now at the punishment
that I'm gonna inflict on you. I'm gonna cut your limbs. I'm gonna
cut your hands and arms and legs across. So I'm gonna cut your
right arm with your left leg, or your left arm with your right leg,
so you cannot stand, you cannot do anything. And then I'm gonna
crucify you in the trunks of the palm trees. And you're gonna see
who has the severe punishment talking about himself. And look at
the response of these magicians. They said Kalu Lenno, therakala
major, and I mean Albany photo on a faculty man and takad in namat,
ali, Hadi Hill, Hayat, a dunya, we are not after having seen the
proof, we are not gonna be afraid of you. We're not gonna prefer the
reward that you're gonna give us over the reward that Allah
subhanahu wa has given us and has been proven through these signs.
Fatima and taka do whatever you want. We don't really care.
It never took the head dunya. All you can do is just kill us and
terminate our earthly life. But now we believe in Allah subhana wa
taala. We have hope in Allah subhana wa taala, and we know
there's gonna be another eternal life, you will be a loser, and we
will be the winners. In men be Rabina, Leon, akratani alaim in a
sesh Walla, who
we have believed in Allah subhanahu wa so that, hoping that
he will forgive our former transgressions and our use as your
aids and your magicians supporting your reign and your tyranny,
we have hope that Allah subhanahu wa forgive us these past
transgressions, and Allah subhanahu wa Subhana wa Taala is
much better than what who you Are, wa abkha, Allah subhanahu wa taala
is the everlasting in Nahum, fain na Malaya, Mutu, he whoever is
gonna meet Allah subhanahu wa taala as a criminal, are gonna be
awarded with the Hellfire where they will not die, and That's not
a way of living either way they're going to be living. But that's not
a life, a real life. There's no quality of life.
And then whoever is going to meet Allah subhanahu wa as a believer
who has done the good deeds, and that's the confirmation of their
belief, Fauci these are the ones with the high standards, the high
status in the consideration of Allah subhanahu wa. And then the
story continues with the destruction, or the order from
Allah subhanahu wa to Sayyid na Musa and his followers, leave this
land, this land of oppression, abandon this land, move to the
east, and you're going to be followed by faraun, but Allah
subhanahu wa save you. And Allah subhanahu wa saved Sayyid na Musa
and his followers from faraun. And faraun was drowned, as Allah
subhana wa Taala told us now, after they crossed that river or
that sea and they were in safety. Now, Sayyidina Musa is called by
Allah subhanahu wa for another meeting. So Sayyidina Musa leaves
his people in the trust of his beloved brother, Sayyidina Harun
Allah Nabi na Ali salatu wa salam, and tells him, keep them obedient.
Keep them united, keep them worshippers of ALLAH SubhanA wa
taala. Sayyid na Musa goes to meet with ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, and
for 40 days he does not come. He comes back after 40 days to find a
horrific scene. He finds his people who have been saved by
Allah subhanahu wa worshiping a calf, a statue that they have made
out of their jewelry. And they had led by this man, a samiri. And he
asked Sayyidina Musa asked his brother, Sayyidina Harun, what
happened? Didn't you follow my command? And Sayyidina Harun tells
him, you told him, You told me to keep them united. I was worried
about splitting them into two groups, and I was waiting for you
when you come back to see what to do with them. And Sayyidina Musa,
His brother judgment, that interpretation of the command of
Sayyidina Musa. And then he asked, as Samurai, what did you do? Why
did you do that? And Samui told Sayyidina Musa, I have seen what
they have not seen. And I took some dust from the steps of the
angel that I have seen, and I have made that calf out of gold, and I
threw this dust at it, and the wind, when it goes through the
body of that calf, it would make the sound as if it is making the
sound of a real calf. So people started worshiping it. And
Sayyidina, Musa Ali, Hala Nabi na ay salatu, salaam told him, You go
away. You ban. You are banished from my people. You move away from
where we are. We are. Call it. Have for in the local hayati and
Taku lalami says we're not gonna touch you. We're not gonna even
respond to you. But go away. Do not stay with us in the lakamaida
land to level, enter Machin and Sua. So you're gonna have a in a
landfill that you have a meeting with Allah subhanahu wa, and you
are not gonna miss that appointment. And then Sayyidina
Musa burned that calf and restored his people to the worship of Allah
subhanahu wa. And then Allah subhana wa Taala is taking us to a
scene from the day of judgment, a horrific scene. And it has sound,
it has pictures. It has live footage from that scene on the Day
of Judgment.
Kadali, Kanaka, swalli, kamin, Amba, Imaan, Salah, Allah, alayhi
wa sallam. We are telling you about the stories of people who
lived before you. Waka the INA Kamila do nadikra, and we have
revealed that remembrance to you that Quran man Abu dhain, hofinity
with RA whoever turns their back to that guidance from Allah
subhana wa taala, are gonna carry a heavy burden on the Day of
Judgment. Holy dinafi, he was a Himmler. They're gonna remain
eternally in the punishment from Allah subhanahu wa, and that's the
worst load that anyone can carry on their back. Allah subhanahu wa
describes the beginning of the day, Yao Mao fusur, when ALLAH
SubhanA wa Taala commands Israel to blow in the horn for everyone
to wake up from their dead, their death, and be ready for their
Meeting with Allah subhanahu Wan
This is a very beautiful description from and horrific
description by Allah subhanahu wa, even zurka, when someone has is in
extreme fear, the their blood circulation is affected and their
face becomes dark and pale out of fear and out of horror. It has a
bluish tint. Wana shul, mujiri, Mina yo Maiden, surkah ya Taha
Fat. By now they don't even dare speak loudly. They are just
whispering among themselves. For how long have we? Have we been
asleep for how long have we lived in lebeton? Allah, Ashra, it was
just 10 nights or 10 days.
National Allah will be Maya, coloon, IDI aku am tell you
Tariqah in lebeton. Ilaman, the wisest of them would say, Oh, you
have just lived for one day. That's it. The life that you've
lived, 50, 6070, 100 years. It was just like one day.
And then Allah subhanahu wa gives us a scene of that earth, of the
Earth, the place of gathering on that day. It's completely level.
It's completely flat, so everyone can see at the distance, there's
no obstacle. Where's aloo Naka, Anil jibel, fakulian, sifu Ha,
Rabbi, nasfeh, her, forever and soft suffer later, he was
they asked you about what about these mountains? Allah, subhana wa
Taala will make them explode, and they're gonna be level. They're
gonna become like wool, and then they're gonna be leveled, and
you're not gonna see any elevated place, or any trough, or any deep
place in this earth is going to be completely level.
Yoma eating yet Tabia, una da ya la IWA Jada,
on that day they're gonna call either they're gonna follow the
collar, the one who summons them to Allah subhanahu wa and out of
fear, out of horror. Imagine the billions and billions of people
who are going to be gathered on that day. Imagine if there's just
someone, even everyone said that's it is going to be a huge, loud
noise out of these billions, however, everyone is going to be
Silent in anticipation and in here in fear. Wacha, swear to the
Rahman fell head Asmaa, Elam Hamza, you're gonna calmly hear
whispers. Everyone is anticipating what's gonna happen now. So if
someone wants to say something, it's just gonna be very low
yo maitili of Rahman, what Adi Allahu qu only the ones authorized
by Allah subhanahu wahman are going to be able to intercede, and
ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will accept their intercession. And that's
only the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as it comes in
the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that
people would come to the different prophets. They go to Sayyidina
Adam, to Sayyidina Nuwa, to Sayyidina Ibrahim, to all the
prophets. And they ask them, first, ask Allah subhanahu wa to
start the day of judgment. They're going to be waiting for maybe
hundreds of years, and they're going to ask their prophets, ask
Allah subhanahu wa to start the events of the day of judgment. And
each one of the prophets would say, I'm not for that. I can't do
that until they come to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam. And the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam says, and Allah,
I am for that. I am for that. And he goes and prostrates to Allah
subhanahu wa and glorifies Allah subhanahu wa and asks Allah
subhanahu wa to authorize that day to start. Then the event would
start, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would
go again and intercede on behalf of his nation, asking Allah
subhanahu wa to forgive his nation and grant them paradise. And this
is a shafira, the great intercession, the honor that Allah
subhanahu wa sallam, Allah
subhanahu wa tells the Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam fatal
Allahu Bali gulha, elevated and high is Allah subhanahu wa the
true king, not like These false tyrants who claim to be kings and
sultans and so on. Wala Taj albal Quran, even kabli and Yoko da
ilahi kawahi wa Quran visit Nia il man whenever Sayyidina Jibreel
used to recite the Quran to the Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa
sallam, the Prophet saw them would repeat immediately so that he
doesn't forget. And Allah subhana wa Taala told him, don't do that.
Just listen to the revelation from Allah subhana wa Taala through
Sayyidina. Jibril, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will keep that Quran in
your heart and your mind. You're not gonna forget it. Waqr not.
Bizidnya, il man ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala to increase your
knowledge. And finally, the last story in the Quran in the Surah,
Allah subhanahu wa, again, tells us about the very beginning. Since
Allah subhanahu wa has taken us to the end of that human life and the
events of the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanahu wa is taking us
back to the very beginning. How did these events start? When Allah
subhanahu wa commanded the angels to prostrate, to Sayyidina Adam,
and they did, except for Iblis, who rebelled, and the promise that
Sayyidina, that Iblis as the law Subhanallah and ALLAH SubhanA wa
taala, granting the wish of that devil, that cursed devil, and the
promise of that cursed devil to Allah subhanahu
wa, subhana wa Taala is telling us that people, on that day, when
they come to Allah subhanahu wa, the non believers, when they
resurrected, they're going to be resurrected blind. They cannot
see. And they ask, Allah subhanahu wa, did you resurrect us blind we
were seeing in this life. And Allah subhana wa Taala would tell
them, You received our ayat, our proofs, our signs, and you
suppress them and forgot them. And that's how today you will be
neglected, neglected. You'll you'll not be cared for. Waka
daily, Kali OMA tunza,
Allah subhanahu wa Finally, after telling the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam about these detailed stories. Again, as usual,
after telling Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about
these stories of the different prophets and messengers. In
usually, the command from Allah subhanahu wa is messenger.
Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fasbir. In this case, fospira,
alamaya colon and your patience are over the harassments and the
false allegations that they're hurtling towards you was a baby.
Hamdi robbica. I mean, any lady FASAB,
don't pay attention to these false allegations and the name calling
and these insults. Remember Allah subhanahu wa glorify Allah
subhanahu wa in the morning and in the evening, before sunrise and
before sunset and in different parts of the night, so that Allah
subhana wa Taala will please you on.
The Day of Judgment.
These are very beautiful Ayat coming from Allah subhanahu wa
salaam, as a way of consoling the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, supporting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
strengthening the heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and giving him an incentive and a provision to stay
the course and keep doing what he's doing with the expectation of
the reward from Allah subhanahu wa. We ask Allah subhanahu wa to
fill our hearts with faith, with light, with guidance, with
remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa, and to make our tongues always wet
with the remembrance of Allah, Subhanahu wa of the companions of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the messenger
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, Ya rasulallah, Qatar, Yash
Islam. The obligations of Islam are quite a lot for me. Tell me
about something that I should never stop doing. Tell me about
something that I should stick to and keep doing that all the time,
even if I can do everything else, something that I should always
stick to. And Rasulullah Sallam told him,
lay as elbow. He said, No. Karatband, always keep your tongue
wet with the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa at the times of
solitude, at the time of times of waiting, at any idle time or free
time that you might have invest in that time, utilize that time in
the best utilization by remembering Allah subhanahu wa,
subhanAllah, ILA, illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu alayhi, La Ilaha,
illAllah, astafir, Allah subhanallahu wa, subhanAllah, all
the different ways that Rasulullah taught us on how To glorify Allah
subhanahu wa, and remember Allah subhanahu wa. We ask Allah subhana
wa Taala to be to make us among those who remember Allah subhanahu
wa under every condition and circumstance and who remember
Allah subhanahu wa. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to save
this remembrance for us on the Day of Judgment, so that we find it in
the scale of our good deeds Inshallah, we're gonna resume our
journey with the Quran tomorrow, with surat al Ambia and surat al
Hajj. So until tomorrow Inshallah, Asmaa, Allah, here.