Ihab Saad – Day 12 Surat Yunus
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The speaker discusses the history and character of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam, a prophet of Islam who used the streets of the city of nay Nawa to teach people about Islam. The speaker also discusses the use of Allah's sub hangers and the importance of showing faith in one's actions. The transcript also touches on the history of Iran's treatment of non believers and the importance of patience.
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Assalamu, alaikum. Warhamat Allah akhetu. Welcome back to another
stop on our journey, beautiful journey with the Quran and today,
Inshallah, we're gonna be discussing Surat Yunus and Surat
hood, or at least part of Surat wood,
Surat Yunus and Surat hood, both of them are Surah Maq revealed to
the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in makan, Makar Rama. And
the first Surah is named after a prophet of Allah, Subhanahu wa
Sayyid, nayyunah, subnamat, Salah alabi.
We heard in the seerah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, the first time about Sayyidina sublimeta, when the
sallullah isallahu alaihi wasallam in the
Meccan period of Islam, when he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
invited Quraysh, and Quraysh rejected the messenger sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, so he tried to expand his base and move the Dawah
to another village not too far away from Mecca, and that was
alpayaf, the tribe that lives in altaif was one of the strong
tribes of Arabia that was tarif. And when he sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam traveled that arduous journey in the mountains, uphill
up, going uphill in the mountains, going to Tariq. They unfortunately
received him in the worst possible way. The leaders of Tariq
mistreated the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and insulted him,
and they incited their fools and their children to throw rocks and
stones at the feet of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, until
they were bleeding, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was seeking refuge in a garden that he found, and that
garden actually belonged to two of the leaders of Quraysh, babna
rabiah and Shay babna rabiah. Later on, these two leaders would
be killed in the Battle of Badr as heads of the army of disbelief.
But even these two non believers, their hearts were soft when they
saw the condition of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
how tired and exhausted he was. Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with
blood coming out of his feet. So they called one of their servants
in one of their gardens, and
they told him his name was addes. That servant's name was adess.
They told him, adess, take this plate of grapes to this man over
not knowing who that man was. Hades took the plate of grapes to
the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, who appreciated this nice
gesture. And before eating, he Salallahu Alaihe said, bismillahir
Rahman Ibrahim. Adas was not from that area. Adess actually was
originally from Iraq, from the city of naynawa. So when he saw
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying bismillahir Rahman
Rahim, that was an odd sight to him. He has never heard anyone
saying that before. So we asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, what are you saying? What is that bismillahir Rahman Rahim,
and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him about Allah
subhanahu wa, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He Salam
would not waste any opportunity to invite people to Allah. Subhanahu
wa and then he started asking, God this Where are you from? He
noticed that he was sort of a foreigner from this area. He's not
from this area. So the Prophet saw them, asked him, Where are you
from? He said, I'm from a far land from nay Nawa in Iraq. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, nay Nawa, this is the city of the
pious servant of Allah subhanahu wa, asked,
asked him, and how do you know about Yunus of no matter? How have
you heard about him? And Rasulullah told him, Well, he is a
prophet of Allah subhanahu wa, and I am also a Prophet from Allah
subhanahu wa and he started telling him about Islam. Abbas
adess was Christian. And as soon as he heard what the Prophet
salallahu alayhi wa sallam was saying, he recognized that this is
the truth. So he started kissing the hands and the feet of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu Asmaa. Watching that
from a distance. Called adess immediately, and asked him, What
were you doing? Why were you doing that? And he told them. He told me
about things only a prophet of Allah, Subhanahu wa would know
about. So rahban shahiba told that's a death. Keep your faith to
yourself. Your faith is better than his. Don't let him fool you
or let him change your faith. That is the only time the name of adess
was mentioned in this era of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam. And this is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam informed people about Sayyidina, Yunus, aladu, salaam.
We read in the Quran among the Stories of the Prophets, for
example, in surat al MBA and other suar, the mention of Sayyidina
Yunus, alabina Ali Salat was salam. And what was the story of
Sayyidina Yunus? We know in very brief words. He was a great
prophet and messenger. He was sent to his people, and he invited them
to Islam, and as usual, unfortunately, they rejected him.
Ala Nabi na Ali salatu wa salam. He tried as much as he could, but
they kept rejecting Him, to the effect that in the end, he said,
there's no hope in this village. Let me go and try to preach my
call to another village. However, he was not commanded by Allah
subhanahu wa to do so. Allah subhanahu wa did not authorize him
to move to another village or to another place and invite people to
Islam. We know Rasulullah sallam was commanded by Allah subhanahu
wa after 13 years in Mecca, to migrate to Al Madin al munawwarah,
Sayyid na Musa Alayna Ali,
was invited by Allah subhanahu wa to talk to Allah subhanahu wa on
top of the mountain, Sayyidina, Ibrahim, Alaina, all of his
different travels to from Iraq to Hashem, to Al Hejaz, to Egypt,
back to Hashem Al Quds, back to Al hijjahs and so on. All of these
were authorized by Allah subhanahu wa in this case, Sayyidina, Salah
Nabi na Ali salatu salam rushed the affairs and again, with his
zeal to invite people to Islam, he thought that this village is
hopeless. Let me move to another place and invite other people to
Islam. Maybe they are going to respond. And Allah subhanahu wa
wanted Allah subhanahu Wald to teach him a lesson. And that
lesson is, do not lose hope in these people until Allah subhanahu
wa tells you that these people are hopeless, as Allah subhanahu wa
told Sayyidina, no Hala Nabi na Ali, salatu, salaam, this village
is done with. They're not gonna believe in you. Leave them alone
and they're gonna be drowned. Allah subhana wa Taala told the
same to Sayyidina, who would Sayyidina? Salah, Sayyid, Nashua
aye, Sayyidina LUT after they exhausted all of the efforts
inviting their people to Islam, Allah subhanahu wa told them,
Well, their time is up. Move to another place, because they're
going to be destroyed. That did not happen in the store, in in the
to the village of Sayyidina, Salah Nabi na Ali salatu, salaam. So
when he went on board of that ship, and we know what happened,
the storm and the lots when they wrote the names of the people who
should be thrown off board and being swallowed by the whale, and
then reminiscing in the belly of the whale and remembering Allah,
subhana wa Taala and saying the beautiful dwya, la ilaha, Illa and
the subhank ini, kutumi, Nadi. Mean there's no Lord But you, O
Allah, I have been oppressing myself by rushing and leaving
without that authorization. And Allah subhanahu wa saved him. The
amazing part, which is sort of unique among the different
nations, is that the nation of Sayyidina, you know, Salah Nabi na
wala, salatu wa salam, after he left, they woke up to their
senses, and they started asking, why did we do that? To that nice
person, that kind guy who invited us to Allah subhanahu wa, and they
regretted what they did. So in fact, after he left, they became
believers, and when he came back, he found them to be believers, as
if Allah subhanahu wa, again, is reminding us, as usual, you are
not responsible for the results. You are only responsible for the
effort. But the hearts are in the hands of Allah subhanahu wa taala
can guide whomever he Subhana wa Taala wills, and he Subhana wa
Taala can authorize whoever wants to stay astray, to stay astray if
they do not strive to reach Allah subhanahu, washing was the issue
with say it. Now you knows Allah, Nabi, navadi, salatu, salam, we
notice in this surah, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is telling us
well, Abu Asmaa, jalam, Bihar, lahoodia, ela him, AJ Subhana wa
Taala is telling us that rushing is not an attribute of Allah
subhana wa taala. The contrary is true. Allah subhana wa Taala is a
suburb. Subhana wa Taala is extremely patient Subhanallah
infinite patience, and worried that Allah subhanahu wa would rush
the punishment for his servants as they rush trying to get the good,
the instant gratification that they're trying to get, Allah
subhanahu wa wouldn't have left.
On the face of this earth, any living soul, but Allah subhana wa
taala, for the wisdom that he, subhanAllah knows, extends their
lives, gives them chances once, twice and more. If they wake up to
their senses and they return to Allah, Subhanahu wa, with his
mercy, would accept them, but if they don't, then all of these
chances are gonna count against them, and this would be the Imlay
of Allah Subhanahu wa umlam. Allah subhana wa Taala gives them an
extension of time. If they misuse that extension of time, it's going
to be more sins that they're going to be acquiring. So one of the
main meanings in Surat Yunus Allah subhanahu wa is telling us, do not
rush things. Things come at the time that Allah subhanahu wa
decides, not at the time of your own design, not at the time of
your own volition. When Rasulullah taught us, as we mentioned before,
about the dua hisallallahu alayhi wa sallam, mentioned in the
meaning of the Hadith that Allah subhanahu wa accept one the
supplication of one of you, as long as he or she does not ask for
anything that's sinful or resulting in cutting cutting the
tithes of kinship, or they do not rush Allah subhanahu wa companions
asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is rushing
Allah subhanahu wa salam said
they would say, I have asked and I've asked and I have not seen a
result of my supplication. So they would abandon that supplication,
patience is a great virtue, and Allah subhanahu wa always praises
Allah subhanahu wa, in this surah gives us beautiful attributes of
his. Again, many of the ayat are talking about The unique powers of
Allah subhanahu wa, do
so Allah subhanahu wa is telling us
that he Subhana wa Taala is the Creator of the heavens and the
earth. And there's definitely as a wisdom, we do not understand it
only Allah subhana wa Taala knows it that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is
always telling us about that order of the creation of the heavens and
the earth. And then it and that it took six days. How long as are
these six days? They're not like our days, 24 hours. Why does Allah
subhana wa Taala mentioned that we know that the will of Allah
subhana wa Taala to create something, it can be created
instantly, without any time in nama Amro, who either in Nama
kauru, in namakaw, Nadi Shay in either Arad Nehru and naukun, fire
Kun And in the other area, in NAMA, amrhu, Idaho, Radha Shay and
any Akula, hukun, fayakun, things happen just by the will of Allah
subhana wa taala. He tells things be and they become. But Allah
subhanahu wa for a wisdom that he Subhana wa Taala knows, is telling
us that he created the heavens and the earth in six days. Now, we are
not like some of the family of the Scripture who unfortunately have
modified their books and falsified their books and claim that after
saying that Allah subhanahu wa created the heavens and the earth
in six days, they claim Taal Allah subhanahu wa sifun and rested on
the seventh day, Allah subhanahu wa sinatu wala Nam, ALLAH SubhanA
wa Taala does not need any rest. He Subhanallah Tala does not need
anything. We humans are in need. Allah subhanahu wa is in no need.
Allah subhanahu wa is telling us, taking us to a scene from the day
of judgment before it starts in
Nama metallur, was a unit or Donna Ali, hamruna, laylon, Fajr, Nabil,
Ames, kedalica room, Allah, subhanaw, Taala is showing us and
telling us that life on this earth is just.
Like a second, like a blink of an eye. Allah subhana wa Taala gives
the example that the simile of life on this earth is like rain
that came from the heavens and fell on fertile soil,
and it this the soil started growing plants and people and
cattle and animals started eating from these plants and enjoying
these plants, which is similar to our enjoyment of the earth right
until the earth is in its top of it, the peak of its beauty, the
peak of its ornament. Hatay, the AHA that I was, zayanna. And
people think mistakenly that they are in control. They can think
that they can control everything on this earth. They control the
weather, they control the the plans. They can't control the
different resources. It is at that time that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
authorizes the life on this earth to end.
Layla and
the command from Allah subhanahu wa life to end can come in a day
or a day on on it during the day or at night. And we know, of
course, that Subhanallah, probably, at the time of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, people did not know the
fact of the earth being round and people living in different time
zones that it would be a day in a certain area and it would be night
in another area. So Allah subhanahu wa said, amruna laylan
aunah, it's the same time, the same moment with which would be
night in a certain location and day in another location.
Allah subhana wa Taala gives us a very beautiful area about spending
in the path of Allah. SubhanaHu
wa Dinah, Husna, wala
ya Raku, ju haum, Qatar, wala dillah, will aka will generated
not only spending in the path of Allah subhanahu wa, but doing any
good deeds for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa, those who try to
perfect their deeds, whatever they do, they try to do it in an
excellent way, in a in the best possible way. If they speak, they
try to choose their words. If they treat people, they try to treat
them in the best possible way. When they worship Allah subhanahu
wa, there Issan in their worship, and Hassan as the Prophet,
salallahu alayhi wa, Sallam identified it and tabood Allah ha
and nakatara for Ilam the Rahu Fahy know uraq To worship Allah
subhanahu wa as if you are physically seeing him Subhanallah,
because if you do not see Allah subhanahu wa, and we will not see
Allah subhanahu wa in this earthly life, but Allah subhanahu wa sees
us all the Time.
Allah subhanahu wa
tells us about three different categories in the Quran.
These three different categories share one description, Leah fun
alayhim wala we find in Surat Al Baqarah in two close, Ayat Aya,
264 and 272.
Allah subhanahu wa is telling us about those who spend their money
for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa, day or night.
They spend it in public and in private, day and night. And Allah
subhanahu wa commends these people and praises these people and gives
them the good news, lahoun alayhim, walayum, yazamun, they
should not have any fear. And on the Day of Judgment, they will
not, will not have any sadness. They are only gonna see good
things for that expenditure that they have made in the path of
Allah, Subhanahu wa
and then we move to Surat, Ali Imran, and we find the beautiful
area. Well, that's a video. Very Hena be me 40. He was the children
Abu Lady nalema. So again, lahouna has a known no fear, no worry,
comes in this time in the description of a the martyrs. So
we have Allah subhanahu wa elevating those who spend day and
night for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa to the company of the
martyrs. Who else? What is the third group in that beautiful
company, the allies of Allah subhanahu wa so here in Surat
Yunus comes the area Allah in aulia, Allah He lahouna, the
allies of Allah subhanahu wa taala should not have any fear or any
worry, and they're not going to.
See any sadness on the Day of Judgment. Who are the awliya of
Allah subhanahu wa, and lived a life to prove that faith, life of
mindfulness of Allah subhanahu wa, life of observance of Allah
subhanahu wa, putting Allah subhanahu wa before anything that
they do, and seeing what did Allah subhanahu wa say about that thing?
Should I do it this way or shouldn't I do it that way? So
again, this mindfulness of Allah subhanahu wa and the Alliance to
Allah subhanahu wa, taking Allah subhanahu wa Kiel waliyyu Na,
Allah subhanahu wa, as Allah subhana wa Taala told the
believers in nama Wadi yukumu Allahu azul,
that your Allah is Allah subhanahu wa, His messenger and the
believers do not take allies who are against Allah subhana wa
taala, who align themselves against Allah subhana wa taala. So
you choose on which side you are, and if you choose the right side,
and you choose that alliance with ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, the reward
is lahow from alaim, wala Abu Asmaa,
getting to the end of Surah Jonas. And again, the surah is full of
ayah talking about the magnitude magnificence of ALLAH SubhanA wa
Taala and the greatness of Allah subhanahu wa to Allah subhana wa
Taala belong everything that is in the heavens and in the earth, as
Allah subhanahu wa tells us in another ayah in Surat Maryam, that
everything in the heavens and the earth comes as slave to Allah
subhanahu wa. There's a difference between a slave and a servant. The
slave is a slave by compulsion. They do not and everyone is a
slave by compulsion. We are all Habib of Allah subhanho wa taala,
however, not everyone is among the Abad of Allah subhanho wa taala.
The Abad are the ones who voluntarily select to serve that
great master, subhanAllah Allah, the only master Allah subhanho wa
in Surat Yunus towards the end of the Surah, Allah subhanahu wa
taala tells us about the story of two of his great prophets, and
these are Sayyidina Nuh and Sayyidina Musa, Alain Nabi na Ali
salatu, Salam. And all the prophets are great, by the way.
However, Allah subhanahu wa has also ranked the Prophet Salla Nabi
na alayhi wa salatu, salaam. So there's a certain group of five,
ulila, Mina, Rasul, the ones with the great might. And these are
Sayyidina, Anu, Sayyidina, Ibrahim, Sayyidina, Musa,
Sayyidina, Isa and Rasulullah, Sallam Allah Nabi na Ali musallah
wa, Sallam ajmani,
Allah subhanahu wa is telling us another chapter of the story of
Sayyidina Musa that, again, goes very well with the general meaning
of the Surah, which is not to rush things, and that Things come only
at the time that Allah subhanahu wa decides in the story of
Sayyidina Musa, Alain Nabi na Ali salatu with Ali salatu assalamu,
there's a very interesting thing that you you might notice if you
do some quick math, for how long did Sayyidina Musa preach Islam?
For how long did firao practice his tyranny?
We find in Surah Al qasas Allah subhanahu wa telling us about the
birth of Sayyidina, Musa Alaina, salatu, Salam the surah starts
with the ayah talking about the tyranny of Iran in nafira una
alafil ardiwa jalajiya, that Sharon is already a full fledged
tyrant, that he discriminates against certain groups of people.
He kills those, he imprisons those, he enslaves those, and so
on. He claimed that he is the Lord. He claimed to be the Supreme
Lord. That was before the birth of Sayyidina, Musa, Allah, Nabi na
Ali, salatu, salaam. So he is in full power and full tyranny before
the birth of Sayyidina Musa Alayna bin alayhi, salatu, salaam, Sayyid
na Musa is born.
Let's count together. Sayyidina Musa lived on the in the house of
Iran for a number of years, and then he escaped from Egypt. And
then he received wahi from Allah subhanahu wa, usually the
prophets, in general, not all of them, but in general, they
received the wahi from Allah subhanahu wa at the age of 40. And
it comes in surat al qasas.
Ashudah, who was tower list, which is the age of full maturity, in
this case, is the age of 40. As Rasulullah Sallam received the
wahi at the age of 40. So Sayyidina Musa became a prophet at
the age of 40, and then he came back to Egypt to confront farao to
try to invite him to Islam. And that definitely took some time. It
took Allah subhanahu wa only knows. How long did that take? Did
it take a few months? Did it take a few years until faraon got so
frustrated with Sayyidina Musa and decided to try to kill him, or to
challenge him. And then the confrontation between Sayyidina
Musa and firaoun happened. Now.
When did that confrontation happen? Actually, Allah subhanahu
wa gives us a glimpse when firaun showed the maximum of his tyranny
by oppressing the servants of Sayyidina Musa and trying to kill
Sayyidina Musa and Allah subhanahu wa tested his civilization with
the different Ayat a tufa and wa al Jarad, wa al Qum and wafaida
award them the Different signs that Allah subhanahu wa had sent
to punish the people of Iran, so that they wake up to their senses,
not to destroy them, but to awaken them flooding.
Jarod, the locusts, or the grasshoppers that ate their crops.
Well, bafada, the frogs that were so abundant to the extent that
they say if someone tried to open their mouth to speak, a frog would
jump into their mouth. Welcome, welcome. The the head lice, which
is a nasty
feeling for someone to feel, always dirty and itchy with the
head lice and so on. When them, even their waters turned into
blood, and they started spilling blood and so on. All of these were
signs to Allah from Allah subhanahu wa, for them to wake up
to their senses. And when they found that their their
defenseless. In front of these tests of ALLAH SubhanA wa, they
told Sayyidina, Musa uduindak,
ask your Lord, since we tried everything and it didn't work,
let's try you this time you claim to be a prophet, ask your Lord to
relieve this hardship. And When Sayyidina, Musa, Alain, Nabi na
Ali, salatu wa, Salam supplicated to Allah subhanahu wa, and Allah
subhanahu wa lifted that punishment, temporarily, they went
back into disbelief, and that's when ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
destroyed them. This took a period of time, a long time. In fact,
many of the scholars here talk about this area that comes in
Well, haina ILA, Musa akhiya and taba Ali Komi, koma, Abu Asmaa,
Bucha, buchala, tanwaki, Muslima, WABA, chili mukminin, When
Sayyidina Musa got completely frustrated with faraun after these
different attempts and after farao reneging on his promise to believe
in Allah subhana wa taala, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala told Sayyidina
Musa to tell his followers to start supplicating to Allah
subhanahu wa in their own homes, and to make these homes a
destination for the worship of Allah subhanahu wa, to direct
themselves to Allah subhana wa Taala in their worship. Sayyidina
Musa made a DUA, which is a very strong dua. Wakala Musa, Robin,
Lau, Zina, Rob Ben Ali, ubil Luhan, sebelik, Robin wash, Duda
ALA, colubia, minu, hataya, rawla, ali,
Oh Allah, Sayyida. Musa is asking Allah, Subhanahu, Allah, you have
given firaun and his people, Zina, beauty, WA amou and a lot of
wealth. Pil hayatid, dunya on this earth, in this earthly life, what
did they do with these gifts and bounties, Rabban, udil wa and
sabilik? They have misused them to set people astray from the Path of
Allah, Subhanahu wa,
and here comes the supplication of Sayyidina, Musa, rabbanot,
misalah, AMWA, alim, oh, Allah lock on these wells and this money
so that they cannot benefit from it. What Miss was their hearts, so
that they do not see the truth. They do not see the light. They
have been fighting that guidance for so long,
falahy, minu, hakta ya Raul alayhim, so that they do not
believe until they see the severe punishment.
Now we look at the supplications of the different prophets in the
Quran, we find, as Rasulullah was talking about these five, ulila,
hisallallahu, alayhi wa sallam is categorizing them into two groups.
Again, when he got frustrated with his people, he made this
application to Allah, Subhanahu wa ALLAH, do not leave on the face of
this earth, any household of this belief, because if you let them
live, they're gonna spread corruption on the face of this
earth, and they're going to bring or beget people or children who
are going to be like them away from the path of Allah. Subhanaw
taala. So Sayyidina ask for the destruction of the non believers,
and so did Sayyidina Musa Alayna bin Ali salatu salaam, as it
appears in this ayah,
Sayyidina Ibrahim, Alaina, on the other hand, was asking always for
forgiveness and for renewed chances. Sayyidina Isa ala Nabi na
Ali Yu salatu salaam, again, is asking for renewed chances and for
forgiveness into a people faint,
Phil azizul Hakim, if you punish them, they deserve it. They are
your slave, your servants. But if you forgive them, you are al
azizul Hakim, the most wise, the most Mighty, the most honorable,
Subhanahu wa taala. So we can see two sides, the lenient side and
the hard side, and it is justified in both cases, by the way, we're
not saying that one side is better than the other. Allah subhanahu wa
is the one who gave the idea to these great prophets and
messengers, what words to say and what supplication to make to
Allah, Subhanahu wa and then we look at the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, on which side is he going to be? On the side of
Sayyidina Ibrahim and Sayyidina Isa, or the side of Sayyidina Noah
and Sayyidina Musa, ala Nabi na Ali salatu alayhi wa salatu wa
salam, we find that again in the story of adess that we started
with the story of Sayyidina Yunus, when he told our death about it,
when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was on his way back from
after that bad treatment, Allah subhanahu wa taala gave him the
opportunity to avenge himself and to get the revenge on these
bad people of Al Taif. So Allah subhanahu wa sent the angel of the
mountains to Rasulullah after he made his beautiful supplication.
Allah tahila NES inshaAllah. At another time, we're going to talk
about this beautiful, beautiful supplication. Allah subhanahu wa
sent the angel of the mountains to Rasulullah Sallam and told him,
Allah subhanahu wa sent me to follow your command if you want. I
can collide these two mountains to destroy this whole village that
mistreated you. Just give me the command and I'm going to do it.
But Rasulullah sallam said, No, don't I have hope that Allah
subhanahu wa get from their offspring people who would worship
Allah subhanahu wa and not associate anything or anyone with
Allah subhanahu wa was afraid that the offspring is going to be as
bad as the parents. But Rasulullah Sallam always hopeful. Was hopeful
that even if this generation is not going to embrace Islam, maybe
the future generations are gonna see the light and come to Allah
subhanahu wa the patience and the soft heartedness of rasulallah
Allah subhanahu wa brought this village to Islam in the life of
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and one of the leaders who
insulted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, initially, later
on, came to embrace Islam, and in fact, he went back to his village
to invite them to Islam. Abu Asmaa, after having fought the
Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam for so many years, he went
back to invite his people to Islam, and they killed him. And
Rasulullah called him kaswahibi, a scene he's like the man mentioned
in Surat, Yasin Habib al najer, who went and invited his people to
Islam, and he paid the price with his life when they rejected him
and they killed him. So some of the scholars say that this
confrontation between Sayyidina Musa and firaun after Sayyidina
Musa made that supplication to Allah subhanahu wa him wash
dudaliah kulumin Allah subhanahu wa told Sayyid na Musa and Sayyid
Ji bad Dawa to Kumar, your supplication has been heard. And.
Has been granted, which means Allah subhanahu wa will fulfill
your wish. Their wealth is going to be locked. Their hearts are
going to be locked. They will not believe until they see the
horrible punishment.
And Allah subhana wa Taala tell Sayyidina Musa and Sayyidina Arun
vastakima, so stay the course.
Remain on that straight path. Wala at the bihana la din alai alamun,
and do not follow the path of those who do not know. And then
Allah, subhana wa Taala tells us about the crossing of the sea of
Sayyidina, Musa alayhi, salatu, Salam with his followers and the
destruction of Iran. Now, some scholars say that between the time
that Allah subhanahu wa told Sayyidina Musa Qala QAT and that
final confrontation in which Iran and his people, his army, drowned,
some scholars say there was 40 years. 40 years now add that to
the time that we talked about. We talked about 40 years from the
time that Sayyidina Musa was born to the time that he was
called by Allah subhanahu wa to go back and warn faram. So that's 40
years he stayed in Egypt for certain, a number of years,
inviting firam, and then he got frustrated and disappointed from
this, these people. So he made this application to Allah,
subhanaw, taala, Sayyidina, Musa would not do that in a short time.
He's very patient. He took his time and tried every opportunity.
So at least, let's say 10 years, 40 years plus 10 years plus
another 40 years. We're talking about almost 90 years, 90 years of
the tyranny of Iran from the time that Allah subhanahu wa declared
in alafil ardi ala Shia, he was a declared tyrant by Allah subhanahu
wa. That's a glimpse of an example of the patience of Allah subhanahu
wa and the forbearance of Allah subhanahu wa. And he gave around
multiple chances, but in the end, he exhausted all of these chances,
and when it came time for him to drown, Ferran, who has been
claiming that he is the Lord and the Supreme Lord and the only
Lord. Now, upon seeing death impending and imminent, he said,
hectare kala Ament, when he was about to drown, he said, Ahmed, I
believe and nahula ilaha illa, that there's no Lord, but he has
never said Allah in his life. So Allah, Subhanahu wa did not grant
him the opportunity to say, La ilaha illAllah. He tried to search
in his mind, who is that Lord that Musa has been talking about? What
is the name of that God that Musa has been talking about? And he
couldn't find it because here he had deaf ears to listening to the
guidance coming from Sayyidina, Musa Qala, Ahmed to Anna hula,
ILAHA, Illa Allah, the Amen Israel. I believe that there's no
Lord but
the one that many Israel believe in, what an Amin and Muslim mean,
and I'm a believer Allah subhanahu wa tells him, L and now, after all
these year L and a blue wakunta, minan, mufzi, Deen, too late, you
exhausted all of your chances, so now this does not count. You are
seeing death on top of your head. It's too late. You don't have any
second chances now.
anonym, la raun, we are gonna save your body so that people can see
your dead body that has been destroyed by Allah subhanahu wa
and they would recognize for sure that you are not a Lord, you're
not a god, you're not immortal. And here's your body that people
can see, so that they would not be confused in your nature, whether
you are a lord or not. This is the Mercy of Allah subhanahu wa.
The ayat of Surat Yunus are very beautiful. All of the ayat are
beautiful Subhanallah,
Allah subhanahu wa, by the end of the surah is telling the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Remember this surah was revealed
in Mecca when the Muslims were being tortured and oppressed and
so on. So there is a certain similarity between their treatment
in Mecca by the non believers and the treatment of Bani Israel under
faraun. So Allah subhanahu.
Is reminding the prophets Allah while you as a Lam wa im says,
callah, who get Orin, fala Hu illahu, wa im, Saska, what you
read, Kabi ha Rin, fala rod deli, fontly, you'll see will be HE MAY
Yes, om in ayahu, rupahim, if you are inflicted by a hardship
only Allah subhanahu wa can repel it from you.
And if Allah subhana wa Taala wants good for you, no one can
deprive you from that good. Falah delifali, no one can remove that
away from you. You'll see will be he may Yasha this good, or even
this punishment are inflicted or given to whomever ALLAH SubhanA wa
Taala wills. You see, bubhima, yashe, omedi, wahoo, Allah for
Rahim, this bounty, this Kyr that comes from Allah subhanahu wa is
given to the deserving servants of that khayya From Allah subhanahu
wa taala, he is the all forgiving. He is the All Merciful
SubhanAllah. And in the end, the final conclusion comes to the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, as the command came to
Sayyidina Musa Alain Nabi na Ali salatu, Salaam and his brother,
Sayyidina Arun fath team wala Tai mun the course. Stay on the right
path. Allah subhana wa Taala is telling the messenger sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam,
what tabiak was. Beer had a common Allah wahoki mean, follow the
guidance that you have received from your Lord and endure patience
until Allah subhanahu wa separates between you and the non believers.
Allah subhanahu wa judges and separates between the truth and
the falsehood. Wahoki mean and he is the best wise Subhana wa Taala
and the best judge, subhana wa taala, the judge, the justice,
subhana wa taala. These are some of the beautiful ayat of Surat
Yunus. Again, the reminder is in your patience. Do not rush things.
And if there's one meaning that we would remember from the name of
Sayyidina Yunus was mentioned, by the way, very briefly on the ones
in the Surah, fellow Americans, le
manuka domazi woman, him so again, it comes very briefly follow
Emmanuel Illa, call my unusal
him. So again, remember when you read Surat you knows that patience
is a great virtue. Do not rush with Allah subhanahu wa. Do not
ask for things prematurely. And when you ask Allah subhanahu wa,
be persistent and be patient, and expect that Allah subhanahu wa
will grant you what you're asking for and will fulfill your
supplication. We ask Allah subhanahu wa to make us among
those who are patient and those who show perseverance in their
worship to Allah subhanahu wa in their obedience to Allah subhanahu
inshaAllah. Next time we're going to talk about Surah, but briefly,
just as an introduction again, Surah is another beautiful Surah
maqaiah revealed to the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam in
maqamah, and who is the prophet of Allah, Allah AJ salatu salaam, who
was sent to the village of Ayad Allah subhanaw taala, tells us
about his story. And again, in the Surah, this is one of the surah
that have the different cycles of civilization, of faith coming
through the prophets and disbelief from their followers, and then a
few would embrace faith with the prophets and be saved, and the
majority would be destroyed. So Allah subhanahu wa again, tells us
about the story of Sayyidina and then Sayyidina HUD and then
Sayyidina Salih, and then Sayyidina Ibrahim, Sayyidina abut
and Sayyidina shwaib. And finally, about Sayyidina, Musa Alain,
Abhinav, Ali sarato Salaam, one more time, very briefly. And then
the command comes from Allah subhanahu wa to His Messenger,
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are receiving these stories of the
different prophets and messengers. One of the main purposes of these
stories is not just for entertainment, but to show you
that what you're facing is nothing new. This is the nature of things.
This is Sunnat, Allah subhanahu wa, the Sunnah, the way of Allah
subhanahu wa, that the truth is scarce.
And falsehood is more numerous and sometimes stronger, or appears to
be stronger. But ultimately, the truth prevails and falsehood
disappears, as Allah subhanahu wa tells us, wakul Jay al Haq was a
hail in Al beltil again as a hookah, falsehood is going to
evaporate, is going to be extinguished, is going to
disappear. It's going to be shattered, but the truth is going
to stay, is going to remain. So the command comes from Allah
subhanahu wa to His Messenger, sallAllahu sallam, which is the
wisdom of this whole Surah fasbir. Always we find after telling the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, about the plight of other
prophets and messengers. The command from Allah subhanahu wa to
His Messenger, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, this is an informative
process for you, so the wisdom that you should get from it is
fasbr Endure patience. You are on the right path. Do not change
course. Stay the course, and Allah subhanahu wa will ultimately give
you victory as Allah subhanahu wa time and again give victory to all
of these prophets and messengers, Allah Nabi na Ali his Morrow,
we're going to talk in more detail about Surah Hood and mention some
significance that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talked
about in the Surah, so until tomorrow Inshallah, Asmaa Allah