Ibraheem Menk – The Lord Of The Worlds – Episode 1

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the actions of Allah Subhanho wa Taala, who claims to have created everything in existence and created seven frames, but the title does not provide any further information. The segment also discusses the depression and mental illness that comes with the worship of Jesus, and the importance of the Greatest Name of Islam, which is the only person who can truly use it. The transcript describes the name Islam as "verily" and how individuals and groups use the name Islam to describe war and confusion, while also discussing the meaning behind the shaping of the culture and the shaping of the culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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illa Allah Al amin Bobby Hina, stallion Manasa Leona sallim ala ha Tamil ambia you will more celene Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Marine. Allahu Allah salla Elana jalta who Salah

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has now either she Tessa Allah or BSc voila still with me will hire Wahby canister in. We thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for having gathered us here today. And we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to surround us with the melodica and to cause his mercy and His Sakina to descend upon us, and to raise us with the NVR Allah hemos Salatu was salam, and those whom he has mentioned with them, I mean,

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he is Allah.

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He is the one who created myself and yourself. He created these islands of the Maldives. He created the water that is beyond, he created the entire universe. And this skies that are beyond Allah subhanho wa Taala created everything in existence. The question I have for yourselves and myself, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam is why do we then not know who Allah subhanho wa Taala is

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created all of this that is in existence for his remembrance, and for us to know Him and recognize him? So then why is it that we don't know his names, his attributes, his qualities, his characteristics?

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Allah subhanahu wa taala says Allah who loves the halaqa savasana what Allah is the one who created the seven heavens wamena or the mithila hoon, and he created from the earth the like of it, seven Earths as well. Yet NSL Rubina Hoon, the command of Allah subhanahu wa tada comes down between these seven heavens and these seven Earths. Why? Why do these commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala come down between the seven heavens and the seven Earth? Lita helambu, and Allahu Allah Cooley Shay in Cadiz. So that you may know that Allah subhanho wa Taala is able to do anything and everything. So that you may know

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala is able to do anything and everything. He created the seven heavens, he created the seven Earths and he caused his command to come down between them for what for us to know that he is capable over everything.

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This is a quality of Allah subhanho wa Taala errorlevel

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no anila hersha de deux Lyrica let Allah subhanho wa Taala is Severe in punishment. What am Allah * or fool Rahim? Allah subhanho wa Taala is most forgiving, Most Merciful.

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Arielle mo and Allah Aziz Hakim, know that Allah subhanho wa Taala is azeez and he is most wise, Allah subhanahu wa tada himself is telling us to know that he is most wise.

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Why? Because he wants us to know who he is He created us in order for us to know who he is the Gambia from the beginning of time came with three main messages. Number one

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they wanted us to know or Allah subhanho wa Taala sent them to us in order for us to know who Allah subhanho wa Taala is.

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And secondly, in order to know how to get to Allah subhanho wa Taala what is the path to that, Rob that you now know that Rob that you now recognize? And the third is when a person has reached Rob Boulez that he will gel and then what is to come after the death? what is to come after we meet Allah subhanho wa Taala will there be everlasting bliss, or will they be everlasting Hellfire?

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So Allah subhanahu wa tada created us, in order for us to know him. And if we take

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Look at the subject that we want to discuss, then we will come to realize that the subject matter is none other than Rob Boulez that he will allow my maker to make the make of everything. So there is no knowledge that can be better than that which Allah Subhana Allah subhanho wa Taala has instructed us to know and to learn.

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He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He taught us everything.

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Eating, he taught us how to eat. He taught us how to begin eating. When it came to the matter of talking, then he taught us how to talk. He taught us how to walk. In fact, he taught us how to relieve ourselves when we go to the bathroom. Do we think that he would then leave out the description of Rob Boulez that he will gel and that he would disregard this, that he would leave it in totality rather This is the most important thing. And this is why we find that Allah subhanho wa Taala says in NEMA Sham, la manera de la rue de ma. Indeed, those who know are the most God fearing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because when a person becomes conscious of who are bullies that he is,

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he is a Sameer, he is a lolly, he is elbasy he is Al hakam, he is Aladdin, then a person naturally holds the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala in his heart, and as a result, the taste of is very bad, completely changes. Because when you say Allahu Akbar, Allah is the only one worthy of worship Allah, he's the greatest then you realize that I am standing before this huge, amazing, most powerful being. So the entire taste of your a bad changes when you know who Allah subhanho wa Taala is.

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you have some people

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who actually come into this world and they spend their entire lives not knowing who Allah subhanho wa Taala is what kind of a life this person must lead the anxiety that comes with it, the depression that comes with it, the sorrow and very most the grief that comes with it. And I am not saying that all of the depression and all of the mental illnesses are because of this reason. But try to think

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that we were created for the sake of the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala and to know him. Now if a person were to ignore this completely,

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then imagine what will happen to him. The airport says nothing. High sushi terminal however, let your heart roam around. Place it wherever you want, of desire. Whatever you desire, you want to put your heart with your family, place it with your family, you want to place it with your friends, place it with your friends, you want to put it into your business, put it into your business, not kill for the high sushi terminal. However, Malibu inland in Habibi a worry, your heart and your love will only be for the first love.

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Your heart and your love will only be for Allah subhanho wa Taala. No matter where you place it, you will not find contentment you will not find peace. Mel hobo hilarion Habib in a worldly, commend Zealand fill out the lovefool Fattah how many homes does a young man find in his life that he is able to live in is able to reside within Hani Lu Abaddon Li Zhi Li. Yet his longing is always for the first Oh,

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Allah subhanahu wa to Allah created us with this longing for him. Allah subhanho wa Taala created us for with this, what this wants to know him. And when we ignore that, and when we leave that we find that our lives become depressing. Our lives become full of anxiety and anxiousness. You find a person go out there and he does not understand what he is doing in his life.

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Why is it that you find the most successful? The in terms of our terms? Were you talking about those who have the most wealth? Those who have the most fame? Why is it that you find from amongst them are people who end up committing suicide?

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Why? If that was everything, and if they had reached what we feel is the pinnacle of life, the most wealth they can have the most fame they can have. Then why is it that they commit suicide because they are not happy there is something lacking and missing in the hearts and that is Allah subhanho wa Taala that is Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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When a person brings into his understanding, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is watching over everything that he says Allah subhanho wa Taala years everything that he says, then naturally This person will be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Maria Cooney,

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Salah 13 in

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the room, there is no secret of three people except that Allah subhanho wa Taala is default when setting in

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this room and there is no secret between five people except that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the sixth one

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and there is no group that is less than that and there is no group that is more than that, except that he is with them.

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From Luna be oho Bhima amilo yahoomail, Tia, then he will inform them of that which they were doing on the day of the man in the Lucha be cliche.

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Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is all knowing of everything. When a person realizes this then even if he's having a secret between him and the next man he is talking very silently, a few words that he attends very silently, he realizes that Allah has Boulez that you will general hears Allah subhanho wa Taala knows what he is saying. So naturally, that consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala comes about in the heart, a woman at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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She came complaining to the messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam. About her husband, she was having problems with him. And she came to complain to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam about him.

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And do you know what happened?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed verses regarding that woman. And he says semia Allah who Colletti De Luca fiza. Allah subhanho wa Taala has heard of the one who is complaining to you regarding her husband, what ash turkey a llama and she is

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complaining to Allah subhanho wa Taala from above the seven heavens, Allah subhanho wa Taala heard everything that happened and he responded to it.

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When a person reads and understands the names of the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala then naturally he becomes fearful and they know of Allah subhanho wa Taala and when he reads the names that have to do with knowledge, and that have to do with the love and the aroma of Allah subhanho wa Taala he begins to love Allah subhanho wa Taala and when he hears the names that have to do with the generosity of Allah subhanho wa Taala then his heart Please with Allah subhanho wa Taala for that generosity, so this is the benefit of actually learning the names and the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala inshallah, today we will be discussing the first and most important name and the

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Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is the name Allah.

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The name of Allah is the Greatest Name of Allah subhana wa tada and the proof of this is in the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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where a man was calling out to Allah subhanho wa Taala using this name

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells him that laquered CELTA la ha you have asked Allah subhanho wa Taala be with the greatest of names and levy either through Isla de ajob the one by which when he is called out to he responds when either there are who and when a person calls out to him, then Allah subhanho wa Taala answers his call. So, this is the Greatest Name of Allah subhanahu wa tada and Allah subhana wa Tada. He says, Who Allahu la de la ilaha illa He is Allah, the one whom there is no one worthy of worship besides Him and medic, and could use a seller. I mean, Al Mohammed, Al Aziz al Jabbar, Al mucho Kabir, Allah subhanho wa Taala begins by his name, Allah and

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then he continues to explain the rest of these names and medical produce,

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seller and what mean so on and so forth. Now, when a person talks in normal day to day conversations, you will say that from the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala from the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala R. R Rahman r Rahim, Al Malik, Al produce a Salam al Walkman al Mohammed, but you will never say from the names of our Rahman

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Al Malik, you will never say that, the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah, Allah, the name of Allah Subhana, who Allah Allah belongs to our man, it belongs to Al Malik, it belongs to produce. Why? Because this name Allah, all of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the lead up to this name, Allah

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when it comes to the car, and the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When a person, if we want to glorify Allah subhanho wa Taala then we will say Subhana Allah, we will say al hamdu Lillah we will say, Allahu Akbar. So it includes the huge and the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is Allah. This name is mentioned in the Quran more than 2200 times. It is so powerful, that a person who has a little bit of wealth, if he mentions this name, and he asks Allah subhanho wa Taala with this name, then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it more if a person calls out to Allah subhanahu attallah in fear with this name, yeah, Allah. Then Allah subhanahu attallah removes the fear when a

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person has harm and difficulty in his life. And he calls out to Allah subhana wa tada with this name, then Allah Subhana, who attacks,

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harm and that difficulty, a person who is Paul who has nothing and he calls out Yeah, Allah, then Allah subhanho wa Taala grants him so much richness and wealth that he cannot imagine. So this name is a very powerful name that we can use to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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when musataha Salatu was Salam was lost in the desert.

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And he saw a fire in the distance.

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Then he told his family, he says, look, you wait here and I am going out to this fire. Lastly, as you do,

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Allen, nary houden, perhaps I will be able to find some guidance at the fire.

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So he began to move to this fire. And when he got to the fire, then he found that there was a voice that called out to him. No, Delia Moosa. This voice called out to him Oh Moosa in the book. Indeed I am Europe falana Lake. So remove your shoes in Nabeel Wordle mocha co2. Indeed you are in the valley of

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the Sacred Valley of tour. What took and I have chosen you he received the receta from Allah subhanho wa Taala. First Amira Lima you ha so listen to that which is being revealed and Allah subhanho wa Taala say

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In any other law, indeed I am Allah. La Isla in Ghana. There is no being worthy of worship besides me. Farah moodini so worship me. Welcome your Salah Telly victory and establish the sada for my remembrance. This is Allah subhanahu wa tada naming himself Allah. This is Allah subhanahu wa tada calling himself by the name of Allah, and he is telling us, La Ilaha Illa when you have recognized that I am a Ma, then understand that there is no one worthy of worship besides me Sabatini, so worship me. So this name Allah leads us to the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it leads us to the understanding of war on bullets that he will general really is.

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if we come into our lives, and we take a look at how the problem is, we have the difficulties we have. At times we find ourselves so lost.

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We don't seem to understand which path to follow where to go,

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and which road to take.

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This is similar to how, but obviously musala his salatu salam was lost in a physical manner. It is similar to him but he was lost in a physical manner. Obviously, he knew Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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If we are lost in our lives, and we have lost the path,

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remember that the light of the Quran is always there. The light of this revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala is there. And if we go back to this revelation, we will find that the answer is in this verse. And it is in the verses of Allah subhana wa tada in many and Allah indeed I am Allah, La ilaha illa Allah, there is no one worthy of worship besides me. The only way that we will find clarity, the only way that we will find peace, the only way that we will find contentment is by going back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this verse actually brings us closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The next name that we will discuss today in sha Allah

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is our verb.

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And the word are what originally comes from the master of something.

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So the Arabs would call the master of a house or a bull bait, he would call they would call the master of a slave, the herb of this servant, they would call the master of something or the owner of something that are boosah for example, the owner or the master of this car. Now imagine when that is

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I mean, the rub of the worlds and everything that it contains, and when it comes to people mentioning Rob for another person, then we will only use this in attachment to something else we cannot say that he is

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never. We can only say that he is the up and the master of the house. He is the author and the master of the car. But when we talk about Allah subhanho wa Taala then we can actually say he is our Rob.

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He is the

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and this name Rob literally includes all of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala He is the Creator. He is the Sustainer he is the cherisher He is the nareesha so all of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala lead to a rub. When a person is in dire need.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala he says

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eg da da da as for the one who responds to the person who is in dire need when he calls out to him, why actually fuzu and he removes the evil. Why Adriano Kula

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and he makes you the successes on Earth. Illa who mama is the A Ayub with Allah is the Lord with Allah subhanho wa Taala Who is the one who calls Who is the one who helps you out when you are in dire need. Indeed it is Allah subhanho wa Taala. There are two types of tarbiyah there are two types of tarbiyah which is originally from this world.

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are up. And we all know that tarbiyah refers to the looking after the nurturing of someone. The first type of tarbiyah has to do with everyone. Allah subhanho wa Taala looks after the catheter. He looks after the disbeliever he looks after the machinery in terms of sustaining him in terms of

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providing him with security. Allah subhanho wa Taala looks after him. So he is our Rob. And when it comes to the second type of Serbia, when that Serbia is only for those who acknowledge Him, only for those who acknowledge that he is the more upbeat, he is the one who looks after the be the people. He is the one who is deserving of the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So He grants them he man, He grants them he Daya. He grants them righteousness, and the telco of is the consciousness of his. So this is the second type of tarbiyah. When musala his Salatu was Salam

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had gone to Medina, he was fleeing from the wretched Pharaoh. And he went to Matthew.

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And he found that there was people that were watering the sheep. So these people were watering the sheep and there was two women that were standing on the side. So he went up to them and he says Mahatma Akuma What is it? That is your situation? Why are you standing on the side? So they told him that we have an old father at home who cannot help us to come and water our sheep. So we are waiting until the shepherds will leave us there we are until the shepherds leave. So masala Hill salatu wa sallam, he immediately goes and he waters the sheep for these two young ladies. And then he goes back and this is the point where we have to take note he does not ask these two ladies you know I am

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in need. I flow have fled from a pharaoh that was oppressing me rather he goes back Fatah one he lovingly sakala rabine Lima and delta la Ameen. Hyerin

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he says he goes back to the shade and he says oh be Oh my job. Indeed I am in dire need of any goodness that you sent down to me. And he uses this name or

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he is literally telling Allah subhanho wa Taala that yes I know that I have helped out these women here but I did not help them out for their sake I help them out for your sake. Oh Allah.

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I know that you are the only one that can help me so oh my up here I am. You have placed me in this situation. You have placed me in this dire need. So oh my oh my maker who has placed me in this dire need help me out here. This was Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam was Allah.

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Ah, when he called out using the name

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Allah subhanho wa Taala sent the help to him. He didn't even need to go out looking for that help. It came to him directly from Allah subhanho wa Taala he sent these ladies and this woman came back asking him that in a better Okay, Leah jizya cajon amasa detallada My father is calling you to grant you the reward of that which you have helped us to water our sheep. So this was direct help from Allah subhana wa Tada. Because musalla his solid was set up, called out to Allah subhanho wa Taala his maker with the name Allah, if we want help in our lives, if we want our situation to improve, if we want our lives to get get better, then we have got to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala with

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his glorious names and his beautiful names. And this is why he says when he let him smell

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and it is for Allah subhana wa Taala that the glorious names belong to Pharaoh who be so called out to him with them. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala with all of his glorious names to help us and to grant us the ability to call out to Him. Time and again. I mean more subtle

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Allahu wa salam o Baraka Allen Amina Mohammed while early he was on the edge many

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