Ibraheem Menk – Give Him One Clap!

Ibraheem Menk
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The speakers discuss various Skype based tests and tests for Islam. They mention a testing period, a possible liar, and the protective nature of Islam. They also discuss people such as Sayab, who represents Islam's protective protective nature, and a symbol named Sayid who represents Islam's protective nature. The group discusses various tests and tests, including ones for recognizing Islam's falseney and protecting against volatile environments.

AI: Summary ©

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			When difficult times hit,
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			and a person is struck with calamity,
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			many times we find people looking for the easy option out. So you find that a person is struggling
to have a child
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			or they are struck with calamity in the business financial loss, or the fear someone or the one to
marry someone desperately and they can't, what they end up doing is going to a magician, or a
fortune teller, thinking that this is an easy way out of my problem. So they approach such a person
and explain to them the problem. And that person tells them go home, cut a chicken, drip all of the
blood over yourself, take the bones, put them on the table, and then make tawaf around the table.
And then recite these incantations, and then you will achieve alleviation from your problem. Or
perhaps you will be able to marry so and so. And this Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam is not the
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			easy way out. In fact, it is the hardest and most difficult of options that you can choose, because
you have chosen to go to a magician which ultimately is disbelief in Allah subhanho wa Taala the
hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us men atta are rough and okay in and the one
who comes to a fortune teller for sadaqa, who Bhima so he believes him in that which He has given
him information of saccade Kafala Bhima, Zilla Allah Muhammad, so he has disbelieved in that, which
came down to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which was none other than revelation, which was
none other than the Quran. And that which we believe to be our salvation in the akhira. So this
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			person has chosen the most difficult route possible, and it is not a way out. It is a direct ticket
to jahannam. It is a direct ticket to hellfire, and not only hellfire, but you have chosen for
yourself difficulty of the difficulty of the difficulty in this world as well. It is a very thorny
path that you have chosen. And we speak so vehemently and so vociferously against this because
people are going to the magicians, people whom we assume would never go to them, we find them
approaching a magician. I haven't had a child for so long. Can you do something for me? And you know
what happens? That magician may actually give you an amulet that you hang around the belly of the
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			woman. And after some time, the woman conceives. So what does the person say? You see what the
magician did worked. But in reality, perhaps that magician may have employed a gym who knew that
there is something wrong inside the body went fixed it but all of the shirk all of the spiritual
acts that you have done in
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			obedience to that magician has taken you out of the fold of Islam.
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			And that doesn't end the the problem does not end there. You see at the time of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the people when they would go into a valley, they would say are all due
BCE. Do you have al Wadi? I seek refuge in the master of this valley. So Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, he came and he taught them to say, our Ruby Kelly Mattila. He
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			met him in Shelby McCulloch. I seek refuge in Allah subhanahu wa taala with the perfect words of his
from the evil that he has created. And this solved their problem when they went into the valley and
they said I seek refuge in the the master of this valley that caused them even more problems that
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			didn't know who was in charge of that valley then came and terrorize them afterwards. So Allah
subhanho wa Taala says, well um who can add EJ?
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			See ya Runa be regering Jean fez Ed room uhm, Rocco, and they were human beings who chose to seek
refuge from the men of the jinn. So those men from amongst the jinn increase them in fear, they
increase them in fear. Why? Because they sought refuge in other than Allah subhanho wa Taala when
you go to this magician, what you are doing is saying, I seek refuge in you besides Allah who
bullies that you are jealous. And that magician will tell you to come and chill with Allah subhanho
wa Taala in order to help you in order to assist you. And then the problems start, perhaps your
small issue was resolved. But then you find difficulty problems calamity, you hear strange noises in
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			the house, you are terrified of what will happen to you, this magician, or these gene come to you
and tell you come I need you to do this. And I need you to do that. And if you don't do it, this is
what will happen to you. So the terror begins. But I want to tell you that there is an option for
you right there. And that is Allah Allah is that he will Jalan he was he is and he will always
remain the strongest point in your life. You can always turn to Allah Allah Bucha is that he will
Jalon You see Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us
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			about the jinn at the time of Sulaiman Alayhi Salatu was Salam and how the devils taught the people
how to do magic. So he says, fertile moon and in Houma, you Fairview, Pune being iba in USA Eugene,
so they would then learn that which would cause separation between a man and his wife.
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			One man wound you or Lena behave beaming a heading in
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			and they would not harm anyone besides any except and only with the permission of Allah subhanahu wa
taala. Someone might think then why does this evil exist? It exists as a test for you and I, my dear
brothers and sisters in Islam, are you going to go to Allah subhanahu Attallah? Or are you going to
go to the jinn, the devils the magicians? Are you going to seek the easy way out? Where are you
going to seek that which may seem difficult, but is the ultimate salvation? You see sometimes when
we call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we see no response then we begin to wonder why is there
no response? I can easily go to this magician, I can easily get some spell cast here. But remember
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			that there is a testing period, Allah subhanahu Attallah is just waiting to see will you bear
patience and wait and see whether he will grant you that child or not? Will you bear patients and
see whether Allah subhanahu wa taala will respond to you or not? Or will you then choose to go to
that which is the complete and total wrong path. So it is a simple test that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
is putting you through after which the ease will come, the salvation will come. And Allah subhanahu
wa taala will respond to you but you only must bear patience for that time. Keep asking Allah
subhanho wa Taala keep knocking at his door. Were either must sell us
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			dollar back home on eBay and Elaine
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			either Hawala who near mettam Minwoo, Mercy America and
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			ye new Cobble. Wha
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			The new
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			survey really
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			you say Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that when a human being is afflicted with calamity, he
turns to Allah subhanho wa Taala and when he is comes, then he appoints partners with Hola Hola,
Bucha is that you will jellen He places partners next to Allah subhanho wa Taala one of the easiest
ways to get your DUA
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			I answered when you want your DUA to be answered he answered is not to forget Allah subhanahu wa
taala when he grants you is, you see it is easy. When the ship is rocking in the ocean and people
are falling overboard, then it is easy for you to remember the one that you know is your only Savior
and that is Allah subhanahu Uttara. But when you are saved fellow manager whom you will bury either
whom you should record when they are saved and they are on dry land, then they begin to associate
partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala when that is comes, Tara Illa Allah He Phil Raha er if Kofi
should get to know Allah subhana wa Taala when it is easy, when times are moving smoothly, get to
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			know Allah subhanahu Attallah don't forget Allah subhanho wa Taala remember him, thank Him, be
grateful to him and he will know you during your calamity. Before you even call out to Allah
subhanho wa Taala you find the ease why? Because you knew Allah subhanho wa Taala all along whether
the ship is rocking, the boat is turning and moving and swaying side to side. Or it is easy and
smooth sailing. You have clear waters calm waters, there is no storm and it is easy. Where is your
heart. It is constantly remembering a shadow Allah Ilaha illa Allah, I bear witness that there is no
God worthy of worship except Allah subhanahu wa taala so there is no need for us to go to magicians.
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			There is no need for us to go to fortune tellers. Nobody knows the Unseen except for Allah subhanho
wa Taala those who tell you that they do are liars. They are simply playing tricks with your mind.
And they will lie to you lie after lie until you reach a point where you realize perhaps that this
man is a liar. But why did you have to get to that? When you knew all along that the only being who
knows the Unseen is Allah who bullies that he will Jalan
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			hola hola. Fi sama what you will do in Allah? What am I Sharon a year now you're on? Say there is no
body that knows the Unseen and that which is in the heavens and the earth except for Allah Hubble is
that you will Jellal when he told you he knows that which is coming in your future he lied. And how
do we know this? Because Rasulullah Buddha Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
the last and final prophet did not know the unseen when he was asked about the hour, then he says
maleness guru unhappy Lemina sappy. The one who is being questioned does not know Oh, Gibreel you
are questioning me about the hour. I don't know more about the hour than you do. I don't know when
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			the Hour will be raised. So when a person tells you that I don't I know the unseen. Give him one
clap. Give him one clap. And ask him. Did you see that coming? And if he didn't, then you know that
he's a liar. Why is his face with Him? And why does he have marks on his because he didn't even know
you were going to give him a clap. And I'm not encouraging you. This is metaphorical. Someone may
say that, you know, I clicked this one, and I kept that one. No, hold on, calm down, relax, take it
easy. You don't need to go around clapping people, but they are liars. That is the point that I am
driving to you here today. Perhaps they have taken a portion of the truth, mixed it with 100 lies
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			and because they knew something that happened in your past, and you thought there was no way that
they would know that they mixed it with another 100 lies and then they told you that and you believe
them. Don't believe them. Know that Allah is the one whom you turn to Allah is the one whom you ask
Allah is the one whom you beg Allah is the one whom you are returning to. So ask Him, seek
forgiveness from him, beg him, ask him to alleviate your calamity. He is always there and he will
always be there. Remember one last thing? If you think someone has done magic to you, this is
another point at which people go to the magician. They think that such and such a person has done
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			magic to me I can go to the magician who is even
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			stronger than him. Let me go and fix him up. All of these people were created by Allah subhanahu
Attallah who will erode over Europe invalid immune Shadman email follow up. Say I seek refuge in The
Lord of the Dawn from the evil that he has created. Ultimately it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who
created that evil he knows the way out. He is your protector, he is your Savior, He is your
guardian. He is the one who will take you out of the calamity turn to Allah horrible is that you
will gentle and forget everybody else. Nobody can harm you when Allah subhanahu wa taala is with you
may Allah subhanahu wa taala be with us. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us from the
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			effects of magic and may He safeguard us from believing in these magicians. Amin wa sallahu wa Salam
o Barak