Ibraheem Menk – (004) Dhikr & Duaa
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The speakers discuss the benefits of vicar in activating the brain and creating a culture of the brain. They stress the importance of remembering Islam's sub hangers, including the title boss, and the use of counting in media and activations. The speakers also discuss the use of "medicals and the power of vicar recitation," as well as the importance of " Subhan" in relation to "ships" and "verbal" statements. They stress the importance of acknowledging and embracing one's own rights when it comes to others, and emphasize the benefits of purifying oneself and avoiding negative emotions when it comes to others.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah R Rahman Rahim insha Allah in this episode we will be speaking about a vicar and do with me once again is shaped by him menc madhhab and I'm delighted to be back mashallah Sheikh when it comes to vicar, obviously there's a definition of a vicar that Allah might have defined vicar and we all know some of the benefits or maybe we could mention some of the benefits of vicar, the remembrance of Allah as spoken or as taught to us by the messages Allahu alayhi wa sallam and then maybe go on to some of the ADKAR as in the Quran and the Sunnah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are three levels of vicar. So one is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala with your time. The other
is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala with your heart and that is a higher level than remembering him only with your tongue. You know, we know the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he says lay as listen okay? I don't even mean decree law, that your tongue should remain moist with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. So that is a form of ticket. But higher than that would be to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala with your heart and tongue and not with your heart only and then the highest would be to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala with both your heart and your tongue. So you've got presence of mind. And some, some would say you know your soul is present, it's
there. And you remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala that would be the highest level of vicar. So
definitely like to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala there is a great reward in the sense that if we are going about our day to day activities, it is something that we can go about, regardless of the fact that we are, you know, engaged in another activity or doing something else. It's easy for us to remember Allah subhanho wa taala. When it comes to a vicar, as you had mentioned, the differentiation between the tongue as well as the heart and combining between the two. What would you say? Or in fact, I think there are some people who mentioned that if you only remembering Allah with your with your heart, like let's say somebody's imagining, okay, or reflecting over the fact
like Subhanallah, but in his heart, he's looking at something amazing. And in his heart, it's like, oh, well, Subhan Allah hasn't really said it. Some people actually say that could fall under deferred core. Were you pondering or reflecting? But I get where you're coming from. Were you saying that okay, you remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala you may not be remembering Him in your heart with a certain vicar like Subhan Allah hamdulillah but you remember in SE, O, Allah did this and Allah is the One who created this. Allah is is the one who has all might all power this also as you mentioned, the form of remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, the Hadith I was basing it
on his man Becca and if nfcu The customer will feed FC on the current EP mela in the cultural female inhale amid that, whoever remembers me within himself, I remember him within myself, this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala saying and the one who remembers me in a group, I remember in a group better than the one that he has mentioned or he has mentioned me and So, generally we find that all of this is referred to as the Dhikr of Allah subhanaw taala. And in addition to this, we find that even the gatherings that are that are held by scholars or by teachers etc, teaching the deen those are also known as the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala you also have the Quran which is the best of the
Dhikr of Allah subhanaw taala Yes, as you mentioned, some people only say vicar is when you Say Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah Allah stuff that Allah not realizing that going to an Islamic gathering where you learning beneficial knowledge that is also what's known as measureless vicar or gathering of decawave Allah subhanho wa Taala is remembered or the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala occurs and it doesn't mean that everybody is the chanting example Subhanallah Al Hamdulillah etcetera know they might be learning a masala and fixed they may be learning to zero Hadith etc and that is a form of the maybe if you wanted to mention now on to the since you mentioned the chanting
etc and to do actually go into that a bit. We do find people at times to get into a masjid, for example, into a gathering and then they you know, chanting things, shouting things, saying things. Do we find this in the Sunnah? Is it something that's part of this one?
As when we look at the lifestyle of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when we look at the sahih Hadith, as well as looking at the actions of the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu
as far as I know, and there is no place where they all got up together and started chanting or shouting and you know when when you look at it, you find that ways the horseshoe in that type of ticket ways the actual remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala and that type of ticket away is
does a person actually feel that? He's getting closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala when doing that
sway, even when it comes to dua, and that's another etiquette. Some people chant and they shout, it's like, they wouldn't shout any other human being like that. And when it comes to do, they shout, not realizing that they are addressing the Creator Himself, Allah subhanho wa Taala that's where Allah says, where the roll up comes about
when making the app call out to Europe, with doubleroom, humbleness, humility, and who fear is like, in secret or in a manner that's you know, you're not you're not wild you're not shouting etc. So there is an etiquette when it comes to that. Yes, because today we find this halacha that Ghana they do this and sometimes I feel like it is actually you know, them being taken away from what is better for themselves. So it's better for a person to just follow the Sunnah for follow the guidelines of the Quran and Sunnah when it comes to the card remembering Allah subhanho wa taala. And what better way to remember him, then reciting, you know, his book, his word, so remembering him through his own
words, I think that's something that in Ramadan, especially we can actually benefit from. And as you mentioned, that when it comes to the car, you've got a car which are authentic from the Quran, from the Hadith, it's unfortunate that a lot of people at times they taught to say this vicar that may be made up by somebody, they say, Go or say it 1000 times and 1 million times and 300,000 times, and you find people sitting the whole day, and they they tried to count and they tried to say, leaving what's authentic and proven and the practice of the MBA as well as this habit of the Allah want him to do what somebody who may have come now and said, you don't want to do this, you don't know about
the how religious they are, you don't know, they, they rank in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the fact that they are calling to their own cult and their own way of doing it, where Islam mashallah is clear, you would find that that already raises a red flag. You know, interestingly, recently, I saw a reel of old man sitting in one of these cities, or towns, I don't know where it was actually. But he had a sub Ha, in our test be what is referred to as SB one. And it was a huge one he added to the pulley, and he's sitting and going, and it may seem a bit funny, but I think that raises the point that, are we allowed to hold a supply in your hand? Or can you actually use
date seeds or count on your fingers or something like that? They see there's, again, there's no scholars who have said that it's completely Bidda it's out a person shouldn't actually use anything to count. And then there are those scholars who mentioned that know, for example, Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu. For her to count, you would move her rocker he would move the ring from one finger to the other. Ebola Radi Allahu anhu, when he's mentioning how many times he made certain vicar, he can only tell you how many times he did it because he was counting. And there are other instances where some of the tabby in etcetera, they counted, they counted. So from that, you find that there's a lot
of scholars who've come in the middle to say that it's okay to use something to count it could be those counters, you've got today, those automatic counters, digital counters, it could be what we call a subhead. But understanding and realizing that the subhead itself doesn't have any benefits or powers itself. Yeah, it itself is not something powerful. It's not something that you know, if I have it, i Some people feel that you know what, I feel good. And if I don't have it, I can make the cut. No, you can use your fingers you can use whatever there is to count even when it comes to the video you had mentioned interesting video, I had seen it. I didn't quite realize whether we were
just doing it for fun, or we were just trying to show but whatever the case may be, Allah subhanaw taala knows the intentions of all we're not saying that go out and do big things. And to cut or to summarize, Inshallah, if you're counting in some way or using some tool to count Inshallah, that should be fine. And what about quality over quantity or quantity of quality? So it depends. It's best to have quality and quantity, at times, especially this is when it comes to the Quran. At times some of the scholars preferred quantity over quality, and that's in the month of Ramadan. So when somebody wants to read for example, and they were used to it from those days, if a person sits
today, you sit for about eight to 10 hours, 12 hours, maybe a new reading decently quickly, you'll finish one Quran in one day. So
in Ramadan they would prefer to they would prefer quantity why so they could finish quick
Key but understanding that these people in their lives during the whole year, they also had the quantity and quality three, four years, whatever it may be. So at times they certain scholars who have preferred quantity, the best as we mentioned is quality and quantity for somebody starting. I think that if you're only doing two or three or four pages a day, you would gather between the two. And obviously quality has its place and that's that's the general that should be the norm. Were you reading you understand what you reading, and you try to practice upon it. Also, when you engage in vicar reciting the Quran, you're automatically prevented from speaking that backbiting anybody
speaking that which is displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala because you can only be speaking or using your tongue to do one thing at a time. You can do two things at once. Yes, some of the car or some of the vicar that Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned or possible loss or Salam has mentioned in the Sunnah. What would come to your mind are the messengers Allahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned or he says hobble Kalam Illa Allah the best words the best phrases to Allah subhanho wa Taala then he says Subhana Allah Al hamdu lillah Allahu Akbar is also La Ilaha illa Allah, where a person Subhan Allah person is glorifying Allah subhanho wa Taala and saying that Allah is free from any defect
Allah is complete is perfect Alhamdulillah praising Allah subhanho wa Taala as we know in the Hadith
Subhan Allah and Al Hamdulillah the fullest scales before the scaling would Allahu Akbar, acknowledging that Allah subhanahu Bucha Allah is the Greatest. He is the greatest and when you look at this, Allahu Akbar, you find the person starts his Salah with it. Interesting benefit that one of the scholars had mentioned, he says that when you look at
a large gathering, people come in to perform salah. Look at Masjid Al haram. For example, in Makkah, 1 million 2 million, 3 million people everybody doing their own thing. And then what stops them what's what gets them to keep quiet? It's that phrase Allahu Akbar. They keep quiet and they all follow the Imam all discipline and what gets them to then carry on with their normal day to day lives. Again, it's the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. Once the Imam says salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah and then they carry on the shows, also the power of these altcar and there are many other ADKAR as mentioned by the messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam, one that comes to my mind is
Subhan Allah He won't be handy. He's from Hanalei, Levine.
You know, Glory be to Allah subhanho wa Taala with his praises and glory be to Allah the greatest and this is because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Kelly metallic huffy, Attorney Alan Lee Santa peel attorney fee Musa Habib attorney, law partner they are two words that are easy on the tongue light on the tongue
and they are heavy in the scales and they are loved by Allah subhanho wa Taala Subhanallah who will be handy Subhan Allah I love him.
How should a person start a vicar for example, if they want to start in, in the daytime, should they start with STL file first, and then go on to the you know test B. So when it comes to the vicar, you find that there are certain junctures during the day, certain times during the day where a vicar has been encouraged. So for example, after a person finishes their salah, selfhood, Allah three times Allahumma Anta Salam and all other have cut. And then you find that this vicar way, a person may be walking, a person may be doing anything, and he's able to remember Allah subhanho wa taala. Some of the scholars mentioned that when it comes to this vehicle, as well as dua, a person starts off by
trying to clean himself and clean his slate and that's with is still thought. So acknowledging that Oh Allah, I am a servant who is weak, I have my shortfalls, etc. Please forgive me. He asks Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive him and he makes his repentance etc. And then after that, if he makes his vicar or he makes his dua, they mentioned that we even Allah, it's more likely to be accepted because he's come from, he's coming with a clean slate now, but there's nothing to say that you have to do this one first or the other. This is all again, he heard from some of the scholars and something I find interesting, you know, when we see something great, we say Allahu Akbar, you know,
Allah is greater or the greatest.
So, is this specific card that we make for specific situations? You know, I know there's the mention of the in one of the Hadith where you going up a hill or something you say Allahu Akbar, you're coming down with
Ah, hello. Now, are there any more specific mentions of this in this one? So there's there's quite a few different Asgar when it comes to the so for example, if a person a calamity has befallen him, in alila, who in the Iliad, you and Allah my Gibney, famously but the end the Hadith. So, we find that in certain instances, they are of car which are encouraged for certain times certain afflictions, for example, and this we find throughout the Sona obviously the car road is a lot of other cars that a person goes through, when it comes to wearing new clothes when it comes to going to sleep when it comes to waking up when it comes to the rain falling, etc. Maybe all these we could go through a
series of ADKAR or an episode specifically for them for me after they've come to your mind. You know, in the area we are Allah subhanho wa Taala talks to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying what happens now and then when Nikhil equals idol, Kobe may have called on SMB humbly,
that I find profound, where he's saying that we know that your heart is constrained by or your chest is constrained by that which they say.
So glorify Your Lord with his praises. And this is something that I found to help me with if you're feeling a bit sad, a bit of a depressed, not depressed per se but say you have feelings of sadness or anxiety and you Say Subhan, Allah Subhana Allah Subhan Allah who will be handy he Subhanallah I love him any any form of TSB really helps alleviate that. And then secondly, we're committed surgically and be from amongst those who are who prostate prostrate
will drop ACAD to to kill your penis. That's the end of the day, which is you know, worship Allah subhanho wa Taala until you die. So the answer to you know, constriction of your chest is literally to turn to Allah subhanho wa taala. Yes. And when you look at Vickery, you find that it's the act of worship mentioned in the Quran where Allah says, Do this act of worship in abundance. In other words, you can never do enough vicar you can never make enough a vicar as well as his weather Killeen Allah cathedra what that killer, those who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala from the males and the females in abundance, and just before that, he mentioned so many different, so many
different characteristics of a person doing good, but he didn't use the word cathedra. Here he says Kathira ie encouraging us to be in a constant state of dhikr. And person remembering Allah subhanho wa taala. Absolutely, I think the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala is something that can achieve a person agenda. And this is what we don't we underestimated at times. We think that it's just some words that we sing, you know, and it's we take it lightly. But I remember a story of Imam Ahmed, I think it's a bit of a long story where he was saying that something about the baker and the baker being led to Imam Muhammad or the Imam Muhammad being led to the baker, that was something very
interesting, you can see that from the benefits not only of the outcome of this world as well, where someone is being, you know, driven Imam Ahmed is being driven to someone who remembers Allah subhanho wa taala. Yes, and as you mentioned, that there's many benefits when it comes to this world and the next. Is there anything else you'd like to add on? Because I know dua is very closely related topic, maybe if we spoke about that, yes, sir. Why, when it comes to dua,
what's the definition of dua some of the different definitions of dua obviously, the scholars have many different definitions, also some of the benefits of dua, as well as some of the ideas that come in the Quran as well as
you know, with regards to a definition, a specific definition, to be honest with you, I think it's a general definition which is to call out to Allah subhanaw taala to beg of Allah subhanho wa Taala to ask of ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. And we know that Salah in the Arabic language is also known as dua, which is actually asking Allah subhanho wa taala. So generally, when it comes to do, I think any supplication that a person makes to his makeup, from him is a is a DUA, so you find that even non Muslims at times or people who don't believe per se, in the manner that we believe when they call out to Allah subhanaw taala that too, is heard as well and can be responded to. And that's something
that I find interesting is just when it comes to do
the messages Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, Fear the dua of the oppressed person because there is no barrier between this dua and Allah subhanho wa jal and he also mentioned those mentioned in some Hadith that Allah subhanho wa Taala responds to the dua of an oppressed person, and this oppressed person may or may not be a Muslim, and you find that on countless occasions or they are they are
Hadith that mentioned this, and we find that also in our day to day lives, we see this dua, as mentioned by the scholars is the weapon of a believer. You ask Allah subhanho To Allah you call out to Him, you have put your trust in him you acknowledge his power, you acknowledge that he is the one who is in charge. When it comes to calling out to Allah subhanho wa taala. Some of the scholars mentioned that it's best to call out to him using his great names and attributes, maybe if you could enlighten us with some of those great names and attributes as well as some of the DUA has, you know, what what we find is that saying the name specific to what you're asking for is also of benefit. So
saying, man adhamiya portfolio for layer, city, Stoney, you know, so you're asking ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada with the quality specific to that da, because that's invoking Allah with the quality of Rama, asking for I'm asking for peace, but it doesn't have to be specific. It can be any, it can be any name of Allah subhanho wa taala. Because he says, what Allah He smelled her Snell federal will be Allah has the most beautiful names. So call out to Him with these names. And this is something that we have kind of let go in a by and large, you know, when we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala we don't start by remembering Allah's names. And it's almost as if you are praising or you are praising Allah
subhanaw taala by saying that, because if you are to go to a human being and say, you know, oh governor have such and such a high post and you have this and you have that in your control, can you give me that person is more likely to give you now imagine for Allah subhanho wa Taala is the highest of examples. But this is to bring it closer to our minds that when you call out to Allah subhanaw taala with his great names, and this is one of the reasons why he has created us to get to know him. So you're telling Allah, I know who you are, I know what you can do for me, I know my life is in your control. And you can give me anything, nothing is impossible for you. This is what we're
doing by acknowledging Allah subhanho wa Taala saying his glorious names and then calling out to Allah Allah will visit your will JELA I think before that some scholars have even mentioned that you should start with a bit of is still far. So you clean your slate once again you are going to Allah subhanaw taala with a clean slate and the
Sultan Selim or the Salat upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you know Allah masala, Allah Muhammad, Ahmed, your medical selling or something of that nature and then you can begin you do an interesting masala that comes up an interesting question. There's some people who say, everything is going well for me in life, why should I make dua and for these people, they've got to realize in life, you have ups and downs, you go through difficulty and you go through ease, you may be going through a period of ease and then you don't know what may be taken away from you. Another interesting thing that I found is, especially people who go to Makkah for the first time, or when it
comes to a major occasion, like somebody's look, performing a BA in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, or during the first 10 days of hijab, you find that a lot of times people say, I reached the Kaaba, but then I was stuck. I was blank, I couldn't make dua. And I think personally, one of the reasons for this is that that person may not be used to making dua on a daily basis, constantly asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for what they need, what they family need for forgiveness for the best of this world and the next, going over some of the idea in the Quran as well as the Sunnah. So you find it's, it's, it's quite normal, it's only natural that a person who hasn't practiced all this time
would reach a place like this, and he would be in order and then would become blank. Hence, I would encourage everybody to make dua Obviously, every day whenever you're able to, but be consistent with it, don't say, I have no problems, if you have no problems, thank Allah for having no problems and make sure that he keeps all these problems away from you. Yes, you know, something that people do, usually is when they've got a problem, they think of the person that they can go to, and they think of an individual who can help them. And this becomes the case where a person's Iman is a bit lower than it should be. Because the first being that should come to your mind is Allah subhanaw taala.
And I remember one of these, one of the uncles, and he was saying that, you know, as soon as I have a problem, or I want to go into a business transaction or something, I go in and perform Surakarta of Salah. And that impacted me that actually, in a way it was very
mind to me as well to say that hold on, whenever you have a problem whenever you have something to look forward to as well going to ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So sometimes dua can be for that which is more than what you have, and for help on the path that you are about to trade and the airports as you know, let us Ellen, I'm gonna yell at them a hatchet and don't ask the son of Adam for anything. What's really lovely about Walter Jebel and ask the one whose doors never closed, Allah we have a bubble intellect as well as level Allah becomes angry when you leave asking him or when he he needs a look. And the son of Adam when he is asked of it becomes angry, you know, when people come to us,
ask us for something we think a Why are you worrying me? You know, leave me alone, Why are you begging that type of thing, yet when we go to Allah, begging him, he becomes happy with us. That dua in and of itself is rewarding to you. So you're actually earning a reward for that. So just having that you know, conversation between you and Allah and sometimes I feel like it doesn't require not every situation requires for you to be on the masala on this agenda setting with Waldo, you know, calling out to Allah subhanho wa Taala you could be driving to work and you're alone in your car, you talking to Allah, that you're having a conversation sometimes you're just conversing pouring out
your feelings to Allah subhana wa Tada and then asking him for something.
This is all good. What would you say to somebody who says I've been making dua for a period of time, a long period of time, it could be months, it could be years. And I haven't seen any response. That that is actually something that we shouldn't be doing. So the Hadith says, one is responded to so long as he does not say Mata myalgia. He doesn't say that look, TAO to fellow Musa touchably, I asked Allah subhanho wa taala, and asked Allah subhanho wa taala. And I didn't receive a response. And this is what you know, people message a lot of times they send emails, or DMS, or whatever it is saying, Look, I've been asking for something. And I've been asking for a long time, and I'm not
getting a response. The fact that you haven't seen a response doesn't mean that it has not come in another way, shape or form. Sometimes Allah has delayed it, for your own goodness for your own head. So there's something being delayed, and something that struck me a while back when I was reading, I don't know where I read it. But they say that one of the scholars said that, you know, sometimes a person asks for something, and he continues to ask for it to the point where that dog becomes more beloved to him than that which is asking for. And really and truly that's the nature of dua, because you're conversing with Allah Subhan, You asking Allah subhanaw taala you really connected with Allah
will is that you are jealous. So it gives you that feeling of peace, happiness, you know, Sakina humanity, all of that overcomes you. So a person begins to look forward to the process, more than the outcome.
What would you say is your favorite to do that you constantly recite from the Quran or the sun?
So it's not one specific to add, to be honest with you.
I think one of the if I can single out one, it will be uncomfortable could that be it could be a holiday, Nick, in today's times where there's so much tribulation trial, you know, people are tested all the time, all turn of hearts, affirm my heart to your religion, because none of us are guaranteed that we can actually die with a man die with the shahada on our lips. And if we value that, then we keep asking Allah subhanaw taala to grant that to us, you know, throughout our lives, and right until the end. So for me, I think it's the more so as you mentioned, there's many of us but Robina attina for dunya, Hassan Orfila harati has worked in either but not asking Allah for
goodness in this world, goodness in the next 10 to be saved from the fire. It's mentioned that as of nomadic law, the Allahu Anhu says that this was one of the most recited to us by the MR sallahu alayhi wa sallam especially during the last part of his life and when you look at the do as in the Quran, as well as the Sunnah, you find that they are do as which are all encompassing, so person doesn't have to, say 100 sentences in order to get to one thing, one sentence, and that was the That's the miracle of the Quran as well as the speech of the messengers Allahu alayhi wa sallam, we in a small amount of words or whatever is being said is vast meaning encompassing meaning. Hence you
find a lot of scholars encourage people to use these doers which are all encompassing. I mean being asking for the goodness of this world encompasses everything and asking to
be safe from the evil of this world and compasses, everything. So I think that's also extremely important also asking Allah for acceptance asking Allah subhanho to Allah to keep you steadfast, your family, steadfast, etc. What about asking Allah over and over again?
That's actually something beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah loves to be asked for those things, obviously you're acknowledging that he is the one in charge when you make a DUA. Let's say you're asking for something from this world or something in this world, and you're hoping to see it, you're asking for result and you though you feel you haven't gotten a response. Ask the next time and the next time and the next time that that hope in the fact that Allah will respond to you is also reward because you're hoping and Allah subhanho wa Taala that wait and that patience is also reward and that dua is also a reward from Allah subhanho wa taala? Yes, I feel like that aspect is
something that people need addressed because
they keep asking for something. And then at the end, they say that you know, what? I've been asking, asking, and I don't get. So what would we say to a person that's literally been asking for years, for example, for something? And should people be asking for something specific, like in marriage, for example, for a specific woman? Yes, or a specific man, when a human being realizes that he doesn't know the future? His judgment is weak, he's a human at the end of the day, he may be completely mistaken. And you're asking Allah subhanho to Allah for something so specific, like you're asking for person in marriage, you're asking for a specific car. You're asking for a specific
house, and you carry on asking and asking and asking.
At times, as you mentioned, some people become attached to the DUA, but some people have become attached to the thing itself also. So they've become attached to that person, they've become attached to that piece of material. And you find that at times people's hearts then sway they become upset with Allah subhanho wa taala. I feel that when asking for something specific, there's a few things. Firstly, as we mentioned, we can say the first category things that they don't belong to in the first place, it's not the norm, it's not the default you've been asking, you've been trying, there has to come a point where you now leave it to Allah subhanho wa taala. It has to come that
point where you say, you obviously know that Oh Allah, you know, best and you will choose for me, but then you realize that you know what, my choice here may not be the best. I've tried my best to what is humanly possible, and you leave it with Allah subhanho wa taala. However, I feel that asking for something specific, that's the norm. So for example, somebody is sick, and they carry on asking Allah subhanho wa Taala until they are cured or until that disease may be decreased or they may pass away with that disease. I feel that here a person can carry on because there is hope. And generally the human being is ALLAH SubhanA what Allah created all of us and you find most people in fact, it's
the norm that health is something required by human beings. So for that, you carry on asking ALLAH SubhanA Jota and this ties perfectly into the dua of istikhara Will you say hola me in Canada that how you will live add on that as you are able to Emery Fedora Hooli where Sidhu Lisa methodically and then you literally asking ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada that if it's good for me, then decree it for me. And grant me Baraka in that. And if it is bad for me, not sorry for me was really funny. And so turn it away from me and turn me away from it as well. So you literally telling Allah subhanho wa taala? I don't know, you know, and this is where I feel this part people say but I may do at least the
hara, you know, it shouldn't be happening to hold on. It doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen. The fact that you may do our lives harder is saying I'm leaving it to Allah subhanho wa taala. He knows, I'm just asking for what's best for us. I think some people who make is the harder, they feel that they're supposed to see a dream or something's supposed to become easy, or because of the human beings own bias. They feel like okay, I've done istikhara and they take it as I've actually gone and I've gotten the green light and it's going to happen. And it's the holidays, not that as you mentioned, it's the holidays, you leave it to Allah subhanho wa Taala if it's best to come, if it's
not best for you, it won't come and that's the DUA you've been making. It might not be the best for you in the last year. And you don't know about that. What would you say to those who somebody's wronged them, somebody's done bad to them. And they want to make dua against these people. What would you say when it comes to this because it's quite a sensitive topic. There's those who completely say that you should never make dua against anybody. And then there's those who have different tough seal or they go through different out
See, they mentioned a few conditions etc. You know, it's easy to for me to sit and say don't make dua against the person that's oppressing you at times that person may have killed part of your family, that person may have literally oppressed you in the worst possible form or way. So it becomes very difficult for the person to refuse to say No, I won't make dua. Yes, definitely. Five, one Homosassa. You know, forgive them and let it go, pass, let it pass and move on. Forgive Allah subhanho wa taala. It says in one verse, Allah to hipbone or any other field, Allah will, you know, do you not love that Allah subhanaw taala forgives you. So definitely try and forgive and let it go.
But having said that, when a person wants to make dua against someone, there is nothing in the sunnah to stop them from making that dua is they're encouraged to forgive, but they have the right to make that too. And that's something that we should mention, because what have we left this person with, if he doesn't have dua, if he can't, you know, lift his hands up and call to Allah subhanho wa Taala against that person, I feel some people are too quick to make the DUA. Some people you know, in the slightest form with the slightest form of oppression they ready to make against the person you need to forgive, especially when it comes to your family members, your children, you know,
sometimes people make to act against their own children, that's a very dangerous place to be, your child hasn't done much, but you just in passing, making dua against them, you know, in some languages, they actually just do it. They just do it in passing, not realizing that we're making a terrible dua for this individual for my child.
So definitely, you've got to have a balance, try and see, try to avoid, avoid making the DUA at all costs, try to forgive and let it go carry on. Or perhaps you haven't forgiven, but you're not making dua against the person that's also okay. But at times, they are people who need to call out to Allah subhanaw taala you know, we find in the dua of know, Halle salatu salam where he said, in the entire homeopathy lu a bedika, while I really do in the FRG, Ron cathedra, he turned, he made a dua against his own people. Why because he had called them for so long to Allah subhana wa Tada. And they rejected Him, they mocked at him, they jeered at him. So he says, you know, what, if you leave them
or Allah and you let them procreate and have children, they will only give birth to that, which is
those who are criminals, so, you know, destroy them. And Allah subhanaw taala literally did destroy them. So so this is something that is not encouraged, you shouldn't be just doing it willy nilly. But at the same time, it is a result for the one who has really been oppressed. And obviously, with the flip side of the coin, we know that you should never oppress somebody else, because the minute that person raises his hands up to Allah subhanaw taala. That person's die is accepted. If we feel we've oppressed someone, we've hurt someone, we ask for the forgiveness and carry on. Now they feel a lot of times in life, people feel that my life is just not going it's not going right, there's
nothing going for me. And at times, if people just reflect and take account of themselves, ask yourself, have I harmed anybody who have I harmed? You may not see it as having harm this person, but it may actually behind me, that's your perception, their perception may be different. And you find a lot of times due to that oppression due to that. overstepping the line. When it comes to somebody else's rights, you find that you have no Tofik in your life. So making a lot of it's still far and constantly thinking, have I done wrong to this one? Have I addressed this one at times you may not have done anything to that person, but they may have certain rights upon you that you
haven't fulfilled. And that may it may be the reason why you've got no trophy for you feel that there's nothing going right for you. Absolutely sure. That anything else you'd like to add when it comes to liquor when it comes to? I can't I can't think of anything right now.
I think two acts of worship which are extremely easy to perform again, the same as you mentioned in vicar can be mentioned into people making dua should be making dua understanding and realizing who they calling out to and making dua with their hearts also, yes, what you're saying should be in your heart not without concentration, without any etiquette without any respect. Some of the scholars have mentioned the etiquettes of do is we're not saying it's compulsory, but when it comes to a person being in a state of woowoo when it comes to them raising their hands when it comes to them, you know, humbling themselves.
In front of Allah subhanho wa Taala using his great names, his great attributes etc. Also there are certain things that prevent a dua from being accepted and one of them is eating haram. So as mentioned in the Hadith way, there's a person who's on a journey, and he's in a terrible state, as you know, travelers, they're not always in the best of state. And because he's in the state, it's general, it's generally understood that this person will be closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala because he's going through all this difficulty. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says he raises his hands again, raising hands, is one of the reasons why it may be accepted. And he's
calling out yada, yada. Oh my lord, oh my lord, but not realizing that whatever he's eating is haram. His clothing is haram, whatever he's drinking is haram. And the messengers Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, How does he expect his dua to be responded to? Yes, you know, that's a big aspect of people's lives today where they don't really bother. What they eating is whether it's from halal or haram, what they're wearing, whether it's halal or haram. It's okay, the way they dressed and then we want to call to Allah subhanho wa taala. And it's expected response, you know, the Hadith says eltima Tomica Techwin Boosterjet with Tao that you know, purify that which you eat, and you will be
responded to, so you by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So definitely the state in which we are has an impact upon our dua, we've got to purify ourselves and then go to Allah subhanho wa taala. What are some of the benefits of making dua for other people? We know that they are there is a Hadith where the messengers Allahu alayhi wa sallam is speaking about how if a person makes dua for his brother, his brother, meaning Muslim, brother, Muslim sister in, in the labor in the unseen, this person doesn't know about that dua, then an angel makes to ask for this person and ask Allah to grant him the same. Are there any other benefits that come to your mind? If you want to elaborate on that point? Yes,
that that's a powerful point. Because when a person makes dua for someone else, is literally asking for goodness for that person and the angels making up for the same for him, as well. So by making dua out for your brother and for your sister, you're actually gaining the benefit of that too, as well. Now, you know, this broadly looking at it also encourages unity amongst the Muslims because now, the minute you think of your brother or something and you make a DUA, or perhaps at times you feeling a bit jealous, or you feeling feelings of, you know, a hatred towards a certain person for no reason, it happens at times for no reason. You just make a dua for that person. So sometimes it's
just within yourself, you know, you make that to our life, you know, make it easy for this person will grant them baraka and Allah is giving you the same so it encourages that unity it encourages breaking down those those barriers, so to speak, because now you know that those feelings are not justified you shouldn't have those feelings, and especially when it comes to the feelings of jealousy or hatred.
These are feelings that we know eat the person up with them. When che band sees you constantly making dua as soon as you feel jealous, he won't try to influence you to feel jealous, or he'll try to avoid that because he knows this person here, you know, every time he feels anything an inkling he makes you out for goodness for that person. So that's something that we know that is encouraged in the you know, in the scenario Minowa hydroclimatic him barely agree he might be bullied See, one of you does not completely believe until he loves his brother that which he loves for himself. So you try and make up for all your brothers, your sisters, your you know everyone in the religion as
those who are alive, those who have passed those who are to come etc. We spoken a lot when it comes to liquor and there's a lot of altcar a lot of Aditya mentioned in the Quran mentioned in the Sunnah there are many different books that speak about this. Hopefully inshallah sometime in the future, we'll try and go over some of these cards as well as some of these idea. Inshallah we'll see you guys in the next episode for your Manila Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh