Hussain Kamani – Islamic Manners #05
![Hussain Kamani](
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The goal is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The goal is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The goal is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The focus is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The goal is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The goal is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The goal is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The focus is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The goal is to increase their own value in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The goal is to increase their own value in their eyes in their eyes in the eyes of the people around. The goal is to increase their own
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There is not a thing that risk which is gentleness and kindness mixes with or interacts with or comes into presence with enlasa but it unifies it. And there is not a moment that risk this calmness, this love this gentleness disappears in lashana
but makes it look defected and takes away its beauty. So here we learned the lesson of risk. The truth is gentleness, to be calm to be loving. And when we study the life of Rasulullah sallallahu it was something we find the purpose of the law holiday, but cinemas always judged
right, so this lesson that should help the photographer come along with data points out that Be gentle when opening the door, be gentle when closing the door. This is consistent with the personality of the sort of boss and allow the progress of the level it was set him didn't shout at people, even if he was really upset. Ask yourself this question. When you get really angry, someone says something to you that makes you very mad. What do you do? Do you start shouting at them? Do you become abusive? That's not having any sort of long running
profit or loss while he was sitting when he would become upset with someone? He would say something like 30 bucks. Yeah, that right? He would say something like feki let go omocha Ahmad, a very soft, almost gentle way of rebuking that person, Monique Masha, and like that was a sort of language, what happened to you? What's going on in your mind, that's how the puppet said a lot a lot he was sitting with speak. And sometimes the Sahaba can tell them he said Allah who it was son was upset. They said that we will be sitting in front of the pups that Allah holiday was sent him and when he would become upset his the his face would become somewhat read as if someone took a pomegranate seed and
squashed it and squeeze the juice out of it, that color would begin to spread in the face of medicine allow it to sit him and there was this vein that would be that would bulge and become very apparent and visible in the middle of his forehead. So they say you can see the anger and have you said a lot. But you wouldn't hear it. You wouldn't see it they wouldn't be fist flying around, or things being thrown around. rather a little less than a lot of it was set up for spa and
salon that pardon them and say Sarah for Sophia. They will face their transgressions in the hereafter. But your job is to become gentle with people. One time Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was at home and a Jewish person came to the prompts that a lot of it was sent him and he said to the pups of the law, it was sort of a sound more onic not a setup. So that means peace be upon you. What did he say? A sum a Samadhi which means definitely upon.
Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard it. He said why they
and YouTube because the guy was trying to be smart. You know, like, by the way, I find this very laughable the way this Jewish person was trying to mock interview said a lot. It's not by saying this it's like something a second grader redo.
I didn't say Salaam I said some funny, right. But you know the kids they mess up words and they think they're being really smart. So these people they thought they were being super smart, like super intelligent. The guy must have thought I'm proper, intelligent man. I'm going to set a some warning and everyone's going to laugh. And then he said a lot of people didn't stoop down to his level of childish ness. And he said, like, whatever you said, whether you said a salon or a son, whichever one you chose, for the same view with you.
Meaning it allowed him
she couldn't take she heard the guy too. And she said, Ali, Radhika, Nana tomorrow Wahhabi Malawi mela anger descend upon you and Allah curse me upon you. And she went on and on that he said a lot a lot even said I'm set to a man in your eyes. I didn't give it this. Ayesha, slow down. Be patient, be gentle. She said. Do you not hear what he said O Messenger of Allah. Maybe he said a lot of sense. I heard what he said. And I said to him like that, whatever you send me the same view upon you. And then the purpose of the Lord is since that I showed you that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves gentleness, and gentleness and kindness does not mix with something but it beautifies one person
smashes a door open, just look classy, three. The best way to do it is to be gentle. When you're dealing with something when you're washing something when you're cleaning something when you're walking, anything you do, right. You want to try to be gentle and calm and easy and everything.
So this is also a general theme that we see in the life of the professor Bomani.
It's something to reflect over. Write that in your life. Are you able to be gentle and kind and easy? For Do you find yourself being violent and harsh and rough? Yes, go ahead.
Three relieving your house acknowledge those inside us the greeting that is unique to CES n which is the labels from a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah, Allah be upon, they're not forego this Islamic reading by replacing it with something else such as Good morning, or Hello, this will lead to the Salaam, eventually being totally abandoned. This reading is the salient feature of the sun. It is the label of the Muslims, which the visa lohardagan prescribed by his action, and statement, it is that what she taught to his attendant, so you then a ns
long one, when he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, oh my son, we your family, when you enter your home, or that is a blessing for you and your family soon. So who the author, he then tells us what's next. Once you do enter into your home,
confront the people inside the home with a proper greeting. When you greet people, there is a very powerful impression that is left on
if you walked into a house, and without reading, anyone just went to your room, it gives a very I don't care about you feel. On the other hand, when you walk inside a home, and you approach the people that are inside the home and you smile at them, and you give them a greeting. And if you know if it's appropriate, you hug them and you kiss them and you ask them about their day. And you just take a few moments to perfecting your greeting, you can really kill the tension in a relationship. And not only that, you can still immense Merhaba and loving.
I was once reading a book on parenting.
And this particular author was obviously writing within a context and and within a culture. But he was highlighting something beautiful. He said that I feel that if parents were just invest a lot of effort and time into greeting their children when they came back from school, that would have a profound impact, and would set the tone of the relationship that you would have with your child for the rest of the day.
So scenario one, and this is what you present scenario one, the child comes back from school, and they come back on a public school bus. And when they get back home mom isn't there to greet them, dad isn't there to greet them, it's an empty home, you go inside, go to the fridge, grab yourself some milk and and grab yourself some cereal and grab a bowl and you have your food and you move on with the day. So the the subtle vibe there is nobody cares. So you just fend for yourself and you take care of yourself. On the other hand, when you come back home. If for example, you're he's talking to parents as parents, if the highest situation, you actually went to pick up your child,
showing them the sacrifice, or if you couldn't pick them up, you were waiting for them the moment they got off that bus. Or if you are standing waiting for them the moment they walk inside the house, and you had a meal ready for them something sweet for them to eat, because he's speaking in the context of younger children, right? You offer them something sweet to eat, you sat with them and wrapped your arm around them and ask them So tell me about your day. And then you talk a little something through it right? Children usually when they come home, and if you just ask them how was your day, you're gonna get a lame answer. So this is a little personal technique. If you ever want
to engage with your children in conversation, you have to ask them a question, a very specific question. So who didn't come to class today? That's what I said to do when she came back from when I met her today. So tell me about who didn't come to class. And then she has a whole list of people who didn't come and all the people who did come, and then that's where they start, and they'll never end. Or you have to kind of pry open the conversation. And if you dedicate 1520 minutes to a proper greeting when you interact with someone. Now for the rest of the day, the tone is very different. And I found this to be also very effective when it comes to spouses, right that when your spouse
comes home, when you interact with each other, you should invest a little extra to just being presentable. You know, if that means having some fragrance in your car that you spray on yourself before you walk into home, everyone sprays something nice when they go to work, but then making yourself presentable and having a good fragrance when you walk into a home being nice and excited. And why did I know everyone's tired when they get back from work? I know everyone's tired when you get back to school. But if you walk into your home with a tired face every time and if you're not if you're not able to offer love to the people who who have dedicated their life to you, then what's
the point of it all? What's the point? I know you're tired. I know I'm tired. But when I go home if I were to go inside and kiss my father's hand, you know, if you were to kiss your mother's hand if you were to embrace your spouse or wrap your arm around your child, maybe sit together have a little meal or when you come inside the home bring a small little gift with you that on the way you know I stopped over at a gas station and got some iced tea. So let's all just share some ice
See, that brings joy and happiness, just the five it for some of you makes you smile that that must be very beautiful. This is the type of person that I sort of lost that a lot was that when you would enter into the home that some nurses tell us he would do miswak before he would enter, and then when you would enter into the home, he would say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, in some narrations, when he would enter into the home out loud, he would say, I said, I'm on a court of law here. But I'm greeting the inhabitants the people in the home. And when you say I said, I'm on equal. Here, the author says, save this statement. Don't just go with anything. Don't just go with Hey, so don't go
with what's going on. Hello. I mean, if you said hello, when you walk into your home, you're just laying
right over, you got to step up your game. But let's say for example,
let's say you walked into your home and you decided to say something like that. skipping a salamati come comes at a cost. First of all, I said I'm on equal isn't disagreeing. It's
right. And not only is it is it a DA, I think it's something greater than that. It's a commitment. When I say Peace be with you. Obviously, there's a lie here my last sentence peace upon you. But another way of looking at the statement is that I come to you in peace.
Right? Now while we're together. And while we're in this interaction, I promise you, I won't shout at you, I won't be abusive to you, I won't try to hurt you. While we're sitting together, the only thing you're going to experience for me is love. I'm going to be sincere to you, I'm going to be honest to you, if you ask me something that I can do, I will say I can do it. If you ask me something I can't do, I will say I can't do it. You have to be honest, I won't make any false promises to you, I won't betray you, I won't back by you. I won't slander you. I won't cheat you. I said I want it. And they guada Allah says peace upon you. And that's what you'll get from me as
well. It's a commitment to that person. Right. And then obviously, the law continues on waterfront, the law he Obama Carter. So there's a beautiful element and a commitment moment there. But then there's a second thing, that when we use the greeting of Islam by saying Assalamualaikum with one another, we preserve a teaching of a sort of loss.
We preserve a a way of maybe sort of long running. It was as soon as maybe somebody was sitting there when he would greet people he would say set up. And it's it's almost so beautiful that you can travel wherever you are in the world. And you can see another Muslim and say to them, I said I'm wanting
and there's just a moment of joy there, there's a moment of happiness. You know, sometimes having this outwardly Islamic garment, it comes with some perks. And those perks are that you'll hear Salaam from random people at the most random times, right? You'll be at Avi at a traffic light and some guy was rolling down, I won't landed on his say, Talarico or whatever version of salon people in someone's saying, you roll the window up, and then they move on you move on. And that was it. That person just wanted to roll their ended out to see a family with you. All right, if they're turker. So as I said, I'm on a coup.
They're in their own center, but they're Saudi. And I'm up there see there's it all salonica everyone's got their own little iteration of the cinnamon in its own way. It's cute. It's beautiful. Right? That everyone has found a way to incorporate this teaching of the reset Allah Allah He will send them into their life and into their into their culture.
But if we let it go, that it won't be founding,
it'll be gone. Right? What was once a salient feature as he describes, the slum will no longer be present in society. And I know that when you say Salaam to someone, it takes courage. Right? Should I say it? Should I not say I could not say it and nothing will happen. No one's gonna blame me for it. Or I could sit if I do say it, then that'll strike a moment of conversation. You know, when I go to places if I'm in a public area, I go to like, I think my kids to a theme park or we go to a park somewhere. If we're at the airport, and I'm with my children, I always have them closest to them to anyone that we see visibly being a Muslim. And it's really awkward for them. They're like, but no, I
don't want to go there. I really have to go. I went last time can Mohamad go this time, like it'll be that whole thing. But I always push them to go because I think there's two benefits. Number one, they get out of their little bubble and they learn to be comfortable interacting with people. Right. And secondly, it's very possible that other person is intimidated. Because not everyone feels comfortable protesting or being honestly being outwardly being a Muslim when they're in the public. Right? They'll do the bare minimum but they don't want to engage more with Islam outside because people are going to look at them. And someone like me, I don't care about that stuff. So I can say
Salaam out loud and I can preach the law in front of people. It doesn't bother me because I'm at a point in my life where I genuinely don't care what other people think. If you think it's great, come and join me. If you don't think it's great, then don't and it comes with a blessing when you stop caring.
about what other people think. I share the story with some of my students have an incident that occurred this last week.
So Saturday I was in Houston, Texas.
There was any moms conference, and I was there. I was supposed to return back on Sunday to make it back in time for the classes at the column seminary.
However, I was just in the hotel room, we had just had lunch and I was sitting in the hotel room and I said to one of my buddies, hey,
check if there's a flight back to Dallas, let me jump on.
It was three o'clock, he pulled up his phone, he said, I just found a flight saving up for 10pm.
So I said book, although he tried to book it. But unfortunately, because we were so close to departure an hour in 10 minutes out, he said, I can't book it, you have to go to the airport and buy it.
I said, cool. Let's go to the airport. So he, him and I, we came to the airport, I quickly ran to the front desk, and I tried to purchase a ticket. At that moment, I think they were close to 30 for 35 minutes until departure. So I said to the lady that let me buy this ticket. She says well, the one that you saw online isn't available anymore. Now there's only a first class version of that ticket available. And that's going to cost you $2,000. And I said, Okay, Congo
$2,000, I'll go to Oprah doesn't have to get to Dallas.
She said, Well, you only have a few minutes to decide, because soon I won't be able to even issue this ticket from here. Even if you wanted to buy a $5,000 I can't sell it to you. So I said, Okay, I'm not doing it. I walked outside and I called my friend to pick me up, didn't work out. He was on his way back. And while he was coming back, right in front of me in the terminal, a fight broke out. Outside, you know, where the cars are passing through right there, there was a fight broke out. And these two people went ham on each other. I had never seen something so bad before at an airport. And the craziest part was there was no security there at all. So these two people were just going at
each other. And the traffic was jammed up. I asked my friend, where are you? He said, Oh, man, I'm miles out, this traffic isn't moving. I said, Well, there's a fight in front of me, there's no way that traffic's gonna move until someone ends his fight.
So I said to him, You wait in line until you come back to the terminal. Let me try one more time with this ticket.
I went back inside and I said to the lady,
I want to get to Dallas gave me on that flight.
She says to me, well, it's too late. I can't even sell you the ticket. If I wanted to. It's too late. The only place you can buy this ticket now is at the counter at the gate.
I said to her, okay, get me through security. And I'll figure that out. So she printed me out a standby boarding pass to my end, which I wasn't going to but she gave it to me. She said this leads to security.
I took that boarding pass, I got to security. I cut through there, there was a really funny story that happened there that I'll spare you guys have.
I got through security. And
I had to run through the terminal to get to the gate because at this point, there were 15 minutes left until departure.
I got to the front gate.
And I
said to the individual there. I need to get on the flight. I have class tomorrow. Come on. Come on, just do it. So he said, Okay, let me try. He click little here. Click little there. He printed out a ticket gave it to me. I got on that flight for free.
I went on, I sat down and I was just thinking what just happened.
One hour ago, I was lying on the bed at a Sheraton just relaxing. And one hour later, I'm on this plane and I pulled out my phone and I texted my wife the whole story that this just happened right now.
This is where it gets crazy. That's not the crazy part. This is where it gets crazy.
So there's an empty seat next to me and next to him. Next to that there was there was a man sitting in the seat who was in full uniform. He was in full armor.
He opened up his bag he pulled up some some some edible candy. And he offered me one would you like one? A lot of my witness in that moment I thought to myself, I don't know what the ingredients are. Probably not hold on. I don't know if I should be eating this. Then another voice in my head said scrap all that someone's offering you something. It'll be good though. I just take it say this man. I'm just kidding.
So then I just said, Okay, I took when I ate it. And then he says to me,
he believe in miracles.
And I said what?
He said, Well, I'm in uniform right now. I'm on my way for training to Kuwait. I'm going to be stationed there for two weeks.
And I sort of learning a little bit of Kuwait. And I saw Islam as a religion there. And one of my friends recently became Muslim. So I've been interested in Islam. I had a whole list of questions that I had prepared.
To ask a Muslim and I prayed to God last night that I get a chance to meet a Muslim before I land in Kuwait.
And I looked at him and I smiled, and I said, oh, gosh, you're blah,
blah, have you been running around for the last 60 minutes? When the person next to Allah subhanho wa Taala with a class, I was in my bed, you know, after just having a nice meal, my friends, and then put on a jackhammer, like what happened? I made it all the way here. And I looked at this man. And I was just shocked. Because I couldn't, I couldn't understand if last that he had, but a lot delivered me to the seat next to this guy.
So he said,
You look Muslim?
Do you think you can answer some of my questions? And I said to him, Well, you're in good hands, we have one hour ahead of us ask as much as you want. Let's make this count. Let's not waste one minute. Right. And we had a phenomenal conversation. I don't think I've had a conversation like that about Islam with a non Muslim before because his questions were all written out. And they were all very, very thorough. His opening question to me was, are you going to indoctrinate? I've sat with combat evangelists before, and they do indoctrination? Are you going to try to convert me on this flight? And are you here to indoctrinate me? And I said, No, I don't do that. Right. I mean, if you
were to accept the stuff that brings great joy to me, but at the end of the day, choosing to be a Muslim or not is your decision. All this conversation will offer you with perspective. You can ask questions, I will try to answer them and I will try to help you develop perspective.
There was one point in that conversation where he asked me so what's the difference between Christians in and Muslims? So I said to him, the difference between Christians and Muslims to explain to you in simple language is like that between Christians and Jews.
He said explain I think one simple. Mousavi said I'm came to his people, but he's fine. With revelation.
People practice that revelation, the Saudi surround Jesus came with the New Testament. It was complimentary to the previous revelation. Unfortunately, the Jews weren't willing to accept him as a new Prophet, because they thought their faith was the last. So they rejected the Jews, they rejected the Christians.
So in that moment, he placed his hand on my shoulder, he's saying, so you're saying we did to you what the Jews did to us.
Right smile back at him. And I said, you can't ever shun the intellect of the human being fitrah is always there.
He broke into tears on this. He said, You're telling me we did to you guys with a Yahoo did to us, like your faith is the same as ours. It's a continuation of our faith. We just haven't accepted that this is a continuation of the seals that are MBR hemosol.
And I said, that's exactly what I'm saying. Right?
The man was shook. Now how did this whole conversation between him and I even start because there was a visible appearance of Islam, that person was able to see and say, this individual here is a Muslim. I've been thinking about this issue for so long. Let me now have a conversation. But if we remove our greetings like a cinnamal, equal men, if we get rid of our outward physical appearance, then what remains of this now, what's left, right. As one of my dear friends, who was also any mom in America, he says that the men in our society need to man up and start wearing their hats and also have outward Islamic presence, because otherwise, all of the bullying and all the representation is
being done by them by the sisters in the community. They're the ones that have that outward presence, and therefore they are bullied. They're the ones being tortured. They're the ones that are being called out. They're the ones that have to carry all that weight while the men just slide in between the cracks and disappear. He said, what kind of Julia is this?
What kind of self respect and honor is this, that if the sisters are going through sacrifice day in and day out, because they are required by snom for the hijab, and why haven't the men stepped up and taken a role and also outwardly presenting themselves as Muslims? I thought this is beautiful. This is a very interesting, unique perspective, that it's not just a matter of what's what what's fun and what's watching what Sunday and what's nothing. It's about how you present yourself to the society giving people an opportunity to interact with this now. Okay, so here he says, that always start with that Salaam and don't forego with this greeting is a salient feature of snuff. It is a label of
Muslim which may be said a lot of it was sort of prescribed by action, and statement, maybe some sort of Muslim man who always initiated WhatsApp, and he was the one that always greeted people. Then he says how to sue the loss of a loved one he was said, I'm also taught this to our beloved Satan underspin Malika, the alarm
He says here to this attendant to his heart and his love your loved one was the one who served the purpose of the law while he was studying for 10 years. For 10 years he was a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu.
When the past of the long run even sent him arrived in Madina, munawwara his mother presented him to the Prophet of Allah. She said hoy the MOOC Yasuda Allah, here is a small hug and a small servant, keep them in your company. Further Allah Allah who make dua that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses him and that he saw said, I'm going to make dua for him for his well for his family for his for his progeny. And it's been Malika Viola one there after spent 10 years serving with a sort of loss.
And he became like a family member of the province Ramadi so So in that context, like you said, a long while he was still existing. Yeah. blaeu Oh, my dear son, greet your family when you enter your home for that as a blessing for you. And your family? medical will go with you. Yes, go ahead.
he said, says that onto your family, when you enter your house, where they're the most worthy of your setup, you have given me the raw data recorded and saved in
module one that was to lots of love it was said and said, When any of you join a gathering, it should say set up. And when he intends to leave than to, he should say set up. The first, the greeting of their rival is no less important than the second the greeting one party. So here is he then shares a statement of the great dubby Qatada who said that say Salaam to your family when you enter, for they are most worthy of your setup. And the lesson here is that proper etiquette and manners need to be enacted, and you need to carry them out. And you need to offer them as a gift to the people within your home first.
And that's where it's most awkward to be good. Because you take them for granted, they take you for granted. So it's a circle. The brother says my sister doesn't respect me, the sister says, Why should I respect him when he doesn't respect me. So it's just never ending circle of disrespect, of carelessness. But unless someone breaks that cycle, and says, No, we will be respectful in this house, we will be kind to one another, we will appreciate one another, the cycle can break. The other thing is that people take those that are closest to them for granted.
Right? You'll find people who don't respect their own parents, they call them by their first name, or they're very harsh and mean with them, or they don't have any respect for their own siblings, their own children to speak to them. Like they're talking to an enemy with very trashy language. And sometimes you even see this within spouses that there's no respect no other there. That shouldn't be the case. If you are interested, if any part of this subject this topic intrigues you, I asked you to enact this good matter that we speak up all of them, not just one, but all of them. These Islamic manners, bring them to reality in your own house. Be respectful, talk with nice language, ask
yourself, how would I interact with this person? If I was now standing in a room full of people?
When people are alone, they can they become harsh and rough and they all the etiquettes go out the window. But I want you to ask yourself, how would I interact with my wife right now, if there was a whole room of people here? My teachers were here my seniors were here people that I respected and loved. If they were here, right now, what how would I call on this person? What kind of tone would I use? If they did something wrong? What I'd be willing to pardon them? Would I be tender and kind risk, that kindness that we were talking about? Well, that'd be here, will it be gone? And you have to learn to create it with the people around you. My teacher used to say that if you want to know
what kind of spouse you'll be in the future, if you're a young person right now, and you're trying to figure out what kind of spouse you'll be in the future. It's simple. Just assess the relationships you have with the people you're currently living with. And that's what kind of human being you're going to be. It's simple. How do you interact with your roommates? Are you forgiving? Are you kinda you generous? Or are you selfish? That's the type of person you're going to be glass, how am I with my family members, if your family members are constantly nagging at you, and you've given them a you know, the wall and you've just blocked your ears off and you're not listening to
them at all, and you're self serving and arrogant like that, and that's the person you're going to be moving forward. If someone is kind of loving to the people they live with, you can have some certainty or some sort of guarantee that this is the type of human being there is. That's why when it comes to marriage, the best thing you can do is not to speak to the individual because people can put a front up the best way to find out the quality of an individual's characters by speaking to the people around them. Tell me what kind of business person is telling me how was this person as a travel companion? Tell me how was this person or the friend at school?
Was this person vulgar? Did they have good character, and those people will then tell you, and you won't need to have more than two or three conversations because a toxic person is toxic no matter where they are. Their toxicity is visible from far away. And it's experience from miles away. And if a person is kind and humble and loving, and I use this word tender and soft, everyone experiences, they know what that person is, right? So learn to be that good human being within your four walls. And I'll tell you something.
Because I've heard this from way too many people. You know, where there is a mother who says, well, there's a son who says this, or there is a wife or husband that says, you know, what hurts me the most Schiff. It's not the fact that my father or my husband or my son is harsh,
that I can maybe chocolate to a personality and learn to adjust and just get on with it. It's the fact that they're harsh with me and loving to
that hurts. If the person was just harsh all around that I would even accept it that that's the type of person we're dealing with. Okay, whatever. But if this person can be kind and loving to their teacher, if they can be loving to their siblings, when it comes to buying gifts for their own brothers and sisters, the wife says he's open ended. But when it comes to giving gifts for me, he keeps talking about finances, finances, finances. When I asked him that, take me for Ramadan, he says, I don't have money. If it comes time to buy his cousin something or go for his cousin's wedding. Let's go for the wedding. So it's not his stinginess, that bothers me. Some people are just
stingy. And that's okay. You learn to adjust, right? No one's perfect. Here, I have my flaws, you have yours. It's a problem that this individual is selective with who receives that good kindness of theirs. And I'm always on the wrong side.
I'm always on the wrong side. So it hurts a lot. It doesn't feel good. That it's not that this person doesn't know how to be a good human being. They just don't know how to be a good human being with
this me. Learn to respect and love the people inside your home. And this is what he says here that
says, For the meaning the family are most worthy of your center. They are most worthy of your kindness. These are the people that you should be.
And then he quotes a narration from the alarm one day a month Didn't we didn't have to lie Alinea. It's in which we are taught that not only do you say Salaam when you enter a gathering, but you also say Salaam when you leave a gallery. So now you know everything I talked about the kindness, the excitement that you have, when you walk into a home, you need to replicate that. recreate that whole thing again, when you're leaving the home, one by one greet the people about better, I'm heading out, I'll be back. I'm heading out I'm going to be back. you embrace your spouse, tell your parents tell the people around you that I'm heading out right now and shall I'll be back. And if you're
awake, we'll talk whatever you do, you just greet each person, it might make your departure from the home five minutes longer or three minutes longer. But it makes it meaning. Then you say Salaam Alaikum to the people in the home and movies. And the other is that you've gone to the bathroom and you come out and the house is empty. You're thinking What happened?
Maybe there was a jinn attack.
No one knows what happened. But in son, the human being a Muslim should know that you when you enter into a home, we agree. And when you leave a home you also agree. I see this on calls. Sometimes I see friends making phone calls when they start their phone calls. This is weird. I think it's weird, at least anyway, because I thought people understood the importance of Salaam and following the sin that much more than I've realized people do. Because half the times that I see people start a conversation, they don't even see a set up on LinkedIn.
And when they end the conversation, just forget about it. It's just a single hang up.
And here we're being taught that every time you enter into a gathering, every time you start a conversation, no matter how much you feel that you need to start broadening out and start shooting out all this. All the thoughts that you have built up, take a break first say what guys
said or
read them properly. Show some respect. Be a good Muslim. This was the first advice when he said Allah when he was sent him gave when he arrived in Madina munawwara
right. And the second thing, when you're leaving the gathering, when you're about to end the phone call, I know you're super busy. But before you do sit, sit on one, and then put the phone down. But said I'm on a call. You know, my kids, when they call me from my wife's phone, sometimes they end up on a call in the back and I said wait, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you say set up.
Can you just repeat it for me so I can hear it? Because when you say Salaam to me, I said to you, and then you get your father's law. So the best way for you to get your father's was for you to say that I'm wanting you say Salaam to me. I'll say Salaam back to you. Now we've all acted upon the center and we took each other's loss but there's no one who's the I would want more than my child and there's no one else to do either. He wants more than his father. And how do we make this happen? By saying a ceremony which was
So here he says, The first meaning the greeting of arrival is no less important than the second, the greeting when parting and when you when you leave. So with that, my friends will conclude your featherless
Drama upon what we learned and makes us from those who act upon the citizen every single morning itself. This class is not just about going through a checklist that I need to do this, I need to do that I need to do this I need to do that. I'm trying to engage you intellectually and make you understand why the Sunnah is so important. The goal here is to understand that if you were to implement these things, instantly the value of your life will increase. That's where the sooner does
increases your own value in your eyes in the eyes of the people around. Right. So May Allah subhanaw taala give us the focus to do so without a lot without
a ceremony.