Hosai Mojaddidi – Your Journey to Wear Hijab is Personal, Between You & God

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of wearing certain clothing during a transition and acknowledges that people may feel uncomfortable. They suggest that people may not be as hungry for comfort as they may be and that they need to assess their comfort and turn their minds around. The conversation is difficult to follow and does not involve much personal information.
AI: Transcript ©
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I would say to the sister, this is your journey with hijab. It's very

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private, it's between you and Allah subhana wa Tada, you

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shouldn't feel pressured to rush your decision because people are

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putting these, you know, questions before you and now you feel like

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you have to answer to them. No, you don't. It's your it's yours,

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own it, claim it and you can respectfully just say I'm, I'm

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just in a transition in my life. And, you know, might take me more

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time. But you know, you'll know when I start wearing it all the

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time. But I do feel sometimes people especially around hijab,

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they don't wear hijab, they might feel uncomfortable, because they

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don't know if you are going to continue to change and they are

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not, you know, in on the same path as you. So they sometimes I think

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people may put their own comfort before your comfort and that's why

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you have to kind of assess the situation. What is the motive of

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the question? Are they really curious about your path or is it

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more that you're making them uncomfortable?

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