Hosai Mojaddidi – The Beautiful Story of Julaybib (RA)

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
A woman named Julie Bebo experienced extreme abuse and mistreat towards her family and her compan's lineage, leading to a plan to marry her mother. She found out she was missing among her peers and family, leading to a sexual encounter. Another character named Subhanababab was found missing among her peers and family, leading to a sexual encounter with her mother. A woman who claims to have been murdered and is missing was also found missing.
AI: Transcript ©
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I wanted to share one of the most powerful stories of love that

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we're describing, because I'm describing this amazing love, or

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one of the great stories from the Sierra, that I think really

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conveys. This is the story of one of the companions of the prophesy

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son named Julie beep. If you don't know the story, I really hope that

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you'll read into it more, but I'm going to share it with you here.

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Today B was one of the companions who took who became Muslim with

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the unsought of Medina. And he, his name actually conveys a lot

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about him. His name means literally small grown or even

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deformed, that's the way that it was, you know, he was named, and

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why, because he was actually quite small in stature, very frail, very

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thin. And some of the descriptions say that he was very unattractive

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as well, he actually looked, you know, just not not very appealing.

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And because of that, he was ostracized, he was teased a lot.

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He was also an orphan. So he had no lineage, no support, no family

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backing. And this was, you know, a time and a place where that those

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things mattered. If you had at least family and lineage, you

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could be protected. So he had nothing. He had no money, no

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wealth, no features no no traits about him, that anybody deemed

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worthy, except for, of course, the best of creation sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam. In fact, he was in this was, you know, prior to Islam, but

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he was bullied so often that he actually was ostracized from the

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men of Medina. And he would take refuge and comfort with a women

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because they were actually compassionate towards him. That's

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how he was mistreated so poorly. So the, when he accepted Islam,

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the prophet sly said, um, of course, saw in him qualities that

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were beautiful, because he didn't look to the outward, right, this

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is the difference between having the proper, you know, sight,

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because we can see, for example, right, we see things but if you

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don't have, you know, the discernment to know what's truly a

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value and what's not, then you're not going to see things according

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to their true value. So the prophesy sort of saw people not

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for their outward appearance, he didn't judge people based on the

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way that they were dressed, or their, you know, status or their

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names. He looked at character, and he looked at, he could penetrate

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between, you know, from all of that and see into the, to their

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soul. And so he saw Julie Bebo as being very special, and someone of

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immense worth, to the point that he actually went to a very

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prominent family of Medina, who had a daughter, who she's not

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known, we don't know her name. But this woman, this young girl was

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very sought after a lot of the Sahaba were, she had many suitors.

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And so the family was a wealthy family. And she was quite

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stunningly beautiful, and the prophesy centum imagine, here's a

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man who everybody looks at as being worthless as nothing. And

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the prophesy. Saddam chose to be his representative, his advocate

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to this family, and he went up to the father of this family, and he

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said, I'm asking for your daughter's hand in marriage. And

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so he, of course, was so overjoyed, because the he thought

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it was the process of asking for himself and who better than the

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best of creation to hand his daughter over to so he was like,

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he was so happy. And the prophesy said, I'm told him, I'm actually

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not asking on my behalf. And as soon as he asked him, then who you

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know, assuming that it must be another companion, like aboubaker

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is a novel about God or Satan Ahmad are one of the other great

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companions. And he was told it was July maybe

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he was shocked, but he didn't want to have bad either. But the

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prophets I said, I'm so he said, I need to ask her mother. Let me

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consult with her. And he immediately went to her and he

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conveyed that this proposal had come and she had the same initial

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reaction, the prophesy centum is asking for our daughter how

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amazing and he had to tell her no, no, he's not asking for himself.

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He's asking for someone else who, Julie VB and she began to scream

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hysterically. She was like absolutely not no way no way and

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all the blah she made some very egregious statements that were

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what she said was was inappropriate, swearing by Allah

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that she would never ever ever marry her daughter to Julie be

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because he was seen as so low and beneath her. Now, I want you to

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imagine the scene unfolding. You know, she's screaming, and her

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daughter this beautiful girl who everybody is eyeing and vying for,

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she hears her mother screaming comes and says what's going on?

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And they tell her that the Bravo setup has asked for your hand for

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Julie B. And this girl mashallah again, we don't know her name

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Subhan Allah what a demonstration of love for the prophesy set um,

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and trust in the prophesy. Salam

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This is true love. She immediately turned to her parents who were

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like, there's no way we're marrying you to him, don't worry.

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And she said, How could you go against the prophesies?

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He would never wish anything wrong for me. He would never want

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anything but my favorite for me, I will accept this proposal.

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Shocked, right everybody's I mean, this is like, a huge shock to to

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everyone that hears this girl everybody's vying for, and she's

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gonna married you a beep. But why did she do it? Because she had

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that love for the prophesies that, um, that she didn't question him.

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She didn't question that he really wanted her cat even if the, you

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know, the, the optics didn't look like something that was good or

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favorable to other people. She knew in her heart of hearts, that

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because it came from the prophesize that, um, it was worthy

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Subhanallah they were married. And they lived peacefully together

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until July, he was one of the companions in a battle. Again,

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it's not mentioned which one but he was martyred. Now this is where

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Subhanallah we see the story. I mean, just again, trying to

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imagine this scene unfolding because here's a man orphaned and

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we've described how people perceived him, but to the

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prophesies that him clearly he was of great importance to the point

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that during the battle, or after the battle, the officers have

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turned to his companions asking each one of them if they have

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found anyone missing, you know, from their family, from their

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people from their tribe. Did you find anyone missing? Is anyone

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missing amongst you? And they would they said so and so and so

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and so he again asked, is there anyone missing amongst you? And

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they said so and so he then again, is asking them, like, you know,

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again, eagerly trying to locate someone write of importance to

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him. And now he reveals that and he says after they've repeatedly

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said, No, there isn't anybody, he says, What, but I am missing Julie

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beam. In other words, you know, he's important to me, you may have

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found all these other people who are your family members, your

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people, but I'm missing someone very special to me, that's who

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this man, his rank was with the prophesy centum. And so the

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Companions began to search for him. And they found that he had

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been martyred. There were seven bodies laying around him, and the

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process of them came heartbroken to see that he had been murdered.

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But of course, you know, he conveyed that what had happened,

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he said that he had been murdered these that he had killed the seven

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and then one of them must have finally killed him. And then he

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said, and he said this beautifully, two to three times

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it's reported in the Hadith. He said, have a mini while an admin

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who had a mini what an admin who, repeating this so that every

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single person there, saw what the process is, and was conveying that

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you all all of you at some point, thought this man is nothing, but

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he is from me, and I am from him, right? We are the same, in other

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words were the same. And he made sure to repeat it through two to

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three times. And then because he was so small and so frail, do they

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be as a person, the problem was that I picked him up by his own

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arms. He didn't need anybody else. And if you've ever been been

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around a funeral procession or anything like that, you know, it's

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not actually very, it's not easy to pick up someone but that's how

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small he was that he was able to lift him. And he placed him in the

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ground, he dug his grave, He buried him himself. And and that

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was, you know, the story that I think, to me anyway, I'm one of

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many that conveys really love in so many different ways, so many

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forms of love, right? Because, again, if you look at this

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beautiful girl, sister, we don't know again, her name, who is

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demonstrating to all of us that when you truly love and understand

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who the prophesy centum is, then you don't question his guidance

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