Hosai Mojaddidi – Simra’s Shahadah (Declaration of Faith)

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
Shannon explains her journey to Islam, starting with her friend's YouTube channel and sharing her journey in Arabic. She also asks for advice on finding peace and finding peace in life. Another woman named Sharla gives a gift to her and shares her journey.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam

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ala she has an MBA with a more serene say that when Mowlana What

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have you been on Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while

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it was Samuel Selim for Sleeman Kathira Assalamu alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Hamdulillah. It is a blessing Good

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day here in the month of Rabil hour, we are joined to today with

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Sister Simran and her four beautiful friends who are a part

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of this journey with her, she has decided at the tender age of 15,

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mashallah, to make the move forward and take her shahada

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today, it is really an a very momentous occasion for all of us.

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We've all been very emotional, just

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in these past few moments leading up to this. So we are really,

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really honored to have all of you here. I would love for myself and

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all of us here to hear about your journey. Simran, would you like to

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share some words about how you got to this point?

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I was raised, like, with Hinduism, and then I went to a Christian

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school. So I was taught Christianity. And then when I

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changed schools, I was introduced to them, and they started teaching

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me about Islam. So I started making more sense in Christianity.

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So then I was like, Why should I believe in something that doesn't

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make sense to me when I should just convert to Islam? Which makes

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sense to me? And how long have you been studying getting out with

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your friends may be less than a year, less than a year? And so who

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in this friends group, if I can ask a lot of you perhaps to also

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share? Who did you meet first? Or who met someone in verse two?

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Do you want to share how this friendship came together? And how

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did you just start to introduce this lamb to her? Yeah, so

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basically, I had a friend who introduced me to her because I

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didn't really know her that much. But then I got to know her and

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like, you know, find out that she's trying to cover this. So I

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just tried to help.

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Wonderful, and then the rest of you all kind of just started

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hanging out together. So you know, today, as you all know, religion

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isn't really a topic that I think adults anyway think teens are that

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interested in. So we're pretty, I think, blown away, that you all

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felt so comfortable to talk about these topics. Now, did one of you

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initiated the conversation around religion? Or were were you just

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curious? Did you ask questions? You started asking questions. And

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then you started to answer this question. So it's beautiful. Okay,

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wow. And so less than a year and you've been studying and so you

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know about the core beliefs of Islam, you know, about the five

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pillars. Great. And, you know, the obvious differences between Islam

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and as you said, Christianity, which you were studying before,

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that, you know, we do not believe in a Triune God and we're a

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monotheistic tradition, very good. Okay, well, I know that you are

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really eager for this moment, so I don't want to delay any longer.

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So the process to become a muscle is really easy and hamdulillah

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it's you just have to declare in front of witnesses that you

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believe in that you testify to the belief that is firmly in your

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heart and so we actually always say that you're already Muslim

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because clearly even upon meeting you, we could see the the love in

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your in your just your presence. So it's already there. But this is

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just a formal process. So we do so I will read the phrase that are

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the Declaration the testimony in Arabic and you can repeat after me

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and I'll go very slow so that I don't rush you through it. And and

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then I'll read the translation and that will be it will be a very

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simple process. Alright. So we say

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to him, we say ash had to either an La La ilaha illa il Allah

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illallah wa wa ash, Ash had to have an Allah Muhammad and

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Muhammad Rasul Allah Rasul Allah, very good mashallah technique

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of the law. So, that is the phrase you just said, I testify that

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there is no God with a small g right worthy of worship except the

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one and only true God. And I testify that Muhammad is his last

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and final messenger so Simran Welcome to Islam although we know

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that you as I said, already were Muslim coming in here. You This is

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a brand new day for you. This is a day where you are reborn you are

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completely sinless. I mean, mashallah, you probably had very

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few already being 15. But even so, it's a beautiful moment and I want

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to give you and your dear friends a moment

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you to just be with one another and then we can ask some questions

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maybe they had some reflections to share so go in for it Sisters, we

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can share some some hugs

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there are gonna be a lot of tears today.

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And reflecting back on this beautiful day happy tears, of

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course tears of joy, of relief of gratitude, immense gratitude and

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it's a beautiful reminder for all of us as well who have been gifted

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this Deen to see how Allah subhanaw taala guides whomever he

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wills and here we have someone at 15 Who mashallah heard the call

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and is responding. And hamdulillah for beautiful company what a

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wonderful display to see these beautiful sisters on this journey

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together. You know, we sometimes underestimate our younger

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generation but mashallah, this is a reminder for all of us.

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The power of beautiful gatherings beautiful friendships 100 With

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that, thank you so much for sharing me I also have a hug

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I know there's gonna be a line of people so after this, but I'd like

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to now just ask do you would all of you maybe take a moment just

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because we want this memory to be preserved for our dear sister

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Simran? What reflections would you like to share for her any just one

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advice maybe that you have based on your experience? I mean,

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clearly Mashallah. You all love the space of Hamdulillah? What

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advice would you like to impart I know you've probably already been

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giving her but anything that you want to tell her now

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I'd like to say that like.

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Sometimes, like in life, things happen.

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Where we get very stressed, and our souls finding peace. And we

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don't know what to look for that peace.

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And I remember a time in my life where I was very low, and I was

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looking for peace.

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I would go to people, friends and family to find that piece that

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talk to them about my problem, and that they try their best, but my

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soul didn't find what I was searching for. And even as a

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Muslim, you know,

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just because you're Muslim doesn't mean you found being you have to

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look through it, you have to search for it. And through that

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hard time, when I really like I didn't know any other option. I

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decided to go to camera. And when I saw the car for the first time,

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that's when my soul got the piece that was working for us.

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And that was the day I realized that no matter where you look for

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peace the peace is always with your allies always with you. So

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when you turn to Allah that's where you find your ultimate

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peace. So my advice to her is that don't ever look for peace in

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people or friends or anything but Allah because that's where you're

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never gonna get disappointed

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know it's a very overwhelming moment right now so much that you

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guys will have plenty of time to talk with any anything you'd like

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to share. You might

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be like, the outside world is like, you know, they teach you the

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wrong things. And so if you're selling stuff, we talk to people

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about it but the most important thing in person you should talk to

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is Allah because no matter what he's been saying, always will be

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with you.

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So sagely words of wisdom really Simran mashallah, thank you so

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much for sharing ladies. And thank you for also sharing your journey.

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Did you have any final words to share?

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Right now it's a lot much more well thank you. I want to on

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behalf of MCC this community. Thank you so much for choosing

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this Masjid to take your shadow this is your family We are your

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family. You have these beautiful friends as of course your extended

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family but you've just inherited a lot of more brothers and sisters

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Inshallah, we hope to see you here as often as possible. I do have a

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plus here, Dr. Rania has women's health as there's also other

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wonderful programs throughout the month that you can participate in.

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And we also have a gift here for you that we curate for our new

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converts Mashallah. It's got everything that you need, as you

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continue to grow in your faith and Sharla again, thank you for the

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honor. This is just said

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tremendous gift you've given us you know, there's a lot of things

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people could be doing on a Tuesday morning but I wouldn't be anywhere

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else. So thank you Simran May Allah make it easy for you

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Inshallah, and continue to open your path and, and bring you more

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and more beautiful souls like the friends that you have here. Thank

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you. Thank you to as well. Essential. Thank you all

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