Hosai Mojaddidi – Kristine’s Shahadah (Declaration of Faith)

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
A woman named Christine is leading a tour of a community in LA, where she has been
the first person to come
the first
the first
the first
the first
the first
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum everyone

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam

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ala Shivan MBI. Even more setting, say that WeMo learn our Habibollah

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Mohammed, some Allahu Allah He was salam. While it was it was salam,

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the Sleeman Kathira Salam oligomer. With Allah Who better

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care to everyone.

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And 100 in there, first and foremost, Jamal Mubarak to

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everyone in shot LA. We are so honored and blessed today here, as

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we always are at the MCC Mela, protect and preserve this

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community. And hamdulillah to have our sister here, Christine

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Fernandez, yes, Fernandez. With us from the US she reached out

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recently to the organizers and requested information on how to

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become a Muslim. She is ready. She we believe already, of course with

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certainty that the fact that she's here means that she already has

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the firmness of faith in her heart. And this is of course, the

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first pillar of Islam the declaration or the shahada, which

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we do in public view of with witnesses. So Alhamdulillah this

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is definitely a first step for anyone who wants to embrace this

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beautiful face. We're very honored that Christine has chosen our

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community to do this. And I'm so excited because I have yet to hear

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Christine's story. But she came today prepared and willing and

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excited to share her story. So Christine, first of all, once

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again, welcome to our community. Thank you so much. Very happy to

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have you here. Please tell us what prompted you to take this next

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step in your faith journey.

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First and foremost, it's good to see all of you everyone. I was

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born Catholic, and my parents were also Catholic, and they raised me.

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Like five years ago, I came in here I am, I am a nurse. And I

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came in here in the US with with with afraid of like having a good

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Two years ago, my dad passed away all of a sudden from a stroke. And

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my faith was shaken. And it was so bad. I was in a dark place. A year

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ago, my mom passed away from COVID. So with all of those that's

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happening, I was in a very dark place. And I lost my faith to God.

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I'm like, I don't know where to go. I wanted to end my life. And

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I'm just very lost. I'm so glad that my partner. His name is RJ

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has sweetening right now, he's a born Muslim. And he was with me

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all the time. When we when we first started dating, he never

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insisted for me to convert to being a Muslim. He never pressured

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me. He just prayed. And I see him and I respect him and he respect

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my feet as well. And then the Ramadan came in last year, and I

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was in a very dark place. And I saw him fasting. And for me, I was

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asking like, why are you not eating? Why are not drinking? And

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that's when they started looking like, why are you doing Ramadan.

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And that's the first time I appreciate and I was very thankful

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that I was able to know why you're doing and I started doing it even

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though I'm not a convert yet. Like I'm not doing the shahada yet, and

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it feels so good. And I appreciated God or Allah give to

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us the food, all the blessings, it made me appreciate everything. And

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that's what made me convert to Islam.

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homiletic could be

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a long walk but what a beautiful testimony Wow. As someone who has

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lost both her parents I completely relate to what you experienced.

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And it's just such an incredible blessing that almost part of that

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in the midst of your agony of of grief that he opened this door to

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find your faith and we are again so so honored, masha Allah may

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Allah bless your partner for again, being patient with you and

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and modeling Islam that's really the best Allah that we as Muslims

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can do. We don't you know, we don't force our faith upon anyone

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we just are supposed to have inshallah the best character and

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just practice our faith as we are taught and that usually does

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exactly what happened to you, which is bringing people to the

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faith so hamdulillah What a beautiful story. We're so again

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honored so the process to become a Muslim, the formal process, the

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shahada, which I know now by now, you know is a very simple process.

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What we do is we basically you declare you make a declaration of

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faith in front of witnesses. It's a phrase that we say in Arabic and

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just to simplify it, you can say it once or two or three times but

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for today, inshallah We'll do it one time, it will be very simple.

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And usually those who are in the audience will also pronounce it

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with you just to reaffirm our own faith inshallah. So it's always

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good for Muslims.

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To practice into we say it anyway in the prayer many, many times

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throughout the day, but it's good in times like this to just come

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together. So I invite everyone here as well to also repeat

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Inshallah, as we will. And I'll go very slow, we'll do the Arabic and

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then we'll do the translation. And that's pretty much it. And then at

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that point in sha Allah, there'll be a line of sisters waiting to

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embrace you and welcome you, after of course, Aisha and myself we

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want we want to get that first. So, this month, everyone ready?

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And most importantly, are you ready? Because I'm ready. We are

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ready all right, this will not matter to him. So when we begin,

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when we say first

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ash, Ash, everyone

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hadoo Hadoo. And en la, la ilaha illa. Il il Allah, Allah, what ash

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what ash? hadoo Hadoo and anna muhammadan Muhammadan rasul Allah

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Rasul Allah, masha Allah to Kabir,

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Kabir, Allah, masha Christine, you just testified in front of all of

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these witnesses and everyone who will be watching or is watching

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that You declare that there is no God with a small g right? No God

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other than the one and only God and that Muhammad is the last and

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final messenger of God and hamdulillah Welcome to the faith

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Oh dear sister, we are so happy to have you mashallah again it could

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be at everyone.

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Very welcome.

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And sisters that was the time come and get your bus ticket to of

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course brothers please keep Christine and her partner in

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Sharla in your DUA and also know Christine that today is the

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beginning of your journey your all your sins have been wiped clean.

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You are brand new like a baby and we that's why we seek your DUA so

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please remember us in your door today and every day in Charlotte I

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mean does that was said I'm on a call to light but I kept everyone

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thank you

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