Hosai Mojaddidi – Do Not Call a Person By a Name They Have Not Chosen

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
A speaker discusses a situation where a person is upset because they are the son of a deceased family member. The speaker advises against calling them by their name and suggests calling them by their actions. The speaker also warns against using sensitive language and suggests not giving information in public.
AI: Transcript ©
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Once a grandma who is the son of Abuja, * wanted to meet with

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the province, I said, I'm after the Battle of hood. And and when

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he came here, the province was sort of, you know, he commanded

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all of the, I'm sorry battle of brother when he came the provinces

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and commanded the sub Sahaba. To not call it karma, right? Even a B

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Jahad. Don't call him the son of the father of ignorance, because

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that was his father's name. And he did not want to break further

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eccomas heart you just lost his dad and battle. So he instructed

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his Sahaba Don't call him that. Just call him by his name. That's

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empathy. Right? You told us when there's two of you and a third

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person, don't speak in secret, don't talk in a different

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language. It's rude. It makes the other person feel left out. You

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are hurting another person unnecessarily. So don't do that.

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This is an empathy.

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