Hosai Mojaddidi – Can I Wear Shab Clothes So I Do Not Appear Ostentatious

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how wearing a mask helps people not look bad, but it is unclear whether it is true. They also talk about a woman who they believe was criticized for wearing a tank top and shorts and how they were criticized for their appearance. The speaker emphasizes the importance of dressing in a certain way for the sake of being seen and not being judged.
AI: Transcript ©
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We understand that one can still have Austin tation, right, which

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is real, it's a disease of the heart where you show off, right?

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You're you're performing basically in order for it to be seen

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that we can have ostentation, when people purposely go out of their

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way to not look boastful. Do you still have ostentation, if you go

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out of your way, to not look too good around certain people, an

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example is we're basically wearing a mask around men are purposely

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dressed and purposely dressed with not the best attire around certain

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people at a fear of judgment or being seen by them. So the

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question again, that I'm hearing here is, is it still true? Yeah,

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if you're trying to basically, you know, kind of tone down your

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dress, so as not to attract or to appear a certain way right to

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whether it's men or other people. And so I feel like this question,

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I just, again, can speak to it, because many, many years ago,

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before I even knew what the term ostentation was, which is like a,

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you know, a mouthful of a word. Or yeah, we had studied the diseases

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of the heart, I absolutely had it, I just didn't know I had it. But a

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big part of my focus was on the outward and so wearing certain

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clothes to not be perceived, as you know, as as attractive or, or

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just to look intimidating was absolutely my game, I went out of

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the house with the agenda to intimidate people to look scary,

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to not be judged, you know, for for any physicality or anything

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else, and to send a message, a strong message. And I thought that

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that was, you know, something pious, I actually believed that it

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was an active pod to do that. And I've told the story before, but I

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don't know how many of you have heard it. So I'll just quickly

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tell it because I think it's for me, it was a life changing moment

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for me. And it just made me It helped me to shift focus, but I've

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told the story. So if you've heard it, you can leave it right there.

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I don't want to anyhow, I was this was many years ago. And so as I

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mentioned, I used to dress like all kind of military style and

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away had to toe black. And I would walk around with like a grimace

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and just like not be very pleasant, because I wanted to

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intimidate people. So I was at the airport waiting for a ride. And

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you know, I'm just sitting there people watching waiting for my

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ride dressed again, head to toe like that. And a woman she parks

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her car right across the street. I mean, on the you know, in the, in

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the where all the cars are coming, and she parked her car, and then

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she got got out of her car, and she's wearing a tank top and

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shorts. And she's, you know, white, I'm assuming white American

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woman, but she, she was dressed very scantily. And I just

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immediately just judged her and had a lot of negative thoughts,

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let's just say, completely judged her. And this happened to me, she

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closed the trunk of her car. And she looked right in my direction

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as if she was piercing through my soul. And, you know, you make eye

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contact with somebody who you're just judging, you know, that's not

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comfortable, if you've ever done that before, but she did that. And

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she walked directly towards me. And so as she's walking towards

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me, my heart is like, you know, because I'm like, What is this?

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This is kind of strange. Why is she coming towards me? And why he

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she did that she came in, she stood in her tank top and short

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shorts. And I'm sitting there and she she put her head down and she

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said, said I want to go.

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Last words I ever thought I would hear from someone dressed like

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that. And she had so much humility it, she had her head to hand the

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load the whole time, pretty much she was talking to me. She's like,

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I know, I'm dressed so inappropriately, but I am Muslim.

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And I want to raise my son Muslim, and I saw you and I thought it was

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like a sign from God, that I come and talk to you. Because I want a

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book. She's like, I need resources for my son. So she's saying all

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this stuff. And I'm just sitting there like completely floored at

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what just happened because I know the internal dialogue I was having

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in my head. And of course, Allah knows what I was thinking. And he

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sent this woman to me, he sent her to me to teach me a very, very

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serious lesson that day, which is who do you think you are? Right?

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You're walking around as though you are the personification of my

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face. And you judge people and you think you're better than people.

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And that's who I was for a really long time. And that day I learned

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the lesson I am nobody because that woman I'm sure was was far

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better than I was in that moment. And I had to sit with that. It was

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like a I say it was it was like a punch to the gut. It was but it

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was a huge awakening for me that my focus was on the wrong thing. I

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was focused on the outward so RIA is a disease of the heart. Where

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in both cases where you do something to be seen, or you don't

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do something to not be seen. It is real because the focus is on

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people. Our focus has to be on Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Don't act for to be seen or to not be seen to be judged and not be

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judged, to be accepted to not be accepted. That is not the state of

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the believer, because people can benefit you and they can't harm

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you. Everything is from Allah subhanaw taala so the believer

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understands that and that's why if you're going to dress a certain

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way, do it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala don't factor in

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people. Do it for the sake of Allah and He will give you tofu

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