Hisham Jafar Ali – Names Of Allah And His Attributes #15 The Powerful & Firm
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The concept of strength is discussed, with emphasis on the importance of one's ability to do what one intends to do and the use of words like "has" to describe people and events. The historical context of Islam is also discussed, including the downfall of Subhanab MKuh'd and the importance of showing one's weakness. The power of Islam is emphasized, with the need for effort and dedication to achieving goals and attention to one's words and actions. The importance of affirmations and affirmations in building one's identity and empowering others is emphasized.
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we'll be looking at Allah's names, Al Qawi
and Al Mateen.
the one word that everybody wants today.
Every nation wants power
over their dictator.
Today, the woman wants power over the man
in the marriage.
The young want power over the old. The
small wants power
over the large. Everybody today is seeking it,
whether it's political power,
whether it's financial power,
whether it's nuclear power, whether it's sustainable power,
everybody wants power.
And today we are going to talk about
the source of all power, the giver and
the taker of power, Al Qawi.
Allah's name Al Kawi
comes from
the word in Arabic or the root letters.
Al Kawi in Arabic which refers to strength.
So the Arabs would call someone if
they had
more than average strength in some faculty.
So let's say,
Sajjad here is very intelligent,
high IQ, Insha Allah. More IQ higher IQ,
more intelligence than the average person. The Arabs
would call him
strong of mind.
If you find someone who has bodily strength,
yes, someone who goes to the gym regularly.
I can't see any of them here,
nor can I see them in the mirror?
But if we find someone like that, we
call them,
someone strong of body. Maybe we have 1
or 2 here, Insha'Allah.
Strong of body because their bodily strength is
more than average.
Their ability to get things done, their ability
to do what they intend.
So for instance, you know, somebody wants to
lift some furniture.
They intend to lift the furniture.
They want to lift this furniture.
But because of their weakness,
they cannot fulfill their intention. They are stuck.
This is called,
So weakness and strength
depends on are you able to do what
you intend to do?
Whether it's physically,
whether it's financially,
whether it's politically,
all of this comes back to the word
in Arabic.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is.
He is the greatest
source of strength,
and he is the strongest, the most powerful.
a lot of us struggle and we feel,
Muslims specifically and especially, we feel weakened. We
feel weak.
After 100 of years of colonialism in Muslim
in Egypt, in Algeria, Morocco, Somalia,
India, Pakistan, so many countries, Muslim countries,
of course, with the exception of India, which
is not a Muslim country but has a
huge Muslim population,
the Muslims face 100 of years of weakness.
And today, Muslims feel weak. They feel small.
They feel inferior.
And the mindset that this name of Allah
Al Qawi,
it gives you inner strength
because you know that behind you is the
greatest power.
I want to draw for you a picture
for you to understand the effect of this
name on the lives of the Sahaba, radiallahu
most of us, we suffer from a inferiority
complex. That means we feel small
in comparison to the west
because they have more machines
and more engineering
and more business.
And we are weak and we are less
because we don't have science and we're far
behind. So Muslims feel weak in front of
their opposition, in front of those who are
apparently greater than them.
And because of this, we start to compromise
in our deen. We say, you know what,
let's edit this hukm of Allah. No. Actually,
Islam is not about this, it's about this.
We we start to change and tweak and
edit Islam because we feel weak.
I want to show you tell you a
A man by the name of Rebbe'i ibn
from one of the earliest generations of Muslims.
He enters into the palace of Rustam.
Anybody know which empire he belong to? Persian.
The Persian empire.
And anybody who reads history will tell you,
the greatest empire in human history
was not the Roman Empire.
It was the Persian Empire.
The Persian Empire was the greatest,
most advanced empire in all of human history.
Anybody who wants to read further, there's a
800 page book called The Silk Road.
You can read it. It's by a recent
historian. It proves this idea. The Persian Empire
was the greatest, most sophisticated
empire in history.
And Rustum and Rabi'ib Nuhamir
is sent by the Muslimine
to go and invite Rustum to Islam.
Rabi'ib Nuhamir is a Bedouin from the Arab
He doesn't have fancy clothing, branded clothing,
doesn't have a big army.
By himself, he walks into the palace of
People walk into the palace of Rustam usually
with their head bowed
because out of submission for the king.
But Rust but rebirib no Amir walks in
with his head up high, and he refuses
to bow for anyone.
He walks in with his head up high.
And the emperor Rustam begins begins to make
fun of him.
He says, what brought you out of the
You Arabs who eat lizard meat. What brought
you to my grand civilization?
So Rabi Ibrahim Al Ahmad says to him,
We came
to remove the slaves.
From the worship of other slaves.
To become worshipers
of the Lord of the slaves.
And from the harshness of human made religion
to the beauty and mercy of Allah's religion.
Look at the pride with which he holds
his identity.
Look at the power with which he speaks
to power.
Where is the confidence coming from?
Where is that strength coming from?
Today, as Muslims, we make so many compromises
because we feel weak, because we think we
need an army, we need a political party,
we need funding, so we will tweak and
change the message of Islam so we can
get some power from this earth.
This is a lone man walking into a
palace of a huge empire. He has no
army, he has no money, he has nothing,
but he has one thing.
He is standing and he knows that Allah
is behind him. Allah is supporting him.
Al Kawi,
the source and the greatest of all powers
is Allah.
And this allowed him to have so much
confidence that it doesn't matter who he's talking
to, he will be there with his head
held high, with the position of strength, not
the position of weakness.
And this is why he could speak to
Rustum, this emperor of Persia, as though he's
Because for him, he only fears Allah, and
his power is Allah.
He felt in his mind as though there's
a big army behind him, because Allah
is supporting him.
This is the effect of Allah's name, Al
That we as Muslims will come out of
this complex of being small and inferior, and
we're behind, and we're low, and we will
that we are the slaves of the most
almighty, the greatest power of all.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala uses his name Al
or he uses the word Kawhi, strength, to
as a positive way to describe some of
his slaves in the Quran. So this name,
Al Kawi, the most powerful is for Allah.
But Kawi has been used for
other than Allah as well, as positive thing.
Who can tell me
who has been described in the Quran as
So what was Jibril described as?
Okay. The jinn.
One of the jinn was described in the
Quran as
strong and trustworthy. 1 of the jinn in
the army of Sulaiman, alayhi sallam. And Jibril,
alayhi sallam, was called?
Musa alaihi salaam. Who called him Kawi? The
daughter of
Yes. The yes. The daughter of Assam's Kolos
Seshayhi Salaam. She said,
Anybody else?
These are some examples. Musa, alayhis salam, the
jinn, and Jibril, alayhis salam in the Quran,
these are all people who have power,
which tells you Allah gives power to others
as well.
Allah is the source of power,
and that being strong is not a bad
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says,
the strong believer
better and more closer to, and more beloved
to Allah than the weak believer.
Even though both of them have some good
in them.
I want to come to you with an
example that Allah gives in the Quran.
Allah says, the verses I recited in the
Oh people, Allah has given you an example,
so listen carefully to it.
Those who you call other than Allah,
they could not create a fly even if
they all gathered together to create a fly.
And if the fly took away something from
them, they couldn't take it back from him.
How weak is the seeker and how weak
is what they are seeking.
People did not appreciate Allah, His due appreciation.
Indeed, Allah is Qawi,
the ultimately strong, and Aziz, the dominating.
What does this example mean?
And how does it apply to us today?
Yes, tell me. Is he saying that
you think, like, you can do everything Mhmm.
And have power, but then the
with the most power. Mhmm. And Allah is
the only
Anybody else?
So we have two points here. In this
example, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is giving a
Those that you call and you make dua
to other than Allah, whether they're idols, whether
they're people, whether they're dead people, alive people,
it doesn't matter.
Allah is saying, could they create a fly?
And a fly is an example for the
and the most weakest, we think, the weakest
of Allah's creation.
If all of these idols and all of
these people came together, they could not create
a single fly.
And if the fly took something from them
imagine when a fly comes and lands on
your shoulder.
And we all know that a fly sucks.
It sucks your blood from your skin, from
your from you, and it goes. You cannot
go and retrieve that blood. It's not happening.
You might go and squash the fly, but
the blood's not going to become accessible to
And so
if people are so weak and and what
we think is powerful, whether it's idols, whether
it's machines, whether it's companies, whether it's governments,
if none of them altogether could create a
single fly,
how weak are they
in comparison with Allah, the all powerful?
Imagine this is another example.
a creation of Allah, a virus which is
not even seen to the human eye. So
It's not seeable. You cannot see it with
the human eye, but it brought down nations
to their knees.
It killed populations.
Those who accept that there was actually a
thing called COVID.
It killed entire populations.
This is the qudra and the qua of
He reminds us from the smallest of his
creation, from the dubaba, the fly, to show
us we are nothing, and we are weak,
and he humbles us.
Human beings, they always think they can do
everything, especially when they think there is no
God, there's no creator.
When they created the Titanic, they said the
ship will never sink. When they created the
spacecraft, they said this will never stop flying.
And all of it came crashing down.
Yes, Habib.
The king of Persia,
Amrud. And he defied Allah. He brought an
And then, subhanallah, the mosquito came into Israel
Yeah. And he died after, like, 400
Brothers mentioned that, yes, the story of Nimrud
as many historians narrate that Nimrud,
the tyrant who famously faced off with Ibrahim
alaihi salam,
He debated and he fought with Ibrahim alaihi
salam, and he was a big tyrant.
Many many historians say that he died through
a mosquito.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, he brings down
the biggest tyrants with the smallest of things,
the weakest of creation, to remind and to
humble the human beings when they overestimate themselves.
This is the meaning of his words,
You did not give Allah the estimation,
the esteem, the rank that He deserved. You
thought too big of yourselves.
Allah's name Al Kawi gives us humility. But
I'm going to ask you all a question.
If Allah is Al Kawi,
the most powerful,
why is it
that Allah does not
give power to the Muslims, those who are
worshiping him and those who are devoted to
him, and they are today the weakest of
people on the earth? Why does he not
make them the kings of the world and
the powerful of the world? Yes.
Okay. Beautiful.
So young man is saying that being rich
you could be tested by richness.
Being wealthy could lead you to disbelief, so
it's not always a good thing. Yes.
Beautiful. Masha'Allah. He's saying the verse of Allah
where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, you are
the best of people taken out for mankind.
You command the good and you forbid the
wrong. That's the thing that makes you special,
not wealth and not industry, etcetera. Okay. Anybody
else? Yes, Sheikh.
Surah Allah, doctor Muhammad is saying that given
being given victory and power from Allah,
Allah gave us a condition.
Only if you give nusrah, you support and
serve Allah, He will then give you nusrah,
the victory.
And maybe we are not fulfilling those conditions.
Yes, Harid?
Will be separate by
Mhmm. These are not
Jameel. Okay. It's a beautiful point that
in times of weakness,
it becomes more clear who are the committed
Muslims and who aren't. Because you are not
in a position of strength and luxury, you're
a position of weakness. So whoever stays committed
are the committed ones. Okay. We'll take one
more. Yes.
Allahu Akbar. Beautiful.
Very good. Masha, what's your name?
And who did good deeds,
He will make them
leaders on this earth. But maybe we have
not fulfilled
the iman and the and the good deeds
to be given that promise. Masha'Allah, all of
you have made good points,
but there is a point before that.
You know, Allah,
he governs this world with laws.
I'm sitting on this chair because of the
law of
of gravity.
If not for gravity,
maybe I would be floating somewhere, And then
that would not be, you know, Sufi al
Hakath. That would be no gravity. Okay? Like
if you go to space.
This world is governed by laws.
There are physical laws. There are biological laws.
There are chemical laws. That's how this world
works. And there are some laws
that are not to do with physics and
Allah's sunnah on this earth.
Allah has sunan.
He has certain ways in which this earth
One of the sunnahs of Allah
is that there will always be a fight
between good and evil.
There will always be a fight between good
and evil.
says in
Those who are removed from their households only
because they said our Lord is Allah.
If not for the fact
that Allah made people oppose each other and
fight each other,
attacking and one defending, if Allah didn't create
this situation,
many masjids
and places of worship would be destroyed.
And Allah will definitely help those who serve
Him sincerely.
Allah is powerful,
and he is dominating.
In this ayah and in many others in
the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us,
there will always be the enemies to the
He created them to oppose us. He created
them to create a problem because
Al Ibn Taymiyyah
mentioned this. You know, Ibn Taymiyyah,
Ahmad ibn Abdus Salam, Ibn Taymiyyah Al Harani,
at Dimashqir from Damascus in Syria, this great
He lived at a time when the Mongols
destroyed Muslim civilization.
They came to Iraq.
They took all the books that the Muslim
scholars had written, and they threw them into
the sea
until the sea became blue with ink, after
it was red with blood.
Now one may think, how did Allah destroy
this entire ummah, this khilafa, all these millions
and millions of Muslims from these Mongols?
Ibrut Haymiyyah said,
when Allah wants to revive Islam Listen carefully
to this statement. When Allah wants to revive
He creates enemies to Islam.
Because when there are enemies,
then Muslims will stand up to defend their
faith and they step up
when they feel threatened.
And this is why if you go to
some Muslim countries, you know, we are now
not in a Muslim country. When you go
to Muslim countries, you see people, generally speaking,
they are less religious.
They are less keen. Their masjids are less
full. If you come here at Fajr time
to this masjid
and you go to a masjid in a
Muslim country, you might find this masjid is
a lot more full. Why? One of the
reasons psychologically
is Muslims in Muslim countries, they feel safe.
There's no threat. There's nothing to worry about.
Here, day in and day out, there's always
a threat to your iman, so you are
You are fear you are in fear. And
that's what makes you step up your game.
That's what makes you increase your commitment. You
know, if you don't increase your commitment, you're
going to be finished.
You're swimming against the current. You're not swimming
with the current.
And so this is why the first thing
very important to understand, Allah is the most
But Allah
sometimes gives power to the Valim, the oppressor.
He does. That's his sunnah.
And sometimes Allah gives power to the believer.
And in both of those is a test.
These are the sunan of Allah.
He will always create for the believers a
group of enemies
to see
because when that situation is created, the real
committed believers will shine.
Just as in the battle of Ahzab and
in many other parts of the Quran, where
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala approves.
Only when the believers are really tested with
a difficult enemy, do the true believers shine,
and the fake believers run away from the
Today, we are at war. Yes, we are
at war.
Maybe not a physical war,
but Muslims,
there is an intellectual war
from atheism,
from all these liberal ideologies,
from these gender ideologies, whether it's at school,
whether it's university.
We are at war.
A war of ideas, not a war of
If it's not you, your children will be
victims to this war.
And the real question is, who is going
to stand up and fight?
Who is going to defend their deen with
with knowledge and with wisdom and with intelligence?
Who is going to defend Islam, and who
is going to move forward with confidence,
and who is going to hide in the
corner, and who is going to slink away
from the battle and say, maybe Islam really
isn't the truth.
This is where
the true believers,
the men get separated from the boys.
When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala describes true real
men in the Quran,
Allah says,
From the believers, some of them were real
People who were true to the promise they
made to Allah.
When Allah made them a promise, they trusted
in Allah's promise. Even if it took 100
of years, they're not going to give up.
They are patient.
When you know Allah is Al Qawi,
you know that he might give power
to the person who is not a good
Yes. Allah gave power to Napoleon Bonaparte, and
he came to Egypt.
And he sent his soldiers to urinate in
Al Azhar and in the Masajid of Egypt
and burn all the books.
Yes. Allah gave power to our enemies.
And this question was asked in the Quran
by Musa alayhi salam. Alayhi
salam. Musa alayhi salam says, O Allah, you
gave Firaun, this horrible individual,
you gave him so much decoration and beauty
Oh Allah,
you gave them all of this, and they're
going to use it to misguide people.
And then Musa alaihi wasalam makes dua against
Oh Allah,
I do not have the wealth that they
have. It is as though he sing, Musa
is sing, Oh Allah, I don't have the
wealth of Iran. I don't have the army
of Firaun, but I only have you.
Oh Allah, you show them the punishment. Oh
Allah, you show them your power. And with
this little stick of Musa, this asa,
he defeated Firaun and his army.
The power
is not in the tool.
We think that if we become engineers, we
will be powerful. If we have weapons, we
will be powerful. If we have social media,
we'll be powerful. The power is not in
the tool.
Musa alayhis salam defeated Firam with a stick.
With a stick.
It is not about the stick.
It is about trusting that Allah is more
powerful than our enemies.
Remember this moment, as Musa stands on the
edge of the sea,
and behind him the hooves
are slamming on the ground, and the dust
is in the air, as the army of
Firaun comes close to finish him off,
and his people give up.
we are finished. We are finished.
But Musa alayhi salam, the man with a
stick and no army, he says,
No. My Lord is with me. He will
show us the way.
It is this trust in Allah Al Kawi
is what gave him the strength to split
the sea.
It is this trust in Allah Al Kawi
that drowned the greatest army the world had
ever seen. It is this trust in Allah
that will help us over our enemies
in this war that we are in. In
this war over our children's iman, to preserve
the iman of our children, the identity of
our children, our salah, our commitment to Allah.
It is a war that we have to
fight to preserve our identity and protect our
iman, and we won't be able to do
it with tools, with wealth. We will do
it with the help of
the powerful.
It is this belief in the most powerful
is what gave the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam the confidence to never compromise on a
single letter.
When the disbelievers came to him, they said,
worship our Lord for one day, we'll worship
your Lord for one day. He said, no.
When they came to him, they said, take
some money, take some women. What do you
want? He said, no. I don't want anything.
It is because he knew Allah is Al
He is not waiting for some handout from
the government.
He is not waiting
for the Liberals to come on his side.
He doesn't need the wrong people to be
on his side. He just needs Allah on
his side. And with that, he was able
to completely decimate the Arabian Peninsula
and dominate the world.
They did it
when they believed in Al Qawi.
They didn't do it because of tools.
They didn't do it because of degrees.
They didn't do it because of anything from
this dunya. But because of the strength of
their certainty in the promise of Allah. Allah
opened for them the dunya.
And because we have a weak certainty in
and we have instead a strong certainty in
everything else,
the dunya has closed up to us. The
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam predicts
that in the end of times, the Muslims
are going to be weak. Listen to what
he says.
There will come a time when all the
nations of the world will overwhelm and consume
the Muslims.
Is it because we will be small in
when we become losers, when we become consumed
and defeated? Is it because we are small
in number,
He says,
No. You will be large in number.
We are a 1000000000 people today, a 1000000000
Muslims in the world.
Sail, but you will be nothing. You will
like the froth of the ocean.
Allah will remove fear of you from your
enemies' hearts. They won't be scared of you.
And Allah will put in your hearts
You will feel small.
Somebody asked the prophet, Oh Rasulah, what does
He says,
You will become attached to this dunya, this
world, and you will become you will hate
to die for the sake of Allah.
And perhaps this is our situation today.
When we have less trust in Al Qawi,
we begin to have more trust
in the kuwas, the powers
of today,
wealth, of government, of this and of that.
And they are not mutually exclusive.
One can take the asbaab, take the means
and trust in Allah, Al Kawhi.
I want
to mention over here
the naser, the power of Allah,
it doesn't come for free.
It's not something you can get from the
thrift store.
The help of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Allah mentions in the Quran.
When the messengers
are about to give up and they think
nobody's going to believe.
This is the extreme point of desperation.
The prophets are about to give up. Imagine,
the prophets are about to give up.
Then Allah says,
Then we help them, and we save whoever
we wish.
And then nobody can stop us when we
come to finish off the criminals.
This is the power of Allah, but it
requires effort and striving and struggle and sweat
and blood and tears from you and me.
If we do not sweat for Allah, Allah
is not going to help us.
He says with emphasis,
I will definitely,
100%. I promise you I will help
those who serve me.
Have we sweated for the sake of Allah?
Have we ever done anything in our life
to deserve the help of Allah?
For ourselves,
for our children, for our communities.
When was the last time we took an
hour out to serve Allah?
To help the needy, to help the neighbor,
to pray,
to go and to struggle in the masjid.
These are the front lines today that we
are fighting. When was the last time we
did something?
It takes an earthquake for Muslims to spend
money for the sake of Allah. It takes
people dying.
But we will not spend to keep the
iman alive. We will not spend on our
children's education and on the if it's GCSE
science tuition, we'll pay £30 an hour. But
for Quran tuition, if I have to pay
£30 a month, I'm going to fight with
the management.
We cannot we don't we are not willing
to spend and sweat and bleed for Allah,
but we are willing to sweat and bleed
for everything else.
Are we surprised?
Are we shocked that the help of Allah
is never going to come?
What have we done to deserve it, my
friends? We have to ask ourselves this question.
Allah's nusrah, Allah's qawah, his power is not
It takes it's an expensive commodity
and we have to pay the price and
pay the dues if we want to achieve
it and we want to receive it from
And if we do,
because who doesn't want power? Lut alaihis salaam.
When all of the people of Lut are
outside his door
because they wanted to practice *,
they wanted to practice homosexuality
with the 2 angels that came to visit
him. And what does Lut alaihi salam say?
This is the prophet of Allah. He says,
I wish I had some strength
to defend myself.
I have no one.
What happens 2 days later?
Allah destroys everybody
except Lutz house.
Lutz had nobody.
Eunice in the belly of the whale had
Musa alayhi salam had nobody.
Saad alayhi salam had nobody. Muhammad sallam had
They had no army. They had nothing, but
they had Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
They were hungry for power. They wish they
could have power. They didn't have it. Allah
was there, the all powerful, to help him.
When you realize Allah is Al Qawi, you
start to behave yourself as a Muslim, you
start to feel strength in your stride.
You have strength in your posture. You have
strength when you talk to others. You don't
come from a position of weakness ever. Brothers
and sisters,
we should never ever behave
towards other beliefs, other ideologies. We should never
feel weak.
We should never hide our identity.
I'm not saying you go around your workplace
standing on the tables and calling people to
That's not what I'm saying. But if someone
comes and asks you why you go and
pray, you should not say I went for
a walk on my lunch break.
Tell them I went to pray.
If someone asks you your name, you don't
have to say Moe. My name is Mohammed,
but you can call me Moe if you
Don't hide.
You are Abdul Qawi, you are the slave
of the most strong and powerful. Why are
you feeling weak? Where is that coming from?
Why are you hiding?
Al Qawi,
Allah is Al Qawi, he is never hidden.
He is a parent.
His evidences are everywhere. Don't hide.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, when he talks about
our relationship with power, Allah says in the
When he's talking to Yahya,
Take the revelation with strength.
What does that mean?
That means when you learn about the Quran
and what it teaches you, you should never
feel weak after that day.
You should feel you are intellectually stronger than
your opponents.
Your iman makes you stronger than everybody else.
Allah has thrown into you now a strength
and a source of empower empowerment
that can never has no equation. Nothing else
can equal it.
Today, everybody wants empowerment.
Women want empowerment.
Children want empowerment.
But true empowerment is being empowered by Allah
Al Qawi.
He says,
take the revelation with strength.
When he talks about the Injeel and the
Torah, he says,
Take it with strength.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,
Take what we have given you with strength.
What is Allah saying here?
If you believe that Allah is Al Qawi,
the all powerful,
then the Quran that he gave you and
the sharia that he gave you, the way
of life he is giving you, is the
most powerful way of life imaginable.
You should never
feel shy about it. You should not need
to hide away from it.
This is what it means.
Understand what is in revelation and act on
what is in revelation.
It will make you strong
and don't feel weak. And if you feel
weak in your identity,
you don't feel like telling anybody you're a
Muslim, you hide in your workplace. When you
go for salah, you scuttle away to the
corner. Nobody should know I'm praying.
If you have to do that, it means
that your relationship with revelation is weak because
revelation makes you strong. Revelation strengthens your identity.
Knowing your forefathers, your history strengthens your identity.
You will not be hiding. You'll be in
plain sight. This is who I am. Take
it or leave it.
This is what it means.
When we know Allah is Al Khawy,
we take his revelation with with strength as
I want to end today's session
with one of the greatest
and the most repeated duas of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi
wa sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu.
One of the greatest duas a human being
can say from their lips.
One day
so Nasai, it is mentioned that a group
of companions were on a journey with the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu.
And every time they went up on a
or in a high place, they would say
Allahu Akbar.
So the prophet
said, people
be silent. You don't have to say it
so loudly.
You are not calling somebody who is mute
or deaf.
You are calling somebody who is hearing and
So you don't have to scream. He can
hear you even if you are silent.
So then some of the Sahaba began to
say something quietly
by themselves, whisper.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam came to
one of them, Abdullah ibn Samura,
and he heard him saying something.
he said,
You Abdullah,
this dua that you are saying
It is one of the treasures of paradise.
What is that statement?
It is
This word which the prophet
would say during the adhan,
this word that he would say before sleeping,
and in the morning, and in the evening,
and after salah,
It is peppered throughout his life, this statement.
But what does it really mean?
Al haul,
from a from the word hal in Arabic,
Nothing can change from one situation to another
situation. That is.
And no power
is given,
meaning power and strength to do good, or
power and strength to repel evil, or power
and strength to be who you are. None
of this power is going to come unless
it comes from Allah.
And in another hadith, the prophet says whoever
a house is or a tree is planted
for them in Jannah.
Why was this statement so important to the
prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sakam?
Why was it such a part of his
daily routine?
Because on a day to day basis, you
There are moments of weakness. In the battle
of Uhud, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was
injured and he bled.
Ibrahim alaihi wasallam thrown into the fire.
Yunus alaihi wasallam in the belly of the
we all have moments of weakness. We have
dark and low moments in our lives.
And in this moment in time, we lose
hope. We forget the promise of
Allah. And it is in this time we
have to remember this formula.
There is nothing that you want to do
in your life or I want to do
in my life that we will ever succeed
if we do not get the strength that
Allah will give us.
You're going for a job interview.
Don't think that listening to metal hardcore music
is going to give you the confidence in
the interview. Say.
You're going to meet your first potential spouse.
Yeah? Potential sister or brother you're going to
marry, and you're shaking and your sweat has
you need to have a change of clothes
by the time you reach.
children come home from school and they're confused.
They're confused. They think that Allah has a
son. That's what they learned in their primary
And you think how am I going to
deal with this situation?
You feel weak, you're ill, you have terminal
cancer, you have a terminal illness, your mother
or your father is dying on their deathbed,
they have,
you know, they have hernia in their bones,
they can't move, say
This is
the formula
that brought a small group of Bedouins in
the desert to be the kings of civilization.
It's the attachment to Allah
from this word.
When you say it, don't say it quick.
Say it slowly. Say it from the bottom
of your heart.
It's not about the quantity, my brothers and
my sisters.
It's about the depth and the quality with
which you say this word.
And that is why don't forget that this
word and this statement, it is a treasure
from the treasures of Jannah.
Because this is the word, if we really
lived by it, it would arrive us at
Jannah. We would reach there
if we really internalized
it. This is the word that was the
downfall of Rustum
and the downfall of Caesar,
and the downfall of every empire that stood
in front of these Arabs because
they didn't have anything, but they had.
Teach it to your children. Teach it to
your friends. Say it in the car. Say
it on the commute. Say it when you
wake and say it when you sleep because
we all need that reminder every day.