Hasan Ali – Quality vs Quantity in Ramadan

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the difference between quantity and quality in business and the importance of balancing profit and turnover. They also mention the use of words like "has" and "hasn't" in measuring success and the need for excellence in one's work. The speaker emphasizes the importance of offering good work to achieve success and mentions the need for excellence in one's work to bring more reward and satisfaction.
AI: Transcript ©
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A lot of Muslims, what they what they look at is they look at quantity and they don't look at quality. Okay? quantity versus quality. So what you'll hear Muslims doing in Ramadan is they'll say that

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the you know I've done one atom of the Quran

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I've done, you know, eight records tahajjud I've done 12 Records tahajjud camel lane, okay, so they're looking what they're looking at the quantity.

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Okay, I'm now on my third Quran, Cottam. They're looking at quantity, they're not looking at quality.

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Quality is something that is needed more than quantity. And everyone knows this. And let's just look at business. Okay, what's the point of you selling 500,000 units of something, you sold it, you sold it, okay. But after selling 500,000 units of something you made maybe, I don't know. 20,000 pounds. So you made 30,000 pounds, okay, fine, you make 20 30,000 pounds. But another man what he did is he sold

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five things.

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And from selling five things, he made 50,000 pounds.

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Now the first one's sold 500 things to make 20 30,000 pounds. And the second one just sells five. And he gets 50,000 pounds, who got more in the end.

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Who want one the end? The first the second. The second one gets more than anyone knows is in business. You don't look at how many items you sell, and how much turnover you get. You have to look at the profit. And the profit, always something different. Doesn't matter about the unit you sell doesn't matter what you're selling, selling. It's the end of the day, show you balance and show you profit. We have certain Muslims who are reading loads of the Quran five Quran, two, three Quran, 10, Quran whatever it is, but the bank balance in the end is going to be a certain amount.

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And there are other Muslims reading only one Quran. But the reading with quality, that quality will give give you more. There are certain you know I believe in our bar says he says that I'd rather read a rather pray for Allah Tura cards with devotion, it is better for me than to spend the whole night the whole night

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in prayer in front of Allah without devotion, I imagine these two records with devotion is quality. The whole night of prayer without devotion is quantity. So when it comes to quantity versus quality, who's going to win, it's going to be quality. When Allah said in the Holy Quran, I'm going to you know, measure your deeds on the Day of Judgment. Allah did not say I'm going to count how many deeds you did. If Allah said, I'm going to count how many deeds you did, then it should be us trying to get as many numbers in as we can. Allah didn't say that. Allah azza wa jal said, I'm going to weigh your deeds. Now when it comes to weighing something Subhanallah we know this, a box can arrive in

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your house, it could be a box, just just the size. If it says got something very light inside, it's got a lot of bubble wrap inside. It's got a few boxes, a few light items inside, okay, we know you can just lift it up, even a little kid can lift it up. But sometimes you can have a box much smaller. Okay, but let's just say it's a small, smaller, smaller box, just that big. That's all it is. But in there, there's one gold bar something imaginary, you know how heavy those things are, right? I've never I've never tried to lift them. But I'm just saying that, you know, you had a goldmine that you would have, you would have to hold that with, you know, with both your hands and

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still you're gonna have to carry it with with all your muscles being used as something why? Because it's, again, it's to do with the weight of what we've got. So imagine on the Day of Judgment, Allah azza wa jal is going to look at, he's going to look at number of things that we did, the devotion, the concentration, the reflection, the amount, the mind that we had, the Allah is going to take in consideration, the time, the effort we put into it, Allah is going to put looking look at how we how we offer that thing, how much dedication we have, you know, how much love we had for him when we offered that thing, how we pose, how we used our minds to not be distracted with other things, all

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these things will count that had to do with quality. Maybe we read the meaning or maybe we thought of the meaning of what we're saying. And then each one what it will do is that it will bring us another level of reward that we won't see otherwise. So please, when it comes to us offering a bad to Allah azza wa jal let us think about quality and not quantity.

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