Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Riyd alSlhn Words of Healing for the Sick 04232017.mp4
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The speakers discuss the importance of living Islam properly and the power of sh rod to restore a person to their character. They stress the importance of remembering names of Islam's famous traitors and not always feeling sad or sadness when it comes to a situation where the person is sick and present. They also emphasize the importance of learning and practicing healing words and not always being waked up from the matrix.
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So this is the chapter with regards to,
with regards to, amongst other things visiting the
sick. And so this is a,
an instance in which Sayyidina Rasool Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam visited a sick person.
And it's a very special instance that sayna
Anas bin Malik radiAllahu ta'ala An who he
said that the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam there's
a young Jewish boy who used to do
errands for him sometimes.
you know,
serve him, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and he became
And the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
went to visit him,
the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sat next to
his his head. And
he said to him, he says to him,
submit to Allah Ta'ala.
And so the little boy, he looked to
his father.
The little boy, he looked to his father
who was with him as well, and his
father said to him, obey, meaning
obey the Prophet
that person he said, he said, yes, I
submit. I accept Islam. And the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, he
left from that,
from that from that visitation
and said, Alhamdulillah,
may Allah
be praised
who saved him from the fire. It's a
hadith of Bukhadi. Indeed, the boy actually died
from that from that illness. He died from
that illness shortly after thereafter.
you know, I think people are
they're, like, real conversion happy.
You know? And Dawa has become this kind
of weird thing where people
I don't know. They have this thing that
this idea that if somehow, like, I do
my hair real nice and, like,
say, please and thank you real good and,
like, and whatever, then people, like, you know,
it will affect whether people become Muslims or
not. So, obviously, don't be like a knucklehead,
you know, because that's probably not gonna help.
But at the same time, the best way
you can make Dawah is first primarily, like
the basis of Dawah is to live your
And so this whole kind of preoccupation of
what people think about you, it takes weird
twists and turns. So some people would be
like, oh, I'm not gonna pray because it's
bad for Dawa.
No. It's actually really good for Dawa, so
just go ahead and pray. And, you know,
because people what will people think? You know?
And, that that type of thing, I I
don't find any precedent for it amongst the
Salaf except for very extreme cases.
Obviously, a person shouldn't like open themselves up
to get getting lampooned and things like that,
but that's like a very extreme
extreme circumstance, you know?
That that that most circumstances aren't like that,
you know. In fact, the the culture that
we live in, fasting and praying is probably
gonna earn you much more respect
than than,
than than than problems.
and if it does earn you problems,
it the the law is such that there's
a limit to how much people can
retaliate from you for
doing those things. And it's it's it's very
basically, it's protected. It's a protect these are
all protected activities by the Constitution of the
United States of America.
So that's one thing, but,
look at the dawah of the prophet
through his.
If he didn't care, if he's like, oh,
it's just a kafir or if it's just
like whatever, he didn't care to visit or
I'm busy.
I'm the messenger of Allah. I have, like,
brother and to go to. I don't have
time for, like, you know, some kid who
got sick or whatever, then that person wouldn't
have entered into the deen.
And if it's something that is, you know,
visiting the sick is something that's powerful enough
that it will
bring people who are outside of the Deen
to the Deen. And I've read the Janaza
of people before who've never prayed a salah
in their life.
I've read the Janazah of people who've accepted
Islam on their deathbeds.
Several I I know of several of them.
I know I've read the Janazah of at
least one,
and I'm trying to think. I know another
several of, of them that, like, Michelle, I've
heard from my own,
you know, people that I know very well
that they gave the to people on their
or side gave the shahada to people on
their deathbeds.
There's one brother who's from Chicago,
and he's overseas right now working overseas.
He said that both his grandmother and his
sister, both of who are very
staunch evangelical Christians, both of them, they took
the Shahadah on the deathbed.
I've mentioned the story maybe here as well
from before as about a brother I knew
from Seattle. His mother, she took she took
the Shahadah on her deathbed. The brother that
that that whose I read,
he, literally, it was just some, like, dudes
there. Not even, like, frequent at the masjid.
You know? They were just nice guys, and
so their coworker
their coworker got sick, and,
he got cancer. It just it happens. And
so they would just go visit him at
at the, at the hospital and sneak in,
like, you know, whatever tasty ethnic food that,
you know, they they had. And he, like,
enjoyed it, and they would just visit him.
And he he just, like, asked them about
the deen, and they told him, and he
took shahada. And, like, literally, like, hours later,
he slipped into a coma and he never
came out of it. He died from it.
And so, you know,
he's a person who never prayed one salat.
He's a person who never fasted, never made
Hajj, never any of those things, yet
it was one of the most Mubarak Janazahs
that I ever attended.
It was a a there's a lot of
Roohani and spirituality in that in that in
that in that Janazah, and a lot of
people came. And it wasn't, like, because it
was announced or, like, hyped up or whatever.
It just so happened that there were a
lot of people in the message for the
slot that his,
that that that his Janaza followed, and a
lot of people came to the graveyard. I
mean, it was a very it was very
It was a very interesting and strange
funeral, and none of his family were there.
It was all just strangers.
And so these things happen. This is the
fave of what? Of practicing your practicing your
So, you know, cooking cooking food and bringing
it to somebody who just, you know, they're
they're not doing well.
That's that's where you'll see the barakah in
these things. And even if the person doesn't
convert, it's still the reward of a person's
with Allah. It's protected with Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala. It's not, it's not something that's, you
know, oh, you know, we didn't bag this
one. And so, you know, it's like you
didn't get the commission or whatever. The reward
is all.
It's just sometimes you'll see the barakah of
of of,
of of of of the goodness of that
act will actually do something
strange, and it happens so much that it
doesn't it's not strange anymore.
But, this is the the power of visiting
the sick. And if this is the effect
it will have on an on a person
of another faith,
then how much effect will it have on
a Muslim?
Many Muslims are estranged from Allah and his
Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Many of them will admit it openly and
like say kind of dumb things on Facebook
and Twitter.
you know, I don't say your character. I
realize this, like, I I say, like, dumb
and stupid all the time, and, it's not
very good. You know? It's not your kids
don't say that to people. But the point
is not to insult
other people.
The point is that, you know, some of
those things, people regret saying them afterward whether
when they get older in this life or
they'll regret it on the
because they'll say that wasn't the most intelligent
thing to have said. And some of them
will say those things. Some some of them
will not even say those things, you know,
but they'll they'll harbor the same feelings inside
of their hearts.
And all it takes is somebody to come
and visit them just say, you know, it's
you know, we came to visit you because
you're sick. They even you don't even have
to mention it's a sunnah. You don't even
have to mention it's because you're sick. You
figured people figure these things out. It comes
in the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, shaitan will come to a person
when they're
dying, when they're, like, in the throes of
That's why it the sunnah, he'll talk about
it later, but the sunnah is when somebody's
dying, like, you feel like they're about to
leave this world,
then you just repeat, you say
And, you know, just after like a minute,
you just keep repeating
it. Not like like super, like just
not like that, but just keep repeating it
every every couple of minutes.
you just keep repeating, keep repeating it.
You know, as long as that person's with
you, and then when they pass, they pass.
The the
the they say don't say to the person,
They say just just you yourself say it.
Don't tell that person quote,
say, unquote.
Because that person it comes in the hadith
of the prophet, someone the person is dying.
Shaitan will come to that person
and, say to him things like die on
the dean of the Yahud, die on the
dean of the Nasara.
Die as a Christian, and Jesus will, like,
die for your sins, and you'll receive all
this grace. And, you know, maybe the Torah
is this and that, and you know what?
He'll say all these kind of strange insinuations
to a person at that time. And that
person because as the closer you get to
Mot, the closer you get to death,
the more of the the the barzakh and
the kind of unseen things they start to
become, like, manifest to you. So a person
will literally see shaitan in in in the
form of a person trying to do this
to them. And so that person will say
no. No. And if you say to them,
they're saying no. They're not saying no to
you. They're saying no to shaitan.
But the the the the
the of the wise, if somebody says you
say to them, say, and it seems like
they're saying no to you. The is and
then you have to, like, make tuck fear
of the person, like, but he kind of
give and every.
So it puts you in a bad situation.
So they say what?
Don't don't don't say
just repeat just remind that person. They'll know
they'll take the cue if they're if they're
if they're clocking out.
But the idea is that these things, like,
when you visit a person,
even if they're they are a Muslim, you,
you know, you going in a good way.
A great amount of estrangement with Allah and
His Rasool sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, whether that
person dies at that time or not, a
great amount of that estrangement, you can relieve
it through your good character, good conduct,
and your just showing of love to a
person because people just want to see that
that that somebody loves them,
and it makes them feel human again. And
the whole idea with the din is if
you can restore somebody to their fitra,
to their Aboriginal nature,
then the dean makes a whole lot of
sense to the person.
It's just, when they're when they're, you know,
when they're not when when they're not at
that point, then it doesn't doesn't make a
whole lot of sense. So this is a
very beautiful example of Rasool
visiting someone when they're ill and making,
like, extreme amount of difference in their life.
So fine if somebody doesn't, like, whatever, you
know, accept to take Shahada from, you know,
leaving their previous religion. That's fine. Maybe you
just visit someone who had a cold and
they just see you and they're like, okay,
you know,
look, the sunnah is so beautiful and they
increase some somewhat in their love for the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Even that's that's
like a big deal. That's like a that's
a really good thing that comes from from
this amongst other good things and amongst the
the fact that you get so much reward.
The chapter with regards to the,
what chapter regarding, what,
what Dua should be made for for the
marid, how a person should call in Allah
for the benefit of the sick. Sit sit
over there, please.
I shout
out who?
say say that to now narrates
at the prophet
when somebody,
some sort of pain or they had some
sort of
wound or or or injury,
the prophet
he would take his finger like such, and
the narrator,
Sofian Bin Oyena, he he put his his,
his finger into the earth.
And the earth here means what?
I the the
means what? It means the earth like like
the dirt or sand or rock or whatever
it is. The things that you can make
Is made from what? It's
arb. This is different types of earth. So
it's like,
it's like dirt, soil,
just unprocessed earth. Right? And so the idea
is that the earth also has some sort
of spiritual
property to it just like water has spiritual
property to it. You make wudu from the
water and when you don't have the water
you can also make the hara from the
earth. This is actually one of the things
that the Sahaba radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu,
they used to make Sajdah on the earth.
It's for that reason that Malik considered it
preferable that a person when they make suj
that they should make suj that on the
earth, and indeed the message of
there was no barrier between people and the
people and the the the the the sand
of Madinah.
And so he he put his finger in
the earth,
and he mixed it with his saliva, sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam,
and he would say that he would say
that, and then he would raise it and
then and then touch
touch the wound,
and he would he would say with it,
in the name of Allah,
the dirt of our of our of our
the the dirt of our land
mixed with with our saliva.
Allah make it Yeah. Allah make it a
a shifa, make it a
a cure
for our ill
for the ill amongst us by the permission
of our Lord.
So this is what he used to do.
obviously, you know, someone might be like, oh
my god. You're gonna put, like, dirt in
someone's wound and things like that. Right? I
mean, maybe, like, in the city, especially, it
may not be a good idea.
But that's the that's the bad idea. That's
like the open desert.
And so those things are pure and clean
and there's a Shifa in them. Now this
is a completely anecdotal, so I don't want
someone to, you know, you much all your
friends from the medical field go all empirical
up on me and things like that. But,
you know, there is shifa in like natural
Allah made the made the earth a certain
way, and he made the body a certain
way. And when stuff is natural, things, you
know, happen. So I guess it's not really
good to be super clean after all because
then you'll develop allergies as a kid and,
hyper, like, you know, you're immune over overreaction
to everything. And, like, maybe it is good
to have some exposure to to, like, natural
antigens as a kid. And, you know, maybe
it is good to have some bacteria in
your gut instead of being all antibioticized
all the time. And maybe it is good,
you know, like, when I was in the
Badia in in Mauritania,
so many of my illnesses just went away.
Like, for example,
like, my skin got a lot better, particularly
the skin in in my feet. It got
a lot. Why? Because I just walk around
in sand all the time.
There's not really a need for the need
for shoes there is for thorns.
Otherwise, if there's no thorns in a certain
in a certain place,
really, there's no need for shoes to walk
in the sand, and it's really nice. It
actually feels nice as well.
Or for example, this is a sunnah of
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, that's narrated that he
used to the the the the rain or
specifically the first rain of the the
year. He used to
he would go outside and he he would
make dua and he would, let it rain
on him.
Why? Because the rain is a sign of
Allah Ta'al's mercy.
Now if you're if you have a cold
and it's like like late November
and, like, like, whatever, 38 degrees outside,
then please don't go out in the rain
and then blame your sickness on the sunnah
of the prophet.
But at the same time,
you know, like, when I was in when
I was studying in Pakistan, the heat
there's a the dry part of there's, like,
2 summers. The first part is a dry
part, and the second part is the monsoon,
like, the rainy part of the summer.
The heat in the dry part of the
summer in Lahore is, like, unbearable. It's, like,
a 126 degrees and things like this. 50
degrees centigrade.
It's just unbearable.
And you just I have heat rash all
over my body and, you know, I'm a
big guy as well, so I kinda, like,
built more for the cold
than than than for the heat. And, like,
it was just so, like, difficult. It was
unbearable. Like, at the if the fans would
so we don't have a AC and the
Yeah. No AC. But, like, even the fans
when load shedding when the when they would,
like, you know, the the power outages would
happen, the fans would stop. And I would
know because I would sweat so much and
start burning my eyes, it would wake me
up in the middle of the night. And
that's in the in in the night, it's
that hot.
I was I remember visiting a friend of
or another student in their house, and they
had an AC, and the AC was on
full blast. It was, like, wonderful. And there's
a thermostat a thermometer in the room, and
it was, like, 90 degrees. But, like, 90
degrees feels like
feels it feels magical, like, when it's a
127 outside, 126 outside. You know what I
So that's, like, almost like it's almost 40
degrees difference. You know what I mean? So
you open the door and you're like, it's
so cool, but, like, you're looking around. Everyone's
That's how hot it is. Right?
So the first rain of the the first
or of the monsoon, I thought, okay. I
read about this, you know, so why not
try it out?
So I put on my my dhoti and,
like, you know, my my my Izaar. I
just put on my waist strap, went outside,
got rained on,
one of the really strange things that happened
was the skin rash was all gone. The
heat rash was completely gone.
It's like, it just kinda like sloughed off.
It calloused off, and it was just done.
You know? And,
it's not because the coolness of the rain
either. There's something else as well because I
used to take cool showers
and it didn't do it, but something
that that rain comes at the right time,
you know,
it gives you exactly what you need.
So this is people used to live a
life that was, like, in tune with the
earth. I don't wanna be, like, over hippie
and things like that,
but it was. You know, people should have
that. People should do that. It's good. Go,
you know, go camping for
for a week and, like, you know, do,
like, just live kinda basic and things like
that. Because there's something a lot that I
put some on the earth and, you you
know, our forefathers,
were connected enough that they knew what that
was. And now we're like, Michelle, sitting in
cars driving from one side of the Walmart
to the other and then wondering why, you
know, we don't feel so good.
You mind that popping the light on? Thanks.
Ain't nobody at the door. Right?
narrates also
that the prophet
when he used to visit some of his
he would,
wipe them or touch them with his right
hand. He will wipe his right hand over
them and he say,
oh Allah, lord of lord of of men.
drive far away, difficulty.
Cure. You're the cure.
There is no cure except for your cure.
Such a cure that leaves behind no illness.
And this is
is another expression
of This is part of the the secret
that Allah
names have, that all of his all of
his, different
Asma and Sifaat, all of his different names
and attributes,
that when a person calls on Allah to
Allah by the name Allah, he's calling on
all of them at the same time.
He's calling on all of them at the
same time. And so a person says,
What are they saying? They're saying
and this is Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam also
his understanding of Allah and understanding of the
universe and understanding the way things are, how
to benefit from this connection with Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. So he used to mention the
attribute of Allah
Ishianta Shafi'i, the name of Allah who is
a Shafi'i
and his attribute of Shifa'i
and negating the Shifa'i of anyone else that
the Asul Shifa'i, the Asul
cure for everything only comes from
him. He is the effective he is the
the the the, the
the effective,
and their intermediate
cures in the middle, things that his command
goes through. Sometimes it will happen directly without
any intermediary, and sometimes in his Hikma, he
chooses to put his cure through certain things.
it all comes from him and this is
something everyone should, you guys all remember it,
inshallah, you have like kids, his wife, kids,
things like that,
loved ones, people that, you know, you can't
just call for everything. You should be yourself,
you know, in some things.
So you should remember these. Right? You work
you work in, like, hospital type stuff. Right?
So you shouldn't this is this is your
business to know these types of things. Right?
your loved ones you can
treat them by Allah to Allah's,
leave through these,
Mubarak words of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam.
So whoever missed it, you can you can
look up the hadith and you can also,
you know, listen on the sound cloud if
you want to.
So these are good, you know, people should
know these. I remember the first time, you
know, there's a famous
preacher in the Arab world, Habib Ali,
who I guess there's
some dust up about some political stuff later
on, which I don't this is, like, way
before any of that. This is back in
the good old days when all the dictators
were doing fine, and there was
if you told Arabs bring the people to
say, hey, shut up. They're gonna arrest us
and, like, you know, and they would end
right there, hamdulillah. This is back in the
good old days. So I I met him
when I was a student in
in Abu Dhabi.
I I I I I rushed to I
rushed to meet him. He gave the chutba
and masjid. It was a really beautiful chutba.
And then my shoes were way on the
other side of the masjid, and he goes,
he goes, oh, what are you doing right
now? I'm like, nothing. He's like, why don't
you come with me? There's like a land
cruiser just pulled up right to the door
of the right right next to the door
of the mihrab. So I was like, okay.
We just buy shoes later. Right? So I
just went I went bare feet with him,
like, the whole day. And,
so we went from place to place. People
would bring their little babies, you know, and
say, like, oh, you know, make dua for
my baby. So he'd make dua and then
he'd hand me the baby, and I'm, like,
what am I supposed to say? He's like,
you know some duas. Right? I'm like, yeah.
He's just whatever you know, just read it.
It's, you know, it's good.
That's nice.
You guys also inshallah take your children and
whatever, you know, you know,
or whatever du'a, you know, just say it.
If you don't know any of the duas,
masnun duas then you know say your own
duas whatever language you know but it's good
also there's benefit in all of these things
there's nothing better than the words of Rasool
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the words that
Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam transmits from Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
But you know, it's good. Pick up a
baby, make dua,
you know, it's good.
It's inshallah if you want then I give
all of you to do that inshallah. You
know, be good people use your mouth not
curse other people or speak lies, say the
hap, be nice to people and whatnot InshaAllah
Allah also in the dua that you make
with the mouth that you use, read Quran
to do good things with. When you make
dua for people, Allah
In fact, one of the great one of
the great,
reasons for a prayer being accepted is the
with which it's made.
With the with which it's made.
He said to Fabbit, uh-uh, Fabbital Bunani,
who is one of the great narrators from
he left Madina Munawara
as a Mujahid in the path of Allah
and he settled Basra.
he took it up as a new home
after Madina Munawara not out
of wanting to leave Madina
but because of the reward that
described for going out in the path of
Allah and described for
station stationing oneself at the, the the the
the frontiers and the outposts of Dara'ul Islam
in order to protect the homeland
and to protect the Haramain Sharifayn and to
protect the Muslims.
And so the people who are here as
well, you know, if you're the point you're
the reason you're here is because, you know,
you like them all here better than you
like them in Bangladesh or whatever, then maybe
you're not receiving a whole lot of reward.
Maybe this is gonna backfire. Like Sheikh Hamid
said, when the great orange one,
made his triumphal entrance.
If you're here to, if if you're here
for the sake of Allah, you'll be okay.
If you're here to milk the fat cow,
you're in trouble.
So but if you're here as, you know,
a person who's who's who's a
that you wish to that that memory of
Allah and his
and his deen is kept alive in in
even the darkest of places.
They may not be dark in the sense
that their electricity supply is fairly stable.
But like materialism, the fact that people go
years of their life without remembering who Allah
Ta'ala is or thinking about anyone other than
the self that has a type of darkness
that comes with it. And, it's not
something that's seen by the eye, but it's
seen by people of vision.
And so,
yeah. So this is Saydna Anas ibn Malik
who was in Basra for that reason. And
so Fabbat al Bunani, he had a very
long life.
Made a lot of dua for him for
And because of that, he had an extremely
long life. He never became ill. They say
even he didn't use to sneeze ever.
The Rasulullah
made so much dua for his health, his
barakah, because since he was a little kid,
like, basically, since he was this age, right,
he would he would just serve the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam. So imagine every time he
does something for Rasulullah alaihi wasallam, he's receiving
more dua, more dua, more and that's incorporated
in him while he's growing up. And so
very few people received as much dua from
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam as frequently as
he did.
And so, so he had a he lived
to a very, like, long age. Imam Abu
Hanifa actually meets him and hears Hadith from
him. That's how how old he is. Imam
Abu Hanifa is, like, born in 70 something
after hijra.
And so he's, like, he's in his nineties
at at the bare minimum. He lives until
his nineties.
so he says to Thabit al Bunani, who
one of his
one of the narrators who narrates from him.
He he says to Thabit, he says, should
I not show you
the rupiah,
the the healing words that the Prophet used
to use, the words that he used to
use to heal people,
The healing words of the messenger of Allah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. So he says indeed,
tell me
indeed tell me. And so, Sayedna, Anas ibn
Malik, he gives words that are similar to
the words that were narrated above.
So, Allah,
oh Allah, the Lord of men. Mudhib al
Bas, the one who
drives off
The one is the first the previous hadith
is Adhib al Bas, meaning drive away the
difficulty. It's a imperative form. It's a verb.
This is.
Oh, Allah, the one who who drives away
That's the same cure, you're the cure.
The last one is
there's no cure but you're a cure. Here
it says there's no cure except for
Such a cure in both of them, then
the last part is such a cure that
doesn't leave behind any sickness. And this is
not, I mean, the meaning of the both
of them is roughly the same, and it's
not a part of the Quran.
So there's no haraj in in the wording
being a little bit different. And sometimes Rasoolullah
himself would say different words perhaps, or maybe
it's a narrator.
But you can see that even if the
the 2 narrators are narrating 2 different wordings
for them, they're the meaning is is almost
exactly the same. And that's the worst case
scenario. It's very,
it's it's very,
probable that these are actually narrations of 2
occasions in which the Rasool
was reading these because they're narrated 1 by
Aisha, 1 by
he narrates that, the messenger of Allah salallahu
alaihi wa sallam once visited me when I
was ill.
And he said, oh Allah, cure sad. Oh
Allah, cure sad. Oh Allah, cure sad.
And repeating dua with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is not a bad thing.
If you ask a person again and again,
they'll get annoyed. Every time you ask Allah
ta'ala, again, he he loves to hear, every
time you say it, every time you ask,
and there's reward in it. It's not nagging
or whatever because Allah is not you're not
gonna wear him out.
Rather it's
an expression of slavehood and humility.
Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, if he had
made dua,
it would have been accepted the first time,
But this is his humility that he he
he would beg Allah
out of an expression of his slavehood to
Abi Abdul
Said the earth man,
bin Abdul As. Al Mukana b Abi Abdulahi.
He said that he complained to the messenger
of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam of a pain
that he found in his body.
So Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, this time
he taught him this is what you should
do. This is your kind of self you
can self medicate here.
He says he taught him this is what
you should do. Put your hand,
put your hand
your your right hand on the,
on the part of your, body that's hurting.
And say Bismillah 3 times, in the name
of Allah 3 times, and then say 7
He says he says then say but then
after saying
3 times, say I seek refuge in the,
might of Allah and in his power,
from the evil of what I find and
what I fear.
Evil here not being like, like, you know,
Batman fighting the Joker or something like evil,
but evil as in, like, misfortune or bad
Right? So, you know, if a person has
pain somewhere, then they can say this as
well. 3 times,
put their hand on it on the
pain and say 3 times what?
And then 7 times,
I seek refuge,
in the dignity of Allah.
And his,
from the from the from the evil of
the the the pain I find and that
I that I'm afraid of, that I have
fear of or apprehension from.
the one who visits a sick person,
who that's not their time to die.
That they visit a sick person and that
visitation is not at the their appointed time
to die. And they say
when they're with that person 7 times,
I ask Allah
the mighty
the lord of the the the magnificent throne.
That that he should cure you.
So that's very simple words. You say it
7 times.
I ask to Allah,
the the the the the the the the
the magnificent,
the lord of the magnificent throne to what?
To cure you.
Except for that person will recover from that
illness eventually.
Someone will say, well, if they're gonna die
no. Sometimes someone doesn't recover from the illness.
That no that Allah will give them cure,
give them respite from that illness inshallah unless
it's their time to die inshallah, Allah will
give them respite from that illness.
Raul Bukhary.
And said, Abdullah ibn Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala and
who also narrates
entered upon
a bedouin
to visit him. And when he used to
and he said something that he used to
say when he used to visit people,
which is who are sick,
which is
what, is, he's a which
is very like a very simple thing to
say. He's like, yeah.
Don't, you know, don't worry. Inshallah, the difficulty
you're going through, it's a cleansing for you.
He it's a cleansing for you.
And that's also meant to be what? Like,
to cheer people up.
And that some people are, like, they go
in all grim and, like, oh, we're visiting
the sick, and it's a reminder of death.
Yanni, you're gonna die now. So I'm gonna
take a reminder and we're all gonna be
sad and grim. They like
get little little
party going on.
And that's not that's not cool. You're not
supposed to do that to people. You you
if you have that inside of you, that's
In fact, it's a sunnah to carry
and kinda kinda Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and.
He, or Al Hazun. Okay. That the Nabi
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
he would go from one grief to another
without any respite between them.
He was
means to arrive or to connect. He was
that all of his griefs, they got together
and they, like, basically spread all all over.
That's literally what it means that they got
together and they spread through his entire life,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Such that there was
no there's no gap between any of them.
You just go from one grief to another
to another to another
but at the same time, he was also
the one who used to smile when he
visited people and he would make people feel
better, which means what? The grief is okay
It's a sign of your piety if you
carry it with you. But if you're going
around, like, bumming people out and stuff like
that, there's a part of the that you're
missing. So it's better okay. Lighten up your
grief a little bit and, and and, like,
just be happy enough that you don't, like,
bum people out because this is a a
rule in the in the deen. With exception
to the, like, the 5 times daily prayer
and fasting Ramadan, Hajj, and things like that.
With the exception of,
that that sin that hurts other people is
worse than the one that hurts yourself, and
that good deed that benefits other people is
worth more than the the the good deed
that only benefits you.
There may be some exceptions to this, like,
specific but in general, this is a principle
in the deen.
So Rasoolullah sallahu alaihi wa sallam, one of
the things he would do is all these
words that heal people and cure people. One
of the things that he'd also do is,
like, go and and, like,
say something to cheer them up, you know,
and say, inshallah, it's you're going to Jannah
inshallah, you know, you're this is this is
is cleaning you. This is making you more
beautiful in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
It'll be okay. It's good to tell people
it'll be okay inshallah. Sometimes you just need
to hear it from somebody and it helps
a lot.
And also you yourself when someone says it
to you, don't be like, sure. If you
don't know what you're talking about, I'm go
going through this and that and another thing.
That that part of you, just calm it
down a little bit. It's okay. You know,
you can believe people when they say good
things to you. It's okay to believe things.
When people say good things to you, it's
okay to believe that. You know, there are
some people, like, you know,
someone goes to their spouse and says, oh,
you're so handsome. You're so beautiful.
No. You're just saying that.
Okay. You're ugly. Like, what do you want
me to say now?
You know what I mean? Don't don't don't
be like that. If someone says something nice
to you, just say and and and and,
like, you know, be like, oh, that's very
nice of you and things like that. Don't
try to constantly be waking up from the
matrix all the time, the good matrix. So
they have to make, like, the evil matrix
so you'll be happy. Don't don't be like
that. And if you don't watch movies and
then you don't get that, good for you.
But, yeah, that's that's that's what used
to do. And some people, you know, they
just, I mean, if they weren't scared of
the sickness they had from before when they
visit, then they'll they'll they'll be scared, and
that's not cool.
Angel Jibril Alaihi Salam once came to the
messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
and asked him, are you are you do
do you complain of any illness or are
you in any pain? And Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam, what did he say? He said yes,
which is something important to understand, which is
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam wasn't like a a
a, you know, like like some sort of,
like, spiritual android that Allah sent to the
earth that didn't go through difficulty or any
of that stuff. Rather, he was very human.
He's unlike people in the way he dealt
with his pain and suffering,
but he was extremely human in his vulnerability.
Extremely human in his vulnerability.
He had
everything difficult that a person could have had
happened to them, he had happened to him,
more intense and without respite.
So this is very, you know, if you
you know, this is a very, like, telling,
you know,
hadith that the angel Jibril himself came to
Rasulullah, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and said, do
you do you have any, like, are you
in any pain? And he said, yes.
Salallahu alayhi wasalam.
Allah ta'ala, reward him on behalf of, of
the Ummah, the best reward that a Nabi
can receive from an Ummah because of the
pain and suffering, a, he went through and
that, b, he kept to himself in order
to in order to get the job done
in in in delivering the message.
So when the
answered yes that I'm in pain, uh-uh
the angel Jibril uh-uh he said some words
by which to teach him and then through
that, the Ummah has taught. So,
That, I I I read the words of
of healing in the name of Allah from
everything that that that afflicts you and from
every, the evil of every soul or the
evil of every jealous eye.
Allah to Allah, may he cure you.
In the name of Allah, I read these
healing words over you.
So that's also again, these are very small
these are very small and short words a
person can learn and read and say to
their loved ones.
And Abu Hurair whom
both of them bore witness that the messenger
of Allah
said, whoever says
there's no god except for Allah and Allah
is greater.
Allahu Akbar is hadith sorry. This
is what they call in litter literature,
That's when you don't say something,
and what you don't say is, like, what
you're saying.
I can't think of, like, any
examples that are appropriate right now because most
of them are, like, in the form of,
like, inappropriate jokes or whatever. But sometimes, you
know, the word you don't say is more
when you say when when you say a
right, like,
you know, if I say, for example,
let's see, something like something very common like,
you know, you know, like the the,
like, god bless. What am I gonna say
is the next word?
America. Right? Or whatever. Right? I'm running for
whatever. If I'm running for president, you just
just say it and then the whole crowd
will say it even though you don't have
to say it. They'll finish it for you.
It's that obvious. But the fact that you
didn't say it actually
highlights that that word even more. So is
a sentence that has has ellipse in it.
Means god is it doesn't mean god is
great, nor does it mean god is the
god is great would be And
god is the greatest would be
Allahu Akbar is is not superlative. It's comparative.
It's god is greater than dot dot dot.
Right? And then the idea is that whatever
you put after it, it's all works. So
there's no point in saying anything because it's
universally valid.
So, whoever says there's got no god except
for Allah and Allah is greater,
Allah will, Allah will accept that from him.
Allah will accept that from
him. Literally means Allah that will believe him
that he's saying the truth.
But, obviously, Allah knows if someone's saying the
truth or if they're not. But the expression
means that what? Allah will accept it from
him like a person would accept from somebody
who they're like, yeah, I believe you. That
trust, you know, means that there's a certain
type of,
certain type of way of treating that person.
Allah will treat a person that person as
if he's a truthful person when he says
And he will respond by saying, there's no
god except for me and I am greater.
And when a when a person says there's
that there's,
that there's no god,
except for Allah alone, and there's no he
has no partner. Allah says there's no god
except for I by myself and I have
no partner.
And when the person says there's no god
except for Allah, to him belongs dominion and
to him belongs praise. Allah will say there's
no god except
for I. To me belongs dominion, to me
belongs praise. And when a person says there
is no god except for Allah,
and there's
no force or power except for in Allah,
Allah will say there's no god except for
except for except for,
I, and, there is no, there's no power
nor force except for in me.
And and then the Nabi Salam, he further
says what? Whoever says this in his illness
and dies,
the fire will not consume him. The the
the actually, literally, the the the the wording
is the fire will not even taste him.
The fire will not even taste him. The
fire won't touch him.
Make us from amongst the
the the the fortunate. I think maybe we
we have time for 1 more.
A chapter regarding the,
the recommendedness
to ask
the family of the sick about how he's
Ali who once he
he went out from the prophet
being with the Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
when he was in the illness from which
he passed away, the condition from which he
passed away.
the the people
they when they'd see him, they would say,
oh, Abu Hasan,
which is one of the of
of Sayna Ali
Abul Hasan is one of them. Abu Turab
is another one.
So they say, oh, Abu
Hassan, how is, how how how is the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam this morning?
Rasool Allah passed away from that from that
illness, and this was actually shortly before he
passed away.
And this is a, you know, there's other
Afar. Essentially, what what what happened was,
Abbas himself
who narrates this, he said that he asked
Sayna Ali
who has the prophet
doing, and he said, he seems like he's
actually getting better now. And so Sayna Abbas
who told him, no. This is a family
this happens in in our family,
that, because he's an elder. So he's seen
he's seen that their their elders pass away
from before. He said this happens that when
they're sick really badly,
they'll come out of it just a little
bit, and it's a sign that they're they're
about to go.
And but you know said
who didn't know that Abbas told him and
then the prophet Sallallahu alaihi was actually passed
away shortly thereafter.
but the people asked and the idea of
narrating this as well is that
the idea of narrating this as well is
that you should ask.
You should ask, people about their ill family
members if you can't visit themselves.
There's a number of benefits in it. One
of the benefits is that,
that that that you show your express your
concern. People say, oh, so and so asked
about you. You know, so person knows that
they're not forgotten. One of the benefits also
is that you should ask in such a
way that, it also shows your concern to
the people, the family members taking care of
that sick person because oftentimes that's a burden
as well.
you just just show, like, you know, that
you praise them for for for for for
doing that and give them encouragement for doing
that and tell them that it's, you know,
that that that this is an important thing
that you're doing.
The reason to do the to the the
way not to do it is to do
it in a way that badgers people.
The way not to do it is to
do it in a way that badgers people.
Like someone's rushing or they're in whatever, and
you're like, oh, tell me about this. Tell
and they're like, you know, you're not doing
it in a way that helps in any
way, shape, or form. Or everybody.
They wanna give Dean advice, and they wanna
give medical advice as well. So they're like,
oh, do this, do that, do this, do
that. I'm gonna ask you for advice. Obviously,
you should give them if you're, like, qualified
to do so and you know, like, good
advice to give. But don't use it as
an occasion, like, bludgeon people or guilt trip
them or put them into, you know, more
difficulty or annoy them or whatever. The point
of it is is what so that person
also feels that that someone's asking about me
and the caregiver themselves also feels like, look,
people support me and and and I'm doing
something good by by taking care of the
sick and taking care of the ill. Rasulullah
Ta'ala, Raulullah Saeeda Muhammadu Ala'i Husafi
Are there any questions?