Hamzah Wald Maqbul – My Guardian is Allh Who Sent Down the Book 1013203
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The speaker discusses the tragedy of the US military operation and the lack of treatment for terminal illnesses, as well as the crisis on the horizon for groups like the terrorist group. They argue that anyone can fight and that anyone can be pushed against the wall. They stress the importance of speaking out against evil and not actively telling anyone not to do things that contravenes local law, and warn against being a victim of violence and not giving up on their case. They stress the importance of showing who they are and what they deserve in order to be honored, and stress the importance of showing who they are and what they deserve in order to be honored.
AI: Summary ©
All praise to Allah ta'ala
for every
from amongst possible
All praises to Allah
that took his slaves, salallahu alaihi wasallam,
from the mess of the haram to the
mess of the Aqsa,
to show him from his signs.
And all praises to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
That Allah Ta'ala that every believer calls upon.
When he says,
Indeed, my guardian,
my protector, my friend
is Allah
who sent down this Quran.
And he is the guardian, and he is
the protector of the righteous.
We are
and we are experiencing
great tragedy
unfolding in front of our eyes.
The tragedies run deep,
in days like today,
the symptoms are acute.
What does acute mean? A person may have
A person may have a heart condition.
A person may have one of any number
of terminal illnesses, but they're not gonna die
of it today.
Whereas in another
when a person's condition is acute,
they are bleeding, they are hemorrhaging,
it may be something very easy and simple
to treat.
But if the patient doesn't retrieve receive treatment
right now,
they will lose limb. They will lose life.
Tragedy will occur.
Brothers and sisters,
the history of the ummah
is a history of struggle.
This is the sunnah of Allah
that He made in His creation.
The best of this ummah, Sayyidina Rasool Allah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
He himself had to struggle, he himself had
to suffer tragedy as did his companions radhiyallahu
ta'ala Anhoon.
As did the ulama, as did the salihoon.
As did everybody who said, La ilaha illallah
in a way that Allah ta'ala will accept
it from him on the day of judgment.
And the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
That those who are most severe in their
those who are most intense in their tribulation,
are the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
and then after them,
those who are most like them, and then
after them those who are most like them.
And in the narration, after the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, the people of knowledge, And
after them, the people of righteousness.
The chronic condition was what?
Was since 1967.
Millions of people, including 100 of 1000 of
have been hand in to an open air
An open air concentration camp.
The count the population now is
or so.
In a strip of land,
which at points is
an average of 4 miles wide,
at points
up to 6 miles wide,
7 miles wide,
at points even less than 4 miles.
That is a strip of land
which from one long end to the other
is no more than 25 miles.
people. Think about that, it's smaller than or
sorry, 2,300,000
people. 25 miles from one side to the
other. It's smaller than Chicagoland.
This area is fenced in, literally, with a
American politicians talk about building the wall, everybody
freaks out.
As they rightly should.
Humans shouldn't build walls
to keep other human beings out.
This is a high-tech wall that fences them
in. As if the area was not small
There is then a buffer zone
on the cramped part of the wall,
in which those people who are prisoners in
are not allowed to straggle, lest they themselves
be fired upon.
Whether it is for some sort of military
activity, or whether it's for some sort of
mercantile activity, or whether it's for peaceful protests.
On top of that
these millions of people
for the last so many years have been
regularly bombed.
They are a test site for cutting edge
American weapons.
American made and American funded weapons, and yes,
we're in America right now.
by the law of the land, 501c3
nonprofit religious institutions don't take political positions. I'm
not telling you to vote for a Democrat
or for a Republican.
What I'm telling you is this is what
our government does,
and this is what Islam teaches.
And Islam teaches raining down white phosphorus
and other weapons
Starting from medieval weapons in barbarity
to those that are even more barbaric modern
on the most densely populated of urban centers
is something, to put it mildly, that Islam
does not sanction.
That Islam takes a very dim view of
whoever those people are.
Now you tell me.
Literally, there is a blockade.
There's a military blockade on these people, in
this small strip of land.
Nothing gets in or out without permission.
And the blockade is so finely tuned, so
finely tuned that down to the number of
calories the people inside need,
there is a deficiency that we are not
going to allow that in. We're not going
to let food in. We're not going to
let water in. We're not going to let
basic building materials in, we're not going to
let basic technology in, we're not going to
let medicine in, we're not going to let
education in, we're not going to let people
come and go. We are not going to
allow trade with other nations. We are not
going to let anyone access the sea. We
are not going to allow anything to come
or go from this place.
Except for from our permission. And that permission
is given in a way designed to slowly
to death this population,
play out a genocide in slow motion,
such that the international community will not know
when to be upset or angry about it.
And this has been going on for years.
You tell me now,
when people talk about this terrorist group and
that terrorist group, some of these groups, I
myself don't have a lot of affinity for,
neither politically, in some ways even religiously.
But you tell me, does it matter what
group it is when people like this see
their only their only option to fight their
way out?
Am I
telling you to join such a group? No.
I'm telling you actively not to.
Am I supporting such a group? I say,
I myself don't support such groups.
But when a person is pushed against the
wall, and the matter is life or death,
for a greater amount of human beings, even
animals will lash out, even animals will strike.
Why? Because it's a sign of being alive.
Because you have no other options whatsoever.
And if someone is a terrorist for not
wanting to die,
a humiliating death,
then that definition should include every single person
on the planet Earth.
This is something that happens
an ocean away, a sea away. Maybe all
of you are already aware of it. It's
not something new that I'm telling you.
Someone asked, I feel very bad about all
of these things. What can I do about
it from here? What should I do about
it from here? What would you want me
to do? I don't I'm not asking you
to make sure In fact, actively telling you
not to do anything that contravenes local law.
And you know what? You don't have to.
You don't need to.
I'm asking you not to. But what am
I asking you to do?
I'm asking first of all to rectify, to
make islah of what's inside of your heart
and my heart. That we're not going to
look away.
We're not going to have the attitude that
there's too much suffering in the world, and
I can't deal with this right now. We're
gonna look at it in all of its
ugliness, and we're gonna know inside of our
hearts, this is wrong.
This is wrong.
That those people dared to resist what is
an illegal occupation.
And now they're being smeared for it,
And now
the talk of genocide is being openly spoken
about. That these people are animals. That we
need to flatten the ground.
That we need to
drive them into the ocean, that we need
to do x y z things that no
human being should ever say about any other
individual much less a population.
That those things are being spoken about right
and they're getting completely unchecked. Look, a lot
of people talk a lot of garbage.
Muslims are bad about it too sometimes.
But what happens? If you have a free
press, if you have a free media,
people will say, This is wrong. If you
have ulamah, they will say, This is wrong.
I myself say it's wrong whenever anyone does
it, even if a Muslim says it.
I said it in the past, and I'll
say it again.
The issue is what? The issue is now
we live in this kind of Alice in
Wonderland moment, these last couple of days.
We're in this America that prides itself on
having freedom of speech,
that prides itself on being this shining city
on the hill, that prides itself for being
the beacon of hope for humanity.
Now, all of the sudden, now all of
the sudden, we say to somebody who says,
We're going to flatten a civilian population. They're
all animals, they're not human beings, they're animals.
We're going to flatten them, we're gonna make
them pay. There's no price too high. There's
no rules in the way we're going to
engage with them.
And what do our?
What do our leaders say?
This is a matter of fact.
You can like it or you cannot like
it. That's up to you. I'm not here
to talk about politics. But what do they
say? They say absolutely nothing. They don't check
it at all.
What I say is, Islam teaches that that's
not right.
What Islam teaches is what?
one amongst you who is sees something wrong,
something evil, let them change it with their
hand if they're not able to. We're not
able to wear an ocean away. We're restricted
by laws. We're restricted by
laws, some of which I don't agree with
and I believe are overly onerous.
So let them at least say something with
their tongue, speak out against that evil. We
can all do that.
And if a person finds themselves unable to
do so, someone amongst the crowd over here,
Your immigration is out of status. You're in
some sort of situation where you're going to
lose your job, you're going to whatever.
What's the last thing you do is that
iman. This is the weakest part of iman.
If you don't have this, you have no
iman whatsoever if you cannot bring yourself to
care. But the fact of the matter is
many of us can say something about these
And you don't have to speak angry talk.
You don't have to speak angry talk. You
don't have to call your enemies names.
You don't have to call the enemies of
the people,
of the innocent people who are being blockaded
You can just speak very matter of fact.
Say, This is what? This is the language
of genocide.
But we
don't accept that innocent people should be killed
on any side of any conflict.
Nor do we ever. The Rasul
used to impose punishments. He imposed punishments on
the companions radiAllahu anhu if they killed someone
out of order, even in war.
That they had to pay blood with. That
they had to pay what? Blood with they
have to give compensation to people even for
fatalities that were somehow unavoidable.
We don't accept that innocent people should be
killed anytime, anywhere.
And what and that what happened last Saturday,
Friday night, in our time, Saturday,
in the
time zone of the sacred lands, 7th October.
Whatever it is or it isn't. Whatever you
want to call the people who did it.
One person says they're a freedom fighter because
they're trying to what?
Resist an occupation that has caged and killed,
and slowly suffocated their people. Whether you agree
with that assessment or not,
the solution to that is not what? To
bomb the smack out of a civilian population
in one of the most densely heavily populated
urban areas on planet Earth. This is not
alright. This is not okay. Don't tell us
that you're bombing Hamas.
You had no idea what the * they
were doing a week ago. How is it
that your smart bombs are gonna find them
You had no idea where their military
was planning this plan. That took you completely
by surprise. How the * do you know
what to bomb now?
Don't tell me you're bombing this is 100%
pure bloodlust and pure bloodlust for vengeance. And
this is not going to end well because
people have a memory for tomorrow. You have
to understand. I'm not up here saying what?
That because I'm a Muslim and they're Muslims,
we should protect them. That's obviously not how
that works. There are Muslims getting killed all
over the world all the time. How many
people are you gonna protect?
It turns out that the Palestinian population about
a third of them is Christian.
That doesn't stop Christians in America from supporting
those people who are trying to genocide them
as well.
What am I saying?
The solution to fighting is not more fighting,
the solution to violence is not more violence.
This is true on the individual level, and
this is true on the level of nations.
The only thing a person can say is,
If we wipe out in genocide, we kill
every single one of our enemies, then there's
going to be nobody that could take vengeance
from us.
And this is the greatest of moral failures,
this is exactly what's being put on the
table right now, but the fact of the
matter is,
several 100 more people
are killed in Gaza as of like 4
hours ago. How much news am I gonna
Several 100 more people are killed in Gaza.
A much higher proportion of them are civilians
when compared to combatants.
At least 500 of which to this hour
are what? Children.
Several, a 100 people more have been killed
in Gaza than have been killed in the
initial raid, and they haven't even started yet,
they haven't even gotten going yet.
And we, as America, we pay for every
single glass dime of it. We provide diplomatic
support for it, we provide logistical support for
it, we provide moral support for it. And
you know what?
The people on the street, if they don't
want to side with Palestine, and they don't
want to side with Palestinians, I understand. It's
not your problem.
So many things happening in the world, how
many things are you going to cry about?
But this common sense that they're having, that
there are problems people have on the other
side of the world, and horrible,
horrific things that people do in our name
as Americans, that actually harms America,
Maybe we should
let them work it out on their own.
Even this much, even this much, if your
friends, your neighbors, if your people at work,
if your congresspeople
can understand even this much, this is a
victory because we don't have to oversell this
Anybody who has half a brain and who
has even a fraction of a heart inside
of their chest
will know that bombing civilians,
buildings in which a hundreds of people
to smithereens, into nothing, where they're blockaded, they
have nowhere to go. I mean, think about
it today, this morning, the sheer gall, the
sheer arrogance of it.
That an announcement was made by Internet,
that everyone in the northern half of Gaza,
which is over a 1000000 people,
you have to go to the southern part
because we're gonna bomb it. Don't say we
didn't warn you. I've been telling me there's
been no internet
in any of Gaza
for days now. It was one of the
first things that got bombed
it. One might wonder why did they bomb
it? One might wonder if they didn't bomb
it just so that the world cannot see
the horrors that are going to unfold.
Which is what allowed the situation to get
to this place in the first place from
the decades of our fathers.
You tell me there hasn't even been power.
How are people even going to get this
Already I received word that the caravans and
convoys of those people who are leaving,
they're themselves being struck, and they're themselves being
bombed from the air. People on the road.
There's only one major hospital in Gaza, the
Shifa hospital.
Every road to that hospital has already been
What is this? This is genocide.
And our
our Secretary of State
is comparing this to the Holocaust.
And I invoke the curse of Allah ta'ala
that cheapens the memory of innocent people who
were killed
for such a cheap price. Because I've met
people who have lost their parents in the
Holocaust. I've met people who actually suffered themselves
in the Holocaust.
I've met people whose parents died in the
Holocaust and they told me these people are
using my parents' memory for a cheap price.
Do you remember the time
when the people of Auschwitz
bombed the smack out of Germany?
Where they
clustered them and enforced a military blockade of
them, and bombed them when they're on their
way to the hospital or when running from
This is complete moral bankruptcy. This is complete
moral bankruptcy. I have an idea of why
it's happening exactly the way it is, but
that's my political opinion,
and we're not gonna talk about politics here.
I've been told, I've been told what? That
the FBI has been going on fishing expeditions.
Calling people and intimidating them. Say, you know,
we're, concerned about the Israeli public in America
and we just wanna talk to you about
whatever so that, you know, in order to
harm, you know, protect them from harm. You
tell me something. You tell me something. To
protest in favor of Palestine that so many
campuses in America has already been prescribed and
No statement from our government even recognizes that
innocent people are going to be are being
killed or have been killed and are going
to be killed.
On the contrary, the New York Times reports,
all the major publications report that people are
openly fundraising
for weapons, flak jackets, bulletproof vests,
vehicles, in order to send them to Israel
right now. Private citizens
are signing up to go there and fight
right now to fight a caged population. Who
are you gonna fight against? There's no government
there. There's no army there.
There's nobody there
And now the FBI is calling our community
in order to talk to us about what?
About concern for their safety and well-being. You
know what? I'm concerned for their safety and
well-being. And if I knew right now, in
this masjid right now someone was gonna do
something to harm, a fellow citizen. Even if
the person is a Jew, and even if
the person is an Israeli, I myself like,
will call the cops and I
recommend you do so. But what an insult.
What a breathtaking insult to our family.
What a breathtaking insult to our community. What
a breathtaking insult to the common sense of
every human being that this would be what
the reaction of our government is.
But you know what? They're just doing what
they're told. Don't have a problem. This is
something I'll tell you right now. This is
very simple legal advice.
You can ask any lawyer, and you can
actually ask any cop, and they'll tell you
exactly the same thing. If someone calls you
and says, I wanna talk to you about
this, that, and the other thing, the first
question you ask is, am I under arrest
or not? If the answer is no,
then say, I'd be happy to talk to
you in the presence of my lawyer.
And if the answer is yes, then let
them arrest you and then don't talk to
them until you're in the presence of your
You might be a simple minded person and
a humble person think, I don't have anything
to hide.
Trust me, they're not gonna think you have
something to hide. They're gonna know you have
common sense. If you ask not to talk
to them, except for in the presence of
Why? Because it's not illegal for any law
enforcement agent to lie to you about anything
they want to, but it's illegal for you
to lie to them back, or to even
give an inconsistent story.
So that you get caught up in something
that has nothing to do with
any actual crime.
Brothers and sisters,
you and me have the chance to change
all of this by doing what? By speaking
up. Why is there so much extraordinary effort
on put on people not to speak up?
That even
even masajid in this area,
have told their khatibs, Don't say anything about
this. Because of pressure that they got from
the outside.
The reason there is such an extraordinary amount
of pressure not to say anything because it's
such a common sense case. Just go out
and say what you need to say. No
one's going to put you in jail. No
one's going to kill you. No one's going
to humiliate you. No one's going to massacre
you. You're not going to lose anything. If
you really are like in some precarious situation,
then make du'a. The rest of you make
du'a, and say something.
Say something. That's all you need to do.
Why? Because when the plug is pulled on
the funding, when the people around us, who
right now may actually be saying, I stand
with Israel, but they have no idea what
the heck is going on.
There's iconic picture
from the early 2000s of a little boy
in Jenin throwing a rock at a tank
Newsweek conducted a poll
and they found that like something over 80%
of Americans thought that the tank was the
Palestinian and the person with the the boy
with the rock is Israeli.
Jamie Lee Curtis, a very famous actress.
She literally posted on her Instagram like a
couple of days ago,
Pray for Israel. And it was a picture
of children in Gaza, like standing in the
rubble of her house.
Justin Bieber, who's himself a Jew.
He did the exact same thing. Both of
them deleted their their posts almost instantaneously when
they realized what? That the person that they
think is the, the
oppressed is actually the oppressor.
This doesn't survive for long. It's all emperor's
new clothes type of nonsense.
You are not in that much danger, and
you're not in that much peril. Think smart,
talk smart, don't overstate your case. Just tell
people, These are the basic facts.
Talk to them about it. Why? Because preventing
murder, preventing genocide
a obligation, is an obligation on every Muslim.
It's an obligation on any human being that
has any sort of common decency inside of
them. Don't be afraid.
Britain has
banned the the showing of the Palestinian flag
and conflated it with a hate crime. France
and Germany have banned any sort of protest
on this issue. Why is it? Because there's
a concerted effort to get everybody to shut
up until the job is done. When is
the job gonna be done? When every last
person who says, La ilaha illallah and breathes,
and the khazah is gone.
By that time it's going to be 100%
too late.
And it's not going to happen. I'm telling
you right now, mark my words, it's not
going to happen. It's not going to happen.
This same land you know this land that
that that that Gaza occupies?
This same land. This is the same land
which was the the transit of Sayyidina Musa
alaihis salam and his people when crossing from
Egypt, from slavery into
the sacred lands. And it's so ironic right
now that those people who claim lip service
to what? To his legacy? That they're now
what? The fara'ina. They're behaving like what? The
I'll tell you something very interesting.
Saydna Musa alayhi salam, his mazar is there
within within the
Israeli territory.
You know, I'm not gonna get into the
Musalaha right now, but it's not within the
1967 Palestinian territory.
It's still a masjid and it's still kept
by who? By the Muslims? The Jews don't
It's not for lack of ability that they
couldn't have taken it over.
The legacy belongs to who? The legacy belongs
to everyone who says, La ilaha illallah, and
fears Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Fir'awn and his hosts are mithal,
Total and complete control,
*, oppression.
And Banu Israel are the mithal for the
alamin of what?
Slavery and complete subjugation,
abject humiliation.
The people of Gaza right now, you know
how they one of the ways they dominate
them? Because they have no economy.
They throw work permits by the couple of
100. They see here's a work permit. You
can go make a living
in our lands. Be our slaves.
And then you can go back, but don't
say anything on your social media. Don't talk
too much. Otherwise, we'll take it away and
give it to someone else. Your family can
Just like that. This
is what they had. And all they wanted
to do, all they ask Fir'awn was what?
Let my people go.
When they left, Fir'awn was so salty, so
so upset, so incensed that these people are
now going to have a life without me.
They're going to worship someone other than me.
This is exactly the sentiment that is that's
being felt right now, when you see the
look in people's eyes in the way that
they talk.
So insulted that you've decided to worship someone
other than me,
That he brought all of his armies out
in order to kill them, to put them
out at the end.
And Sayyidina Musa alaihis salam said,
He said that, I seek refuge in your
Lord, and in my Lord, and my you
my Lord, and in your Lord, from every
arrogant person who doesn't believe on the day
of recompense.
These people are not even Jews.
doesn't go to synagogue, he doesn't believe in
God, he doesn't believe in the Torah.
From every arrogant one who doesn't believe in
the day of recompense, in the day of
What happened? They got down to the point
where what?
Even the Banu Israil themselves, they said, What?
They witnessed so many miracles.
But they said, This is it. The time
is the jig is up. It's it's over.
It's all over now. They got us.
Sayyidina Musa'ala is in
One of the most beautiful moments described in
the Quran.
He says, No. Never.
Allah ta'ala won't do it to you, and
He won't do it to us. Look, everybody
amongst us has to die one day, right?
Lose weight, feel great, control your cholesterol, control
your blood sugar, get the best health care
All of us are gonna die one day
But as long as we're here,
There is no creature that moves in the
earth except for Allah takes responsibility
to give His provision.
He says, My Lord is with me. Never.
He'll never forsake me. He'll never forsake me.
My Lord is with me.
And He'll show me a way through this.
And he what struck the sea with his
staff. And Allah made a clear path and
a dry path for them to cross through.
And then after the last of them was
And the last of the army of Firaun
was in, chasing after them in their arrogance,
in their drunkenness, in their heedlessness.
The hokum of Allah came down, and both
sides of the sea crashed on them like
a brick wall.
Sayyidina Jibrilah alayhi salam in the narration
of what? In the narration of of of
Tirmihi, he said, I was filling water into
the mouth of Fir'awn, even though I knew
that the qadr of Allah ta'ala, that the
destiny Allah had meted out for him, was
what? That this man will die at kafir,
and he'll enter the most severe of torment
I was filling water into his mouth. I
was going to his armies to go in,
and I was spilling water in his mouth,
out of the fear that he would say,
La ilaha illallah, and somehow through the barakah
of this,
of the shahada, that somehow he's going to
be saved.
Brothers and sisters, you can still say the
la ilaha illallah, the same Allah ta'ala protected
them, protected you, and protected the Ummah Sayyidina
time and time again, and will continue to
do so until the last day. Don't be
a coward. No one's asking you to do
anything extreme.
Just speak the haqq.
Remove this cowardice from your heart. Just speak
the haqq. Don't overstate your case.
Be mild in the way you speak about
it, and just let people know that this
is something that, you know, no normal human
being would want to do in His name.
And I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in
That the last hour is going to be
much more bitter than any of this. That
I ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, whoever amongst
them has no entertains no idea of
repentance for this satanic ugliness that they're just
that they're imagining and fantasizing about right now.
May Allah
cut off their water like they cut off
the water of the people they wish to
kill. May Allah
cut off the money like they cut off
the money of the people that they're trying
to kill. May Allah cut off their food
like they cut off the food of the
people that they want to kill. May Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala not leave one drop of
blood of an innocent person unavenged, neither in
this world nor in the hereafter. May such
people die a wretched death in this world
and have a wretched faith in the hereafter,
if every single one of them doesn't fear
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And if anyone has
any good in them, may the Lord show
them some sort of guidance and a better
way of being, and a better way of
being a human being, and a better way
of living. So that that word may be
a path out for them from the darkness
that they're about to enter into
because of their wickedness. Nobody lasts forever. Neither
Hitler, nor Stalin, nor Mao, nor any of
the shayateen that came before them or after
them last forever. Every single one of them
has an appointment with this sea which will
drown them. And after that day they will
not see a moment of good in their
life ever again. The reason Allah ta'ala brought
you here is so that you can show
who you are. And He brought them there
so they can show who they are. Let
them show that they belong in the hellfire.
You also don't forget to show that there
should be something good that comes out of
your claim,
in your tongue that you're a good person.
That shows that you also deserve the forgiveness
of the Lord, and that you will also
deserve to be honored by Him, and that
you also deserve paradise. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
gave all of the tawfiq.