Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Khutbah Know the Signs of the Last Day Tawheed Center FH 01282022

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The transmission of the sunGeneration is crucial in shaping people's perception of reality and the potential for breaking apart. It is also used in various narratives, including deeds and the Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's teachings. The importance of knowing the path of degeneracy and breaking apart is real, and a program is coming up that encourages people to bring their own hadiths and bring their own hadiths to the program.
AI: Transcript ©
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All praises to Allah and may his peace

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and blessings be upon his servant and messenger.

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Our master, Sayedna Muhammad

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Said now, Abdullah bin Abbas

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It's narrated by Imam Muslim in the Sahih.

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used to teach the companions

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the following dua.

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Just like he used to teach them a

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surah from the Quran.

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Meaning what? It's not part of the Quran,

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but it's something very important. The transmission of

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which is a core part of the deen.

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Without the transmission of which,

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some part of the deen is missing.

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He used to teach them

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that they should say,

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they should pray, they should supplicate constantly. Oh

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I seek refuge in you from the torment

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of the * fire. And I seek refuge

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in you from the torment of the grave.

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And I seek refuge in you from the

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torment of the false messiah.

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And I seek refuge in you from the

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torment and the punishment of life and of

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Abdullah bin Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu is one

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of the most prolific hadith

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Rasul primarily because of two things. 1 is

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because of his

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eagerness to learn

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that he would

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sit at the doors of the senior companions

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even after the Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam passed

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And he would learn from them to the

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point where his

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and his peers

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would ask him, what are you doing?

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And they themselves realized what he was doing

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when they witnessed the day when all the

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elders had passed.

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So he gathered a great amount of information.

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The second reason is

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he was

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given a special position by the messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then thereafter by

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Sadna Abu Bakr Sadna Amar alaihi allahu and

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whom beyond his age because of his understanding

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of things.

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So not only was he a good student

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in his youth, he was also a prolific

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teacher when he

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grew older.

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From amongst the canonical narrators from Abdullah bin

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Abbas who is an individual, one of the

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imams of the salaf,

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his name is Tawus

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It said that Tawus

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who was a transmitter of the Quran, he

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was a transmitter of hadith, he was a

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transmitter of he was a transmitter of all

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the core

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disciplines of Islamic learning.

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That Tawus was of the opinion that the

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salat is not valid without this dua being

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read. Now, this is not of

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the the the sunnah that are currently still

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So what I'm saying is not a fiqhiyu

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in that sense. But the idea is what

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these people were not lightweights.

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It's important. It's something that's important.

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If you were to get the impression that

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dua without it, the prayer is not valid.

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Whether the prayer is valid with the dua

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or not,

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we should understand what that this dua is

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something very important. It's part of the sunnah.

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It's part of the deen.

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What was it that his Ustad, his teacher

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Abdullah bin Abbas said

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that the Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to

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teach the people this dua

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like he used to teach

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them? A surah from the Quran.

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And so it's narrated that Tawus in his

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later life

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held that this was such an important dua

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for people to make

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that his son once when he had prayed,

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he asked him did he make this dua

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in your tashahood?

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And his son said no. He says go

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repeat your prayer.

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He said go repeat your prayer.

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And although like I said from the 4

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the sunnah that are extent to this day,

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it's not considered a an integral part of

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the prayer by any of them. But even

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myself, when I read Maliki Fik and Mauritania,

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it's like it's in the the the, you

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know, the first book that you read where

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they teach, like, kids how to pray.

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It's there in the duas that are said

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in the afterword.

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It's there. It's it's included and it's still

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taught to this day to children.

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What's the point of mentioning this? That the

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messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam from

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our great

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the khatima of the her father of Hadith.

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photographic memory. He memorized every book in the

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One of the most insightful comments that he

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he made was that if you wanna know

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what Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was thinking or

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how at least have an insight into what

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the Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was thinking when

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he did a particular thing,

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Look at the dua that he would make

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when he would do that thing and it

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will give you an insight of what he

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was thinking. But the dua of the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi other than being a powerful connection

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the slave and the Lord and a means

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to obtaining

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protection and a means to obtaining enhancement and

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a means to obtaining

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raising of station and all of these other

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wonderful things. It's also a means to obtaining

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knowledge and understanding.

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That this was something that was really important.

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The remembering

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what the and what the conditions that this

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world will end in are very important.

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The remembering of the events that will lead

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up to that

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are very important. They're not just a tale

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that we tell them to scare children.

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Or for some sort of entertainment like Muslim

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Halloween type event.

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Understanding these things is understanding the very roadmap

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of how things are going to break apart.

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Every generation every generation

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believed and is obliged to believe that this

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may be it. This may be the last

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And due to this fact,

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the Muslims have been extremely, extremely good at

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At heading off problems at the past and

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healing breaks and ruptures

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where they occur.

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We know

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everything will fail one day. The fact that

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it's possible that things can fail means that

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if you roll the dice, you know, 6

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times, you're gonna hit 6 at least one

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of them.

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basic probability. I mean, in real life, it's

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not necessarily guaranteed. But the point is if

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you keep in rolling the dice, eventually you're

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gonna hit 6. That's just the way that

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However, the knowledge of how these things are

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going to break apart is of great benefit

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to us. Why? Because we can

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know what the path of degeneracy is. Sometimes

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knowing the path of degeneracy is just as

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important as knowing the path of righteousness. Why?

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Because what happens is sometimes you ignore the

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telltale signs of degeneracy, and you're not able

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to do anything about it until it's too

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When you're on the

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operating table in the ER,

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and they're cutting your heart open, this is

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not the time to say, you know what?

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I'm gonna change my diet and and do

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more exercise.

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Why? Because that discussion, you're a day late

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and a dollar short.

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Abu Hurair, radiya Allah, one who it's narrated

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the Muaddithun,

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an Asahi narration.

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That he used to,

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he used to say to his young

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his young students because he also lived

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through the era of the Khalafar Rashidun.

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Through the era of Said Muhammed radiAllahu anhu.

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He used to say to his young students

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that, oh, young man. It's possible that one

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day you will, meet,

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the, saidna Isa alaihis salaam. So if you

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meet him, tell him my salaam.

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Now why would he say that?

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Why would he say that? Why? Because a,

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it's he wanted to send salam to Sayna

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alaihis salam at some point. This is something

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understandable. All of us would wish to do

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so if we were able to.

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But more more importantly,

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what is it? It's on his behalf. What

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that he he can show his students that

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this is something real. It's something that's going

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to happen. It's something that you should have

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Yaqeen in. That you should have certainty in.

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And this is why the ulama considered this

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to be from the Al Qaeda of Islam.

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So I had a couple of hadith regarding

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the last day that I wanted to,

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And we're, running low on time, but we

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have this program that's coming up,

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tonight and tomorrow.

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And you're encouraged.

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You're required by the dean to this knowledge

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whether you come to this particular program or

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another program is up to you. But you're

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encouraged to come and bring other people that

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we narrate from

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Shall I not tell you or narrate you

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a hadith? I heard from the messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that nobody will

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narrate to you after me. Uh-uh.

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that from the signs of the last days

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that knowledge will disappear.

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And and there will be the preponderance, not

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just ignorance will not just appear because there

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are always ignorant people. But ignorance is going

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to one of the meanings of is what?

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It's going to gain the upper hand

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over knowledge. The preponderance of ignorance

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and the

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proliferation of

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unlawful sexual relations.

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The proliferation of wine and the proliferation of

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That you won't see men anymore. Doesn't mean

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that you won't see male, but you won't

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see a man. Somebody who stands and takes

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responsibility for his family, for his nation, for

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his people, for his

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And you'll see that there will be no

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one left except for women. To the point

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that what? That for every 50 women, there

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will be one responsible man to take care

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of them and ask how are you doing?

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How are you doing? And again, this doesn't

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mean that men are necessarily gonna magically disappear.

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But you will see that men are so

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disempowered and they themselves are so emasculated that

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they're not going to stand, take care of

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their family, take care of their masjid, take

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care of their country, take care of their

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neighborhood, take care of their neighbors, take care

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of anything. Rather, everyone's gonna be every man

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for himself. They're gonna disappear like salt disappears

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into water.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala give us tawfiq, to

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learn and benefit and to protect ourselves and

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to heal the things that are broken. And

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if we were destined to see what it's

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supposed to look like when these things are

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are going to happen, that he give us

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firmness that we're the one and we're not

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from the 50.

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