Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah Prophetic Silence.mp4

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of silence in one's life, citing examples such as the death of a messenger and the use of silence as a food for one's emotions. They suggest that individuals can use silence as a way to benefit from their emotions and that it is not a formal act. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being cautious and staying silent when feeling weak or confused.
AI: Transcript ©
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Muhammad. So we continue with the same long

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in which

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the different ahuaw of the prophet are

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described by Sayna Ali radiAllahu anhu to Sayna

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Al Hassan radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu.

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Al Hassan asked his father, I I asked

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how was the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam's silence?

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This is a deep question

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because we're people who talk too much.

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If you wanna point fingers, you have a

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big target right in front of you. Masha'Allah.

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Allah forgive all of us. But I'll tell

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you something even though it may not seem

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like it, but,

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what we benefited from the silence of our

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masha'ikh, maybe we didn't benefit from their speech

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that much. Silence is the one of the

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foods of the nafs,

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of the of the of the the ruh,

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I should say. So if a person ever

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feels in a in a spiritually,

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bad state or weak state or confused or

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frustrated state, and you can't do anything else,

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just stay silent for a while. Although the

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song, the the the the vow of silence

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that is described from the umam that came

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before us, that's haram now. You cannot do

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that. But how do you do silence? How

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do you benefit from silence?

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Don't speak more than you need to. If

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someone says salaam, say wa alaikum,

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The rest of it if they want to,

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you know, have a great conversation, you can

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indicate to them that that this may not

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be the best time, in a polite way.

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And and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with

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it. And if you ever find somebody, a

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person of great maqam, great piety, great knowledge,

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you can sit with them and not say

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something, and that's okay. You're still benefiting. You

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don't have to be talking. They don't have

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to be talking to you. You don't have

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to be talking to them. Sometimes just sitting

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with the ahulullah in silence is one of

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the best foods that a person can have

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to nourish themselves spiritually.

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So the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam is

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silent. Saidna Saidna Hasan

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you know, analyzing,

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or deep thought.

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As far as his his, deep reflection or

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sorry, as far as his reckoning or his

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sizing things up,

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it was,

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in order to,

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make level or make equal his his,

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his his points of view, meaning to, like,

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straighten out his points of view.

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And it was also in his listening to

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As far as his deep thinking and his

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meditation pondering over things, it wasn't pondering which

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things will be, will remain forever, and which

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things will

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perish one day. Meaning those things that are,

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that will live forever are those things that

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are part of the deen and those things

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that will perish one day are those things

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that are part of the dunya. Wajama Allahu

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam alhimu sabr.

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And and in the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam, you see you would see combined both

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as well as patience.

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Nothing used to make the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam angry, you know, without

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him choosing to be angry about that thing.

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And nothing would overpower him and make him

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angry, nor would anything cause him to,

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is like, you know, it's not like a

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formal thing to say, but like like to

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freak out. Like nothing would cause him to

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like lose his senses and like just,

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lose control. Nothing caused him to become angry

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against his will and nothing caused him to

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Nothing caused him to become angry against his

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will and nothing caused him to lose control.

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And he would and he would be very

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in in 4 matters.

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Whenever he would take something,

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even though he would take it in a

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good way.

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And and,

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to stand for some matter

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that that was both in their dunya,

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and in their akhirah,

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good for them.

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And with that, the long ethere ends.

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give us to make

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the many very beautiful, characteristics of the messenger

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of Allah

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