Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah Muawiyahs Love For Ali Allah be pleased them.mp4

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a story about a deceased deceased deceased individual named Diralidamr al Kinani who entered into the Masjids of Sayidam Muawiyah during his caliphate and sought to describe Sayidina Muawiyah as a woman who had intense power and strong feelings. The speaker explains that the deceased's emotions were centered around love and loyalty, and that the deceased's actions caused them to take decisive steps towards their enemy.
AI: Transcript ©
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That, an individual by the name of Diralidamr

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al Kinani,

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he entered into the masjids of Sayidam Muawiyah

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during his caliphate,

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and, he,

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said to Sayidina Muawiyah or asked of Sayidina

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to describe for me,

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And so this is a testament

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to the love of the Sahaba of the

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Allahu and for one another and to

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the the the completeness of the tarbiyah that

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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gave to them, that when they got into

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an issue with one another that was political,

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they didn't let it impinge on their deen.

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People get into issues with one another, it

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will it probably has happened and will keep

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happening even in the masjid, even in other

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walks of life, in business, and all sorts

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of things people have, a disagreement on how

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to do things with one another. But the

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prophet taught

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them that the deen is bigger than your

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own personal dealings with one another. It's just

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a really amazing hadith that during his caliphate,

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Sayyidina Muawiya has asked to describe Sayidina Ali

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radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu.

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And so what happens is that,

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is asked

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to describe him to say,

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he says that do you forgive me, Amirul

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or excuse me from from having to do

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that? And he says, no, I don't excuse

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And so then he there are answers, he

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says, if you,

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if it's necessary for me to do this

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for you, then know that he was a

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person who had a

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a wide expanse,

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and he was a person who had very

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intense power,

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and he was a person who when he

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said something, it was decisive.

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And when he, judged something, it was, injustice,

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and and

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knowledge used to flow from his every side,

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and from his every side would Hikma speak.

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he used to,

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feel uncomfortable with the dunya and with its,

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flowery floweriness,

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and used to be comfortable

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with the night and with its darkness. Meaning

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what that he used to?

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He used to worship. Right? Well, gazir

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al Abra, who gave me the you give

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translate the word Abra for me, please. Abra,

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the tears. Yeah. He used to he used

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to be have

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much tears, prolific in in tears.

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Tawil al Fikra, he used to to think,

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be in pensiveness and fa'af for a long

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time. He used to,

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flip his his his, the palms of his

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hands when he would speak,

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and he used to talk to himself a

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And, he used to like clothing which is

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short. Right? Because the long clothing in that

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age, as well as in this age, is

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the clothing of the of the,

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of arrogant people. He used to like the

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clothing which was short and wouldn't drag on

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the ground. And he used to like from

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food that which is rough. You wouldn't eat,

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refined food.

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And he was, by Allah ta'ala,

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he was with us as if he was

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one of us, and he would come close

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to us he would allow us to get

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close to him if we ever came to

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came to, came to his company,

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and he would, answer us if we ever

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asked him a question. But despite his closeness

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to us,

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and our closeness to him,

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many a time we wouldn't be able to

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speak to him because of our awe of

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him. And when he would smile, his, smile

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would be like

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an ordered set of pearls,

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and he

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used to honor and magnify the people of

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Din, and he used to love the the

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people of poverty.

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And there's no person so powerful that they

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had a, they would even be able to

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hope that he would do something batil or

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something wrong for them because of their power,

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nor was there some any person who was

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so weak that they would give up hope

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that he would,

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you know, do something, for them in in

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the in terms of justice.

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And I, bear witness by Allah,

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I I seen him, in many,

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appointed his life

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when the,

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night would drop its curtains

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and when

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the light of the stars would pierce through

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he would go toward his mihrab, the place

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of prayer, and he would grab his grab

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onto his beard, and he would he would

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sway back and forth, the the swaying of

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somebody who was bitten by an insect or

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a poisonous animal, and he would cry,

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the the the tears of a person who

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in grief. And it's as if I hear

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him in that state right now while he's

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saying, oh, our Lord. Oh, our Lord. And

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he would

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himself, and and and

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in in in front of him, jallahu'ala,

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and he would say to the dunya,

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is it me that you're trying to cheat?

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Is it to me, toward me that you're

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looking? He says,

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never never

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go and try to cheat someone other than

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me. I have given you a a a

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decisive divorce three times

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because my life is short, and,

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to sit with you is not an honorable

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matter, it's a matter of of disgust,

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and the dangers that you present are very

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I I he would cry out in pain,

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how little have I prepared for the akhira,

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and how far is the journey of the

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akhira, and how difficult is the, path to

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the akhira?

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And so when Dilar made this description,

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Muawiya radhiwa ta'ala who the the the tears

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were flowing

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down his face into his

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beard, and he wasn't able to control it.

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And he had to start to wipe the

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tears off of his face with the sleeve

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of his,

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with the sleeve of his shirt, and the

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entire group of people who were present in

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the majlis, they were choking with tears.

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And and and he said, radiAllahu anhu then

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in response to Dhiar, he said that that's

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exactly how Abu al Hassan, Saydna Ali radiAllahu

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was, may Allah have mercy on him,

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and so then he asked Dharar, what were

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your feelings toward him, oh Dharar? He says,

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I feel the the the feelings of somebody

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who's, one of their loved someone who's sitting

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in a room and one of their loved

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ones, has been,

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murdered or taken away or killed,

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and, my tears don't stop nor does my

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grief, end.

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And then he got up and he left

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the majlis,

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narrated also by Ibnu Abdul Bar,

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from a different narration.

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And it's a really beautiful hadith and it

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shows that that they weren't, like, conspiring against

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each other, they weren't cheating each other, They

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didn't hate each other. They had very strong

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feelings on certain issues that caused them to

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take very decisive steps, but as far as

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dean is concerned, the deen was one that

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all of them followed, and it was the

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perfect deen that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam taught them. And the fact that they

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were able to do this and and any,

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world leader nowadays, if you were to say

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something about their enemy in front of them

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like that, they would probably have you killed

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or thrown out or be upset with you,

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but see the tears of sincerity from their

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eyes. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give us

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a share from their brotherhood for his sake

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