Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah Mercy Shall Be Had Upon Your Ummah.mp4
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The story uses a combination of past and present events, with the narrator's use of various narratives including a combination of past and present events. The title "over 75 books of W Grove" is used in the Arabic language, while the sh denies" in Pakistanis and Portuguese is associated with respect. The use of nawafil inieldation of a world history is a sign of respect for someone, while the use of the sh denies in narrating a story is a sign of respect for someone.
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We continue,
a furtherance of the discussion that happened
regarding Sayna Abdullah bin Amr bin Asr alayhi
wa ta'ala and whose narration of the description
of the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi wa
both in the Quran
and in
the books from before.
So the musanif of the book, Mawlana,
Muhammad Yousaf Kandari he
gives the of the hadith.
He narrates a similar hadith
to the one that was narrated yesterday
from Sayidna Abdul Laban Amr
Anhu. In fact, it's not only just a
hadith again like we mentioned last
night, not just a hadith that he narrates,
but it's actually
a, an entire baab. It's an entire chapter
of Bukhari.
Baab, it's a chapter regarding
the chapter regarding the dislikedness or the hatefulness
of walking around yelling at people.
And so,
it's actually the only hadith in that in
that chapter of Bukhari.
Was a rabbi of the yahood in the
time of Jahiliyyah.
It's also a similar description.
Like we said, it's taken from Isaiah. It
was narrated from,
from him who was a Jalil Qadr, Sahabi
who he was shahid
defending the person of Sayna Uthman
who when he were attacking him,
they killed him as well. May Allah be
pleased with all of them.
And there's
a narration that has a slightly
slightly different
wording. Meaning, it has the word
between and.
And he continues with Akhirajahu,
Ibnu Ishaq and Kabil Akhbari Bima'anahu.
So Kabil Akhbar is
was a great rabbi of the Jews who
accepted Islam and he's from amongst the Tabireen.
Sayed Amr alayhi wa ta'ala anhu used to,
hold him high regard and he actually took
him with him.
He met with him, I should say, in
the Masjid al Aqsa and put him,
in charge of the rebuilding of the Masjid
al Aqsa and the cleaning up of it.
And he actually asked him a question. He
said, where should we build the masjid? Should
we build it between where the or we're
the premises of
the Haram Sharif. Should we build it? And
so he gave the suggestion that they build
the Masjid
between where the holiest of holies, the altar
of the old temple was and the Qibla
so that you can face both of them
at the same time. And so Saeed Amr
said, yeah, you have some sympathy for your
old religion. That's why you want the 2
qiblas to line up. And so that's why
he made the command that the masjid be
built in front of it between it and
the qibla. So you give your
back to the to the old qibla and
you're you face the Masjid Haram. And to
this day, it's actually very interesting. The Masjid
Al Aqsa people believe it's the Qubatul Sakhra.
It's the masjid is in front of it.
And the Qubbat al Sakhra, the place where
the old altar of the of of the
Masjid al Saina,
Dawud alaihis salam was. That's where the ladies,
they pray they pray,
their their and things like that, and it's
also still a very sacred place.
this is.
He narrates the same hadith,
hadith with the same meaning.
That it's narrated,
in a bridge form with without so many
details by
Tabireen radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu. He narrates directly from
Abu Huraira radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu, and he was
considered to be a a, person who is
very advanced in his knowledge of history.
And he claimed that he read
over 75 books of Wahi before the Quran.
Allahu Alem. Obviously, we don't consider those books
to be perfect and intact, but they still
exist. What does over 75 books of Wahi
Probably what my understanding is that
what the Hebrew Bible is, what the Jews
call the Bible, the Torah is a very
small part of it, actually. It's the first
part. The Hebrew Bible, they call it the
Tanakh, the tie. It's a
a a, what you call an acronym. The
tie is for the Torah. The noon is
for the Nevi'im, which is the books of
the different Anbiya,
and then the the is for something else.
I don't I don't remember what it is.
But at any rate, it says number of
books, so perhaps he counted all of those
books separately,
and that's how he reached that number. But
he was a historian. He knew about the
that went before, and so he would tie
in things from different ummas in the past
into Islam
as well. And, he was very respected amongst
the amongst the Tabireen.
So he narrates,
that there's a place in the zabur that
gives the wahi to say say, Sayna Dawud
alayhi salam.
Right? O Dawud, there will be a Nabi
that comes after you. His name will be?
Ahmed and Mohammed. Right?
It's very interesting because people think, like, what
is this? Making this up. If this was
there in the Bible, you know, they would
have all become Muslim a long time ago.
Guess what? It's actually there in the zabur.
It's in the Psalms. The word Muhammad is
actually there.
Right? It's actually
there and it's in the plural. Muhammadim.
Right? It's in the plural. Why? Because
the the the Hebrew speaking people are ajim
like, you know, Pakistanis and Indians are. Right?
So they're not straight shooters, they embellish things.
So, one of the things that Ajami languages
they use as a sign of respect is
to refer to someone in the plural
as a sign of respect for them. Right?
And so they actually has the name of
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in the
Psalms, and this is probably what,
Sayna Wahhabi
is is referring to, the ismuhu Ahmadu or
Muhammad Muhammadun
and so this is, the the this is,
about the Psalms,
and it's it's narrated by Ibn Kathir and
his bidai and Nihaya. It's a world history
that he wrote in in just a whole
probably like somewhere close to 15 and 20,
volumes. And it's also narrated by imam Behati
in his,
in his Dalil al Nabuwa.
And basically the meaning of it is what?
Dawud, indeed they will come after you, An
Nabi. His name is Ahmed, meaning he's the
most praised one, and his name is Muhammad.
And he will be a truthful one, and
he will be a leader. I will never
be angry with him, and, he will never
make me angry.
And I have forgiven
for him whatever he may,
and whatever comes forth from his sins before
they happen, what comes forth and what comes
after. Now obviously, we believe that the MBIA,
alayhi wa sallam or Masum,
whenever the mention of the sins of the
Nabi are made, what it is is like
things like if, you know, he didn't read
a nefel or something like that that he
usually reads. It's not really a sin, but
it's something that for their Maqam, it doesn't
seem seemly perhaps even those things
I forgave for him before he even did
them. And his ummah is is a ummah
that will be that mercy will have be
had on them. I gave them the nawafil
like the nawafil I gave to the MBIA.
So don't brush off the nawafil, the 2
rak'ahs after Maghrib and
salatul tarawi, and fasting on Mondays Thursdays, and
all of these things. This there's a very
high misbah to these things. It's an honor
that Allah gave them to this ummah. I
gave to them the nawafil that I gave
to the mbiya,
and I gave I made
obligatory upon them the obligations that I made
on the mbiya and the rusul, the prophets
and the messengers.
Until and I kept doing those things until
they will come to me on the day
of judgment, the nur that they will carry,
the light that they will carry with them
will be like the light of the prophets,
and it's a long track, and so he
skips to the end and says, oh and
at the end of that track, he says,
O Dawud. O Dawud. I have preferred Muhammad
and his ummah over all other ummahs, and
over all other nations.
And may Allah
give us the
the shukr that that that we owe, that
He gave us the privilege of being in
the Ummah of Sayyidina Muhammad
and also give us the good sense to
be able to take advantage of those things
that he gave to us instead of, leaving
them by and spending our life and other
things, heedless of of those advantages. And may
he also give us the tawfiq of also
carrying the responsibility that comes with that. And
this has a direct tie with the finality
of prophethood, The
idea of it, that the that used to
be given to the MBA are given to
this ummah except for Wahi. No one in
this ummah receives Wahi. Other from the Amal
of Nubu are given to this. Umma, there's
a fit class in the SoundCloud account. If
you go to soundcloud.comforward/
there's all these talks are being recorded and
posted. If you can listen to the fit
regarding Khablam Nabuwab, but many people were there,
so so they already heard it. For those
who weren't there, if you can listen to
that, there's a lot that directly, relates to
One last thing, even though I know I
went over, people might say, well,
know, narrating something in the injeel. What does
it matter to me? It's a hadith of
the Prophet
It's a Sahih Hadith.
Right? Say the the things that
the stories. If there's a benefit for you
in them in mentioning them, go ahead and
mention them, and there's no haraj. There's no,
nothing wrong with that. And the the the
rule is the the shahar have this hadith,
the explanation of this hadith is what they
narrate that's in line with our
our scripture.
It's wajib to believe in it because it's
also in our scripture.
What they narrate that conflicts with our scripture,
it's wajib to disbelieve in it.
That much is common sense. What's in the
middle? If telling these stories give someone benefit
in their imam,
then it's
good. Go ahead and narrate them. If somebody
hears them and doesn't agree with what's in
it, we also don't browbeat them about that.
There's khair as well.
And so there's a lot more
discussion regarding that, but we went over time
so much.