Hamzah Wald Maqbul – 9 Ramadn Late Night Majlis Unanswered Challenges 03192024
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The speaker discusses the struggles of the prophet's time, including the loss of casualties and the weight of casualties. They emphasize the importance of preparing for events and not just doing things like killing a horse. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes and mistakes, avoiding criticizing anyone for their actions, and not discourage others from making mistakes.
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So we continue reading from the Nabi'ur Rahma,
the prophet of mercy.
About the struggles, the and
the jihad of the prophet.
Before we continue, I wanted to make a
clarification. I made a mistake. I've spoken correctly
a couple of days ago when talking about.
I said that the,
the number of from the,
from the companions of the 11, almost 70,
and the number of casualties
was about the same. It wasn't. There's
some difference of opinion about the numbers.
Different sources report different numbers. There's something around
at the lower end and 35 at the
higher end.
So the Muslims definitely took heavier losses.
When you put it in the context of
the fact that they were 800
or, sorry, 700, I I apologize,
people versus 3,000,
it's what caused them to have to retreat
if they were taking casualties too quickly. And
what happens is even if casualties are equal
where they weren't actually, the missiles were taking
heavier casualties.
Even when they're equal,
what happens, the proportions start to imbalance quicker
with the smaller group.
And so you have to you have to
Although the beginning of the battle, if you
look at the the list of casualties,
I was gifted by brother Adnan from Qatar's
a copy of
you know, the of the of the.
father was a client of,
so they were basically, like, they're part of
their, like, crew, like, their political
then thereafter were very learned people because they
preserved the knowledge of the family of
as well as being relatively learned people from
the kind of upper class of of Madina
Munawarra in that era.
And so Malik
he praised this work
but the manuscript copies of it were, like,
really just piece piecemeal. They weren't very good.
But there's a manuscript discovered recently
of it from which a critical edition was
prepared, so he gifted it to me. So
I thought, okay. This is something I'll look
into this, over there. And so if you
look at the names of the,
murdered, not murdered, the
that were killed, that got whacked,
in in in.
They really are from the Ashraf,
of, you know, from the patrician classes of
them. So you can see why it looked
like the battle actually was
going very poorly for them in the beginning
saying the Khaled bin Waleed,
but not yet.
He was still at the time that he,
that he, outflanked the the believers, and it
kind of turned the tides of the battle.
otherwise, even the flag bearer of
was struck down,
by Sadr
the Mubares
the was struck down by
I forget,
I forget now. It's past me right now
in this moment, the name. But,
there was also another Mubarasa
in which one of the
struck the,
struck the, the the Mushrik so hard that
offered the challenge before this battle started
that in the head that it literally split
his jaw bone.
And so,
you know, you'd see how it was going
really poorly in the beginning, but then it
turned around. Another interesting thing a couple of
interesting things I wanted to share from that
reading from from the.
One was that
whose father was also murdered as that,
in in that, in that battle. And, the
last thing I wanted to mention is the
the, you know, even here in the,
in in the, this reading, we talked about
the prophet,
having with his own Mubarakan,
one of the, one of the.
And, it's the only person I believe some
of the some of the says the only
person the
prophet actually killed with his, with his own
even then,
it was because he had
sworn oath that I'm going to kill
Wirri Abu Billah. I'm going to kill Mohammed.
so he kept coming to the
prophet and his entourage.
had the,
you know, had the ability to kill him,
but he told the companions to leave him
alone until he kept, coming closer and closer.
he kept insisting. So the prophet
he asked
for a lance of Bay bin Khalaf.
He asked for a lance and he actually
just cut him. He glanced him in the
neck. He didn't actually, like, kill him right
then and there. But what happened is they
say that he was struck with terror when
it when it cut him.
And he ran back to the ran back
to the camp
that Mohammed killed me. Mohammed killed me. They're
like, what's wrong with you? It's like a
superficial cut. He's like, no. He said he
was gonna kill me. And now look. He
what happened? He's I'm gonna die.
And so he actually survived for quite some
time, but died,
basically in the state that being was convinced
that the prophet killed him. And so it
was a kind of
a very wretched way to die,
that the was a Nabi or Rahma,
that that a person should just behave so
poorly with him and be the one who,
be the one who takes us. But even
in the way the prophet
killed him, it's clear that it was, Allah
to Allah's,
providence that killed him. It was almost like
a supernatural death. He gave him every chance
to leave, and he even just wounded him
very superficially. But because
the said he was gonna kill him, somehow
it got in his head that he doesn't
say anything that's a lie. And so he
he was convinced that he was gonna die
and, you know, it's as if that that
was more what killed him than the actual
than the actual wound.
The raid of that
in the 4th year of Hijra, the Rasul
sallallahu alaihi wasallam decided to make a raid
into Najd,
with 6 of his companions of whom said
Abu Musal Ashari
and who was 1.
He made for an oasis in that area.
The party had to cover the distance mostly
on foot as there was only 1 camel
in their service.
And this is another thing that reminds me
I was reading from the. They were saying
that there there were a 100 cavalry, of
course, mounted,
soldiers from the and not one from the,
So we read yesterday,
said that, and prepare what what you're able
to prepare for them, for your enemies,
from keeping horses,
by which you could you will terrorize.
Look at that war on terror. By which
you were terrorized,
the enemies of Allah and your enemies.
Meaning what? Prepare for it. Because the issue
is this like
people are giving dates of half a sadhaka.
Right? They're broke. They're I mean, there's severe
even though severe poverty is there a lot.
So defeat a horse every day, it's really
difficult to give water for a horse every
day. When people have a hard time getting
water, It's really difficult. But what's the benefit?
The benefit is that then when you have
a horse, then you're, able to fight much
more effectively in battle.
And so that's one of the reasons that
the share for a cavalryman
in in in the is,
3 times the share of infantryman, someone who's
just mounted on foot or who just moves
on foot and not mounted at all. And
you know, this is a this is a
lesson also for us
that you should prepare for your enemies.
Don't let this thing come inside of your
oh, you know, I'm not trained. What if
someone surprises me if I have a gun
or if I have a knife or if
I, you know, did
jujitsu or,
you know,
karate or BJJ
or UFC
or, you know, Taekwondo or, you know, whatever
it is. You know?
Whatever you do. So if, oh, no. If
someone surprises me, I'm still gonna get killed
and this no. The thing is this. Look.
When it's time to die, it's time to
Allah write for everyone of us a honorable
death. Amen. Allah write for all of us
the death of a shaydah. Amen. When it's
time to die, it's time to die. Your
reward with Allah
is not based on whether you conquer the
world or not.
You're or whether you were able to detect
a surprise attack or not.
Your reward is based on what your intention
is. So if something's gonna happen, it's gonna
happen. What are you gonna do about it
one way or the other? But the reward
is based on your effort. The second thing
is this, as a very practical matter,
someone might say, well, if I get surprised
or if this happens or that happens, then,
it will all have been a waste. Right?
Okay. But it doesn't hurt you either, does
it? Because it can surprise you just as
well when you're completely unprepared.
Preparation doesn't hurt. It may not save you
from every single situation,
but it doesn't hurt. And it's there's a
lot of indication that the preparation is rewarded
by Allah and there's a lot of
a lot of reward in it and it's
an act of piety when a person does
it for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. So whatever i'adad you have to do
for the sake of Allah and you're able
to do go ahead and do it. Go
ahead and make the preparation. Don't worry about
what happens, afterward.
Anyhow, so they're going on foot because they
don't they don't have horses right now. They're
like way too broke for that.
the they the party had to cover a
distance mostly on foot and there's only 1
camel at their service. And a horse moves
around in battle much better than a camel
does. And a horse has a lot more
control than a camel does.
The incursion was called
as the companions were the who had to
bandage their injured feet and toes.
You can imagine people are not, you know,
marching in like military boots.
What they had was sandals anyway
and it wears on the feet. It wears
on the feet. You walk for like, you
know, walk tomorrow 20 miles
you'll have blisters on your feet. People get
blisters just from making tawaf on the marbled
floor of the mabaf,
in the Masjid al Haram. It's difficult. It's
not easy. So they had to bandage their
feet so that the blisters didn't rub too
hard against their,
against their their sandals. Some people, your sandal
breaks, and that's it. You have to walk
on on the desert. There's thorns in the
desert. The thorns get into your sandal as
well. I remember this from Mauritania. I wish
Joab was here. If he was here, he
would give me the vote of,
of confidence that there are 2 types of
The hard thorns and the soft ones. The
hard ones are the good ones because you
just pick them out and they're gone. The
soft ones are horrible. They get into your
foot and they break off and you can't
pull it out. You know? So all this
stuff is happening.
They have to bandage their injured feet and
their injured toes.
But what is it? They're they're survivors. They're
champions. You know? Remember in wrestling practice, the
the the the at the end of it,
they make you run lines and things like
that. And you run the line and then
the coach would be like, oh, put up
put up one finger for your champion. You
don't have to, but you kinda have to.
But you you don't have to, but just
show your champion. Like, you're broken, you're earning,
but put up put up one finger saying
you're number 1. Right? So these people, what
what were they doing? They're putting up the
1 finger at the shahold and they were
champions. No matter how like messed up and
busted up things were.
Right? These are the people the start of
their affair was what? Walking through the desert
with bandaged feet
and then where did they get to?
Said the and they were like walking running
over water in order to catch up with
fleeing enemies.
You can say, oh, that's just a tall
tale. Well, guess what? They won somehow or
another, didn't they?
So the proof is in the pudding. The
proof is all there, that people in,
you know, people in Bahrain and in,
you know, Basra are not like, you know,
whatever, like, getting a big lighter out of
the fire temple, are they?
At least not not for now.
So he said that the
party approached the enemy, but there was no
fighting for,
for, they feared,
one another. This is where the
Rassul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam led the prayer of,
the the which
we read the ayah of some days
ago. Who can save you now? While the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was
on his way back to Madinah,
he happened to lie down to take rest
under the shade of a thicket of acacia
after hanging his sword on a branch.
Jabi radiAllahu Anhu narrates that
he was taking a nap along with his
friends when they heard the Rasool of Salam
calling them. So there is a tree, they
let him out of Adab, they let him
sleep alone over there.
And, they pitched the camp at some distance
that he could relax. He was within visual,
distance. And so they let him sleep alone.
But someone snuck in a bed when real
slide real moved like a fox.
He's he's he's snuck in. Jabir alaihi wa
sallam said that they heard the prophet
calling him calling them. There was a Bedouin
sitting by the side of the Rasul sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam and when they went to
him, he said I was sleeping when this
man came and took a hold of my
sword. As I woke up I saw him
with the sword drawn over my head and
he was asking me who now can save
you from me? I replied Allah.
Now he's sitting before you the prophet
however did not punish the Bedouin.
we have some of our friends
and brothers in Islam.
Some of you have the guys that are
like saying Allah, Allah is Bida or maybe,
you know, say Allah, Allah a little bit
when it hits the right Latifa, when the
Latifa become Jaria,
then maybe you say the name and something
Even if it doesn't become Jaria, the the
name of Allah has an effect on on
all things, in the creation,
as they, as they, as they should be
Expeditions without fighting. The same year in, the
Rasulullah alaihi wa sallam went forth to Badr
to keep his appointment with Abu Sufyan.
He remained at Badr for 8 days with
a large force awaiting the arrival of the
Meccan army. Abu Sufyan did come out of
Mecca to vindicate his call, but he did
not venture to advance more than a few
miles in the desert.
He persuaded his men to return since it
was a season of drought in which his
people were in a bad shape.
There, was thus no fighting and Muslims
returned with their prestige and morale higher than
before. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam undertook
another expedition at Dumat al Jandal
a few months later,
but the Muslims returned to Medina without any
fighting. So, basically, they would go all to
these places, show up at people's door,
people would punk out. They would not they'd
be like, oh, no. No. There must have
been some misunderstanding.
We're cool. We're okay.
Why? Because
this is this is also an usul of
what of Mujahda, the spiritual path. Allah asks
for a sacrifice but he doesn't take it.
Your saluk many of the most difficult
mountains you have to cross,
The distance between your starting point and ending
point is the distance between you and you.
So sometimes you have to go through tribulations
one after the other after the other just
in order for you inside to learn the
that I would be willing to do this
for the sake of Allah. Once you've learned
it, you see that the paths open up
like this. They fought how many battles to
this point?
2. Thereafter, now they're showing up in the
east and in the west and in the
north and in the south and people people
are like, hey, you know, we don't want
we don't want any problem. We don't want
any trouble.
And so what does it do? It actually
spares them from having to fight.
It spares them from having to fight. And
so this is
a a a great lesson,
from, you know, a person, Saluk, just like
Have some spine, have some backbone. Trust me
there are a lot of people. Some of
them have ilm, some of them make dhikr,
some of them are good Muslims but they're
What do I mean what do I mean
when I say good Muslims?
They were from the amongst the companions, people
who are not able to fight.
They're mentioned in the Quran. Right?
The the the blind person and the lame
person and the chronically ill person or acutely
ill person who's not able to, like, function
in a fight. There's no there there's nothing
we're not talking about about them at all.
We're not talking about those people who are
not able to go out in the path
of Allah because they're they're just their circumstances
are such they don't permit them to go
The people who are good people, there's no
there's no path that you have to talk
garbage about them just because they can't. The
issue is this is that there are some
because the whole umah has kind of like
lullabyed one another so much, we exhausted one
another out so much to the point where
we don't even talk about this. We don't
even remember
in our, collective ommatic memory except for in
small pockets here and there. We don't remember
that this is what this is the way
life is. This is not just Islam. This
is the way life is. Everybody who's lived
life that's not insulated from, unreality
or not like a slave that's like, okay.
Look. You're you just pick cotton and shut
up and don't worry about it. You shut
up and dribble the ball and don't worry
about, you know, life. People who are not
treated like slaves, who understand kind of like
the holistic ambit of what life is about,
they understand these things. They always understood these
things, many of them.
The people I say they're good but they're
cowards meaning what? Look, if you're a coward
unable to
stand up in front of someone in the
face of a challenge,
there were companions that were like that as
well. Said Hassan al Fabbat radiya wa ta'ala
Anhu, he was like that. The Rasulullah
gave him permission to stay back.
Just admit this is not my thing and
don't talk about it afterward.
Don't discourage the people who have him and
have a backbone to stand up from standing
It's okay. You know? If you're like, you
know, there's a call that we're gonna stand,
we're gonna do this, we're gonna protest Palestine
tomorrow. Okay. Let's all go to the protest.
What? And someone's like, man, I went to
the protest Palestine protest, like, 3 times. Each
time, like, when I saw the crowd, I,
like, peed my pants and I had to
run home.
Don't go the 4th time, 5th time
make salat, make dua, read Quran, do something
else, go donate money, do something else.
If you're constitutionally such, if you can fix
it, go ahead and fix it. It'll take
a long time. It'll be hard. Go ahead
and fix it. Go see a therapist. Go
see a trainer. Go, you know, you know,
whatever. Nasheed acapella version of Rocky. Eye of
the tiger in the background and, like, do
your training. If even that doesn't work, then
just be like, look. This is not you
know, understand that this is not my thing.
There's something else, some other way I can.
Serve, but don't discourage other people or look
down on other people or talk garbage about
other people just because you couldn't do it.
The person who's,
saying it's impossible is to say that nobody
can do it should get out of the
way of the person who's actually doing it.
Have love for have love for the person
who's doing it in all things in all
things. Somebody recites Quran wonderfully. The other person,
his tongue is tied up. You know, don't
don't hate the one who recites Quran. So,
oh, to read, you don't even understand what
you're reciting. And, like, the person with memory
is good. The bad doesn't shouldn't talk crap
about the person whose memory is good. The
person who can write well shouldn't, you know,
can't write well, shouldn't talk crap about the
person who can write well. People resent resent
one of the learned people resent the jocks.
The jocks resent the goth the goth resents
this. Don't resent one another. We're all one.
you know, be happy for one another for
the good things that that we do. If
you can learn from them and assimilate it
into your own life, go for it. If
you can't, constitutionally, you're unable to do so,
then just make the offer to those people
and be like, look, you know,
You know? There's a saying of the Arabs,
I'm not I'm not the I'm not the
horseman in this battle. That's okay.
I mean, you shouldn't write yourself off so
quickly. Sometimes it just takes some work and
you can do a lot. A human being
has a remarkable capacity to grow and change
and to fix things and all that. But
if you tried even that and you're not
able to, just be like, okay, Allah made
the people for this, and my duas are
100% with them 100% with them. There are