Hamzah Wald Maqbul – 21 Ramadan 1443 Late Night Majlis Ibn Al Hajj Ghazali And Khatam Dua Addison 04222022

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
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The speakers discuss the use of "naughty in the air" meaning in the culture of the k, emphasizing the importance of learning to emulate and find one's own weaknesses and strengths. They also mention the use of words and actions to impress someone and emphasize the importance of practicing these skills for better chances in life. The shari shit and shari shit meaning in modern times is discussed, with examples and examples of success being discussed. The importance of practice and cultivating these skills is emphasized.

AI: Summary ©

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			By Allah's father, we've reached this Mubarak 21st
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			night of
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			the first night of the last 10 odd
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			Rasool Allah
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			was asked by our mother
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			If we feel like this might be,
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			what should we what should we do? What
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			should we say?
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			And he said
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			ask Allah
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			Oh, Allah.
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			You are the one who forgives,
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			so entirely and so completely,
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			And you love such a complete forgiveness,
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			so forgive us completely.
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			So this is the word of the in
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			these nights
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			that the one who loves Allah and Allah
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			him, the person will repeat this dua
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			with sincerity
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			and with humility
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			and with
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			desperation in front of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
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			Allah, you are
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			the one who loves,
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			you're the one who forgives completely and you
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			such a complete forgiveness, so forgive us likewise
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			And so I was reading from the Mad
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			Khala of Ibn Hajj.
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			Ibn Hajj is the grand sheikh of Khalil.
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			He is a great Maliki scholar
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			Mamluk, Egypt,
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			a man who was very focused on
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			the correct observance of the sharia and the
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			correct following of the deen
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			and preventing
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			zany and kooky
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			or impais heretical innovations from watering down
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			people's deen.
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			what happens is many of the customs of
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			the sharia,
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			pervert them in such ways that
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			makes them
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			perhaps fancy
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			and perhaps attractive to people,
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			but also causes them to lose
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			whatever benefit
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			that was intended through them. So he wrote
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			this book,
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			taking the air out of the tires of
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			all of these kind of weird bila'at of
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			his time. Some of which, persist to this
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			day, some of which were unique to that
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			time, some of which are actually a lot
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			worse nowadays.
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			And so I was reading what he had
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			to say about the the duas,
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			for the katham night.
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			And he actually has a lot to say
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			about about them and he wasn't a real
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			big fan of the
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			of the katham Dua,
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			given that, people are going to
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			having these duas starting in the coming days.
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			So I wanted to share a couple of
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			excerpts from that long
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			from that long tract
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			that, that he gave
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			and they're out of order so I'll share
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			the second part first and the first part
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			So after describing
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			the operatic and theatrical
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			types of dua that people put up on
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			He says very simply,
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			And so he says, unlike the the the
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			duas of the pious predecessors,
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			he says that,
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			nowadays the duas that happen at the time
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			of katams
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			recitation of Qasaid,
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			of like poetry
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			Kalam Sajjad, rhyming prose,
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			that sounds more like song and music,
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			and that actually will
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			actually enchant a person with its rhythm and
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			its flow.
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			And it is
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			of hushuah,
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			of humility,
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			and humbleness
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			and desperate,
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			crying out
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			most generous master,
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			exalted is he above blemish and transcendent is
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			He says that, Allah says in his book,
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			and who is it that answers
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			desperate one when he,
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			calls out in desperation.
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			He says Allah didn't say who's the one
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			who answers the,
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			answers the cry of the kawwal.
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			You know what a kawwal is? Kawwal is
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			like what what they used to call a
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			munshid back in the day, like
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			and Aziz Miah and Sabri.
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			Didn't say that that that he didn't describe
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			himself. He described himself as the one who
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			answers the call of the desperate one who
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			calls out to him, cries out to him.
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			He didn't describe himself as the one who
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			answers the, the the the call of the
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			or of the musician or of the artist,
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			or of the,
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			poetry singer.
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			you know,
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			many of us are going to
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			go to khattams like this. Some of us
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			might ourselves be doing khattams like this. And,
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			we have very highly
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			produced and fancy,
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			television level production type khatams
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			in which people will actually take the duas
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			that are not from the kitab or sunnah,
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			from somebody else, from some
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			full on sheikh and such and such prominent
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			masjid who has a beautiful voice. And they'll
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			literally write their duas down to the point
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			where they don't even understand what they're asking.
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			And when that whatever big famous sheikh cries,
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			then they'll also
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			they'll cry exactly the same way because it's
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			all just a copy. All of it is
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			just a copy.
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			the point is following the sun of the
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			messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. It's
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			not following these kind of people who are
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			more like TikTok stars than they are like
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			actual olema or people who should be
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			And governments keep in big masajid, even sacred
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			masajid, they keep,
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			imams that will never say the haqq and
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			Imams that will in fact spout Batil and
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			in order to keep them happy.
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			And those people sometimes they recite the Quran
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			with a beautiful voice,
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			but their
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			role in the ummah nowadays is not to
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			wake the ummah up rather to put the
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			ummah to sleep.
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			And I really dislike I really dislike,
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			peep, you know, the listening of those reciters
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			and I dislike even more the emulation of
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			such people.
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			Because the Quran is the Quran and it's
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			the Haqq and the point of the Quran,
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			the reason it was revealed is for you
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			to recite it, not to say, oh, did
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			you listen to this guy? Did you listen
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			to that guy? This guy and that guy
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			are completely irrelevant.
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			In fact, Malik
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			upper, operasizing
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			the the recitation of the Quran. That's a
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			completely, like, different discussion.
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			you know, it comes to the ridiculous point
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			where, you know, I get called the khatams
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			and the hufaz will like, you know, take
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			a little vacation from their mad hub and
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			they'll do like a qunut,
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			like but not in the time of and
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			they're like khatams and they'll have this, like,
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			super long dua. They don't understand more than
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			half of what they're saying. I remember,
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			I was in a katham one time, and
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			God bless them. They're good kids. They only
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			see other people that think they think that
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			are righteous, and they're trying to emulate them.
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			And that's why we're here to say don't
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			emulate them. It's not righteousness. Your intentions are
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			good, but you gotta learn the knowledge.
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			So, you know, someone is making dua and
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			he's like,
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			And I just I was just like, Gaza,
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			man. It's Gaza. It's not izzah, it's Gaza.
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			He forgot the dot. And,
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			uh-uh Bichara, his like other half is like
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			laughs about it to this day.
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			And the thing, if you don't understand what
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			you're asking, like, what point is there? Right?
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			Allata'ala is not like gonna be impressed with
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			you making Nakala of like Sheikh Abu Fulan
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			or whatever. Like, allata doesn't care about that
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			sheikh nor does he care about the sheikh
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			he learned from nor does he care about
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			the entire humanity is like not even
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			an atom in front of Allah ta'ala. Like
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			those things don't impress him. What impress what
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			Allah ta'ala loves is your humility.
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			What Allah loves is that you ask with
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			desperation and with humility
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			and with the with knowing how small you
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			are and how great Allah to Allah is.
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			That's the secret of the dua.
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			And so,
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			Ibn al Hajji asks, because I'm not here
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			just to, like, knock on people or down
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			people. Although sometimes it seems like it because
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			people are really sensitive to criticism nowadays. A
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			little bit of the snowflakeiosis
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			has affected people's liver,
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			nowadays. But,
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			that's not the point. The point is to
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			say what what's bad so as to not
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			do it, and then also to say what's
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			good, which is what we should
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			replace it with. So that if you are
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			one of those who follow or if you
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			have a choice of where to go, that
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			you not
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			spend your night with these like, you know,
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			weird operatic and highly ritualized
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			I wouldn't even say highly ritualized. I would
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			say highly, like, stage produced,
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			khatam ceremonies.
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			follow the
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			follow the way of our
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			and the way of the sufi I kiram
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			who are the actual who are the actual
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			progenitors. The the good Sufis are the actual
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			custodians of the sunnah of the Aslaf,
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			So now from the same
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			section of Ibn Hajj's Madkhal, but a little
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			bit earlier,
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			He quotes a Muhammad Al Ghazali or, Imam
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			Ghazali or.
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			That's in his book that's called the the
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			book of Avkara and Duas. He says that
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			the, salaf some of the salaf, they
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			been said how much they disliked this Kalamu
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			Sajjad, this, like, rhymed prose fancy sing songy,
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			way of making dua.
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			he says, for for he says that some
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			of the salaf, they passed by someone making
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			dua like this.
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			He says, are you
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			are you making this
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			and making this show of fanciness to Allah
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			to Allah? Like, is that what you're trying
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			to do is impress Allah to Allah with
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			whatever your fancy words
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			and your exaggerations?
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			He says,
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			That that some of the aslaf, they passed
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			by Habib Ajami. Habib Ajami was a Persian
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			convert as his name
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			seems to indicate and as is actually true
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			if you read his,
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			his biography. He's one of the great mashaikh
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			of the tariqa from the time of the
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			In the tariqaqadiriyah,
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			he takes the
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			he he takes the,
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			khilafa from
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			al Hassan al Basri Radhiyallahu ta'ala Anhu
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			who takes it from Sayidna Ali
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			and from a number of the companions
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			the Ummah has bore witness to his
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			spiritual greatness,
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			that Habib Ajami was an associate of
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			of Al Hassan al Basri,
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			and, it's said about him
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			once the the goon enforcers of Banu Umayyak
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			broke into his dwelling,
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			when Al Hasan al Basri was visiting. And
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			This is one of his karamat, one of
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			his miracles,
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			the these soldiers, they basically asked where is
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			Hassan al Basri,
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			and he replied, he's right here.
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			And they they couldn't see him.
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			Allata masked him so that these soldiers couldn't
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			see him. And so they said, don't mess
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			with us. Don't play with us. Where is
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			And, he said he's right there. And, upon
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			abuse and, questioning, he kept telling him he's
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			right there. But
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			Allah protected, protected him from their sight,
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			and they basically threatened him. They said, you
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			you joke with us like this again, we'll
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			kill you. If you see him, let us
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			know. And he just said he's right there,
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			and so they left.
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			Al Hassan al Basri then asked him, he
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			said that the the shari'a gives,
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			the shari'a gives
00:14:00 --> 00:14:00
00:14:01 --> 00:14:03
			for somebody who fears like a great
00:14:04 --> 00:14:05
			or danger to life or limb,
00:14:06 --> 00:14:08
			gives permission to lie in such situations.
00:14:08 --> 00:14:10
			Why did you tell them that I was
00:14:10 --> 00:14:11
			right here? Obviously,
00:14:11 --> 00:14:13
			Allah Ta saved me, but, like, why why
00:14:13 --> 00:14:15
			didn't you take the sharai dispensation?
00:14:16 --> 00:14:17
			He said, I'm aware of the dispensation of
00:14:17 --> 00:14:19
			the Sharia. It was just,
00:14:20 --> 00:14:21
			it was just I had too much,
00:14:22 --> 00:14:23
			shame and humility,
00:14:24 --> 00:14:26
			in front of Allah to Allah and awe
00:14:26 --> 00:14:28
			in front of Allah ta'ala to to lie.
00:14:28 --> 00:14:30
			And, this is the type of person he
00:14:30 --> 00:14:32
			was, and he was a great sheikh of
00:14:32 --> 00:14:33
			the tariqah and a great person of this
00:14:33 --> 00:14:36
			ummah. And even though unlike the rest that
00:14:36 --> 00:14:38
			were of the noble lineages of the Arabs,
00:14:39 --> 00:14:42
			he was just basically a pious convert, but
00:14:42 --> 00:14:43
			his heart was was with Allah ta'ala and
00:14:43 --> 00:14:45
			so he reached this maqam.
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			So, Ghazali
00:14:47 --> 00:14:50
			mentions in his book of Adkar and Dawat
00:14:50 --> 00:14:51
			that people from the salaf,
00:14:52 --> 00:14:54
			and he didn't name who it was, but
00:14:54 --> 00:14:56
			but somebody from the salaf passed by somebody
00:14:56 --> 00:14:59
			doing this, like, long sing songy, type dua.
00:14:59 --> 00:15:00
00:15:00 --> 00:15:02
			he says he says, are you who are
00:15:02 --> 00:15:04
			you trying to impress with your exaggerated, like,
00:15:04 --> 00:15:06
			type of speech? Are you doing this to
00:15:06 --> 00:15:07
			impress Allah to Allah? Are you, like, doing
00:15:07 --> 00:15:09
			this to show off in front of Allah?
00:15:09 --> 00:15:11
			He he says that I I bear witness
00:15:11 --> 00:15:13
			that I saw Habib al Ajami,
00:15:14 --> 00:15:17
			make dua once, and his dua was nothing
00:15:17 --> 00:15:18
			more than than
00:15:22 --> 00:15:24
			For those of you who don't know Arabic,
00:15:25 --> 00:15:28
			it's breathtaking how completely simple this sentence is
00:15:28 --> 00:15:30
			to the point where you may not even
00:15:30 --> 00:15:32
			hear an Arab speaking like this ever.
00:15:33 --> 00:15:36
			Allahumma ja'ala jayeedin literally means, oh, Allah. Make
00:15:36 --> 00:15:37
			us good people.
00:15:39 --> 00:15:40
			Make us good people.
00:15:41 --> 00:15:42
			Like, it's not
00:15:43 --> 00:15:46
			it's not anything fancy, but the humility and
00:15:46 --> 00:15:48
			the sincerity was there. Can you imagine this
00:15:48 --> 00:15:50
			this this person doesn't, like, you know, he's
00:15:50 --> 00:15:52
			he's not even a native speaker of Arabic,
00:15:52 --> 00:15:54
			and so he's just like trying to make
00:15:54 --> 00:15:55
			dua as best as he can, and it's
00:15:55 --> 00:15:56
			just so simple.
00:15:57 --> 00:15:59
			And, he's saying, oh, Allah
00:16:00 --> 00:16:02
			make us like good people.
00:16:05 --> 00:16:07
			Oh, Allah do not disgrace us on the
00:16:07 --> 00:16:07
			day of judgement.
00:16:12 --> 00:16:14
			Oh, Allah, give us the tawfiq to do
00:16:14 --> 00:16:17
			good. You know, allow us to do good.
00:16:17 --> 00:16:19
			And he said that this man was such
00:16:19 --> 00:16:20
			a pious man
00:16:21 --> 00:16:23
			that he was known amongst the people
00:16:23 --> 00:16:25
			for the barakah in his in his prayers,
00:16:25 --> 00:16:27
			in his duas, and supplications.
00:16:27 --> 00:16:28
			So he would say this
00:16:29 --> 00:16:31
			and the people would just say Amin.
00:16:32 --> 00:16:33
			The people behind him would just say amen.
00:16:34 --> 00:16:35
			And I tell you,
00:16:36 --> 00:16:38
			if somebody like this
00:16:39 --> 00:16:40
			was making dua,
00:16:40 --> 00:16:43
			I would be more interested in sitting in
00:16:43 --> 00:16:44
			their majlis and saying amen
00:16:45 --> 00:16:47
			than the person who imitates the stooges, of
00:16:47 --> 00:16:48
00:16:48 --> 00:16:51
			than the person who imitates the, operatic performance
00:16:52 --> 00:16:52
00:16:52 --> 00:16:54
			that, may get,
00:16:54 --> 00:16:57
			10,000 or a 100,000 or a 1000000 hits
00:16:57 --> 00:16:59
			on on YouTube or on TikTok or on,
00:16:59 --> 00:17:00
00:17:01 --> 00:17:03
			or, you know, lifestyle shakes that are, you
00:17:03 --> 00:17:05
			know, like getting out of there, like, expensive
00:17:05 --> 00:17:07
			cars and saying, hey, kids. Remember to pray
00:17:07 --> 00:17:08
			5 times a day.
00:17:08 --> 00:17:10
			Or, like, whatever or, you know, people with,
00:17:10 --> 00:17:13
			like, hit artist type of recitations.
00:17:14 --> 00:17:17
			Inshallah Inshallah, their recitation is good and Allah
00:17:17 --> 00:17:18
			accepted and, you know,
00:17:21 --> 00:17:23
			forgive us for our own shortcomings. I'm not
00:17:23 --> 00:17:25
			any sort of gold standard in sincerity myself.
00:17:25 --> 00:17:27
			But the the idea is that
00:17:27 --> 00:17:29
			that's not where the baraka is. That's not
00:17:29 --> 00:17:31
			where the baraka is. The baraka is in
00:17:31 --> 00:17:32
			the person who
00:17:32 --> 00:17:34
			spreads his hands in front of the Lord
00:17:34 --> 00:17:37
			and asks with humility and asks with desperation,
00:17:37 --> 00:17:38
			with it terar,
00:17:38 --> 00:17:40
			like a person who is on a sinking
00:17:40 --> 00:17:43
			ship, like a child asks something from their
00:17:43 --> 00:17:43
00:17:44 --> 00:17:47
			not knowing anyone who can help them except
00:17:47 --> 00:17:48
			for Allah,
00:17:48 --> 00:17:50
			not understanding anyone who could help them except
00:17:50 --> 00:17:51
			for Allah.
00:17:51 --> 00:17:54
			The people who ask those duas, their duas
00:17:54 --> 00:17:55
			have a lot of in them, they have
00:17:55 --> 00:17:56
			a lot of barakah in them and we
00:17:56 --> 00:17:58
			should seek them. And those duas don't need
00:17:58 --> 00:17:59
			to be long
00:18:00 --> 00:18:01
			and they don't need to be,
00:18:01 --> 00:18:04
			super hype and they don't need to be
00:18:04 --> 00:18:04
			sing songy,
00:18:05 --> 00:18:06
			and they don't need to be operatic,
00:18:07 --> 00:18:09
			but they do need to be sincere. And
00:18:09 --> 00:18:11
			we ourselves should practice and cultivate that that
00:18:11 --> 00:18:13
			habit. We have done enough to hype up
00:18:13 --> 00:18:14
			the hypee
00:18:15 --> 00:18:16
			sing song, rhyming,
00:18:18 --> 00:18:20
			mujahah and munavam,
00:18:20 --> 00:18:22
			types of duas. We've done enough for that.
00:18:23 --> 00:18:24
			That's gotten its airtime.
00:18:25 --> 00:18:26
			Now let's take a little bit of time
00:18:27 --> 00:18:28
			in order
00:18:28 --> 00:18:30
			to cultivate this ability to ask allata in
00:18:30 --> 00:18:32
			desperation and humility
00:18:32 --> 00:18:35
			and see, you know, see which which has
00:18:35 --> 00:18:36
			more barakah and more ked in it.
00:18:37 --> 00:18:39
			Allah accept your dua and my dua.
00:18:42 --> 00:18:43
			Allah accept
00:18:44 --> 00:18:46
			your dua and my dua, Allah make us
00:18:46 --> 00:18:48
			from the atakar of this Mubarak night,
00:18:50 --> 00:18:52
			Allah make us from those whose sentences in
00:18:52 --> 00:18:54
			the * fire which are well deserved,
00:18:55 --> 00:18:57
			those from whose sentences
00:18:57 --> 00:18:59
			in the hellfire which are well deserved get
00:18:59 --> 00:19:02
			commuted in this Mubarak night and that get
00:19:02 --> 00:19:03
			freed from the,
00:19:03 --> 00:19:05
			torment of the hellfire in this Mubarak night.
00:19:05 --> 00:19:07
			And may Allah write for all of us
00:19:07 --> 00:19:10
			a good destiny. May Allah accept from the,
00:19:11 --> 00:19:13
			the the tarawee of those who are praying
00:19:13 --> 00:19:16
			and may Allah accept from the of those
00:19:16 --> 00:19:17
			people who are cut off from,
00:19:18 --> 00:19:20
			everything else in order to,
00:19:21 --> 00:19:22
			grab hold
00:19:23 --> 00:19:23
00:19:24 --> 00:19:27
			the remembrance of Allah to Allah and not
00:19:27 --> 00:19:29
			let go like a person who's in the
00:19:29 --> 00:19:30
			middle of the ocean doesn't let go of
00:19:30 --> 00:19:32
			a a life raft knowing that they're,
00:19:33 --> 00:19:34
			if they do so, that they're going to
00:19:34 --> 00:19:36
			sink. And if you're listening to this in
00:19:36 --> 00:19:37
			etikaf, inshallah,
00:19:38 --> 00:19:39
			okay, you listened.
00:19:39 --> 00:19:42
			Now go ahead you can skip the rest
00:19:42 --> 00:19:43
			of them. Go ahead and go back to
00:19:43 --> 00:19:45
			your etikaf and ask Allah
00:19:46 --> 00:19:46
			with desperation.
00:19:47 --> 00:19:48
			And listen to
00:19:49 --> 00:19:49
00:19:50 --> 00:19:51
			and this type of thing just the same
00:19:51 --> 00:19:53
			way you go to the bathroom, just the
00:19:53 --> 00:19:55
			bare minimum that you need to. Otherwise, hold
00:19:55 --> 00:19:58
			fast hold fast to the remembrance of Allah
00:19:58 --> 00:19:59
			and to the dua and calling on Allah
00:19:59 --> 00:20:00
00:20:00 --> 00:20:02
			during these days. They're very short days and
00:20:02 --> 00:20:04
			they'll be over very soon. They pass like
00:20:04 --> 00:20:06
			every other moment passes.
00:20:06 --> 00:20:08
			The moment of pain passes and the moment
00:20:08 --> 00:20:09
			of pleasure also passes.
00:20:11 --> 00:20:13
			All moments pass and all you have,
00:20:13 --> 00:20:14
			from them
00:20:14 --> 00:20:15
00:20:16 --> 00:20:18
			what your niya was with Allah in those
00:20:18 --> 00:20:20
			moments. If it's heedlessness, then it it's like
00:20:20 --> 00:20:22
			ash. It all blows away into the wind
00:20:22 --> 00:20:23
			and you'll never see anything
00:20:24 --> 00:20:26
			again from it. And if it was
00:20:27 --> 00:20:28
			a moment of
00:20:28 --> 00:20:31
			sin, all you will have is the the
00:20:31 --> 00:20:33
			burning hot iron that will will brand you
00:20:33 --> 00:20:34
			and burn you,
00:20:35 --> 00:20:37
			for the rest of your existence,
00:20:37 --> 00:20:39
			after the few days of this world pass.
00:20:39 --> 00:20:40
			May Allah
00:20:40 --> 00:20:41
			be our protection
00:20:42 --> 00:20:44
			that we seek forgiveness from him for such
00:20:45 --> 00:20:47
			moments, and we turn to him in repentance
00:20:47 --> 00:20:50
			from such moments and ask him to put
00:20:50 --> 00:20:52
			distance between us in such moments that we
00:20:52 --> 00:20:54
			should ever come close to them ever again.
00:20:54 --> 00:20:55
			And if you did good and you did
00:20:55 --> 00:20:58
			khair and you remembered this time and and
00:20:58 --> 00:21:00
			you spent it with you and your just
00:21:00 --> 00:21:00
00:21:01 --> 00:21:04
			2 just the 2 of us, then you'll
00:21:04 --> 00:21:05
			see that you'll have something good to hold
00:21:05 --> 00:21:08
			on to. If you're an etikaf if you're
00:21:08 --> 00:21:11
			an etikaf, it's bogus to waste that time
00:21:11 --> 00:21:14
			with other people. Just like imagine a a
00:21:14 --> 00:21:14
			a bride
00:21:15 --> 00:21:17
			on her wedding night. It's
00:21:17 --> 00:21:19
			time to, you know, leave the party
00:21:20 --> 00:21:22
			and, and to be with, the one she
00:21:22 --> 00:21:25
			loves. And she's just texting the whole night.
00:21:26 --> 00:21:28
			She's just texting the whole night. Is that
00:21:28 --> 00:21:30
			is that a sign of love? Absolutely not.
00:21:30 --> 00:21:32
			It's absolutely not. Even if the groom doesn't
00:21:32 --> 00:21:35
			leave her, but it's not it's not good.
00:21:35 --> 00:21:36
			So spend that time with Allah
00:21:38 --> 00:21:40
			and tell other people, you know, we'll hang
00:21:40 --> 00:21:42
			out on Eid. We'll hang out after Eid
00:21:42 --> 00:21:42
00:21:43 --> 00:21:44
			I'll come to your house. We'll have lunch.
00:21:44 --> 00:21:46
			You know, haven't done that for a while.
00:21:46 --> 00:21:48
			But for now, just take your time out
00:21:48 --> 00:21:50
			as much as you're able to and cast
00:21:50 --> 00:21:51
			your net,
00:21:51 --> 00:21:53
			into the water so that the fadul of
00:21:53 --> 00:21:55
			Allah ta'ala, when it comes down with this
00:21:56 --> 00:21:58
			that you can get a great portion. Allah
00:21:58 --> 00:22:00
			accept it from you and from us and
00:22:00 --> 00:22:02
			give you and from, give give to you
00:22:02 --> 00:22:03
			and give us from what you get as
00:22:03 --> 00:22:03