Hamza Yusuf – The Jewels of the Qur’an #02
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The speakers discuss the concept of the brain and how it is not the source of thoughts, but rather the source of consciousness. They also discuss the importance of understanding the meaning of " ADAP" and the "by the heart of the book" in the spiritual experience of Islam. The speakers also touch on the sharia and the importance of learning to be a doctor. They stress the importance of having a physical body to assert a scientific fact and the importance of being committed to learning to become a doctor.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim was Allah Allah Allah say the Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam to steam and kithara 100 salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. And welcome to the second session that we're doing. Before I get into Joe how to run this was a preliminary, because I felt it was important to really establish the authority of email, medical care, but also give you a sense of the structure. And the intention behind Joe how to Oran, and why he,
he considered it such an important work. The we left off yesterday, after looking at the project, we began the project. But now I'd like to look at his great work, the Luma Dean, in the Luma. Dean, he really sets out a programmatic approach to a person's shoe Luke. And this is one of the questions that was asked yesterday about the sudo cover person, how do we pursue this path that he monumental has daddy talks about? Well, he actually gives you an entire plan to pursue that path. And the architecture of the here is one of I think the miracles of the book, because it's so extraordinarily well structured. And he's basically designed it to take a person in 40 books, from a state of
ignorance, to really a human being that's prepared to move to the next stage, which is what happens at death. And that's why the book begins with the book of knowledge. And it ends with the book of death. So he has 40 books, and the books are basically he chose the number 40, I believe, because 40 was the preparation that Moses was given to prepare to meet his Lord Allah subhana wa tada gate gave him 40 nights to prepare to meet his Lord. And so the process of purification is 40. And there are Hadees that indicate the sacred
nature of the number 40. This is one of the reasons why for people that know about Jim, I believe that they have Horridge for 40 days, that they take this also from these holidays, about 40. So he basically divides his book into four different sections. The first one, he calls it a robot, a bed that which is the quarter of devotional practices. And the first book is knowledge. And I think the reason why he chose to use this as his first book is one because everything begins with knowledge, you have to remove ignorance and the moment of Azadi. In his
criticism of society, he identified four areas of what he called the sources of facade in a culture. And the first one was ignorance. But he didn't simply he didn't simply argue that ignorance was just the lack of knowledge. He actually saw ignorance as something that manifested in these different ways. And so he identifies these three basic ways that they manifested to him. One of them was tuck lead, this was the first one, so he was definitely somebody that did not. He really had a very low opinion of tuck lead and by tuck lead, he
meant accepting the opinions of a person without really understanding them or thinking about them simply just inheriting information, and you don't really question it. And so this is the non questioning life that most people live. It's almost really a bovine type of existence, that the Koran indicates when it says in home color, and many of them are like cows, bovine like. So that's one really important aspect of ignorance is takhli. This idea that we simply come into the world, the German philosopher Heidegger called it thrown us, we come into the world, and we're basically historical products. So a lot of the ideas we have, are just because they're ideas that our culture,
values or holds highly, and we simply embrace those ideas, not really ever thinking about them, or questioning them, but just simply accepting them. And and this is what, you know, the the Greek philosopher, said that the unexamined life is not worth living. And I think this is at the heart of what he was talking about, in other words, a life of tuck lead, of simply accepting things the way they are. And one of the most important
injunctions in the Quran is actually to think there's, there's so many verses where allow really is encouraging human beings to think so this idea that religion is simply just not thinking. Islam completely negates that idea, the Islamic tradition. So he begins with the book of knowledge, but he really wants to explain what he views knowledge as, and then he ends that book, and I actually did a commentary on that book. He ends that book with
a tribute to APA. Now APA is translated usually as intellect. But Apple as as modern conceptions of intellect is just simply not correct. intellectus to the Scholastic, the medieval medieval scholastics was very different from the concept that we have intellect today. intellect today is more seen as ratiocination, this idea that we
think about things, and we use the intellect to do math or to,
to explore sciences and things like that. intellect is more of a mystical or spiritual component in the Islamic tradition, and also in the Christian tradition, because intellect is seen as immaterial. So in in Western society today, they actually view intellect is still a mystery in neuroscience. So they don't really understand where consciousness comes from. They know that the brain certainly is is like a hard drive. But there's, there's like a cloud that they they don't know if it's there or not, is, is it all embedded in the hard drive? Or is there this immaterial cloud, and they have not come to any conclusive
determinations about that? If they're honest, modern
materialists think that we'll find it. But the reality of it is they don't know. And so, for us, it is the cloud, that it's immaterial. It transcends just the apparatus that God has given us that we need, obviously, we need the brain. And we need these dendritic connections, we need to have healthy brains dementia, we know that certain things show up in dementia that causes the breakdown of the intellect, but
that's only the hardware. That's not what thought is where it comes from. And is there a conscious presence even when the person's not there, like in a coma? arguably, from our perspective, there is which which would mean that it wouldn't be insane to speak to somebody who they're telling you is brain dead, or something like that. Because we know that the prophesied Sam spoke to the people in the grave, even though there's a few laugh about it. Was that a miracle for him alone or do they hear but we know that the prophets Allah Sam said that, that when you bury a person, that person will hear the sandal the the actual sounds of the footsteps as people leave the grave. So the point
being, is that really the after in our tradition is a very mysterious and profound thing. And and thoughts are, are really, the source of thoughts is remains a mystery in western science. But for us, we believe that the source of thoughts we actually have a science of how other so there are Neff sanni thoughts
Share Tawny thoughts Melo Carney thoughts and Rob Barney thoughts, even though they're all from Allah subhana wa Tada. But they the ASVAB of those thoughts are demonically, egoistic, Lee inspired thoughts, demonically inspired thoughts, angelically inspired thoughts, and then lordly inspired thoughts. And there's a whole science to that, that in our tradition that originally came out of Imam and mo has these insights into it. So that's the book. And then he goes into pi that archive. So after the book of knowledge, he begins faith, because faith in our tradition is based on knowledge. And then he goes into assata hora. And what's important, and this is really distinct
about the even though there are people before him America that looked at what are called the heckum, the wisdoms behind traditions.
He really wanted to help people get out of a formalistic approach to the religion to where it was perfunctory, that these are all outward things that don't have inward meaning. So he really saw that it was very important for people to understand the spiritual realities behind these things that we're doing. When the prophet SAW I saw him set up the whole shutter on a man, he did not simply mean that water purification, what we call illustrations, or the will do water purification is half of emaan. The whole is the purification of the soul. And so what you're doing when you're doing woowoo, when you're when you're washing your hands of the sins, which is why some of the scholars
consider that that water is not reusable, because the sins get washed away in it. And so the face removing any sins from the face, and, and the eyes and the cleaning the mouth, all these things, he shows the spiritual insights that will really help a person to perform them the secrets of the prayer, the secrets of Zakat, the secrets of fasting, the secrets of Hajj. And then and this is what I find really stunning, is that when he deals with all those little guy that he goes through our Qaeda Eman, and then he goes through the five pillars of Islam. The very first thing that he brings into focus is the ad app of reciting Quran because of the centrality of the recitation of Quran as
an act of worship in our religion. This is really important because the prophesize Sam said he was commanded in the Quran to worship Allah and to recite the Quran.
He says I was commanded to worship Allah and to recite the Quran. So this is this is really important. And then he has vieth car. That was that Oh, so these are the rod that the prophesizing did and he did many, but the most important one is the Quran. And then the top tip but aura, like how to do and then yeah layer. So giving some portion of the night Even if it's night prayers begin according to the keys after mother. So giving some portion of the night Even if you just pray to rockets in excess of the sun and rockets after Asia, you've given some portion of the night that is devotional. So that's really important because the prophets I said him said help me help you get
across the south. And the way he said to do that was to give him a portion of the night like just to give some portion of the night the second so those are the event that the second are the Aruba and add that or and more omelette. So these are the things that the customary behavior of human beings, even though in his tradition and even at Hagit, I've Daddy, who was heavily influenced by Mr. Rosati is eighth century scholar originally from fers but he resides in Egypt. He wrote a book called Mahal, which is really showing you how you can make every single customary practice that you do and turn it into an activity bad. This is like deep prophetic mindfulness. So, he begins that with
edible oil and then add oven nica and then add the because Wilma ash, like these are the ads of all of the, the those aspects of eating and drinking, of marrying of earning a livelihood, all of the those that relate to how we should be in the best way that adapt of them. What are the proper ways of doing these things, the decorum, the comportment, the courtesies, it's ADAP is a comprehensive words, you can't limit it to simply just courtesy, but it's all of those things that relate and the idea of a debit means to discipline. So Addabbo, the results of your discipline. It's your
habitual practices. And so they Adeeb in Arabic, which is the literary scholar. The Adeeb is somebody who is he puts words in the proper place, that's the, that's the meaning of an idea. And so that was putting things in their proper place. So he's giving you all the, the things to do in these customary habits of human beings that are proper, and then I'll holla will haraam knowing what's permissible, and what's impermissible, this is a very important science, and then adapt will olfa will Hoover the adapt of just friendship,
the the duties of brotherhood, so we have certain adapts that are really important with one another, so and then adapt lucilla Also, many people don't know how to be alone.
And hence, Pascal's great insight that most of the world's problems were from the inability of people to sit with themselves alone in a room.
It's you have to know how to be alone, and many people do not know how to be alone, and they end up becoming
really minions of the police because the police can wreak havoc on people that don't know how to be alone. And so I was like, is very important as a concept.
And then add up a suffer also traveling, the idea of traveling while you're traveling, how you travel, all those things are very important. And then
a summit would watch this very interesting because this would go to me, in essence, under a kind of the reason he puts it in at that and not in a bed that is because it's a kind of spiritual entertainment.
It's it's, it's really a recreation. And and so there's also adapt to that.
So I find that really fascinating. That's and then I'm gonna have been modeled in Nigeria and munkar. And this is essentially what jihad is people say, oh, there's no book of jihad in the Yeah, but this is essentially the book of jihad, because that's what
jihad is, it's a moribund model and a anemone card, but it's doing it with the hand. That's that's the, the Jihad of the hand, not of the tongue or of the heart.
And then addable, my Isha harappa Nobu. This is the key to understanding the fact that he puts this as book 20. So this is this is the heart of the book out of the 40 books, he put the prophets character Salalah, at Islam at book 20. So this is the heart of the area. And it's actually, I think,
really the most beautiful book to read. It's, it's one of the most enjoyable books to read. So it's fortunate it's been translated, there's a recent new translation that I think is coming out. So then he goes into Robert and Monica, and these are the this is the section the quarter on the destructive
aspects of the human being.
And so, this is really important because
according to mama Rosati, when we were talking earlier about the four
areas of facade that he mentioned, the first one he deals with in the book of knowledge, which is ignorance. But the second one is love of dunya. And love of dunya resides in the heart of the human being. And so, he begins this by explaining the wonders of the heart. Because the heart is is the most extraordinary thing that Allah subhana wa has created, especially if you understand in our tradition, that the intellect resides in the heart. So the heart really is the home globaleye of Kahuna via, they have hearts, but they don't understand with them. So the heart is is
filled with hijab. So he goes into this, because the heart is what he believes is after the destruction of the heart is literally the goal of Iblis. So the Mohali card are going to focus on looking at what happens,
these destructive qualities and then reorder to nefs. Why we have to exercise our souls. The fact that he uses were in this was a word that now the spiritual masters of Islam used the fact that they use the same word for physical exercise. But a Yaba is very interesting because there, you see people all over especially where we live in California. There's people up at five in the morning, jogging, because they want to keep their bodies physically in good shape. And usually it's the more wealthier people that exercise more. If you look at CEOs and people like this, they're always very fit and they take care of themselves.
And some of them even talk about this. Because
the body is everything to a lot of these people, this is their world, they reside in their bodies, but they forget that they have souls. And so just like you have exercise for the body, you have exercise for the soul. Just as you can strengthen the muscles of your physical being, you can strengthen your spiritual muscles. Just as you can
really beautify your outward through attention to taking care of it, you can beautify your inward through attention to taking care of it. So this is really, I think, a very important concept, the idea of exercising the soul. And and then he he has the book called casserole chahatein, which is breaking the two desires, because he really saw at the root of
the the the human problem was the appetites, that if you could not control your appetites, you had no discipline, there's a really brilliant
he was president of the University of Chicago. His name was Robert Maynard Hutchins. And
I read a speech that he gave, he was honored at the end of his life. And he gave a very interesting speech. And in that speech, one of the things that he said that really struck me, he said, I've been listening to all these people praise me and say, What a great man I am. But But I have a question for myself, and I'll present it to you, if I'm such a great man, why have I never been able to give up smoking? And obviously people laugh it's a funny remark. But I actually think he was he meant it in a much deeper way. That if I'm such a great man, why have I never been able to discipline myself? And and that's something that's a really important question, why do incontinence which now means
physicians know this word to mean somebody who can't control their urine, or their or their feces, so they literally urinate in their pants or they soil themselves, that's called incontinence. So like in the hospital, although writes incontinent to stool and urine,
across Yeah, which is where the word comes from the Greek word in continents, was traditionally used in, in ethical traditions to mean people that could not control their appetites. So just like somebody who can just like you have to be able to control your, your your bodily functions, you should be able to control your souls functions. So there's an incontinence to the soul that is similar to soiling yourself. So just as you're incontinent to stool and urine, your and soiling your, your physical body, if you're incontinent, ethically, and spiritually, you're soiling your soul
within the jassa, it's the same idea. And so he really saw if you could control your food, which is one of the reasons why we're fasting is because food is such a big problem with human beings, if you can control your food, and then if you can control your, your, your *, if you control your tongue, all these things become easier with those basic controls. And this is why traditionally you have the human being is created in a triune
nature has been created with reason with will and with appetite. So, they these these are powers or faculties of the one soul. So, the there are different dimensions. So the reason is meant to control the moment of design he calls this the the the rider on the elephant, you know you you need to control the rider or the jockey on the horse. And then you have these the the appetites, you have the will of the beast,
which is his irascibility. And this is called that a word of Adobe, the irascible nature, that nature is meant to hard off award of harm. And then you have the concupiscent nature, which is meant to to accrue benefit. So it's
gentlemen Masada we're not on my facet. But it has to be regulated by the intellect. And so that's why kasara shadow attain is so important because if you can control these, if you can break these two, you don't want to destroy them, but you want to break their will so that you control them just like you break a horse. By training it. It's called CSI, your Susa liaison, just like you control a horse, you have to train it.
You know, the trainer has a, he has a lead rope and then he's got us he has a whip, and he trains the horse to prepare it to be ridden because a horse needs to be broken. Because if it's not broken, it rides the rider, and then it's going to throw you off, like bucking bronco. So you don't want your knifes to be a bucking bronco. Because it'll throw you off and you might get up you're going to be bruised, but you might break your neck people die or they're stomped by the horse themselves. So that becomes the metaphor really for
you know, controlling the cell and then after to lessen the dangers of the tongue because the tongue brings according to the Hadith witchy mom know he puts as a foundational Hadith the tongue
will take people to the Hellfire
people and he said they'll be dragged in Hellfire because outside elsina to him because of the harvest of their tongues. And people don't they don't think about these things they talk without thinking. The Hadees says that somebody will say a word without giving it any consideration and that very word will drag them in the Hellfire for 70 years and they lay off pillar hub Allah is the killer we carry lejos de la habana doesn't give any consideration and yet that very word will drag them in the *. So the alpha to the center very important. There's a beautiful book that you will know Ludo which is based partly on Yamanaka Saudis, because everybody is influenced by him after
him, which is called Muhammad Hassan. And then you have them mela vada will happen will have said which anger resentment and envy. So he puts these together because they're all related because envy is a type of anger you're angry that God gave somebody something he didn't give you. And resentment is a very hard is one of the worst qualities of vile human beings. And then then madonia which is the blaming the censoring the JR, really, because he sees hook the dunya as a major problem. And then then we'll Bohol with them have been mad, also censoring the
the love of wealth and and also withholding like niggardly ness or or or
miserliness somebody who's miserly
and then the Mangia warrior. The moja warrior is the
the Prophet is that um, he said, that
wealth and jar and stash and malla Well, he said that they were not less harmful to the religion of a human being than to hungry wolves in the midst of Shepherd less sheep.
Jah is your position in the world is one of the things that the mom out of his daddy gave up. And so and then he has the mill kibble ership, which is censoring or really
exposing pride and vanity which are different keba is in relation to other people vanity is in relation to yourself, you don't need another person to be vain. You can be vain just looking in the mirror, but you need another person to be able to cut down which is to to be arrogant towards.
And then the last one is Dumbledore, which is delusion. So it's a begins with J pal which is the source of the delusions, and he ends with really censoring delusion and Allah says in the Quran, live or run Kombi la hora Do not be diluted by the one who deludes, which is a blaze. He is here to take people off the past, so that's really important. And then then the last section is the moon Juliet Toba is the first one it begins with repentance turning to Allah, and then Saba and sugar patients and gratitude, which the two go together in the Quran. And in human beings like because you have patience in tribulation, gratitude and blessing. So these are really two important interview
that I attend equally suberin shakar Allah says, Those who are constantly patient, and those who are constantly grateful, and then fucker answered, because they also go together, he's really talking more about voluntary faqad which is to if you're poor, to embrace your poverty, and and if you're not to be as if you are poor, in other words, to recognize that you're not enriched by wealth, you're enriched by God, you're you're in with Allah is Allah honey you unto metaphora you are you right? Yeah, even as Allah says to all of humanity, you
Are the poor people. Ally's alleghany. So one of the things about rich people in the insana layer Taka around stogner, that human beings become transgressive when they think they're rich. So embracing poverty, even if you're poor to see even if you're wealthy to see yourself as a poor person, because you are in poverty with Allah and then Zed Zed is sometimes translated as asceticism. But so had really means detachment, you're not attached to the things of the world. So if you lose them all, it doesn't matter.
It's the same. If I take because you see, it's Allah who gave them to you. And if you lose them all, it's it's allowed took them away from you, it might be as a pullback because of something you did that was haram or, or something foolish that you did. So you have to blame yourself when you lose everything. But you also have to see that it's from Allah subhanho wa Taala as the tribulation and a test. So and wealth is a test poverty is a test. And then to Hayden to work, look out brilliant, he puts these things together, you cannot have to occur without tawheed if you don't see a lie in everything, not in any anthro, anthropomorphic or physical way, but just seeing that Allah is behind
everything that Allah has created everything that will prevent you from having absolute trust in Allah. So if you see the army coming, you have to know that it's Allah who enabled that army to come. And so you have to trust in Allah, if you're going to die, you're gonna die. If you're going to be saved, you're going to be saved. That's up to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So trust and tawheed go together. And then how bow was shown what Unsworth Eva, these also go together. Love, show desire, earns intimacy and then a real law. So the human relationship between the man and the wife is is is it has all of these components in a good in a healthy marriage. There's muhabba there
show there's oats, and there's Rayleigh, and that is to give you a sense of the relationship that you should have with your Lord. Right.
That's the marital relationship is is really a mirror. And that's why when
the poet he said Lana was one cbct hinden pace and we'll make
Lana sweat on fischeri hinden
What pace and we're Laila. Right. There's a an example, in in, in the he uses these pre Islamic jalahalli intense romantic relationships to show you the relationship between
the Divine Love and human love that you should
be more desirous of Allah than you are for these worldly loves. And then neon Lawson said because again they go together the NEA is where your sincerity is going to be the last and then the city and then maraca Ben Moe has about which is maraca is a type of vigilance where you you rock about calb you know you're you're really
in deep contemplation and then more has relates to a kind of reckoning that you take yourself into account. And then two factor which is deep meditation. And then finally, the current mode one or the other, reflecting on that so this is his journey, and he's laid it out for people and this is entirely based on the Quran, and we'll see when we look inshallah Jawahar of Quran when you when we look at the third section, which is called Khattab and arbaeen which is essentially an abridgment of this there are some slight differences and I'll show you the comparison inshallah. But this is really his what he set out to do. Now, there's a few before I conclude, there's a few things that I
want to remind people about, and this is that EMA, bizarrely is seen as a Sufi by many people. He was a great critic of Sophie's even though he was also somebody who recognized that the sound Sophie's which are accepted by all of our moms including him a tiny timer josemaria people that are used to bash Sophie's like images
of drama drummer even as a as a man even Josie interviews a breeze.
These people all accepted the great Sophie's of the early period.
Like mmm Junaid sorry sokrati abou Hopson had that I many many so they manage dharani
even yazeed the boss Tommy was acknowledged if you look in the pub apart and look at what people like him on with the heavy said, heavier tell Olia I will not aim goes through and shows who all these people were I mean, his his, the section that he has on on imaju night is stunning because he gives me I think one of the best expositions of tawheed that I've ever seen, so it's just stunning. So
but there are many deviant Sophie's and and arguably, they're far more deviant Sufi than they are right the guys who visit in the same way that they're far more deviant everybody else. So this is this is just the human condition. But the tragedy for me in seeing Mohammed the modern Muslims who see him as a Sufi is that they don't realize this man is the single most important jurist that the oma has produced.
I mean, it's, it's after the first I mean, obviously the for imaams. And, and arguably even up to about 30 of them because there were many, many great, which I hate doing like you mama Jose, Jose in my salary. But again, many of them have been or what have been, but nobody
has done what he did in really bringing the spirit of the of the tradition into legal thinking. He is he is the macaws of the giant of our oma and this is why all of the jurists after him are influenced by him, even the ones that will attack him. They're all influenced by him. I'm a class that you cannot get out of his influence. And I'm not exaggerating this in any way. It there is no Jamal Joanne, at least not in its formation, which Gemma join is arguably the single most important meten that was taught in all sorts of but he's heavily reliant on Mr. Rosati. There's no EMA medical Rafi there would have been obviously because he was a genius, but not in the way that we know him.
him I'm shot to be the same and the more of all of them have been influenced by him America sorry. So he writes. These extraordinary he writes for books in also
he wrote as we mentioned earlier for books in fudo. And he is highly influential in the photo of the shattering method. So he's really, really important even in the furore, but in the soul, he affects all the methods, not just the shaft. He's he affects all the methods. And and so the first book, he writes is on manhole philosophy which is but basically he just took his his Eman imaams join it Obama, Ali Al Duany, and he basically abridged his boron kitahara bardhan. And that's called an moho. He was probably 25 or 26. When he wrote it, and he gave it to the mom. The mom was very impressed with it, he was teaching in his madrasa. This. Another really important book that he wrote
is called Shiva
ups with the alien. So this is really about the understanding causation in because you cannot make an illogical reasoning without knowing that we're the cause the legal cause of something. And so this book is teaching people how to do that, and then assess what a PS is really a stunning original work. And this book will revolutionize all sorts of work. In fact, Chef Abdullah bin Bey, you're arguably who is is recognized in the Sunni world as really probably the most formidable or Saudi scholar Azhar acknowledges this. The Moroccans acknowledges the Mauritanians, the Iraqis, many men even in Saudi Arabia, they acknowledge this in his books and also
are just stunning books. And in many ways, he's he's very much aligned with him of Azadi not just in his in his practice, but also in his in his his his principles and his work because he Mamata Rosati was somebody who was very pragmatic and worked with the conditions that he found himself in he was not a utopian type of philosopher.
Arguably, the utopian philosophers are disaster to the world created so many problems. Marx is one of them. So assassin PS is not PS in the normal understanding of it as an illogical reasoning. assessor PS is about the concept of tapioca monopoly, and this is something that he entered
Reduces was a very important so the authorities have these three as they're moving
everything in also is trying to find causation. Like why? Why? Because you have the power of Allah when Allah speaks to us. He speaks to us and he commands us to do things. And this is what one of the things that Abdullah bin beja says is a tour de una ma he says uncompetitive, una ma para bukem, like in Latin, even a Lima, Allah bukem. You know, you know what your Lord said, but you don't know why he said it. And this is the this is exactly what EMA medical zali is engaged in. He wants to understand why we are being told to do these things. This is understanding the aims and objectives, the higher purposes, the positives. shadia if we understand why Allah has told us these things, then
we can understand when they're applicable and when they're not. And this is the essence of what that monopoly is. It is to understand, you have Tempe you have region monart, which is really finding out what the Illa is in the West. Like when you went when, when Allah subhana wa Adana tells us something, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us not to drink alcohol. So what's that in that we all know the Illa is iscar because it It causes drunkenness. So there's that. And then you have after you have region mon out, you have tuncurry Hanneman up, which is to remove all of the extraneous l SOF. So you have other descriptions that are related. So for instance, in the
prohibition of Riba of food, Is it because of the the the the measuring, Is it because of the ads that you can dry the food? What is it because the prophesies, I'm asked and this is part of what the musta had does. He asked about the dates, he said, do they diminish in weight when they dry? And they said yes, so that changed the hook on. So that that's relate those two, to hurried and tongue pa he's not interested in us as long as he says, this book is for topic on monopoly, which is it is to up it is to realize the applicability of the legal ruling in the particular situations. So for instance, almost, Bob, when he did not apply the HUD punishment in the majah, I'm in Madeira, when
he did not apply the HUD had punishment for theft, during the famine. He was how can man up? He was he was realizing the inapplicability of the ruling in this circumstance, because the the the the situation had changed the particulars of the situation did not in his wish they had somebody else might have had a different issue you had. So for instance, when you when you're trying to determine whether the water is pure or impure, that's not you're you're seeing, is this water applicable to wuhou? Can I use this water for Whoo. So this is what this book is about. And it revolutionizes the the the the way that also the scholars will look at the applicability of the Sharia, it allows for
extraordinary flexibility. It's very dangerous if it's done in the wrong hands. But if it's done in the right hands, it really brings the spirit of the law. The the the Bible says the letter killeth in the spirit give us life. That's essentially what the month is about. It's it's understanding what is the spirit of the law, so that you you can apply the letter of the law with the spirit of the law. And this is partly what is sound also, which is another also the concept, because there are situations when a puppy will find that if he applies the letter of the law, he will wrong a person.
I mean, I'll give you a good example of that. You have
you have you have the situation in the United States where a woman is with a man for maybe 10 2030 years, and then the man divorces the woman, but in shadia so they're both Muslim. They're both devout Muslims. And then the the man says, Oh, you know, the house is mine. This is mine because I paid for them. And so the woman who could go to a non Muslim court and contest that very often will say, you know if that's the hokum of Allah, if that's the shit, yeah. But that could lead to an extraordinary case of
just oppression of loom to that woman.
Because first of all, she served that man in the house very often, not always, I mean, I don't know, every situation she could have been working. But in many situations, she's serving in the house, unpaid labor, cooking, cleaning, doing all those things, so that he doesn't have to do that when he comes home in shediac, according to not all the methods, but in my method, a woman can charge for that labor, domestic labor should be charged her husband for that. So that's just an example, I'm just using an example I'm not giving any fatwas or, but I'm using an example where the letter of the law can actually results in in in just something wrong towards a person. And that's where the puppy
would come in. And he might determine something and I had this discussion with Chef Abdullah Bay at once about that. And and he said, when I explained to him why they give community property to the woman, he actually said, you know, there's, he said, his death son, and there's some, there's some room for that.
You know, so So this is, this is
an example of that. So assess that he has a very important book, to me, but also, unfortunately, which is probably one of his abridgement was lost. So we don't have that book anymore. And then finally, his greatest work and also did and I once I shuffled all of them, they Yeah, you know, if you were on the famous question, if you're on a desert island, and you could only have one book and also and without, you know, missing a beat, he just said that it will suffer, like hands down. And also and this is a man, you know, how below Allah who has spent,
you know,
60 years mastering also he has read everything. And also, in fact, really, if you read his books, and
he shows you the soli approach of all four math hubs. Right. And not to mention also the Einstein wants debate, when we are in Japan, some of the Shia, also these from their own positions in there also. So he also knows some of the japhet He also the positions. So that's the book that he said without even thinking about it. That is the I mean, obviously, it's thought a lot about it. But, you know, the question was not something where he had to think he knew the answer, animal salsa.
If you look at, you know, unfortunately, in
some of the people, not all of them, but some of the scholars in Saudi Arabia don't have a high regard for a man out of his alley, and yet all of them study the grades. Also the book, even for them, that's the book that there's makara they have to study it in their Sharia colleges. That book is derivative of and musasa 70% of that book is from the Moskva of Americans that is so that also of the Hanbury madhhab is based on him America saris also, that's simply a fact. So and my point in that was just really to stress the point that you cannot underestimate his influence as a jurist in our tradition. I've already gone over his column work.
And then the agenda when we spoke about this, so and then obviously, the diets that he died, he has a very interesting book called Mischka Anwar, which is is really a metaphysical book. But it's a fascinating book. His other major project was for that Hill about and he he really was exposing the occultist and the botany are very dangerous in every religion, the Christians have their botany people. The we're living in an age botany in the English language is Gnosticism. So, and if you look it up, if you Google it, or look it up on Wikipedia or something, they're going to talk about Christian Gnosticism. But Gnosticism more as this idea of the illumination, that the botany person
because they have this idea that they have these illuminated leaders, and they're simply they simply know. So there's a great political scientist, Eric voegelin, who makes an argument that a lot of political approaches are occultic. In that way, they're they're botany. So you have simply illuminated politicians, they simply know. And so there's no debate, they're not going to debate about whether minimum wage is a good idea or bad idea. They simply know it's a good idea. Even though wherever it's applied. Unemployment goes up. But it doesn't matter. facts don't matter. We're illuminated. We simply know what truth is. And so the same is true with and I mean, you could go
into the site, don't get me started on that one, but
Then. So and then the other one is his reputation of the peripatetic philosophers is important that we they usually say reputation philosophers. He was refuting a school of philosophy. He was not refuting the methodology of the philosophers which he actually is instrumental in bringing that and this is where you mama because it really Ibn taymiyyah had problems, because emammal Rosati brings the methodology of philosophy into or solid feck into theology and medical and in many ways into tussle wolf.
So, that's simply a fact.
And then to have the philosopher So, you know, just to look at that for a second. One of the things that is very interesting is in to have the philosopher, he proceeded it with Mikasa, they'll philosopher, so, he wrote a book, where he explains philosophy really well. And the ulimate actually were upset with him because they said he made it accessible to common people. He didn't criticize it, he just simply and it's really basically from even seen, and so, in fact, even tamie his famous remark that the book have it been seen as called a sheaf,
which means the healing and so he wrote me and said, Sherry, but even with
Mr. khazaria, shifa Shiva, Maria LA, like he he drank the Shiva and he got sick. In other words with philosophy, my response to that is Shetty bajo
Rasul Allah who led that to who will have a physical water who will have an echo, like, that's how I that's how I would respond to that, that he drank it, and Allah gave him the the light of its taste, and then retained in him, its benefits and removed from him. Its its harm, or its foulness. So that's, that's how I would view it. But
who am I?
why have you Teddy snom. Because he is truly the proof of this religion, because
he is the man who took the journey, he took the prophetic journey.
And not only did he take it, but he came back and he gave us a map to take the same journey. And so he is the proof that this religion works, that if you take the medicine, you will get well, if you take the path, you will arrive. And, and in that way, it's falsifiable, because one of the things that Karl Popper argued, was that you cannot have a science that's not falsifiable. And what that means is, it has to be testable. So if I say, for instance, that
you know, water freezes at sea level at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or zero Celsius, you have to be able to falsify that in order to assert it as a scientific fact. So you have to be able to test it and see if that is true. It has to be replicable. And in this way, the spiritual path that you might not have as it has mark is replicable. That's the point. He is the proof. He did it. He took the prophetic he he entered into the Koran, and he understood and that's why this entire edifice that he has built is based on the Quran. The whole prophetic Sunnah is based on the Quran. All of it is from the Quran. And that's why the Jawahar is such an interesting book because he's getting to the heart,
the essences of the Quran, that's why he called it Jawahar adjoa here with Dora the end to get pearls and diamonds, you have to work you have to mine them. Allah does not just put them out for you to pick up off the shore. If you want pros, you have to you have to train yourself to hold your breath. This is what traditionally the pro divers it now they can go in with modern people. They don't want to do any of the hard work. So they just put in. But traditionally those pearl divers, they had to be able to hold their breath for five minutes. So they would train and then they would dive and then you have to break the shell to get to the pearl, the rubies, the diamonds, you have to
go into the mines, you have to dig them out. You have to do the work. So that's what he's he's done a lot of the work for us.
So he's saying here it is. Now what you have to do. I'm giving you the jewels and the pearls. You have to adorn yourself with them. That's your challenge. So he is headed to the cinema
And this is this is what he must have he said this is what tashjian suki said and and so many scholars after this is his love in our oma, he is herget at Islam of Mohammed Mohammed bin Mohammed Ibn Muhammad Ali, Oppo si are the Allahu taala. And so inshallah we're going to in the next session which will be live, we're going to look inshallah, at the book eight of the
llama Deen and then that will be the entrance into the Joe how to Oran inshallah and then we're going to look at that I'll just give you an overview. It's, it's a book that needs to be studied over time and we're in the last 10 days of Ramadan. But I really hope it inspires you to make a commitment to the book of Allah subhanaw taala we should all be committed to the book of Allah, and Allah will give you openings from that book, inshallah. I'm not just talking to her son Almighty Kumar, my market.
So the question is, who is who is the audience of EMA medical Zadie? Is it the lamb? Or is it the house. So that differentiation of the Ambien and fast is, is a differentiation that the Aloma really bring into, it's not a prophetic differentiation, in that
everybody is called to become part of the house, everybody, many are called few are chosen, as they say. So everybody's called. And this is why anybody can can be harsh with Allah subhanho wa Taala. But there's also outwardly, undeniably, there are people that are highly educated, very often it's pure privilege. And that's the follow up Allah that He gives to some and withholds from others. Those are part of the, you know, some call the mystery of inequity in the world. why some people are born into very advantageous circumstances and other people aren't. These are tribulations of dunya. But emammal irizarry, who was clearly brilliant, but maybe he could would have ended up being a Rosa
like his father.
The fact that that man put him in the madrasa and then he showed this kind of brilliance. And then he had the hima, which is a gift from our largest the ambition, the aspiration. And then he goes and studies with a very formidable scholar of opossum, or I will now Sara Lee Smith, Ed, in Georgia. And, and, and then memorizes, everything five years of study, and then goes to a member join who is not going to let everybody into that school. In fact, the my medical Zadie actually says in his criticisms of their own demise, as one of their problems is that they too often teach anybody.
So he actually sees it dangerous to teach people certain knowledges that they're not ready for. I know somebody a student wants as chef, a Belgian Bayer question, and he asked him a question. And he said, I don't know. And he said, You're not ready for the first question. In other words, he wanted to see, like where he was in his training, because he was asking a question, but he was saying you haven't done the propaedeutic work, the prior work to really understand the answer that I would need to give you for that question. So that's, that's something that Mr. Mehta has already just happened. I mean, we would say it was by Providence, but he just happened to go to
10 nice, abort initial poor, and to find the most brilliant jurist in in in the Muslim world, and become his student. So that's Providence. I mean, there's so there's always going to be that component. But everybody who if you seek sincerely, Allah will will guide you if if somebody has sincere.
In fact, one of the anatomy of the Aryan is recited says, if somebody is sincere in their search for Allah, He will bring them to somebody that will help them get there, even in the land of the Christians. That's what he says 200 years ago. So your class is the key one O'Meara Ali Abdullah meclizine they were only command your worship Allah with a class. If you have a class, then Allah
will guide you, right?
So that's really, really important.
But I think his audience differs clearly in his also his writing for people that really already know also, he's not writing
waterpots is his teacher wrote a rocket, which is a really basic primer in it also, he's not writing those type books. He's writing for people that really the most asfa you have to do a lot of work before you can get to the Mustapha or the Schiphol earlier, or piazzale. Assess doc. Yes. So in that area, he's writing for the odema in in be dieted he Daya. He's writing that for any basically educated Muslim,
the aroma Dean,
I think, is accessible to most educated Muslims. So I do think he meant for a general audience for it, although he does, he's always addressing that, because he really felt that no matter where the problem and he saw corrupt rulers, and, and hypocritical scholars as as the two biggest problems in the world
and he's ruthless with the scholars and and why he's able to do it is because he was one of them. And he says that he's he's completely admits it. I was it was all about fame, celebrity followers. I just that's what I was pursuing. And he says until Allah guided me. So he really is is incredibly open about his own arrogance. In fact, the first
the first biography of him, which is by a fantasy, is my island fantasy. He says in that biography, unfortunately, I think it's it's lost, but but it's, it's recorded in even sackers work, some of it, so he quotes from it. He says that he knew him. And he said, I knew him when he was arrogant, he would come into the room and make people feel horrible. He, you know, he would shut people down. And he said he, he could, you know, he would just shut them down, he'd win any argument. And he said, when I'd heard about his transformation, I didn't really believe it.
So he was doubtful. He said, when I went and visited him, I saw a completely transformed him
you know, that's why he's talking to that limit, because he knew from inside, and he said, many of them will attack other scholars. And he said, they'll do it saying, I'm defending the religion. He said, it's a lie. They know, the quickest way to get followers is to attack other people. And you can see it on on on on YouTube and things like that. Whenever these guys attack people look at the numbers, and then look at the numbers when they're just doing their normal talks, and look at the difference. It's going to attract followers.
So they have to look into their hearts and think about why they're really doing something because a lot of times they're deluded themselves. They've convinced themselves. It's called cognitive dissonance in psychology, they've convinced themselves because they don't want to think, you know, they're doing it for other reasons. And he talks about celebrity scholars, he says, these scholars love to get into contentious issues and these debates because they want their Shahada, right, they want to become popular and celebrities and things like this. And he hated it. The reason that he went to Damascus was he needed to get he wanted to go to a place where nobody knew him.
Because he in Baghdad, they are, there's a Mohammed because he was famous.
And the prophets, RSM said is enough for a fitna that people point to you with fingers now. There you go. So and so that's a fitna in and of itself just to be well known. And Toba, they'll appear you know, blessed are those who the obscure ones, the ones that nobody knows the hidden ones, the ones that do their work, when nobody's looking. Those people. Those are they have an easy quick path to Allah. So I think his audience is, is it's varied. You can't put it to anyone his each book will have a different audience. But overall, he's writing I think, too educated, generally educated Muslim.
Any other questions? Hmm. Where does the idea
come from?
Well, I think the reason that he's associated so much with Sufism, is because for the mass masses who really don't know about, like most people in America, they don't really know who Antonin Scalia is. But everybody knows who Deepak Chopra is. Right? So people that are interested in politics probably know who Antonin Scalia is. But even the ones that know who he is, they probably never read his extraordinary books in western also, he wrote a book called reading law, which is essentially all sorts of folk for Western law, and a lot of the same principles you'll find in that book. So that's part of the reason is because
he, he had such a huge influence on
spiritual practice in the Muslim world, that that's what he becomes known for. So most people don't know the massive influence he had on the Scholastic side of Islam, in in theology, and in phip. And it's unfortunate because they don't, they won't realize what a mountain he is, because he is single handedly, the only Muslim in our entire history that is a reviver in all three, Eamonn Islam and ehsaan He's the only one. Nobody else has that.
And they recognize it early on. And of course, he's going to be opposed and you always have detractors. But it's not the hill job, but like they say, You're butting up against a mountain, like the goat.
You're not going to move the mountain. So Baraka logical, Michelle, and May Allah bless you and please pray for zaytuna when you break your fast and I really encourage everybody in Charlotte to support the college. These are the last 10 days I really hope, even if it's just $10 $20 $30 Please support the college. We need your support to do the work we're trying to do and cello. The fruits will come via Neela does not come luck Aaron was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato to