Haitham al-Haddad – Super Power of Islam and Muslims

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © A speaker discusses the conflict between the two parties in the Middle East, where some non-M-thirsty Muslims have come to admit their political beliefs. The conflict has led to a rise in criticized political parties, including the United States and China. The speaker believes that Islam is the only one who can resist colonialism and has the power to do so, as Russia has its own agenda.
AI: Transcript ©
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There are so many non Muslims who became

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Muslims. This is very good, excellent,

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but that is a small part, a positive

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Now the bigger part is what?

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The shock. People started to

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understand the reality

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of the world. You know, now there is

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a polarization.

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The people, the masses,

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who want to be independent,

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and the

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governments or maybe Western governments, not all of

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them because Belgium

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and Spain have,

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like, you know, fair stances to a good

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and also,

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Latin America.

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Many countries from Latin America

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except Argentine.

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this polarization

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is being crystallized more.

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There is a camp,

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countries led by

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the United States,

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and there is another camp that resists

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And they have seen that the other camp

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who is resisting

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is who? Is Islam.

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And they are discovering that

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there is

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a power in Islam that enables

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to resist these superpowers.

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Yeah? And that's why now

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they are impressed

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with Islam and Muslims.

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They are really impressed.

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So for me,

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that is one of the

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best outcomes

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of the whole conflict.

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Because they see that Islam,

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first of all, is a powerful

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way of life,

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has the power and the courage

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and and,

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you know, the audacity

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to resist

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injustice. Islam is able to resist that. And

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not only that, they see that Islam is

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the only one who is doing that because

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Russia is trying to do that, but Russia,

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they have their own agenda. Okay? China has

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its own agenda. So who is left? It

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is Islam.

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