Haifaa Younis – Tips for making your children love the Quran

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The speaker advises parents to make the Quran part of their house to avoid "helpting" children. They also suggest being realistic and not memorizing things. The speaker also advises parents to switch stories to teach the Quran to parents. Finally, the speaker reminds parents to be profitable and not let down in response to trials and injuries.
AI: Transcript ©
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For the children, number 1, make the Quran

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part of your house.

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Part of your house,

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number 1. Number don't don't force it on

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And I know people forced it on their

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They hate it now

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because they forced it.

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They didn't wanted. I hear it all the

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time from them. I don't wanna memorize. That's

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what they say. You know what? If they

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don't wanna memorize, leave them

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maybe Allah

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will open their hearts later in their life.

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I didn't memorize it when I was 8

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9. No.

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But if you force it on them when

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they are they will hate it,

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and there will be it will be associated

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in their mind with a trauma,

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especially these days and everything is a trauma.

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Number 3,

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try to switch it to to stories.

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When you explain it.

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So try to be

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Make them love the Quran.

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Not just read it like birds with Islamic

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schools, and and they don't know what they

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are doing. Plus, you have to be realistic

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what they are seeing outside.

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And number 1,

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I will say this to every parent, all

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of you.

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You are righteous,

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truly righteous, not externally only.

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We have said this many times internally

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in your relationship with Allah, in your practice,

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in in how you respond to trauma or

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I'm sorry, to to trial and how you

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respond to Ni'mah, Allah will never let you

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Allah protected the the 2 orphan

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in in Suratul Kahm because their parents, Abu

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Huma, was

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a righteous person. And a lot of dua.

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A lot of dua. And the result is

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not in your hand.

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It's in Allah's hand.

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