Haifaa Younis – They feel seen and heard

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The speaker encourages people to keep reminding themselves about their actions and feeling of sadness or hopelessness. They emphasize the importance of feeling like they are loved and that everyone is important. The speaker also emphasizes the need to make small small small small changes to make everyone feel accepted and empowered.
AI: Transcript ©
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I don't want anyone of us, number 1,

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me, is to just becomes

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the norm. Oh, Gaza again.

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Okay. You know, we get bored. Human beings

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get bored, and we get very much used

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to it. Even if you go to the

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news now. Right?

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Like, if you see, everything is now becoming

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more important.

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Like, I I looked this morning, and at

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least it was number 7 or 8.

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Although, when I got a text from Gaza

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was a really bad night.

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So for us, at least, we really need

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to keep reminding ourselves,

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reminding, thinking of them, making dua for them,

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see what you can do, and then keep

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talking about it. And on Sunday, SubhanAllah, I

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arrived home, and the first thing I get

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when I open my phone was a text

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from Gaza saying,

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please tell all the pass this to all

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the team.

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Alhamdulillah. I mean, even if we're not gonna

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do anything

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that we see, but at least we are

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making them happy

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and making them feel that they there's people

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who care about them. Anytime any of us,

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especially when you're feeling lonely or you're alone,

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and suddenly you feel or you see text

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message or a phone call or somebody says

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something, that there's somebody cares about you.

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You're not the only one. Let alone if

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you are living the way they are living

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and all this

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suffering they are going through. So keep doing

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it. Don't

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feel tired. Don't feel bored, and don't feel

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hopeless or helpless.

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Both is not allowed.

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