Fatima Lette – Exploring The Quran For Women Surah Yusuf #11
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The speakers discuss the importance of fearless behavior and protecting oneself from evil behavior. They emphasize the need for fearless behavior and fearless behavior to avoid negative consequences. The emotional journey of people is highlighted, including the importance of trusting in Islam and avoiding feeling sad. The speakers also discuss the importance of staying up-to-date with one's behavior and character, avoiding feeling stressed, and not choosing one's options. The importance of trusting Allah and not giving lessons from the brothers of "time is emphasized.
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Surprised All right,
so I think I'm everybody All
right, so I think I'm everybody This man
I heard a man or a heme rubbish
Roughly suddenly was that I'm a wahlu look
like I'm listening.
Go go Lee robberies It's the end my
robberies at the end my robberies at Emma.
Welcome back to exploring the Quran and the
lab We have been covering Churchy Yusuf and
we've been going through the story of Yusuf
As Allah has presented it in the Quran
and one of the things that we want
to focus on mainly is This idea or
the reality of finding faith through trial and
tribulation And so what we've covered so far
has been the background of the story of
Yusuf has been the background to what is
leading up To this moment and I guess
you could say like kind of like a
reunion type of thing But also all of
the trials and tribulations that people along the
way have gone through I think something that
is beautiful to realize that Sometimes we're living
in our own story not realizing that there
are other characters there that they have their
own struggles as well And so Yusuf alaihissalaam
is father Yaqub alaihissalaam as much as we
heard a lot about him in the beginning
of the suit of the story But in
the middle, we kind of don't really hear
much about what's happening with him It does
not necessitate or it does not mean that
he's not going through his own Difficulties and
struggles with the loss of his son obviously
not in the way that he's lost him
to death But more so in a way
that he lost him.
He doesn't know where he's at So at
the end of this particular surah, which we're
kind of nearing the end.
So it's a little sad, but you know,
it's fun What we're seeing here is this
There's a growth that Yusuf alaihissalaam has received
during this difficult time and he's received growth
in multiple ways It is growth in the
blessings and miracles that Allah SWT has given
him But it's also growth in how he
carries himself in perspective And the reason why
I say that is because he's so crafty
and he's so smart about how he interacts
with his brothers After they come back to
the city and they're coming back to get
this money to get some food for their
for their village and all These things but
sometimes you don't really know what to say
or how to say something and experience teaches
you a lot And so it is it
is true that Yusuf alaihissalaam spent a good
amount of time in prison and in that
time He's probably learned a lot of lessons
Which is what we see and from there
in this reunion that he has with his
brothers you see this very important moment now
his brothers come back and They ask for
their provisions and all of these things and
what ends up happening is Yusuf alaihissalaam tells
him you have a brother go Get your
brother bring your brother back to me and
I'll give you more I'll give you what
your cut is now when they go to
their father and they tell him tell Yusuf
alaihissalaam that you have to Send bin Amin
with us and when you send bin Amin
with us, we'll get what we're cut out
for or we'll get our provisions Yusuf alaihissalaam
is visibly as we can see from the
language of the Quran kind of not really
filling that request Why because he has sent
a son with them before and that son
didn't make it back So now we're here
where he says to them I will send
him but I will send him but first
you have to take an oath and that
oath that they had to take was that
they were going to try their best to
make sure that bin Amin came back and
The only way that they will leave bin
Amin behind is if they're surrounded That is
the only way and then he says and
I'm not putting my trust in you all
to protect him I'm putting my trust in
Allah to protect him.
And so we continue that conversation Where he
says qala lan ursalahu maakum hatta tu'tuni mawthikan
minallahi latatunni bihi illa an yuhata bikum So
I will never send him with you unless
you take an oath from Allah That you
will bring him back and if it's the
case that you can't bring him back It
should be the only reason that is is
because you're surrounded falamna atawhu mawthikahum qalallahu ala
maanakulu wakeelun Once they gave their oath, he
then said that you guys have given this
oath in front of Allah qala ya baniyya,
he then said to them.
Oh my sons latatkhulu min baabin wahidin Don't
enter when you go back and you enter
into the city.
Don't enter from one door Okay, wadhkhulu min
abwabin mutafarriqah But enter into different doors, so
don't enter into the main entrance into the
city altogether Rather when you guys enter make
sure that you guys enter into different from
different doors into the city Now there's come
for a lot of conversation from the Mufassirun
about what does this mean and The first
part where a lot of the scholars spend
time is that they say you know what
sometimes the advice of a parent You don't
understand it, but you should take it You
know like sometimes your parents will say do
Something you know like it really comes in
remedies honestly when you're like sick You know
and they're like boiling garlic and they're like
drink this garlic and you're like why would
I do that?
It's so gross you know and they're like
you know what I don't know my grandmother
did it to me like you just take
it And you're like, but what benefits does
it have and they're like just do it,
So sometimes they're a parent a parent's give
advice in a way that we don't really
see the benefit of it, right?
They don't they're like we're all gonna end
up in the same place Why do we
have to enter into multiple doors to the
city, but?
Yakuba Lee sums a prophet and so perhaps
there's something there And I think it's beautiful
that was from I does not disclose the
reasoning here.
He still doesn't disclose the reasoning He just
says that this is what he commanded them
to he told them to do So Yakuba
Lee sum is a prophet And it's obvious
that there are things that he knows that
other people do not know and it's very
possible That there is something that he wanted
to protect his sons from that perhaps Maybe
they didn't know about and so he tells
them to enter into the city from different
doors the second thing that the scholars say
is that It is a a lesson in
protection of oneself from Hesed Why because now
it will be ten of them entering into
the city all from the same family Okay,
we ten of these young men Entering into
the city from the same family it would
it will it will be all of them
actually be eleven of them Entering from the
same family into the city and what does
that look like it remember children resemble what
Right children resemble wealth and also when you're
coming in like that.
It looks like a caravan It looks like
you know, like a bit intense So yeah,
cool release and I was telling them.
I don't want my son taken away.
Don't draw attention to yourself Someone may look
at this and think of it in one
way when it's really not Yusuf Ali Islam
already got sold into slavery that had already
happened Yusuf Ali Islam was already found in
a well and taken into slavery And so
how could they know that?
Okay, what if we come in and this
happens in being a meanest the youngest and
something happens and he's left behind and maybe
he's Like traveling along and someone doesn't take
How do they know someone won't take him?
They don't know that So yeah, cool release
and I'm was telling them It's better for
you guys to enter to break up into
pieces and to enter from different doors Then
he says well now okay.
Yeah, I'm coming Allah human Satan.
I think this is very powerful.
He says That when it comes to the
decree of Allah When it comes to what
Allah swt wills for you, whatever it is
Allah swt has for you.
I Cannot help you.
I Cannot avail you I cannot make it
easier on you I cannot take it away
from you and what's interesting is that when
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is on
Mount Saffa and he's Calling different tribes, right?
He's calling the he's calling people from his
own Family, and he's calling Abdulmanav.
He's calling all these different tribes.
He then goes down He's telling them that
come and believe And you need to believe
because I cannot avail from you or against
you or for you on your behalf From
Allah anything meaning that you need to believe
in your belief is your own journey And
then he goes down and he calls specific
people Hey, he calls a bath Then he
calls his aunt Safiya and then he calls
his daughter And I find that to be
so interesting because he then says to her
Fatima You can ask of me any wealth
Anything new car new house, whatever and we
see it later on the cedar.
We see it Fatima Nadia law tell on
her is going through a difficult time Time
wise like literally in the understanding of time.
She's like I have kids Family I have
all these things it's a lot of work
and She calls her dad And she was
a daddy's girl and she's like I need
to mind help me now and he answered
Not only did he answer he came and
met her at her home to answer that
Right, so he tells her when she's a
little girl You can ask me from anything
when it comes to well You can ask
me from anything when it comes to things
in this world But when it comes to
Allah, I cannot help you you're on your
own Why what is that telling a person
it's telling a person that each person has
the responsibility of their own action What you
Allah swan teller sees it Allah swan teller
will hold you accountable for it And what
is to come for you or to you?
There is nothing that anyone else can do
to stop it.
That is your path and life to walk.
I Think this is powerful that he's saying
this to his sons Because his son spent
their entire lifetime doing what trying to be
Yusuf Spend their entire lifetime trying to fill
this void that they had against their father
So much so they don't actually realize the
love that their father has for them It
is only out of love that their father
would tell them to enter into different doors
It is only out of love that their
father would keep them in the house after
they did what they did to their son
to Is only out of love that their
father was still talk to them and give
and take advice from them and still give
them responsibility they went to go to the
king to get these provisions for their town
out of the command and the Direction of
their father because he still gave the responsibility
Someone betrays us one time and we're like
never don't even ask me for toothpaste Like
you literally like if you were on fire
had a cup of water.
I'd drink it like you I cannot trust
you anymore That's how we are as people.
We're very Unforgiving but also as people we
interpret love to be one way You know,
we interpret love to just be in a
way of someone always in agreement with you
We interpret love to only be in the
way that makes us feel good But I
challenge that What does that mean to have
a yes-man around you?
What does it mean to have someone who's
always telling you doing great?
You're doing great.
You're doing great Sometimes and it doesn't have
to be harsh.
We need someone to tell us that wasn't
so great Not that you're not great, but
the action that you did was not so
great So when the sons of Yaqub alayhis
salaam come back to him after what happened
with Yusuf He doesn't say that you guys
are terrible people.
He didn't say that to them.
He says what?
By the so well that you're enough you're
you're the part of you that caused you
to do wrong convinced you to do wrong
He didn't say you're a terrible person for
what you did He says that you were
caused to do wrong because you need to
get yourself under control So you have here
that before while they're going he's literally telling
them get yourself under control Why because what
Allah swt has in store for you is
not something I can protect you from Either
you do the right thing and good comes
to you you do the wrong thing or
you your answer for it And then he
says in in the hook more in that
in that that truly the the best judgment
all power all judgment is in the hands
of Allah I Lay he to account to
and it's upon a lot that I will
put my trust Well, I lay he fell
yet to what Kevin what to what kid
on and anyone who wants to trust someone
Right you you ever have a feeling like
man I just really want somebody that can
like have my back like I want to
be able to put my trust into someone
Then what yakuba listen I'm says But yet
to what Kevin what to what kid on
that those who want to entrust somebody or
want to put their trust in?
The hands of someone they put their trust
in the hands of Allah.
That is the best place to put it
Why because people would disappoint you you would
disappoint you you would disappoint you how many
things have you told yourself?
I will never do again.
I would never do this again I'm gonna
and the moment you say I will never
do it again.
What happens is easier to do it is
Easier to fall into that trap but the
biggest trap that was actually there was thinking
that you would get through it by your
own ability and not Realizing that the only
way you're gonna be able to stick to
your boundaries The only way that you're gonna
be able to be committed to that journey
of being a better person and doing good
is I trusting in a lot and using
the power that Allah swt will give you
to do it And so this is why
yakuba lisa I'm is showing his sons That
I'm not saying that you guys are gonna
take be I mean and I have full
faith in you to take care of him
I have full faith in a lot to
take care of him and I know I
Am fully aware that whatever Happens whatever difficulty
befalls whatever the outcome that happens or the
situation that happens It will be because that
is the judgment that was my father has
But remember, okay knowledge is good awareness is
good, but emotion is emotion and sometimes being
aware of the Situation even makes it a
little bit more difficult And so you have
next That Allah swt gives us a visual
and to the Sun's entering and he says
well I'm not a column in hey through
I'm a room.
I boo him that when they entered Into
the land in the way in which their
father commanded them my Canada You can hear
on whom in Allah human Satan that he
was not able Okay, it did not he
was not able to help them in any
way Haja-tan be nafsi.
Yeah Cuba Kodaha, he was not able to
help them or avail them or take away
any difficulty from them Against Allah except for
what Allah swt had decreed for them to
occur for it to happen to them Even
though he would have wanted to like his
soul was happy though It's so was satisfied
with knowing that I was sometimes gonna take
care of them But he would have wanted
to help their child his children What in
the who led the way in Lima and
them now who and he was someone who
possessed the knowledge in which I was not
that I gave to him Now that's very
I lost what I didn't say.
He was someone who was an expert like
an item And not him is like a
scholar, right?
But for somebody to have do and they
possessed this knowledge.
What does that mean?
It means for it to like for you
to be a person that walks in the
path of the knowledge that you have So
for instance if somebody knows Allah swt to
be a rough man Okay, they know God
to be all-merciful then in their Conversations
with Allah they were carrying themselves in that
I Know Allah swt to be all-merciful
So when I make dua to Allah one
of the things that I'm gonna be sure
to call upon Allah Is the unruh man
and I'm Rahim the most merciful the most
compassionate and even if like I'm down bad
and life is difficult and it's hard and
I'm annoyed and I'm this and I'm that
and Maybe I don't feel too great.
I will still know that there's mercy in
the way that Allah swt Allah has ordained
for my life to go because I know
God to be merciful if you know To
be a Razak the one who gives provisions
he gives a risk Remembering risk is not
just wealth.
It's not mad.
It has so much more to it is
nourishment, right?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says about
Khadija Ravi Allah talan ha Ruzic to be
happy ha I was nourished by her love
What does that mean?
Everybody likes to call that like a cute
love story all of it.
Okay, great fine All right.
I'm not just I'm not that type person.
It's really like a lot for me.
Okay, I have a laughing problem makes me
laugh Okay, it's all those things all the
above but what does it actually mean?
Why did he use those words because when
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was at
a time where life was?
Extremely difficult and every single person that he
loved so much turned their back against him
who was still there Khadija was still there.
Can you imagine being someone who like got
invited to every party?
Somebody who got invited to every gathering every
hangout even the close close friends hang out
You got invited to the after party.
Can you imagine being that person like you're
that guy or girl?
Okay, and then all of a sudden no
one calls you anymore.
In fact people repulsed by seeing you That
is a very hard switch is also very
emotionally taxing And we may not think or
we like to say I don't care what
people think of me.
I don't care about this I don't care
about that.
There's a reason why Allah tells us that
we're an ummah Right.
We're a community why because we need community
as Human beings we need community and if
we don't attach ourselves to a community, we're
gonna attach ourselves to something And so when
every single person Turns their back on the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Khadija was not only there.
She was not only there.
She was present She wasn't just like a
person who was like, oh, it's gonna be
No, she was present.
She was active She was engaged in the
mission She has such a loyalty and a
dedication to Allah SWT that nothing could turn
her away Nothing, not a single thing can
turn her away So when the Prophet says
that he was nourished by her love, it's
not that she gave him money No, is
that she Reminded him of who he was
in a time where it would have been
so easy for him to lose himself So
we know of Allah SWT to be a
rizq The one who provides gives provisions gives
nourishment takes care of you that in a
time When life is very difficult or even
times when life is good and you call
upon Allah What are you gonna call upon
Allah as?
Ya Rizq Oh the one who has who
gives you have given me so much But
I'm in desperate need of X Y &
Z So when Allah SWT Describes Yaqub AS
as Lathuwa ilmin He was someone who possessed
It wasn't any type of knowledge Allah SWT
says li ma'allamnahu He possesses the knowledge
from the knowledge that we gave him When
Allah SWT told Yaqub AS who he is
Yaqub AS called upon Allah SWT as such
But also it means that Yaqub AS would
have never acted in the way that was
against how God wanted him to act So
when we see in the next couple of
ayat how his emotion shows it shows us
That it's okay to be human and Muslim
because that's exactly what Allah SWT wants from
you That you're seeing the atrocities and the
difficulties of this world and What's happening around
the world and it makes you feel maybe
enraged Maybe some days it makes you feel
very sad.
Maybe some days you're not feeling That each
of those emotions are okay.
But the question is what do you do
after that emotion or during that emotion?
That is the question Because if the answer
is not that I call upon Allah then
there's a problem there Because throughout every single
emotional journey That Allah SWT is showing us
about Yaqub AS Each of them ends with
him calling upon Allah each of them in
different ways at this point He is called
Allah SWT Al-Hafidh the one who preserves
and protects He's called Allah SWT as Musta
'in the one that you call upon and
seek assistance from He's called upon Allah SWT
as Waqeel the one that you put your
trust in like a person that will be
there to testify a person that will be
there to take on your responsibility He's called
upon Allah SWT in so many different ways
in each of those situations Why because he's
putting his emotion to work He's allowing it
to be beneficial and then Allah SWT says
But rather Most people do not know They
do not realize that Yaqub AS carried himself
in this way And when the brothers went
and they entered to Yusuf Yusuf AS went
and he was so loving towards his brother
Binyamin He then whispered to him and he
said I'm your brother He says so do
not be sad Don't be sad but by
what they used to do He doesn't say
don't be sad for what they did or
what they're doing right now He says don't
be sad for what they used to do
So it's almost like Yusuf AS is acknowledging
that the brothers may be better But the
best thing about this is he's not making
any assumptions.
The assumption is don't be sad for what
they're doing to you That's called projecting.
Why because Yusuf AS doesn't know what his
brother's life has been like for the past
10 plus years He doesn't know they were
nice to Binyamin.
He doesn't know they were mean to Binyamin,
but he knows what happened to him So
he can say that but also Also, this
is a lesson in relationships Okay, because sometimes
things happen Terrible things maybe someone does something
that you believe to be is unforgivable and
that's okay because those things happen Right, but
at the same time you have to ask
yourself Why do are we so quick to
burn bridges?
Why are we so quick to burn bridges
and not our own bridges because somebody does
something to you It's unforgivable.
That is unforgivable.
Halas that's between you and that person but
then to go to every other relationship around
that person and tell them this person is
someone you shouldn't be friends with as Long
as whatever that person is doing is not
detrimental to someone else and it's not something
that harms Someone else.
Remember the word harm Someone else then you
have no right to meddle into someone else's
relationship Because someone can have a strong relationship
and maybe you just not have a strong
relationship and that's okay It's fine.
Why because different people have different relationships with
different people So Yusuf alayhis salaam says but
that tablet is be my can and yeah,
I'm alone.
Don't be saddened by what they used to
do and what they used to do to
me in some of the translations the Mufasa
the ones who explained to fear they put
in parentheses to me as in like qualifying
it Like I know you're really heartbroken about
what happened to me, but it's okay.
I'm fine Then you have for them my
ja has a home be ja has a
him That when he gave them what they
he was supposed to give them Jalasi sequoia
Ah, Lee.
Ah, he he then he put the Measuring
bowl, but it's more so like a the
King's Cup Okay, and they say the King's
Cup was like the size of a bowl,
which is why they didn't call it a
cup So he puts the King's Cup inside
of the bag of being a mean summa.
I don't know.
I didn't Then he called the one who
used to make announcements Hey, you have to
have a hero in the cone.
That's not a cone He says that oh
man these people here.
They're thieves.
Okay, so he's talking about his brothers He
says these people in this caravan.
They're thieves call.
Ooh, they respond and they say well I
could buy do I leave him mad that
tough tough be doing they asked they respond
while they were approaching him and they said
why they were approaching them like the Caller
was approaching them and Yusuf was approaching them
Everybody's approaching them now because everybody thinks they're
thieves and they said well, what are you
They didn't say what's stolen?
Okay, cuz they're like there's no way you
can close a case of somebody stealing that
quick So they said what are you missing
call do nothing to do so what so
so why I'm Malik They said that we're
missing that the cup of the King Well,
even John a be he him will be
by Eden.
Well, I'm gonna be here Simon and they
said that whoever produces it Okay, whoever produces
it or brings it forward Then the reward
will be they get a camel's load worth
of food and I'm responsible for being able
to give that to you So basically there's
a reward for it.
The reward is that you get extra food.
All right, Paul Ooh, they then said the
law here.
I'm limped.
Um, I get an alley.
No see that for the Rd Well, I
couldn't ask Sally Sally clean They said we
swear by Allah that you know that we've
never come here to do anything wrong This
is the second time we've come here the
first time there is no drama We are
not those people and we did not steal
anything Call if a man is a who
in quantum cavity bean So then the people
say back to them.
Well, if it's the case that you're so
sure that you didn't take it What will
be the punishment in the case that you're
Okay in the case that you're lying.
We're gonna search yourself and what will be
the punishment?
So they give the punishment and they give
the punishment like the boys.
Okay, it's very important The boys give this
punishment they give what would the detriment what
will be the outcome of this individual?
You find out that someone stole it from
They are the ones who set the rules
Oh, no Just that Oh who?
Man, would you defeat fear of me?
It is that you will take the one
who you found the cup in So you
found the cup in Fatima's bag Fatima becomes
your property.
That sounds really bad.
Okay But it's okay.
It's the same difference.
Actually, it really means that actually so you
take the one who stole it So who
would you that or can that it can
that is it?
It's already mean because this is how we
usually punish those who do wrong Remember, they're
from the outskirts of the city within the
city limits There's a different rule the rule
is you could just go to prison because
they have a prison system But on the
outskirts of the city, they don't have a
prison system Which is why Yusuf alayhis-salam
wanted them to say what the punishment would
be because there's a certain outcome that he's
looking for so But but I'll be oh
be oh, yeah to him.
Oh, but now we are Yeah, he he
must have a Roger have men.
We are Iraqi first They went and Yusuf
alayhis-salam search all of the other brothers
baths first Because it'd be suspicious if he
just walked up straight to be a mean
and then went to his bag and they
got it from The first person would be
a little you know, they'll feel like he
set them up what she did, but they
will feel that way So first he looks
in all the other brothers bags Until he
gets to the back of being mean and
they find it there and then they see
then the brothers then say they see This
imagine as siblings you see your brother did
something bad usually your response is like So
not smart, you know like something like that.
They say Kazanika kids and Adley Yusuf Okay,
I lost my father.
I lost my father says this is what
we planned for Yusuf My Canada yeah for
the aha who fit Dean and Malik in
that in your shallow law before we get
there He says that he wouldn't be able
to allow something that gives us a story.
He wouldn't be able to take his brother
Except for in this way.
So this is why I lost my father
told him to do it Not a foul
that I got him in my Nisha.
I lost my father will rise.
We shall rise to Lengths and degrees of
like honor whomever we will well So cuckoo
leave the end men and I mean and
above every person who has knowledge is someone
more knowledgeable Meaning that what's one thought is
the one who devised this plan and because
God devised this plan you can't go against
it Okay, so they find this and then
they say follow in.
Yes Rick for the Sarah Hula hooman cover
They said hmm.
If it's the case that being a mean
took this then he got it from his
mom's side of the family They said that
his brother used to still before.
Oh, so now you remember you have a
brother Also, remember something remember something growth is
interesting Because people grow and they forget where
they came from Growth is very interesting Especially
in character, you know Maybe perhaps there are
certain things about your character that you used
to do you don't do it anymore You
feel like you're safe.
You're in that you're in the clear You're
never in the clear and this is not
meant to be like pessimistic is actually meant
to be optimistic Optimistic in the fast that
it's about maintenance Right.
So the things that you are doing better
at you need to make sure that you're
keeping up a regimen of doing better at
Why because when the push comes to shove
and the tough gets tough and your character
is gonna show So, what do they say?
They said?
Oh, he's like his brother from his mom's
He's not like us so if he truly
stole this and They didn't even try to
defend him.
They didn't say no this must be a
mistake He's the youngest one perhaps maybe he
accidentally took it.
None of that.
They in fact incriminated him By saying his
brother used to do this, so he probably
learned it from his brother.
He learned it from his mom's side of
the family and then But I saw her
how you saw Fina see he that you
saw her Islam.
He didn't say anything He just hid it.
He kept it within himself Well, I'm your
buddy had the home and he didn't expose
to them anything But in that moment imagine
you were guys were there you were probably
be like, what are you talking about?
I am your brother And I'm here because
of you like you did all these things
blah blah blah.
Actually, you're the terrible one doesn't know But
that's what happens when we let emotion take
over it ruins the plan So you saw
how the Islam becomes he hides it within
himself Well, I'm too much.
I don't run my cannon well Lahu I
never be my pussy food and he said
to them that you guys are in the
worst position and Allah knows best what you've
Described you're in the worst position as in
like this is a conviction on all of
you Okay, it's not just a conviction on
one person and Allah knows best about what
you just said Meaning, you know, you lying
But it's okay because there's something bigger here
at store All ooh, they then start to
Yeah, and you had a Z's Oh a
Z's in Aban sheikhan Kabira, they said, you
know, we have a father He has a
father and his father is an old man
Okay, because you remember they told him that
way back when our father's old he really
loves him we can't really bring him He
said go bring him.
So now now they're stressed because before you
weren't thinking about being stressed You're just thinking
about passing the blame.
So now they're stressed out the hood ahead
Anna Mechanical so they said actually just take
one of us in his place Like we
will give up our own life before we
go back home and tell our father that
we've lost another one of his sons In
Naraqa Mina Mohsenine and you will find that
we are people who do good Okay, we
have a son.
We're the good people.
We're trying our best Just take one of
us instead call them out of the law
Yusuf Alayhi Salaam says He says my other
law means God forbid.
I seek the protection of God and Tahuda
illa man wajada na mata ana inda who
he said that we take anyone anyone other
than the one that we found the cup
with Notice, he didn't say that we take
anyone that didn't steal it Because Yusuf Alayhi
Salaam knows that being mean didn't steal it,
but he found the cup in his belongings
So he says that it will be wrong
of us to take the one That we
found somebody that we didn't find the cup
with why because that's the rules that you
said You set this rule.
We agreed to in front of the court.
We have to live by it In that
even love all the moon and if we
were to do that Then we'll be the
ones who are the oppressors, but then must
they assume in who hollow sue hollow sue
been be not be not be Nahayan So
then when they start to get like sad
right now, they're losing hope Okay, it means
like it means to not only lose hope
but like not find a solution So when
they get start to lose hope they feel
like they can't do it They went and
they went into private and they start consulting
with each other.
What are we gonna do?
Who's gonna talk to dad who's gonna do
Who's gonna do that?
Okay, all the Kabira home I don't know
and a back home cutter.
I heard that I make a mouthy gun
mean Allah He won't mean Kabbalah math.
I'll let Tom see Yusuf the older one
said to them Remember you guys took a
promise an oath and you took that oath
not by yourself but in front of Allah
and not oath you took was that you
would protect him and Then he says but
before you failed your duty to Yusuf So
he brings it up Now what's interesting is
that you remember way back when when they
were thinking about what to do Yusuf?
They're like we should kill him.
We should do this We should do that
and then one of them spoke up Most
of the Mufassirun says is that all his
brother who keeps speaking out He doesn't continue
he doesn't completely want to go against the
brothers so that's why he told them just
throw him into well and Discard of him
and whatever happens to him happens to him,
but don't have blood on your hands essentially
But here you find that it makes sense
because in that time He's giving a solution
that kind of goes against what the brothers
want to do But it's almost like the
lesser of two evils in that way But
even when someone picks the lesser of two
evils, it still weighs on you Right, it
still weighs on you because you're picking the
lesser of two evils You're not picking a
good option versus a bad option You're picking
the lesser of two evils and evil weighs
on you the way so you're conscious So
here he has another moment to speak up
and though this situation won't be I mean
has nothing to do with Yusuf and what
they Know he still says you all failed
Yusuf before and it's almost like being able
to release something off of your chest Like
I haven't there was not the situation that
would have popped up for me to be
able to say this to you but I'm
gonna say to you now and Because of
what we did to Yusuf before we cannot
have this and then he says Fa lan
abraha al arda hatta ya'dana li abi aw
yahkum allahu li he says That I will
not leave this place.
I will not leave this land until our
father Allows me to go Or Allah swt
makes a decision for me.
Wahoo I hate what hockey mean because he's
the best of decision makers essentially make taking
a stance I'm gonna stay here and I'm
gonna watch over him I'm not gonna go
back home and tell our father that being
a mean is gone, too I can't do
that So they make a plan and the
plan was that he would say But the
rest of the brothers had to go back
and they had to go back and they
had to talk to their father Now we're
gonna stop here because the next part of
the story gets more it's like a cliffhanger,
it's okay, you'll be fine but what I
really want to take from this is Two
things Allah swt first mentions Yaqub al-islam
as Someone who possesses this knowledge in the
way that Allah has taught it to him
and Understanding that all of these things are
happening behind the scenes and Yaqub al-islam
doesn't know the ins and outs of it
He doesn't so imagine like you're in this
situation or you're in any situation You're living
your life in accordance to what's happening to
you right now But there's a ton of
things that are happening Adjacent to you on
the side of you behind you in front
of you that do pertain to what's your
next step in life is Gonna be but
you have to trust Allah because you don't
know it.
You cannot see it.
You cannot perceive it You cannot feel it.
You cannot smell it.
You don't know any aspect of what is
happening or what is going to happen in
your life But what you do have a
responsibility of is taking care of the now
The second thing that I think is very
important is that sometimes we don't take lessons
from the brothers of Yusuf Right, at least
not good ones.
You know, the lessons we take is don't
be jealous Don't be this don't be that
but the older brother that Yusuf al-islam
has is actually shows us something very important
Because as human beings you're gonna make a
mistake, but the journey of redemption is not
a bad journey It's actually your life's journey.
We spend our entire life in doing tawbah
to Allah Our entire lifetime should be us
you turning back to Allah Why because we
are human beings and as human beings we
have a lot of side quests We tell
ourselves that this is the straight path that
we're we want to be on and we
try our best to be on that straight
Path, but then here comes Shaitan was something
that seems shiny and glowy and pretty and
then we go off to the path And
then we come back right And then you
see something else on this side you go
off you come back and sometimes we get
so down bad on ourselves that we Don't
come back.
But what is Allah SWT showing us here?
There is always always always an option the
option and the best option is to turn
back to Allah The best option is to
go on that journey of redemption and don't
be don't be sad about it Be confident
about it because if Allah SWT gave it
to you in your heart That you feel
bad for the wrong that you've done or
the mistakes that you've made and he's inspired
to you to go on that journey And
do better Allah loves you Allah loves you
because there are a plethora of people who
are out there doing far worse things that
you can ever conceive or think of and
They think that they're right and they're okay
and their arrogance has gotten them to this
point Where they almost find themselves or think
of themselves to be as high as God
and they don't turn back to Allah But
because Allah SWT wants you to enter into
Jannah because Allah SWT wants you to receive
his mercy because Allah SWT wants you to
receive his Compassion because Allah SWT wants you
to receive his kindness Allah SWT allows you
to feel What you need to feel to
turn back to him.
It is never too late to speak up
It is never too late to stand up
and it's never too late to turn back
around And the last thing that I will
say is that we spend so much time
Searching and searching and searching for for just
to to feel taken care of We feel
we spend so much time searching for that,
especially as woman We spend so much time
so much money actually do this get this
subscription do that do this do that?
I know okay fine.
Okay, I get the ads, too But we
because they know how to market to us
and we think that we spend more money
or we have more friends Or we do
more things then we'll feel that fulfillment or
I feel taken care of I feel heard
I feel this I feel that when really
have we tried investing in our relationship between
us and Allah Because maybe what you're looking
for is only something Allah can give you
Maybe what you're really looking for is to
know that Allah SWT has my back and
whether you know it a lot or not
He does but it's just a matter of
you also investing in that relationship So I
pray that Allah SWT allows us to benefit
from everything that we heard here today I
pray Allah SWT forgives us our shortcomings.
Allah SWT allows us to be people who
trust him I pray Allah SWT allows us
to be people who enter into Jannah to
fordows That we gather in the gathering much
better than this that our brothers and sisters
around the world who are suffering Allah SWT
eases their difficulty and their hardships.
Allah SWT gives them Jannah to fordows Subhanakallah
wa bihamdika nashadu an la ilaha illa anta
nastaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk jazakallah khairan Assalamu alaikum