Fatima Barkatulla – Islami QA on Islam Channel #03
![Fatima Barkatulla](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/fatima-barkatulla-150x150.jpg)
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The importance of being aware of one's actions and beliefs when it comes to one's deen is discussed, along with the etiquette of not being afraid to ask questions and not embarrassing to ask questions. The importance of covering one's head during church events and avoiding certain types of music is also emphasized. The speaker advises brothers and sisters to avoid certain activities and avoid certain financial commitments. The age of a cousin and the importance of being a good friend are also discussed.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah the brothers and sisters as salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome to Islamic. I'm your host today, Fatima baraka to Allah. And I hope that you will call in and you will send us your questions for this Islamic episode.
Brothers and sisters, it's really important when we are not sure about something when it comes to our deen to ask the people of knowledge, you know, people who have studied the deen studied the Quran, the Sunnah, and have been trained by other scholars.
Because we know that as Muslims, Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran, why am I halacha to Jinnah? Well, inside OLALIA gewoon he told us the purpose of our lives, that he did not create the jinn nor human beings except to worship Him. And one of the things that, you know, we have to realize as Muslims is that we don't worship Allah subhanho wa Taala on his terms, I mean, on our terms, we don't worship Allah subhanaw taala on our terms, we don't worship Allah subhanaw taala with our whims and desires, or what feels good, we worship Allah subhanaw taala on his terms, on the terms that he set on the way that he asked us to worship him, because he's the creator of the
heavens and the earth. He gave us everything that we have. And he also revealed for us a law, he revealed for us a message and sent a messenger who would embody that law for us. And so Subhanallah we are, you know, the blessing on MA We are really a blessing. Omar. If you think about the people of the past, the Jews and the Christians, many of the actions of the prophets that were sent to them, are not recorded, or are not really preserved in the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sunnah, is preserved. So we should be proud of the fact that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us how to live our lives, every area of life, whether it's going to the bathroom,
whether it's the etiquette for going to bed, how to raise our children, how to pray, how to fast, et cetera. So when if you do have any questions, please don't hesitate to call in. I especially like to encourage our younger callers. Younger brothers and sisters. If you have any questions, you know, don't hesitate to call in. I do believe we already have a caller. So I'm going to go straight to that caller in sha Allah. salam ala Aleikum Kula
while it was salam, please give your name and where you're calling from
up to garner from London.
What was the name sorry?
up to God from London. Okay, I'm calling from London. Okay, thank you. So what what is your question brother
is listened to music is haram
is listened to read the Quran? Okay, just sokola Kira, thank you for that question.
Right. So
sometimes, when questions come through, I might actually decide to answer that question in another session. And the reason for that is, there might be some elements of that question that I want to want to research. And it's actually the etiquette that we're taught as young scholars to not be very hasty in answering questions, especially when there's something that we want to check if there's something that we want to make sure of before we answer, because, you know, it's, it's a duty of care for us to do that. I have. I already have some questions, and I'm going to be looking at them as well, that have come through. We've got a question here as well.
As salam o alaikum. Is it permissible for a male to wear a chain in Islam? Is it permissible for a male to wear a chain in Islam?
When it comes to wearing a chain?
Generally speaking, okay. We know that men are not allowed to wear gold, okay. The men have been forbidden from wearing gold.
But if there is like some piece of jewelry that is made of silver, for example, or made of something that isn't gold, then that shouldn't shouldn't really be a problem.
unless it's something that, that that is similar to something that a woman would wear, right? So, you know, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam forbade men from dressing as women, and forbade women from dressing as men. He forbade men from copying or trying to be like women and forbade women from trying to be like men. And so if it's not a piece of jewelry, or you know, a chain that is, like something that a woman would wear,
and it's not made of gold, then that should be okay and shot a lot. And loss of Hamlet Island knows best. The next
question we have here let me just quickly
yes, there's a question. A salam o aleikum. Wa alaykum wa salam. Do we have to cover our heads upon hearing the Avan?
Ha, yeah, I've seen I've seen people do that, especially at weddings, right? Or events, especially women who aren't covering the heads already.
There's no such instruction, you know, to cover your head when you hear the Avant.
I think people do it because they're embarrassed or out of respect. You know, they think
really, women, especially when they're out in public, should be wary, should be covering the heads anyway. Right, when they're in front of non Muharram men. So it's not the Avant, that's asking us to cover our heads. It's ALLAH SubhanA, Allah Who commanded, who commanded it for us in the Quran, that, you know, when we are in the presence of men in Burma in the presence of non Muslims, those who are related to us in such a way that we could
we, those who are related to us in such a way that we could, that we don't, we can't marry them, of course, we can uncover in front of them. But when we're in public, when we're outside, when we're in the presence of men who are who aren't related to us in that way, then we should cover our hair, we should cover our entire bodies, and except our face and hands, right, According to some scholars, and according to others, we should cover everything, including the face and hands.
But when it comes to the Avant, no, there's no such attachment to that. Instead, we should be following the words of the Avant. So when the Imam says or when the oven says, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, we should also repeat that Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Shadwell La Ilaha illa Allah we should also say a shadow Allah, Allah
insha Allah after the break, I will continue and just and that question, answering that question. Until then, it is acapella Karen or Salah salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Welcome back as salaam alaikum brothers and sisters, I was answering the question about covering your head when you hear the other one and we said that there is no requirement to cover the head when you hear the other. Instead what a person should be doing is repeating after the event. So when you hear Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar you you repeat that as well. quietly to yourself. And then when you get to when the when the more of them gets to hear Allah salah. You say La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah when he says hey, Island fella, you say La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah. And then, just like that you continue till the end of the other one, right? You just keep repeating after the
event, copying what he's saying. And then after the other one should make the dua for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? Aloha Mara Baja they hit that with the time I was solid telco Yuma it Mohamed Daniel was so EULA. Well for Lila weboth, who MACOM more than a lady in Nicola to click on me. And this is the app which you can look up, you know, after the Avant. This is a beautiful dua that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam encouraged us to make after the Avant.
So that's really the etiquette. You know, when you hear the Avant, I have another question here. That's just come through and it says salaam, sister, my husband promised me before Nica before getting married. We would go for a run together. Now he is saying later he keeps saying later, what should I do? Okay, and I said
Very good question.
Look, when you say promise, I'm set, I'm guessing you mean that it was a verbal promise, something that he wanted to do, and he fully intended to do.
And, you know, perhaps there's a reason why you can't do it now, you know, however, I would encourage the husband, you know, any any promises that we make, when we're going to get married, anything that we say that we're going to do, if it's in our marriage contract, then, you know, definitely, it's something that, you know, we it's very heavy, it's something that we should be taking very, very seriously because it was on those terms that we got married, right. But if it was something that we promised verbally, some, which is also very important, of course, you know, as a Muslim, is you're supposed to keep your word, right, our word matters, telling the truth matters. If
it's something you promised, then you should be doing your best to fulfill that promise as soon as you can, you know, and not delaying it for no reason. However, at the same time, I would encourage the sister who's asking to also show some understanding, because,
you know, people, especially husbands, you know, our husbands hamdullah, they have a lot of responsibilities, there's a lot of burden on their shoulders. And sometimes, they have maybe more insight into what's happening with the finances, right. And so a husband might be planning to do something at a more appropriate time. And, you know, that requires understanding from us as spouses, right. But I would encourage you to sit down, have that discussion with your husband, talk to him about the importance of it, and why it's important to you remind him that it's something that he promised, and come to some kind of negotiation, right, negotiate some kind of conclusion, which can
be mutually acceptable to both of you, right? Think Win win, I like to say, you know, it's a famous phrase. And what it means is that, you know, when you're having a discussion, especially in any setting, but especially in marriage, you want to think, you know, how can I achieve what I would like to achieve from this? How can my spouse achieve what they want to achieve from this as well. And surely, maybe, you know, you can agree on a particular date a particular year, something like this, so that, you know, you have it in your mind what you're going to look forward to, but I think, you know, something that you promised before marriage is very important, should be kept. But at the
same time, there might be reasons why that thing might need to be delayed. And so, you know, we both have to show each other as husband and wife, mutual understanding.
We have a caller, I believe, so. Let me go straight to that caller as salaam alaikum. Caller, please tell me what your name is and where you're calling from while it goes down.
It's so nice to see you on this show. Very regular viewer. I have a one question. Go ahead. I have a children account,
bank accounts and a few money in that
for the future savings. And I just want to ask if that money is actually applicable.
from what age
the because I haven't paid the card on that money, and what ages they are
eligible to pay as a god or I have to pay. Okay.
Thank you does that Carla, thank you very much for that.
Okay. So, when it comes to money that you've got, that is that you've saved? You know, it's basically your savings, money that you're accumulating.
You have to pay zakat on it? Yes, you do. And it's it's not that your children have to pay it back up. Because, you know, it's actually the money. So whoever is in ownership of the money at the moment, it's you, right? It would be your responsibility to pay this occur. And it's, it's the money that the zakah is on not the person if you like, right, so, in other words, that amount of money, you need to consult with somebody work out what these occur would be on that and from the time when one year passed over it over that wealth
And it was over the nisab amount, you know, over the amount that is the cutter bowl, which you can look up.
Once it's over that amount, it's about 500 pounds or something, you know, when it's over that, then
and a year has passed over it, then it became a collectible. So you need to work out. When was that point? When did that happen? And you need to backdate that, and do your best to calculate the sucker for each of those years and then pay that sucker. And that's something that's very important because of course, soccer is one of the pillars of Islam. So just like Allah Farah with regards to the question regarding music that came earlier.
What I would like to say about that is that the Prophet SAW Allah when he was salam allowed us to use the duff, he allowed us to use like a simple drum, which can be used, especially for weddings, especially for special occasions, either, etc. However, when it comes to musical instruments, I would encourage our brothers and sisters to avoid them, and to avoid music. Because the scholars of Islam talk about how you know the effects that music has on our hearts. And they talk about how certain types of instruments are not permitted. And when it comes to our times, you know, when when most people talk about music, and our times they're talking about pop music, they're talking about
rap, they're talking about, you know, when it comes to songs that are voiced only nasheeds for example, you know, that that's something that's fine.
Voice only nasheeds voice only songs, acapella if you like, right? When it comes to music, pop music, etc. I would really encourage all our brothers and sisters to completely avoid that type of music. Because not only does it use musical instruments, you know, that aside, if you think about the lyrics, if you think about the, the, everything that accompanies it, right, you know, the dancing, there's the also the lewd kind of lyrics, right? The lyrics that are very provocative, the subject matter is very on Islamic, you'd be embarrassed. If the prophets Allah Salam was here to listen to that kind of thing in front of him, right. So I would say to you, brothers and sisters, I
know we live in a time where music is like everywhere, right? You go into a shop, it's there.
But do not listen to music deliberately, and avoid it. Because it does have an effect on our hearts. It does, it does have a negative effect. And it's something that you know, sometimes we can't even forget, it just gets into our heads and replace that with something better replace that with the shades that our voice only, for example, replace that with the Quran and listening to the Quran listening to you know, songs that are voice only, and that's what I would recommend. Just like Kamala Farah okay. We do have another caller. So Salam aleikum. caller please tell me your name and where you're calling from.
What Alikum Salam rahmatullah wa barakato. Reading from Birmingham and my name is
and I just want to say, Michael, I teach to students, like
children and
everybody, I take her there.
I do take what is my schedule? I just want to confirm in my heart, I don't feel
so please. Guide
okay, just I'm going to try to repeat your question because I didn't fully hear it but I just want to make sure that I got it. I think sister you said that Mashallah. You are a Quran teacher and that you teach children the Quran and you're asking me now, sorry, can you hear me now? Yes. My question is that I teach Quran to students like Kishore, the lady that the girls but I take Hadiya from them. So some people take a like that I know there are so many organization they teach mashallah Quran for everything. And individually, people teach at their home from their homes or from different places. It shouldn't go to Madras or Majid and they take her there. So is it right? If I take her there is
my necessity to fulfill my
requirements like this and it's very important for me, so I just want to know about as a guidance, is it right, because I take it
Okay, so that's, that's a very good question. And I think it's something that
Many scholars, many scholars around the world, you know, think about, you know, because of course,
you know, in the past, there were mechanisms for supporting teachers and scholars of the Quran and the Sunnah, right? There were mechanisms that for them to be financially supported, but you're, we're living in Britain and you know, some and that mech, such a mechanism does not exist. So, in sha Allah sister, if you have needs, and you know, of course, if you if a person can teach, and they don't take any,
any any payment for it, then of course, they will be rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala more, they will be rewarded in sha Allah more by Allah, because they would they did not get any kind of repayment for it in this life. But if you do take some payment, like you said, because you have needs, then it's up to those people, you know, who who want you as a teacher to take it or leave it, if they don't want to pay, then they should go and find, you know, a way to learn that where they don't have to pay, but if they want to study with you, and you have certain needs and costs that you have to cover, then in sha Allah, there's no problem with that. But of course as Quran teaches as
scholars we have to always be aware that we're not turning this work that we do into some kind of you know, money spinner, you know, that's not the purpose of it of course, but to cover our needs, etc that you know that in Sharla there's no there's no problem with that just local affair. I do believe we have one more caller I hope we can fit this in before before the end inshallah salaam aleikum?
Yes, Sister, please tell me your name and where you're calling from. My name is Nigeria and I'm fighting for the
K Mashallah. I've got a lot of people from Birmingham today.
Please ask your question, sister. My question is, I don't have any children.
Allah has blessed me.
Doctors have said this stuffing
is the unexplained fertility. I'm in my 40s. But my question is that people try and console me and say to me are you know, I love protecting you for something really bad? You know, maybe if you had kids, it would have been best to it could be the example of Musa al Islam. And they went on their travels with the the pious person and about the child who would have been not very good. Or they'll say to me are, you know, I've got family friends who said, they said they didn't couldn't have kids, and they'd stay up all night, and they would do all these extra prayers. And I lost $1 Bless them because they're very pious, and they
re citations and whatever they did in terms of the dwarves and everything, humbler? Mashallah, that's good. But the thing is that, I take that on board and I've taken it quite personally, the fact that okay,
I understand that this is a law as well. But in the same token, I've been I beat myself up, because I wish I was a good soul, like all these other women who are blessed with good children, and who are pious children, and I have an eye and it hurts me that I'm not a good soul like the rest of these other women because there's plenty of other women there. Mashallah, you know who I got beauty, you know, mashallah pious kids. And, you know, sister of going on with their life, sister, could we have we're coming to a break now. So please, stay on the line in Charlotte Solomonic.
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. Dear Brothers and Sisters, Salam o alaikum. And welcome back. So I'm going to answer some of these WhatsApp questions while we're waiting for our caller to come back. We have a question here. Can I marry my cousin?
Well, technically Islamically Yes, a cousin is not a Muharram. So for example, you know,
if you're a girl and you have your, your parents brothers and sisters children, right, their sons they are not Yamaha roms which means they're not people who especially when they become adults, I mean, you know, obviously when your children you might be playing together, you know, like brothers and sisters, etc. But when you get to the age of puberty, then yes, your cousins then become your non Muslims, okay, which means that you have to wear hijab in front of them. You have to cover in front of them you have to use have the normal etiquettes you would have in front of them.
A man, you know, that is on the street, for example, right? Of course, they're your relatives. So, you you would have, you know, that extra level of perhaps relationship in terms of, you know, asking after them etcetera caring about them because of, you know the fact that your relatives, but in terms of technically speaking, yes, a person can marry their cousins. And so, yeah, the cousins are non Muslims. Okay, my color is back I think. Salam aleikum, Sister, can I please, please continue? And please, ask your question. Yes. So my question is,
when you have all these negative
things being said to you, and the fact that you feel that you're not good enough, and you're otherwise not being answered, because you're not good enough, because this is what you're being told around everybody else? And having to deal with the negative thoughts? And deal with all this? How, how, as a baron, how do you? You know, it's very difficult.
That's all I can say. But how, how, as a woman, how would you deal with that? Okay, does that does that color heron, sister, and we are coming to the end of the show, so I'm going to try my best to answer your question, as best as I can. First of all, I want to, you know, reach out and say, you know, I'm very sorry that people are talking to you in this way. And, you know, you're in a particular situation. And unfortunately, you know, people they're trying to be helpful, it seems like people are trying to be helpful. And I think that's the thing, you know, people think that they are saying helpful things to you. But obviously, some of those things are not very helpful at all.
And actually, some of those things are incorrect as well, in the sense that, my dear sister, Allah subhanaw, Taala tells us in
in Surah, mulk, that he created life and death, Leah, beluga calm, a ucommerce anomala. To test you. He created life and death, he created this life, he created the next life in order to test us, which of us would be the best indeed. And so instead of looking at this thing, you know, this,
the fact that you're unable to have children, or it seems that way,
as a punishment, or as something that, you know, is linked to your deeds. I think that's that's the wrong way to look at it. You know, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't give children to pious people. It's not linked to your piety, whether you have children or not, so don't so I would encourage you to stop linking it to that, you know, there are plenty of, of empires, people who have children, right, plenty of people who are abusive, who have children. So these things are not related to are piety, Allah subhanaw taala, though tests each of us with different things. And so perhaps this is the area and a very difficult area, you know, I can imagine that Allah subhanaw taala has tested you with,
and that's the way to look at it, that it's a test. And so, my dear sister, I would encourage you
first of all, if you know, it's about infertility, if you want to you can take as many means as you can to try to overcome that medically.
If you've tried that, and if that's not something, you know, that you want to do, or that you can't, you can do, or that you have tried it and, and still you can't have children, then dear sister, just remember that there have been people in our history, like Shannon Ilana, who also didn't have children, right? But they channeled their energies into a new vision for their lives, and they use the talents that Allah Subhana Allah gave them and the energy to do other things, because there are plenty of ways to do great deeds in our lives. I'm sorry, I have to. I had to answer succinctly, but it does iguana Heron inshallah brothers sisters, until next time, Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi