Fatima Barkatulla – 70 Major Sins #05 – Sin 5 Not Paying Zakah & Sin 6 Missing Ramadan Fast
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The importance of praying before the end of the seller's time is emphasized, particularly for men. It is crucial for building a successful family and setting boundaries for children to pray. Prayer at home is recommended for strength in social and mental health, and is crucial for achieving Islam. Finding the "ach centers" in one's life and society is crucial, and fasting is required for achieving Islam. It is also important to avoid getting into trouble with one's eating habits and to be diligent when making payments.
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smilla hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah the sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
This is probably our last session in within Rama bond.
And actually, I'm going to stop sharing the screen, I'm just going to read the questions and answers. So we had reached in our class on the 70 major sins based on double kabaya we reached the sin of missing or neglecting the prayer, which is the fourth major sin.
Was it fourth? Yes. And last time, there were some outs, some questions left that we haven't covered. So I'm just going to go through some of them to make sure that everyone is following the class and everything. You can use this opportunity to ask any questions in the
So the first question is, it just says, so I might even want a call center. I'm from Texas, and I go to a public high school. I was wondering if we were allowed to do to mom, during school, especially during this pandemic? Okay. Well, I was not going to home for the question.
So basically,
the point is that
when it comes to
the young families, the dry ablution Yeah, we said, you take any matter, like Earth matter, and you you rub, you packed it, you rub it on your hands and face, right.
Or you just wipe your hands and face. Now,
it's supposed to replace wood, all right, but in the presence of water,
okay, it's not valid. So, if you've got water that you can use, then you do not make them. Okay. Um, the only other situation where you might make time on is if you can't use water, because of some kind of illness, that means that using water is gonna harm you, right?
Or you physically cannot get to the water, etc, you know, things like that. So, while you've got
all you've got
access to water, and you can use water, there's no reason it's like inconvenience is not a good enough reason to determine basically, right? As long as there's water, you've got to make things, even if it's a little bit of water, if you can use it,
to at least make or do with the major, the major areas that need to be covered during World War, then you do that even if it's just once, but you don't turn to tie em on
with the presence and accessibility of water. Okay, so that's important to note. So I would say
if you've got access to the bathrooms and you you're able to make will do then
you should make wudu in the bathrooms,
even if it's during the pandemic.
another sister asks, Where can we find how a person who is bedridden should pray?
Okay, so. So in other words, somebody who's ill, like, the general rule for illness is, if you're ill, is it still obligatory to pray the obligatory prayers, the five obligatory prayers standing
if you are able, right? If you're not able, then the next thing is sitting. So a person who's bedridden are they able to sit up? If they can sit up, first of all, if they can stand up even for a little while,
you know, they should be encouraged to do that. But if they can't, and if they're sitting, if they can sit up and they should sit up and do do the Do it, do all the actions to the best of their ability and full Salah if they are not able to sit up, then they are able to pray lying down, lying down. So they would make any some type of ishara which is like
movement to symbolize each of the movements of Salah, right?
If a person is paralyzed even,
or they can only move their eyes,
they can use their eyes to make Salah.
I mean, these things are things that person figures out if they're in that situation, right. But I think the thing that it highlights is that as long as you're conscious,
adult Muslim,
the Salah is obligatory on you insert and there is always a way for you to fulfill it
is always a way for you to fulfill it,
regardless of how ill you are,
as long as you're conscious and etc, etc, right? So
So even when somebody is, for example, Ill in hospital, as much as you're able to encourage them to pray, however, they're able to pray.
Um, and if it's if they can't get up to get water, etc, especially while you're away, you know, like, sometimes when relatives are not there, then the ill person,
nobody's gonna, like take them to the bathroom to make will do.
If there's a nice nurse, she might bring water to them, right?
And help them to make or do. But if for whatever reason, you know, it's not, they're not going to be able to have access to the water, and they're bedridden, for example. You can give them some chalk. That's what I did when one of my relatives was ill in hospital. She was elderly, we gave her chocolate like a bag full of a pouch full of chalk, like natural chalk. Because chalk is Earth material, right? So you can make, you can make town Mum, using chalk.
And it's kind of nicer as well, you know, soil or something else. So,
you know, you can give somebody
that so that even when they're in their bed, they could use it.
And then for them to pray to the best of their ability in whatever position they can.
Hope that answers that question.
sister made a comment, it's difficult for children to pray if their parents aren't leading by example.
Yeah, I mean, the attitude that our that we have to sell our rubs off on our kids, right?
So it's really important to, you know, keep keep an eye on yourself. If you've fallen into bad habits, and your children are falling into bad habits, and it's time to maybe make new intentions and bring your children with you, you know, tell them look, we've got to establish the brain in this house, we can't be a successful family, unless we are from normal saline.
And so we've really got to prioritize it.
And then do take the steps necessary to do that.
What, okay, this was an old question. I think we answered it.
If there were time is 1pm. But we don't pray until a few hours later.
But before the time of us, does that count as delaying the prayer and is it simple?
I mean, the her with all the prayers, the best time is the beginning. Right? The best time is the beginning. But
each of them have their limits. And there's difference of opinion regarding the limits right? When it comes so fudger is easy. fudger from dawn sunset, sunrise, sorry, sunrise is the end of fudger. Right? with her. It's all the way up to our sir. So
although it's not good to delay it. Okay.
As long as you pray it before that time comes in.
You have prayed.
You've made it within its time.
What we were saying is neglectful, that that makes a person neglectful of the Salah. In other words, a major sin is when you go beyond the time.
It's not just delaying it a little bit from its beginning time. Okay, or delaying it from its beginning time. That's not the day
finition of neglecting the seller, it's when you delay it to such an extent that now the time has finished and the new sellers time has started. Right? Or that the time of the seller has finished like with fudger its sun rise, right? The end of fudger is not the end, the fudger is sunrise, right?
So that's when the, the sinfulness kicks in.
I hope that answers that one.
Any, though our recommendation to have strength to pray a PM, especially in Ramadan?
I mean,
I don't know of a doctor that has been prescribed. But you can just ask Allah, right anytime, like the ad doesn't have to be in Arabic doesn't have to be in a particular way a particular
wording even right?
The fact that you want to make that dollar, just raise your hands and ask Allah, Allah
give me the strength to pray pm in Ramadan. Right.
But I would say when it comes to Ramadan, I found that the thing that really gives you the strength
is being around people who
who make you feel strong, you know.
So personally, I always find it beneficial to go to a public like that, are we, if possible, at least at the beginning of Ramadan, and then towards the end. Because it kind of kickstart that in because when you're in your home, because we're not living in a society where Ramadan is honored, right? Like when we were in Egypt, everyone knows this Ramadan, you can just hear it, you can feel it in the air, right? Like Subhan Allah like this, the massages are just reverberating with the sound, of course, right? All the time during Ramadan. So and also there's certain foods in the sun atmosphere, there's certain decorations and this and that going on. So
you're in that Ramadan zone, right? When you're in a Muslim country, for example. But when you're in the, in a western country, or in Britain, for example,
because the wider society is just carrying on, like, it's normal, nothing's happened, right? Everyone's eating, drinking. Everything is just, it's just like a normal time for them.
it's sometimes hard to get into that mindset, I feel.
And so
for that, you need that social
support, you know, you need to go somewhere or to attend something, where suddenly you start feeling that sense, that's kind of like, you know, Muslims, everyone is prepared for Ramadan, now everyone is in that mode.
And personally, I find being in that zone, hearing Quran was recited,
in, you know, the massages or in a prayer place. It just gets me into that mode where I feel more motivated to, to do the piano, etc.
And that's perfectly fine. You know, when we say that it's better for women to pray at home.
I mean,
some scholars would dispute that. But the point is that look, even though praying at home is fine, and it's good. And you could say that you there's less chance of react as well, right? You praying at home? However, like I remember, I remember Haytham once some sisters asked him she hates him and her dad and he was saying that
if praying in the masjid and you know, if it's if it makes you pray more and better,
then it's good to go you know, it's fine. You shouldn't feel that
because sometimes when you're alone at home, your motivation might be less and you know, you might end up praying less and with less for sure etc. So, if you feel that going to the masjid and praying in the Jamaat is better like for you in your mind and your motivation and the number of records you do etc. Then do that you know, then do that is fine.
the next question
there is a question what
answered during this session anyway, so let me share the screen.
is how it works.
Okay. So last time we had talked about that habituating children with Salah
Yep, that all these things and it actually goes for all of the actually goes for all of these above that when it comes to children, you know, it's about habituating them right from a young age. So whether that's Salah, and then later on look at CRM, fasting as well, the scholars said a similar thing about fasting, as they said about Salah that, when they're seven, I don't know, you could just start getting them into the mode, when they're 10 allow them to fast, you know, sometimes we mollycoddle our kids that we don't let them do things. But it's kind of like something you it's like a muscle, right? You you strengthen the muscle, the more you use it. So the more they're able to go
without food for an hour, two hours. And so allowing them to do a few hours allowing them
when they're little to have breakfast and then
fast for the rest of the day. Or, you know, faster, half fast, all of those things are useful. And they're like stepping stones on the way for them to be able to then do the fall faster. So some last points about the Salah.
That it's going to be the first thing that we are asked about the Day of Judgment, the first thing that the believers are asked about on the Day of Judgment is the seller. And if the Salah is good, and the rest of their deeds will be good. If the Salah is has shortcomings, then Allah Subhana Allah will ask about our extra prayers,
non fold the non obligatory press that we've done,
and they serve to cover the shortcomings in the biggest obligatory prayers.
And this was one of the questions I think. So what to do, if you missed prayer, or forgetfulness, or you overslept. You make them up as soon as you remember, right? Or if you realize you didn't have to do or something like that, for sure you realize that you didn't have to do and make it up right? As soon as you remember.
But if you missed a prayer deliberately, okay. So this would be for example, like the sister I think she asked that if some years ago or something she missed prayers. She was maybe
in the overflow, you know, not was heedless about Salah for example. Then the there's a difference of opinion. Like when we studied it in Hanafi folk, for example.
The Hanafi say that you should
make up all of the prayers you calculate how many prayers you've missed, in terms of folk prayers. And then with every single foreign pray you pray from now on, you pray, one for the one that you missed. Okay.
But that's
the opinion of even Tamia.
And it seems it was the opinion of Omar as well. And even Omar
was that
if you miss a prayer, and of course other scholars
is that if you miss a prayer deliberately, the only thing you can really do, and this kind of highlights that
you can never really make up a missed prayer, Suppan Allah, write a prayer that you missed deliberately.
I mean, the prayer is so precious, the fold the prayers are so precious, that you can never really make them up.
So, what they say is that you repent sincerely.
So which means make Toba and resolve never to do it again.
And be regret, have regret in your heart, of course. So it's not just words on your tongue, it has to there has to be a feeling of regret and remorse and that you're not going to do it again.
And then you increase in your lower fill press
now offered meaning suit supererogatory prayers, right. So none of our prayers, non obligatory prayers, you increase in them
And that is the only way you can
cover the shortcomings in your salon of the past. Okay, that you deliberately missed.
That seems to be the stronger opinion.
If you see someone who has problems in faith, or following Islam, start with the Select Yes. So what I mean by this is, you know, a lot of the time when we're doing Bower, or we're trying to influence people in our families, or our friends, relatives.
For example, say there's a sister who doesn't wear hijab, or there's somebody who's fallen into some other major sin, often we will focus on
that sin, right? So we'll think, oh, that person doesn't wear hijab, let me go and talk to them about hijab, right? Or let me go and talk to that person about x, y, and Zed.
But really, it's a bit like dour when you're doing data to non Muslims, you know, you don't start talking to them about stuff, secondary things, when, for example, they don't believe in God, right? If they don't, if a person doesn't believe in God, you start with talking about God and trying to show them, you know, the reality of God.
Similarly, with it, when it comes to Muslims, if a person doesn't pray, their five prayers,
he job is not the thing to be talking to them about. Right, for example, or whatever other things they're doing, of course, you might, you might talk to them about it, too. You know, if the topic comes up, or you want them to stop, you want to encourage them to stop doing some other sin, that's fine. But the most of our focus should be
in trying to encourage Muslims to pray their five prayers, because those five prayers are like the foundational
act of worship right?
through which all other areas of life can be, can become better, right? If a person doesn't connect with Allah five times a day, and they don't do that first command, which is the first command right to worship Allah, and Salah is the most direct way of worshipping Allah, right? The prescribed way.
And the first of the pillars after
the Shahada.
If they don't establish the salah, then everything else becomes hard.
Okay, but if they establish the salaat, everything else slowly starts becoming easy. And sins and evil become despised and despicable to them right over time. So this is just to highlight that look, even in your own community in your own in our own societies. When we look at the Muslim online, we think about the problems of the world and, you know, often we think of all these solutions, but Subhanallah You know, I've lived in Egypt I've lived in, I've seen I've heard about what it's like in India, for example, most of the Muslim community, and Salah is not being established. Salah is not being established. You know, sometimes the men don't pray and the women pray, which I've never
really understood.
Or, you know, you standing here the avant, and nobody's responding in the Muslim countries, right? places like Egypt.
So how can we ever think of our own my being
mended? How can we have Islam? How can we have people who are willing to give their lives for the sake of Allah willing to defend, you know, the deen for the sake of Allah, or to,
to do anything greater for the sake of Allah, if they're not even willing to sacrifice five minutes, five times a day, right? Subhan Allah, and they haven't got that connection with Allah. So
let's all of us make it a priority to establish the salah in our own lives, in our own
families. And then in society is the most important pillar.
You know, after a person becomes a Muslim, Salah is the number one
other areas, the secondary, somebody comes to you for advice, somebody comes to you and they're not for example, they don't wear hijab, or they don't do this or they don't do that or somebody says to you, can you please advise my daughter, my son, my, whatever, you know, they're not doing this or that. The first thing you want to gravitate towards is
The Salah
are they praying and focus on that rather than the secondary and tertiary
Islamic commands or acts that, you know that Allah has commanded us to do or the prophets of Salaam has commanded us to do. So well it comes first. So I think I've emphasized that enough now.
And if you do look at your table, there are a number of ahaadeeth very scary ones about the punishment for those who are neglectful of the summer punishment in the grave.
panela and on the Day of Judgment.
And the fact that is the first thing that will be asked about, there's a lot of emphasis on all of that and also on not praying very, not praying in a rush, making sure you do all of the actions properly and slowly.
Okay, so the next major sin is
refusing to pay the zurka.
refusing to pay the sucker.
Allah Subhana Allah
tells us in the Quran, and let not those who greedily withhold what Allah has given them of his bounty, ever think that it is better for them rather, it is worse for them, the next will be encircled by what they withheld on the Day of Judgment. And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. And a lot of what you do is fully aware.
In this ayah, Allah Subhana, Allah is saying that,
you know, people think that if they don't pay soccer,
they think they'll have more money.
No, Allah is saying, don't let them think this better for them, that they're not paying soccer. It's worse for them. And on the Day of Judgment, that wealth, whether it's gold, silver, jewels, whatever it is, that wealth will be wrapped around their necks.
And so in other words, they will be punished using that very wealth, and to allow belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is aware of what you do. So Pamela, lies emphasis emphasizing here, and this is the this is the crux of it, isn't it brothers and sisters or sisters, the crux of it is that we do not own our wealth.
Our wealth is a trust given to us by Allah,
to Allah belongs everything. So all of this wealth is every resource on earth. And that's what wealth comes from, doesn't it? wealth, the wealth that we human beings use is from the earth is from the resources of the earth. And Allah created the resources of the earth. And he entrusted us with them, so they actually belong to Him. So if you're wealthy,
it's not because you're clever. You know, that's the way people present it, that they in, in our society nowadays, that, you know, if you've got a lot of money, it must be because you're so clever, you've done tiny, amazing and, and you might have you might have done, you know, might have provided a service or done something that, you know, shows your business acumen, etc. But ultimately, it's Allah who made that business successful, it's Allah who allowed that money to gravitate towards you. And since he did, so, he also expect something from you.
Right, because that wealth is entrusted to you.
And poor people and people who have less than you have a right in that wealth, to have a right in that wealth not it's not you doing them a favor. They have a right.
Unless found out that Allah amphis emphasizes this as well in another iron the Quran, and he says that Old Believers, many of the rabbis and monks consumed people's wealth wrongfully, and hinder others from the weight of Allah give good news of a painful torment to those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in a lost cause.
So, you know, classically,
this is a well known thing in history that even today the church
owns a lot of money.
You know, and
so panela sometimes, you know, you see the homeless people gravitating outside
and the church is massive and beautiful. And well, that's that's arguable, but you know, it's a beautiful building is so amazing building. And it's lots of money has been built has been spent in building it and yet
is empty. Right.
And of course that can happen with masajid as well. mosques.
And so, there's a warning here
especially for people of Deen. Right? Because obviously in the nations of the past, the rabbis and the monks, the bishops, the priests, they were the men of dm, right.
And it's very easy for people of Deen to misuse wealth, because people trust them, people trust them.
So, here, Allah Subhana Allah is saying that those who hoard gold and silver
and really all wealth, most wealth has a connection to gold and silver. Especially in the past, you know, money
was gold and silver. Coins are literally made from gold and silver, right? The nose and their humps.
So when you don't spend when you don't give the car, what you're doing is you're hoarding, you're hoarding the wealth that alone gave you.
So again, Allah warns those people have autonomy torment.
And Allah tells us that one of the characteristics of the believers the true believers is that they give Zakat the believing men and believing women are allies of one another on what we know and I will move me now to battledome. earlier about Yeah, more on a bill matter if you weigh in on that thinker or you'll be more than a salata where you tune as Cata where you will see your own Allah wa rasulillah, who
they enjoying what is right and forbid what is wrong. And they establish the prayer and they give the car and they obey Allah and His messenger.
they obey Allah and His messenger.
Those Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
So one of the characteristics a key sign of a believer is that they gives occur. And we know that there's I found was held in the same
category as Sala.
Right, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away, some tribes in Arabia, opportunists, they decided, now that the Prophet has passed away, we're not going to give us a car anymore.
Right? And they began to refuse occur.
And abubaker Siddiq sent an army to fight them. Right. So Carla sent an army to fight them and he said,
you cannot differentiate between salah and soccer.
Right. So he saw it as a sign of the apostasy, right, they left that they stopped giving Zakah
it was an obligation that they had to do.
This is how serious it was regarded.
So who must give Zakat? Anyone who's a Muslim, adult sane person.
So a person who's reached puberty is expected to give Zakat if they have the minimum amount of the wealth that makes this occur obligatory. And this is known as the new sub.
And this changes,
and you can just you can look up what the nisab is, right?
You only pay zakat if your net assets
equal or exceed the nisab threshold.
If you only have gold as an asset, then the nisab mesh measure for gold must be used. So there's two amounts there's a gold nisab and the silver nisab.
If however, you have mixed a mixture of assets, so for example, you have gold, you have silver, you have money you have I don't know shares, you have property etc. Then the nisab level for silver should be used.
Although some scholars still may
obtain that gold should be used regardless, using silver is safer and more beneficial for the recipient of zakat. So
basically, the amount for gold does Nisar for gold is very high.
It's a high amount of money. So only if you have over that amount, would you be eligible for DACA?
So because there's a difference of opinion. Yeah. Some scholars said that that is the amount if you have over that amount, it's like something like 3000 pounds nowadays, right? It's 3000 something pounds. If you only if you have over that, do you have to pay zakat. But
the other nisab is an example of silver, which is much less. And if you have over that amount, then you have to pay that back. So silver using the nisab of silver is the safer one and more beneficial for the recipient because it's lower. So it means that you that more people will have to pay soccer, right.
And so the account is paid on cash.
receivables, I don't know what they mean by receivables. I forgotten what that means. Gold and Silver
business stock and assets.
investments in assets,
pensions, debts owed to you agricultural produce livestock. Okay. I mean, you can find out more about each of these categories on the National Golf Foundation website. Okay.
When is a dupe
is a current year should begin on the date your wealth equals or surpasses the nisab. So the nisab amount which is which you can also find
the latest nisab amount. Let me show you.
I just want to show you the latest nice up.
So you can easily find that if you go to
the ends at F
Hope you can see this on the screen. So here on the incentive website, there's an there's this part here knowledge bank, which has loads of questions answered, okay. But here, today's nisab rates, because the rate keeps slightly changing.
If you have over 387 pounds, 46 Pence, then you are eligible to pay zakat. Right. But some scholars, they use this amount 3679.
Or they say if you have only gold as your asset is your wealth, then use this amount
as the minimum right. So if your money goes over, but this is the safer one to use. If your money goes over this amount, then Zakah is due.
I'm just going to show you this, if you go to knowledge bank, they have 20 most popular questions, and you can look at each
each of those get all your questions answered. And you know, that's what you have to do, really, you have to do things. You have to take what you're learning in this session with us.
you know, go and do your own due diligence with regards to your personal circumstances right, and your zakka
so your the current year begins on the date your wealth equals or surpasses the Miss up.
So, for example, say you've got the amount that we looked at just now what was it 300 and something so if you have that amount, and a year has passed,
and you still have that amount
Zakat is payable.
In this instance, you will use this date again for the following year.
If your wealth did not equal the nisab after one year, then you will not have to pay Zakah. Furthermore, your wait to see when your wealth equals or surpasses the nisab amount. Yeah.
That's easy. And so here's the link and that after all.uk and this knowledge bank is very, very useful, if you have any. And you can also they I think they also have like, people you can consult for your personal situation and your personal assets, you know, sometimes these things can be quite complicated.
So the next we're going to go to the next major sin and see if there's anything else I wanted to mention.
Yeah, so there are obviously lots of narrations.
What, I'm just going to share one or two with you, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
545 and they asked messenger of Allah What is 545? He answered, a people do not break a contract without Allah giving the enemy power over them, they do not judge by other than what Allah has revealed without poverty spreading amongst them.
fornication does not appear amongst them, without death spreading amongst them.
They do not skimp in the weight and measure. So like when they're weighing and measuring things in buying and selling
being denied crops
and experiencing famine, they do not denies occur without rain being withheld from them.
and the moment that he goes to a lot of lengths to kind of emphasize, you know, how
people in his times have forgotten that poor people are not an annoyance. You know, somebody who is a need is not an annoyance. It's the way Alas, created the world, that there are always going to be wealthier and less wealthy people. And so it's, it's upon the wealthy people to support the less wealthy people. And in fact, it's, it's their opportunity and their duty and a calling for them. Right. When a poor person comes to them, instead of seeing it as a nuisance. My mother happy is like highlighting that, you know, they should realize that, you know, this person is basically they're giving them the opportunity to serve on law.
And he talks about the huge punishment in Hellfire for people who withheld Zucker
and he also narrates some stories from some of the self about
witnessing punishment in the grave for people who used to withhold Zakah and not pay those occur.
So the next sin that we're going to look at next major sin is and I thought we should fit this in quickly in Ramadan since it's relevant.
Not fasting a day of Ramadan without a valid excuse.
Fasting in Ramadan is obligatory, so one of the five pillars
Okay, I don't think I managed to put this the I opened so we know that Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran and if in Surah 283 284
that your levina armano you believe quotevalet como cm, fasting has been prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you so that perhaps you may
God conscious.
A specific a specified number of days Allah says, but any of you who are ill or on a journey should fast a number of other days. Okay.
So, we know that in the famous Hadith where Massoud Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Islam is built on five pillars or five things. When he Islam Allah him saying that Islam is built on five things, he said the Shahada, the testimony that there's no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing the Salah,
paying the Zakah making Hajj to the house, and fasting Ramadan. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if anyone breaks the fast one day of Ramadan without an excuse, even fasting all title for all time will not make up for it will not make up for it. Meaning that that's the value of the fast of Ramadan.
The value of the foster Ramadan is you can't actually make up for it. In reality
even above some of the Allah who said the supports of Islam and the pillars of the deen are three testimony that there is no God but Allah.
So Allah solo, so Shahada, salah and fasting Ramadan, anyone who abandons any of them, is a disbeliever seek refuge from Allah from that.
So now I'm just going to go and look if there are any questions.
Yeah, so people often ask, like, Can I just pay every year on the same day in Ramadan?
Yeah, I mean, if it makes it easier, and that's, that's the real reason why people do it, isn't it so that they remember, and also because of the reward of giving in Ramadan?
Then that is that is okay.
You just have to be careful, because certain amounts of money might,
might become a big obligatory to pay zakat on, if a year has passed on them. Right. So say you were suddenly gifted, I don't know, some jewelry or something.
Um, and it wasn't in Ramadan, then when one year passes, it becomes Do you know, so you just have to be diligent, really in them? Making sure that
you know, you calculate it on the, at the right time? I would say?
Can I also pay an extra amount to make up for any
possible shortfalls from the past?
I mean, you can always do extra,
you're always allowed to do extra, but in the sense that you mean is it going to be counted as aka if you're doing it with it? If you know that you've missed the thought in the past.
If you can calculate it, that will be the best. But if you can't, then yes, you know, Subhanallah, like, if you think about it,
you know, the scholars say, you should deal with a loss kind of Allah the way you want him to deal with you on the Day of Judgment, right? So like, we don't want a lot to count every little misdeed of ours, you know, we want Allah Subhana Allah to just let us off.
What Allah let's find that to be easy with us.
So similarly, when it comes to the car when it comes to set up, but when it comes to any good deed,
shouldn't be stingy. You know, where we're like,
I'm going to do it down to the penny in, I'm gonna calculate it down to the penny.
Why not give extra give some extra? You know,
the way we want Allah subhanaw taala to just overlook our sins and to maybe
add extra to our good deeds, right?
Some people think it's okay to taste food while fasting without swallowing. Is that allowed? Yeah, I mean, I think some of the scholars said if you've got a husband to use, he's very fussy and
if you if you need to just taste the salt in your food, like, if it's alright.
They said you can put it on your tongue and just sense whether the salt is okay without it without swallowing it. Spit it out.
If you can avoid it, it's probably better because
you know, it's risky, isn't it? Some of it might go down. So
You know, is a predicament isn't it when you're in the past, like when I when there's been a third time they've been often times when I've completely forgotten the salt when I was cooking, because you're not taking normally when you're cooking your taste, don't you?
Okay? He says opinion is to pay zakat on old debt when you receive it.
But if you are certain you'll receive it soon, then you consider it for calculation now.
I'll have to look that up myself.
Because some of this stuff, I studied it a long time ago. So I need to refresh my memory.
So I think that's everything. And,
um, please look out for your next email about the next session because
we might have a break for next time. Okay.
But otherwise, we're going to go on to do
not performing hajj as the next major sin, the seventh major sin, this respect to parents as the eighth major sin
shunning relatives as the ninth major sin. And then the 10th is fornication and adultery. Right, Pamela? So,
all of these are things that are quite prevalent in society,
you know, relatives, shunning relatives, having grudges,
and fornication as well, and these societies in which we live, so they're all pertinent for us to find out more about.
Let me see last question. Sorry, sis one.
Yeah, you shouldn't make up fasts. If you've missed fasts. That's different to solo.
With fasts, it's easy to calculate, right? You can work it out that you were x age when your period started, and maybe you missed this year or that year. So count all of those fasts and slowly but surely
making them up, you know,
start making them up.
I mean, this is quite common for women to need to make up fast because of
you know, periods.
postnatal bleeding.
What else? Oh, yeah. Some sisters, they might not fast do too.
pregnancy and having difficulty in during breastfeeding, etc. So there's always, you know, reasons for women to make up FOSS.
We have to keep a very close eye on that, because it's like something we owe to Allah. Yeah, we owe it to Allah. So please make sure that you make a list. And you should try
to make up the false from one year, within that year, you know, try to make them up. Before the next Ramadan comes.
And I did ask one of the sheoak like, what if you're not able to make up by the next Ramadan? You know, maybe you got a lot of fast or you've been lazy, you've been slack. And you weren't able to make up all the fasts from one year, within a year. And this was chef havens fatwa, anyway Show Hidden when Hubbard said that.
Well, he said, then you should continue making them up. Yeah, as soon as you can. But also pay fibia on each one as well.
Each one that has gone over
you know, so you missed it one year, and it's been it's been more than a year. And you know, your
Ramadan has gone and now you're making them up from before.
He said, pay fifth year on each of those as well. Almost like an extra kind of compensation, you know, expiation for that because you're supposed to make them up within a year possible, if at all possible. Okay, sisters, I'm going to end that there. And Sharla hope you have made the most of this last couple of nights
Very close by the way to our total for the Muslim women's organization so if you can support us just to get it over to this, you know to the total to our target and really appreciate it. So the link for that is launch good.com slash Muslim women, you can find out more there. And in sha Allah with that I will leave you Subhana Allah amo the handig eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Anta, a stuffy ruka a tube Lake
Have a wonderful day in sha Allah last few days of Ramadan
Yep, de Xochimilco, Salaam Alaikum.