Fariq Naik – The Medias Propaganda against Islam especially Reference to Jihaad

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses misconceptions and common questions asked by non Muslims regarding Islam, including J impressed by Islam and its various verses. They also discuss the use of J impressed by Islam, J impressed by the word, J impressed by the term " Holy war" and its use in English, J impressed by the term " tango" meaning to strive and struggle, and it is used to describe the Christian clivity. The speaker also discusses the use of J impressed by Islam, J impressed by the term " Holy war" and its use in English, and J impressed by the label " tango" meaning to strive and struggle.
AI: Transcript ©
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How do these misconceptions arise in the minds of non Muslims?

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Today, in the international media, there is virulent propaganda about

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Islam, the media, it is bombarding misinformation about Islam,

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whether it be the international news channels, whether it be the

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radio broadcast stations, whether it be the television channels,

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whether it be the newspapers, there is virulent propaganda about

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Islam in the international media. So based upon how the media

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portrays Islam is misconceptions that arise in the mind of non

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Muslims. And the order of this misconceptions. These

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misconceptions it changes depending upon how the media it

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portrays Islam, as that is virulent propaganda about Islam in

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the international media, the media is maligning Islam. As far as

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today's talk is concern. Time does not permit me to discuss all the

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20 most common questions or misconceptions that are there in

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the minds of non Muslims. Due to time limitation, I will only

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discuss the first eight from among the 20 most common questions asked

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by non Muslims regarding Islam. For the remaining most common

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questions, you can go on the website Zakir Naik, dotnet. The

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first most common question asked by non Muslims are misconception

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that is in the minds of non Muslims. The top of the charts, it

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is regarding the word jihad. Many people including many Muslims or

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non Muslims think jihad is any war fought by any Muslim whether it be

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for any reason, whether it be for land, whether it be for language,

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whether it be for power, whether it be for money, Jihad does not

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mean any war fought by any Muslim, whether it be for land, whether it

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be for language, whether it be for power, whether it be for money.

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Jihad basically means to strive, it means to struggle, and an

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Islamic context. Jihad also means to strive and struggle against

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oppression. Jihad also means to strive and struggle against one's

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own evil inclination. Jihad also means to strive and struggle to

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make the society better. Jihad also means to strive and struggle

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in self defense in the battlefield. So Jihad basically

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means to strive, it means to struggle. For example, if a

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student is striving and struggling to pass an examination in Arabic,

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you would say that he's doing jihad. And many people have a

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misconception that Jihad can only be done by Muslims. There are no

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less than two different verses in the Glorious Quran which talk

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about Jihad being done by non Muslims. Allah subhanaw taala says

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in the Glorious Quran, and Sunnah Look, man, chapter number 31 was

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Psalm 14, what was finally inside of you validation. And you have

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enjoined upon man to be kind to spare since his mother bought him

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at travail upon travail, and his weaning is in two years. The next

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was of Serato Lachman, chap number 31 was 15 Allah subhanaw taala

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says that in the parents they do jihad, strive and struggle to make

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you worship Allah, Allah subhanaw taala to be them, but live with

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them with love and compassion. And

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Allah subhanaw taala also repeats a similar message in Switzerland

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Kabu chapter number 29 was Psalm eight. But if the parents they do

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jihad strive and struggle to make your worship others besides Allah

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subhanaw taala then do not obey them, but yet live with them with

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love and compassion. So your Allah subhanaw taala is talking about

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non Muslim parents who are doing jihad striving and struggling to

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make their children worship others besides Allah subhanaw taala this

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type of jihad, it is jihad feasterville shaytaan jihad in the

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way or the path of the Satan, what we Muslim should do is jihad

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feasable Allah, jihad in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. But

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normally when the term jihad is used, it is taken for granted that

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it is jihad visa vie the law unless specified. So Jihad

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basically means to strive and to struggle, for example, striving

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and struggle against one's own evil inclination, striving and

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struggling against oppression. One type of jihad is Qatar, that is

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fighting in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. But Jihad does not

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basically mean a war. Jihad basically means to strive, it

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means to struggle. Many non Muslims, including many so called

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Muslim scholars, inverted commas, they translate this word jihad as

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holy war.

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Nowhere is this word holy word present in the Glorious Quran, or

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in the authentic a hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may

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peace and blessings be upon him. This word holy war in Arabic, it

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is hard to

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know where is this word?

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present in the Glorious Quran, or in any authentic hadith of our

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beloved Prophet Muhammad? May peace and blessings be upon him.

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This word holy war it was full

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used to describe the Christian Crusaders, the Crusades, who

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spread Christianity at the point of the assault.

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So Jihad does not basically mean a war. Jihad basically means to

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strive and struggle.

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And if we look at the lifestyle of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace

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be upon him the first 13 years of prophethood. During the Meccan

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period, there were several verses that were revealed, which talk

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about jihad.

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But there was no war that took place at that time and this was

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And Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Blanca

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Bucha app number 29 was Psalm 69 While lady Nyjah hadoo fina letter

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Vietnam, Cebu Lana, we're in Hola, hola man, Maxine, and those who

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strive in our way we shall surely open up their pathways. But this

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was was revealed there was no war that took place at the time. Allah

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subhanaw taala also says the glorious transporter for Khan

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chapter 25 was supposed to fall out McAfee Rena wotja He don't be

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Jihad Kabira then do not follow the unbelievers. But strive with

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them strenuously against the Glorious Quran. Do you mean to say

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you're going to find it the Quran but natural No. And when this was

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was revealed, there was no war that took place. What does it

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mean? It means that you have to strive and struggle to convey the

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message of Islam to the non Muslims to those who are unaware

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of it. Therefore, previously this misconception regarding jihad, it

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was not at the top of the charts. So depending upon how the media,

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it portrays Islam, these misconceptions arise in the minds

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of non Muslims. And one verse of the Glorious Quran is sufficient

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to prove that Islam was not spread by the sword. Allah subhanaw taala

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says in the Glorious Quran so to mind that chapter five verse

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number 32. Man, enough some divine enough's officer I didn't feel

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forgotten Nana patella NASA Jamia that if anyone kills any human

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being, unless it be for murder, offers printing corruption in the

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line, it is as if he has killed the whole of humanity, woman

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and message me and if anyone sees any single human being, it is as

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if we are saved the whole of humanity. Killing any innocent

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human being is prohibited. It is against the teachings of the

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Glorious Quran, it is against the teachings of Islam. So Jihad

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basically means to strive it means to struggle depending upon how the

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media portrays Islam. These misconceptions arise in the minds

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of the non Muslims. Unfortunately we Muslims, we are very backward

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as far as using media for that less concern. We should use media

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to convey the message of Islam in a professional manner.

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