Fariq Naik – The Islamic Mode of Slaughtering
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Speaker 1 discusses the Islamic model of slaughtering animals, which involves killing the animal with a scientific method rather than with a surgical operation. They also mention the use of a shortcut method, which involves killing the animal with a knife and shaking the throat. The model suggests that the Androidive process of slaughtering animals is the most humane and scientifically accurate, as the process involves killing the animal with a knife and shaking the throat.
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The ninth misconception is that we Muslims, we eat non vegetarian
food. But why do we kill the animal so ruthlessly, slowly,
steadily, rather than the way we do that is the chapter one tadka
for that the animal is killed.
There was an argument between a Muslim and a Sikh, and the six
said that y'all Muslims, y'all are ruthless people. Y'all kill
animals slowly, steadily, y'all to laddle do in the way we do. That
is a one jotka for attack, the animal is killed.
The Muslim said, we Muslims, we are merkaba Mussulman we attack
the animal from the front you are cowards and attacking from behind.
This another reason this was his ECMA
he did not have any answers to this was his ACHEMA.
The Islamic mode of slaughtering is known as a Bihar
it is done with a sharp object that is a knife and we cut the
throat, windpipe and blood vessels without cutting the spinal cord.
Because there can be a cardiac arrest stagnating the blood in the
blood vessels
and the meat that is cut in the Islamic way, it remains fresh for
a longer time than the other methods of slaughtering.
Many people say that the animal you know it dies a painful death.
The animal rather dies of painless death. But in the shortcut method,
the animal dies sometimes after us together in the Islamic mode of
slaughtering the animal gets with us and shakes not due to pain, but
due to the flow of the blood out of the body. So the Islamic mood
of slaughtering is the best, the most humane, and scientifically
also the best