Fariq Naik – The Bible Does not Mention any Date for the Birth of Christ
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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
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Christians they celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ peace be
upon and they say that is 25th of December. But in fact, if you read
the Bible, the Bible does not mention a specific date. As far as
the birth of Jesus Christ, please be eponymous concern. But yet the
Christian does celebrate this day. That is the 25th of December and
they say that is the birthday of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.
And they say that on this day, Almighty God we got a son. Now
Isabella, unfortunately, we find many Muslim that during these
religious festivals, whether it be Christmas or whether it be other
festivals, many Muslims, they have businesses, for example, a Muslim
may have an electronics business or a business of garments or
textiles. And they put banners in their shops, Christmas offer or
Christmas See, even this should not be done.