Fariq Naik – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Rejected the Claim That the Moon Eclipsed for His Son’s Death
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Speaker 1 describes the famous Bible as a golden opportunity to claim victory, as the Prophet sallwni alayhi wa sallam's son, praised by the Bible, and later revealed that he was the one who created the world. The event is said to have been a reference to the success of Islam, and the discussion touches upon the idea that Islam is a warPEAKER.
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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his son Ibrahim, he
expired. This coincided with the Eclipse. So the people they said,
Ah, this is a sign from Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet Sal has
expired, and there's an eclipse the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam
immediately said that the sun and the moon that signs of Allah did
not eclipse on the birth or death of any person, for when you see
them glorify Allah subhanaw taala this was a golden opportunity, a
key moment if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if you
want to lead a ship, you could have easily told that the eclipses
due to the death of my son, but this clearly proves the Prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him. He did not create for the leadership,
Glory etc.