Fariq Naik – Disputable Issues Should be Reffered to the Qur’an and Sunnah
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The speaker discusses the history of Islam, including the use of the word "has been" in the title "has been" to describe actions or behavior. They also mention the use of "has been" in the title "has been" to describe actions or behavior. The speaker emphasizes the need to stick to the Glorious Quran and the importance of authentic hadiths in Islam.
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Allah Subhan Allah says in surah nisa Chapter Four was 59 What
Aquila while to Rasul, obey Allah and obey His messenger and those
in authority amongst you, but it does not put a full stop yo many
people put a full stop yo when there's no full stop Allah
subhanaw taala continuances that if they differ, go back to Allah
and his messenger obey Allah and obey His messenger and those in
authority amongst you, but if they differ, go back to Allah and His
messenger. So for example, if all the scholars say that we have to
offer salah, there is no second doubt about it, we can follow it.
But if the scholars if they differ, then have to go back to
Allah and His messenger.
And our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
that Muslims it will be divided into 736 so many people they say
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that we have to
make *. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the
crime and theft will increase, that does not mean that you have
to do crime and theft.
So similarly, the prophet Allah was so instead there will be sound
236 Not that you have to make 73 sects.
And Allah subhanaw taala says through anom chapter six was to
159 that making * is haram. It is forbidden in Islam, and does
not the hadith of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam when he said that there will be sound to the * and only
one sec will go to Paradise will enter Jannah and the Savalas will
say to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said that the one
that follows the Quran and authentic hadith, the said that
follows me. Therefore making * is prohibited. It is haram in
Islam. If it stick to the Glorious Quran and authentic hadith the
religion it will not be divided into *.
Therefore Muslims will be one. If we stick to the Glorious Quran and
authentic says authentic hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam, then the religion it will not be divided
into six