Fariq Naik – Allah Says in the Quran 4153 that He will show His Signs to Everyone. Then why is not the Whole

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of believing in one god for one's life and the need for a free will to embrace Islam. They also mention reasons why people may not embrace Islam, including reasons such as fear of failure and the desire to avoid obstacles. The speaker emphasizes the importance of entering into the culture of Islam and the potential reward for those who succeed in achieving Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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So let's take the first question assalamu Alikum you said that in

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Surah facilite chapter 41 was done 53 that God will show his signs in

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the horizon until we know that this is the truth. Then why is the

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whole world not Muslim?

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in Surah Yunus

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chapter number 10 What's the 99? Well, I will Sha rabuka la man a

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man fill out the Cologne Jamia that if Allah subhanaw taala will

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all would have believed in the world entirely. That means if

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Allah subhanaw taala will, he could have made all the people on

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earth believe in him believe in Allah subhanaw taala

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but this life is a test for the hereafter, if everyone would have

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been Muslims, or if Allah subhanaw taala would have made everyone

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except Islam then well as the guest, Allah subhanaw taala says

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in the Glorious Quran in surah Mulk chapter 67 was the motto I

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love the Halacha Mota will hire Leah Balu welcome Are you

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combatant Mamilla it is Allah who has created that and life to test

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which of you are good deeds. So this life is a test for the

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hereafter and the human beings we have been given a free will to

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either do the right things to either do righteous deeds, or to

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do bad deeds, we have the free will. It depends upon us human

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beings, what path we choose. So this life it is a test for the

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hereafter. If Allah subhanaw taala wanted you could have made the

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entire world except Islam. Now there are various reasons why a

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person may not embrace Islam. There are many people who know

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that Islam is the correct way of life, but yet they are persistent

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and did not embrace Islam. Now, what are the reasons there are

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various reasons. For example, a person if he wants to embrace

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Islam, he may think that he will have to leave his previous

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lifestyle, he will have to change his previous lifestyle. For

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example, He will have to stop having alcohol, he will have to

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stop having pork, the woman, she may think that she will have to

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start wearing the hijab. So all these things a person may think

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that they are obstacles. That is the reason a person may not

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embrace Islam. But the moment a person realizes that Islam is the

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correct way of life, he should immediately accept Islam. The

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first and the most important thing is entering into the fold of

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Islam. Later on the practice can come gradually. But the most

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important thing is believing in one god Allah subhanaw taala. And

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whenever you're doing Dawa, the first thing the primary thing that

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you need to focus on, it is Tauheed that is the Oneness of

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Allah subhanaw taala because if you do not talk about Tauheed, all

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your data is useless. Allah subhanaw taala says into the Nyssa

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chapter number four was Psalm 48. And so the Nyssa chapter number

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four was 216 in Allaha, la El Faro, unusual Jakobi well through

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Medina there you can even yesha that if Allah pleases He may

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forgive Edison, but the sin of shirk, he will not forgive. So,

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this life it is a test for the hereafter. If Allah wanted, he

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could have made the entire world embrace a slump. But Allah

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subhanaw taala he is testing as human beings and this life is a

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test for the hereafter. And those people who succeed in this test,

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they will have the eternal reward, they will attain the pleasure of

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Allah subhanaw taala and they will enter the gardens of Paradise

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