Faith IQ – Does What I Recite In My 1st & 2nd Rak’ah Have To Be In Order

Faith IQ
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the recitation of a song in a first and second look, stating that it is recommended to start with the first part of the song and then recite in the second. They also mention that the first part should precede the second part.
AI: Transcript ©
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Do the Sooners that I recite in the first and second look I have to be in order of the on

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the order of the plan from the beginning being sorted 30 all the way to the end of saltiness is the order that it will end that the chapters of the Quran are organized in as we have it now. Now when we are insula It is recommended that the first portion of called and that we recite in the first selector should precede the what we recite in the second lecture. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended.

Alhamdulillah, most of us are able to recite Surah Al Fatiha along with some parts of the Qur’an following it. Some may find it difficult to remember the sequence of surahs. Is it mandatory to recite the verses we choose to recite after Surah Al Fatiha in order? Shaykh Mohammed Mana answers this question.

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