Ebrahim Gabriels – Delivering Muharram talk

Ebrahim Gabriels
AI: Summary ©
The sermon on the importance of increasing the number of people attendingn't just for pride or pleasure, but for change and a return to reality. The sermon also emphasizes the need to act as a generator of pride and change, and to use the hasn't been fast to plan for the Great War. The importance of showing the best of Islam to others, not just those who may not know, is emphasized, along with the need to change one's character and attitude towards others to achieve Islam. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of fasting and addressing one's pride, and encourages everyone to make a fasting meal and address one's pride.
AI: Transcript ©
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Similar rahman, rahim Alhamdulillah, Rabbi Lamin o

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salatul, Salaam alaiil Mursaleen, imam in muttaqin, Sayyidina wa

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Habibi na Muhammad bin Salallahu Salem,

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honorable IMC hafiq, Mahmoud Khatib,

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the Honorable Imams of the masjid Shah Abdul, Rahman, Alexander, and

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Shaykh for art Isaacs, all the respected ulama, my beloved

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mothers and fathers and beloved sisters and brothers and honorable

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viewers, I greet you with the universal greetings of love and

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peace and mercy. Assalamu, Alaikum. Warahmatullahi wa

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Alhamdulillah, from Alhamdulillah,

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we thank Allah, subhana wa Taala

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for gathering us here tonight in majli kuts

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and as we've made Salah in Mazal qutz Tonight, may Allah grant soon

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we will make making Salah in Al Quds in Mazal aksah

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in a free and a liberated Mazal Aksha. And

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we thank Allah, subhanaw taala, for all the favors that Allah has

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bestowed upon us. And we thank Allah for the greatest favor that

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Allah has bestowed upon us, and that is Allah has made us part of

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the ummah of la ilaha, illallah, Muhammad, rasulallah.

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We can't thank Allah enough that we are part of the ummah of

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rasulallah. We don't even want to imagine our life would have been

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if we had to live in kufr and shirk. But we say million and

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billion times Alhamdulillah for the niama of Islam. When I say

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Allah, ILAHA, illallah, Shariq, Allah, we be a testimony that no

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one has got the right to be worshiped except Allah alone. And

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we also be a testimony that our beloved Nabi Muhammad, sallAllahu,

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Sallam is the final and the greatest message of Allah Al

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qawil, the one that said Ow nasibi, Yao Mel, Qiyamah, Akhtar

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hum ala ya Salatin, Rasulullah says, salallahu, salaam, the

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people closest to me on the Day of Qiyamah, and the people first in

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line to receive the shafa of Rasulullah to enter the Jannah are

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those Muslims Who were the most consistent in putting Salawat on

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our beloved Nabi Muhammad. SallAllahu, sallam,

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maybe we should take that as one of our first resolutions for the

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new year, that we're going to increase our Salawat on our

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beloved Nabi Muhammad. This is a reminder game. Just imagine if you

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put 100 Salawat in Rasulullah every day, Sala alai, salam, then

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Allah will put 1000

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mercy from Allah on you, Allahu, Akbar.

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So let us increase our Salawat on our beloved Nabi Muhammad, sallam,

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and so that we can be first in line to receive the shafa

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Rasulullah on the day of Yom al Qiyamah,

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Allah says in

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the Holy Quran, Rajiv, rahman, rahim, right at the beginning of

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Surat Al ambiya, I believe nahi, Sabu, wahoon, filatim ma aridun,

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wa, Colin, nabiu, salaam, Minister, WA, yaw mahu fahu wa mah

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boon. Rasha says, Whosoever two consecutive days are the same,

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then you are a loser.

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Now, if two days are the same and you a loser, what about two years

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being the same? So we need to change. That is why Muharram is a

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time to reflect.

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Baharam is a time to be critical about ourselves.

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Maharam is a time to plan the way forward. Maharam is a time to

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think deeply about self improvement

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and coming back to reflect. I We part of the reflection in the

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month of Muharram is that we should say to ourselves,

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if Allah had to take me away in the last year 1438,

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would I have been ready to meet Allah? And

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I think most of us will say, No, I'm not ready yet. So this is a

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time to decide now, this year inshaAllah, I'm going to get

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myself ready to meet Allah, because it might be that Allah is

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going to take us away this year.

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Does anybody get anybody here and outside the masjid God guarantee

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that you're still going to be alive in five years time. No, we

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not do. We don't even have guarantee that you're going to be

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still alive tomorrow.

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And that's why Allah says to us in Quran, yeah, I will let in the

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haka to Kati wala, tamutu na ILA wa untu, Muslim moon, oh, you

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believe fear Allah in the way that you ought to fear Allah.

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Allah and do not die unless you are in a complete state of

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submission and obedience to Allah

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Ramatu. Mean, I want you on the night of 10th maharam, I want you

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to remember the secret of this ayah. There is a deep secret of

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this ayah, Allah says, And do not die unless you are in a complete

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state of submission and obedience to Allah. The secret of the ayah

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is that Allah wants us to live every day in total obedience to

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Allah, because you do not know which day Allah is going to take

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you away. That is why you need to live every day in total submission

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to Allah.

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Coming to the Ayah inazir has Abu Allah says to us in Surah Al

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Ambia, and we need to take Allah very, very serious.

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The Day of qiyama, the day of reckoning, the day when we are

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arguing to stand in front of Allah waiting for judgment is getting

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closer and closer, but people generally are unconcerned about

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the day of Yom al Qiyamah. They are heedless.

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What must mean

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talking about the word unconcerned, lots and lots of

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people are unconcerned of what, of what Allah thinks about them.

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Lots and lots of people are unconcerned about their children.

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Many of our children, they don't make salah, but we are

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unconcerned, as mothers and fathers. How can you be

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unconcerned about your own children?

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We are unconcerned about the level of spirituality, about of our

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We are unconcerned about the alach, the character

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of our children. Yes, here in South Africa and beyond South

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Africa, 30 years ago and 40 years ago, children had the best of

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character. But why is it changed? Because mothers and fathers have

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neglected their duties towards the children our beloved. Nabi

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Muhammad says, the best that you can give to your child is

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beautiful character.

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Says, imagine the NABI Muhammad says, Alisa was salam, akrabun,

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Nasi, Leia, Majlis, the people nearest to me on the day of qiyama

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are those people who had the best of character. You know, I'm almost

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saying this almost every day.

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Last year, only last year I learned this beautiful Hadith, an

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important hadith of Rasulullah Ali said to Islam. And I'm so happy

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and I'm so grateful that I've learned this hadith. And the

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hadith is Rasulullah was us. Ali said to assalam, ya rasulallah,

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man ahabu, ibadi, la illAllah. Ya rasulallah, who of all the people

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in the world are the most beloved to Allah. And

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Rasulullah said, ah San hum, Hulu Ka, those of them who are the best

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of character. Now, who of us don't want to be the most beloved to

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Allah? If you want to be the most Beloved of Allah, change your

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character. Change your attitude towards your wife, towards your

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husband, your children, your sisters, your brothers, all the

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people in the world. And that is the advice of Rasulullah Ali said

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to us, salam, that you display the best of character. Waholic in

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nurse, Rasulullah says, waholiki Nurse, not Wahoo Muslim, mean

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waholiki Nurse, display the best of character to all people, says

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the NABI Muhammad Ali said to Salam, the

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right Muslim, mean

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Muslim. Muslims today

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are not even concerned

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about their prime responsibility.

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What is our prime responsibility in this world? Our prime

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responsibility is to deliver the message of Islam.

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I think it's a high time that we in South Africa must admit that we

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have neglected this duty of spreading the message of Islam,

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the Nur of Islam, the Nur of the Quran, the Nur and the beauty of

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Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Sallam Wallahi. I promise you

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many people around here in South Africa,

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they have got no idea what the dean of Islam is about. I'm just

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going to give you an idea. I was once traveling to Johannesburg,

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and I was sitting to an African lady,

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and I'm always worried I have the opportunity to speak to her about

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and maybe the devkiyama Allah is going to keep me responsible that

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I didn't tell her anything about Islam. So to start off the

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conversation, I asked her, Are you from Johannesburg or Cape Town?

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She said, from Johannesburg? I said, No, I am from Cape Town, and

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I'm a Muslim,

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and we as Muslims, be.

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Eve that there's no there's not a god for Christians and a different

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god for Jews and a different god for Hindus and a different there's

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only one God, and we believe in that one God and Prophet,

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Muhammad, is our beloved prophet, and the Prophet of Allah. You

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know what he said to

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me, are you speaking the truth? Don't you believe in Muhammad

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because I am a gospel singer, and I sing in the church. God is God,

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and Muhammad is not God, although it is a truth that says sing, but

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in the context of her understanding, See, Think, see

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things and see beliefs that we as Muslims believe in our beloved

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Nabih Muhammad, lestul Islam. Now there are millions of people

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around the world. Why do they believe that way? Because we

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didn't deliver the message.

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Mean the good news about delivering the message,

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our beloved Nabih Muhammad says, if me or you are the cause in the

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Sabha, that one person embraces the deen of Islam. Khirumin afiha

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is better than the whole world and all the wealth and diamonds and

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gold of the world. Muslims are striving so much for money and

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forgetting about the deen. If you are the cause that one person

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comes to the deen of Islam, it's better than all the money and all

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the wealth in the world. The other good news about delivering the

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message is

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we are not accountable in front of Allah and responsible for the

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results. We are not responsible for results. We must just deliver

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the message. And that is important, because some people

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think, if I'm going to call a person to islama, how is he going

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to understand? No, that is not your worry. You must just deliver

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the message. And millions and millions of people are waiting for

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Muslims to deliver the message. So tama to mean my time is limited,

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but I want to make that my Muharram message to each and every

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brother and sister in Cape Town in South Africa and all over the

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world that we as Muslims need to follow our beloved Nabi Muhammad

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Ali said to Islam, because Allah says to Rasulullah, sallAllahu,

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sallam, kulhadi, sabili Abu Ila alabasi, ratin Anna, wamanitaba,

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ani ya rasulallah, Saye to them, This is my way of life, calling

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people to Allah with knowledge I and my followers, this is our

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prime responsibility in this world, and this must be inshaAllah

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for the year forward and the years to come that we as Muslims here in

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South Africa, we need to deliver the message in Yoruba Lamin now,

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what must mean.

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In conclusion, I want to say

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once again

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that may Allah subhana grant us that we're going to work hard on

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our character and our attitudes. We need to change our attitudes.

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know, when I was in hajj, now with

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Shahab Rahman and Sharia, one of the DUA that we've made, Oh Allah,

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grant me to be the best husband in the world,

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God be to be the best father in the world. God be to be the best

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grandfather, the best uncle the best everything. That is the

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reason why Allah has created us. Liyabhum, ayukum, ah Sanu, Amala,

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to teach you Who of you are going to be the best.

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Now, what must mean in the last two minutes that I have over,

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I never ever forget to remind the Muslims my brothers and my

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sisters, out of love and concern, I never forget to remind them

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about the Salah.

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And the reason why we need to do that, all of us is because there

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are too many Muslims that are neglectful with the Salah, and

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that must be of great concern to all of us, because our beloved

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Nabi Muhammad says, Malaki Allah, the only salah, lam yahba Allah,

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any person that leaves this world whilst he or she was neglectful

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with the salah on the Day of Qiyamah, Allah is not interested

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in all your other good deeds.

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You could have gone for Hajj every year and given sadaqah to the poor

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and it's really of great concern. Know what must mean our beloved

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Nabi Muhammad says, tarahu Salaam,

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a person that leaves the Salah is male, own, is cursed by Allah.

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No, the Tariq Salah that rasulallah is referring to is not

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the person that don't make doer and don't make ASR. Rasulallah

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doesn't even speak about that person. Rasulullah is referring to

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the person he makes DUA and Asr tonight as.

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Out of Time. Allah says in the Quran fawail musalim,

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a whale a valley in the fire of Jahannam, for people that make

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Salah five times, but out of time.

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So may Allah grant that all of us, we first concentrate on our

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children and our grandchildren and make sure that each and everyone

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in our family makes salah. Allah says to us as mothers and fathers

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and sisters and grandmothers and grandfathers. Yah iwala, Manu Ku

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amphusa, Kumu Ali Kum Nara, oh, you believe Save yourselves and

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save your family, save your children from the fire of Jahannam

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May Allah grant that this year is going to be a great year for the

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ummah of the NABI. Muhammad Ali said to Salam, we had a difficult

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year last year, and especially in the month of hajj, the last month

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when so many of our sisters and our brothers and our children have

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been massacred and murdered in Rohingya, we make dua tonight and

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tomorrow, tomorrow, when we're going to fast, and we appeal to

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everybody to fast tomorrow. You know,

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you must allow me to say, as a person and as a brother and as a

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Muslim, I feel very disappointed if a Muslim don't fast on the 10th

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of maharam. I must be honest. Rasulullah says to us, if you fast

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on the 10th of maharam, Allah will forgive the sins of a whole year.

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still, you don't take note of Rasulullah, and

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that's why I use the word tonight, unconcern. You're not even

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concerned about the words of Rasulullah. Ali said to uslam,

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you're not concerned about your sins that you've done for a whole

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year, and Allah is prepared to forgive your whole year. So

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tomorrow, everybody should fast, and we expect everybody also to be

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at a salatul istiq Tomorrow morning at chakarud of Pasik.

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Inshallah, we're going to appeal to Allah to send down the rain.

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And we ask everybody tonight and tomorrow to keep on making istiff

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ishtiqar as Allah forgiveness for your silly sama Ali, Kumi Darrah

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Allah speaks about Nabi Nuf when he told his people make istikhar

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Allah is the most unforgiving, and Allah will send down the rain. And

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maybe that should be another resolution for the new year that

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we increase our istiqfar. Malayti Farah, whosoever consistently asks

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Allah for forgiveness. The Nabi Muhammad says Allah will remove

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all your worries and all your problems and all your concerns,

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and Allah will give you rizq so much sustenance you wouldn't

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expect so many rizq from Allah, but because of the barakah of

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yourself, humbling yourself and asking Allah forgiveness in

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abundance, shukran for the opportunity, and shukran for

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listening to me. And once again, we make Noah for each and every

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Muslim in this world. Allah subhanaw, grant you, Inshallah,

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this year is going to be the best year for us and for the Ummah at

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large. And may Allah subhana unite the hearts of the Muslim ummah,

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masallah Muhammad, Alhamdulillah, mean.

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