Abu Taymiyyah – If Only I Didn’t Befriend Her BadCompanions
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So the question you need to ask yourself
brothers and sisters, and I'm being serious about
this. The people that are around you, look
to your left, look to your right. Is
he pulling me towards the religion of Islam?
Or is he now pushing me further away?
When the time of salah comes, is he
like, oh, let's carry on. Just one more
gold, one more gold.
On his FIFA. Oh, let me just kill
one more guy. One more round. One more
Or is he the type to just leave
everything that he's doing, pull you towards the
masjid of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Because you
have to understand brothers and sisters, it has
a big effect.
Brothers and sisters. I hope you are all
well. I just wanted to say in the
beginning, firstly, thank you very much,
for attending today.
As I was coming in in the car,
I was driving some of the brothers. I
thought to myself, like, where on earth are
we going? You know, it was coming in
trees and a little farm and looking place.
and, I thought to myself,
people are gonna really struggle
to come here. So, you know, guys, it
really sometimes requires motivation,
a lot of effort to sometimes try and
seek that knowledge because it doesn't come easy.
It doesn't come easy. You're gonna have to
really go through
difficulty sometimes, you're gonna go through a lot
of problems
just so, you know, you could obtain this
Noor, this light
that Allah
has mentioned to us in the Quran time
and time. Again,
you know brothers and sisters you have to
understand one thing.
Allah says in the Quran
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala wants to forgive you.
He wants you to ask him for forgiveness.
But you find those who follow their desires,
they want you to go astray. They want
you to go very far astray.
And that now brings me to the point
that we are here to discuss today which
one of the means
that keeps a person upon his tikamah,
keeps him steadfast,
firm upon his religion is the friends that
he has.
The companions, the people that are around him.
You know brothers and sisters, this is similar
lecture to this. I've maybe delivered
it more than 23 times around the country.
Because everywhere we go, we always find a
similar problems.
You find that the message calls you and
they say, oh no, our kids, they are
they are drug dealing, they've got bad people
around them, we've tried and so on and
so forth. But nothing's happening.
It's a very big problem in everywhere.
You go to the other side of the
world, you find the exact same problem. You
go to Coventry, you go to Leicester, you
go to London, it's the exact same problem.
And this is why the experts,
they say that
a person becomes affected and influenced because of
3 things.
Firstly, you find the people around him.
The environment also.
And the third thing that they say is
the DNA.
But here we want to give a lot
of emphasis to the issue of
The effect and the influence that it has
on a person.
And we also have to realize brothers and
that I know these people here today
that really want to change.
They want to become better Muslims, they want,
you know, a better future for themselves.
And they've realized that they've been drowned in
so much, you know, fit and hope,
filth, evil.
But you have to also understand brothers and
sisters that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala really wants
you to change.
The other day, I put something on Twitter
and I got really really excited.
I've had an email, you know, the reason
why I put it on Twitter was because
I received an email from 1,
brother who said that I've had such an
evil past.
And I wanna change.
And I don't think I'm the type to
change because of the evil past that I
had. So I put on Twitter a quote
that I had before
which is very relevant to our situation.
had a past
and every sinner has a future. So when
I put the up, Abu Bakr started messaging
me with so, you know, so excited
and happy. Oh, you took that off my
DM. Oh, you're trying to refer to me.
This is really, you know, gassed by himself.
I don't know where he got it from.
I don't even check his DM. Thing is
I'm trespassing his, his Twitter.
Oh, whatever it's called in there.
And then she shared me in Al Kalam
everyone, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has opened that
door for everybody to change.
No matter how evil you were, how many
people you've killed, how many women you fornicated
and done the zina with. That door is
always open. Have you that seen brothers and
sisters, there's times when,
you know you've done something wrong to someone.
Even after you try to apologize, he doesn't
wanna know. He turns away from you. Recently,
I go into an argument with my cousin.
Even though I don't believe that I was
wrong, I said story to him at the
end. He goes take your story
and not story, sorry, and throw in your
face. That's what he said to me.
He's a family member of mine. And you
find that many of the Bani Adam are
like that. The son of You know, Adam
they they just don't wanna accept your apology.
And I'm thinking to myself Allah
opened the door of Tawba for you to
change. And you, the son of Adam who
is absolutely nothing.
Is this still on?
Who you're absolutely nothing.
You don't wanna accept my apology.
So the point is brothers and sisters, we
have the opportunity to shave. No matter how
bad you are, the door is open for
you to hit new heights, to become
a great person that the people, inshallah, will
look up to. Don't think everybody has a
beer today. They've always had the most enjoyable
and the best of tasks. No. There's people
that I know who today are given dawah
that were drug dealers.
I knew people who were carrying knives.
I know people who have scars all over
their bodies.
But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
changed them in an instance.
So the point is again, I know I'm
going off topic, I tend to do that
of the excitement of sometimes, some of the
things that goes through my mind. We're here
to speak about the companions, and the effect,
and the influence that it has on a
And I'm going to mention to you inshaAllah
some stories.
The first story that I'm going to start
is Abu Talib.
Does anybody here not know who Abu Talib
Who is Abu Talib?
Oh, the lovely white jacket here.
A cousin,
the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
Brothers and sisters, on his deathbed,
the Prophet
he goes
and he visits Abu Talib.
Abu Talib brothers and sisters,
he was someone who aided
the religion of Islam. I don't think any
of us are sitting here today in his
is ever going to do as much.
Or give alisslam as much assistance
and aid the amount that Abu Talib, the
uncle of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
He's on his death bed, he's dying, the
last few moments.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam enters upon
Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam
enters upon Abu Talib.
He says to him something very very simple.
A statement that you say it on your
malqiam I am going to defend you, I'm
gonna have your back.
He's going to dispute
on his behalf to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Asking him to accept it from him.
With me brothers and sisters, this Abu Talib.
Because at that time he was a conquer.
You have his companions,
Abu Jahal, and all his other
You know, family members who are sitting there
by his side, saying to him.
Are you now going to desire
other than the religion of Abdul Muttalib?
So then the Prophet says the same thing.
Then you have his other companions on the
other side saying to him, are you going
to desire other than the religion Abdul Muqaddib?
So they're going back and forth.
He's looking like this, and he's looking like
that. He's in confusion now.
Doesn't know which path to take. 1 Abu
Tali brothers and sisters,
he knew that the religion of al Islam
was the truth.
If it wasn't for the fact that I
was going to be blamed.
And you know problems I was going to
face, I would have accepted the religion.
And he mentioned his line of prophet that
he knew that the religion of Al Islam
was the truth.
But because of what brothers and sisters,
his bad companions that he had
was the reason as to why he never
accepted Islam.
And you know what brothers and sisters?
Because of his bad companions,
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told us in hadith,
A man is going to be brought on
Yom Kiyama.
2 rocks are going to be placed under
his feet.
From the hellfire. 2 rocks from the hellfire
going to be placed under his feet. What's
going to happen brothers and sisters? His brain
is going to boil.
In another narration it comes,
A man will look at this ada, this
punishment that the uncle of the prophet
is going through. And you know he's going
to say to himself brothers and sisters?
That nobody is going to be punished
with a bigger punishment
than Abu Talib.
But guess what brothers and sisters?
It is the lightest
punishment that a person is going to see
on your Mahiyyah.
And all because of what?
His friends.
The people that were around him that influenced
him, that affected him.
To have a particular ideology, a particular religion
because of his friends. So the question you
need to ask yourself brothers and sisters,
and I'm being serious about this. The people
that are around you, look to your left,
look to your right. Is he pulling me
towards the religion of Islam?
Or is he now pushing me further away?
When the time of salah comes, is he
like, oh, let's carry on. Just one more
gold, one more gold.
On his FIFA. Oh, let me just kill
one more guy, one more round, one more
Or is it a type to just leave
everything that he's doing, pull you towards the
masjid of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala? Because you
have to understand brothers and sisters, it has
a big effect.
For no reason did the prophet
mentioned it many different times in his prophetic
A man is upon the religion of his
So let him in examine, let him investigate
who his friends are.
And another hadith, Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said
Like the one who has a good friend,
and the one who has a bad friend
is like the perfume seller
and also who? The blacksmith.
The perfume seller, he's either going to give
you a nice smell, you're gonna leave his
shop. We're coming out with a nice smell,
or you're gonna end up buying from him.
Are you there with me, brothers and sisters?
As for the blacksmith,
Or when you go and visit a blacksmith,
you're going to end up being burnt because
of the things that he works with. Right?
Or you're going to come out
a very bad smell.
And I see exactly how the good friend
is. When he takes you to the masjid
because it's time of salah, and you're somebody
who doesn't pray.
You're gonna think to yourself, oh, Ali has
done some good today. If your life is
just filled with filth.
And he'll stick with you. He will leave
traces on you.
But maybe he's a bad friend, he just
says to, actually one more. One more. One
Let's just do this on a day, just
one day.
Let's go and you know, pick up the
the girls and go and, you know, hire
a car, let's just go to the cinema,
let's just go to, what's this place called
again? Broadway, was
South Broadway,
that some of you may have seen, where
we went,
Since I've been back from Adina, I've never
felt that bad.
Being there for a few hours, I don't
think I've ever felt my heart like that.
Just being in this kind of environment. Just
one day, everybody is going, let us all
go to Jahannam Azul. That's exactly what it
How many times do we see right? Everybody
is doing it.
You know, everybody is doing it. Let us
go do it as well.
In simple terms for it to be dumbed
down, let us just all go to Jahannam
as though. That's exactly what it means.
2nd story that I'm gonna mention Insha'Allah
brothers and sisters.
This is not pertain to marriage.
I'm sure everybody here wants to get married.
Guys and the sisters,
you know, complete the other half of their
religion. I don't think anybody here wants to
say single and as a loner for the
rest of his life. So I think it's
imperative that we mentioned.
Does anybody here know Aisha?
Does anybody here know Aisha?
Put your hand up if you know Aisha
radhiallahu ta'ala has.
Half of the people here they don't know.
Come on guys, but we know Messi, right?
We know Messi, Ronaldo, Rihanna. What's her name?
Rihanna, Rihanna.
Kanye West, we know these guys, right? So
you have Aisha
There was an individual brother that says called
People say but the correct way to say
is. Imran brothers and sisters was an individual
who used to take a hadith from Aisha
radiAllahu ta'ala Anha.
He was a tabiari.
He used to take a hadith from Aisha
radiAllahu ta'ala Anha. Used to narrate, you know.
And people used to come and take this
hadith from him.
I shared Imam Al Khan, long story cut
A woman went past him, he ended up
seeing this very attractive beautiful sister.
And you know as they say brothers and
sisters love is blind, right?
This is why, you know, when a guy,
Allah says,
commented, the reason why the insan, the human,
he's weak. A girl, power walks past, he
struggles to lower his gaze. So a very
beautiful sister will pass.
And he wanted to get married to her.
People were like, no, don't get married to
her wife because she's from the Khawarij.
The Harijais, the extremists,
the people that we find today, people like
ISIS, Boko Haram,
all these other terroristic groups.
He was like, no.
Well, obviously that time, ISIS and Al Qaeda
weren't there. But I'm talking about that time,
the Kharijites at that time.
He was like no.
She can't change me, I'm gonna end up
changing her and make her upon the correct
Guess what happened brothers and sisters?
He ended up getting married to this woman
from the Khwarej,
and he became the head of the Khwarej.
From taking a hadith and being from the
students of Aisha, he became the heads of
the Khwarej.
Why am I mentioning the story? Because your
spouse brothers and sisters
is one of the closest
companions that you're going to have.
So a person needs to be very careful
of who he tries to get married to,
and he's to really examine it.
And investigate
who he wants to be spending the rest
of his life with.
Because it will have an effect. How many
sisters have I seen?
They become amused by the BMW that the
guy took on finance. A lot of time
today we see very nice cars, right? But
in fact the majority of them they've taken
on finance, and they're paying a rib on
it. They don't even own it. Always get
by seeing this money that he may have,
drug dealers money.
And her mind blows away because she sees
these materialistic
But later on, she messages me, she goes,
oh, brother, Ollahi, my husband, he went into
and then I tell you, why did you
go for him?
He got in trapped into prison now, and
now all of a sudden, regretful.
You could be somebody
who takes a wrong move in his life.
And it causes him to be regretful for
the rest of his life.
And this is why it's very very important
that a person really really looks into it.
This is why the prophet said,
Men normally tend to get married to women
due to
4 different reasons. Sometimes because of lineage,
you know, and also you have to realize
just because a family is good doesn't always
by default mean that she's going to be
good as well. So you need to look
at her.
All because of the Jeman.
So every guy here will that's a thirst
when it pops in his mind.
But if it's solely dependent on that,
and there's no religion there whatsoever,
It could end up being, you know, something
that you regret. The Jannah doesn't always
stay. 2 years, 3 years, the baby comes,
you know,
it's not always the pajamas that, you know,
the night clothes that she wears,
every single night.
And then also you find the third thing
that was mentioned. What was the third one?
I mentioned 2 things.
Lineage, what else?
3rd one is
her wealth also. How many times did we
see brothers and sisters?
You know when the recession took place so
many years ago, some of you probably went
alive or something. So it's 5, 6 years
ago, right?
How long ago was it? Akhima, 6, 7
years ago.
So when the recession took place,
tomorrow the recession takes place, and I got
married to this person simply because he's a
very rich person. Does that mean Halas when
the wealth goes I'm gonna leave him?
If that's, you know, it's solely dependent on
the wealth and the money.
4th thing is the religion.
Go for the one for the with that
has the religion. I'm not saying to you
end up getting married to a sister that
you're totally unattracted to. No.
But rather the main thing you look at,
is there any potential in her when it
comes to the religion? That's why the prophet
salallahu alaihi wasallam, he said.
This dunya is an enjoyment.
And the best part of this enjoyment is
getting married to a righteous woman.
When you look at her, she makes you
When you ask her to do something,
she's obedient straight away.
And when you're not absent from her, she
looks after herself and she looks after your
wealth. May Allah give you all. Women like
that, if you already married another one.
Nobody said Amin, fine then, ain't it?
I shared with him in kalam, guys it's
very very, you know, important that you look
at this because how many guys do we
see now? Wallahi they're complaining, they go away,
and their wife is behind his back putting
her Instagram pictures online.
Behind his back.
And if a woman doesn't know her religion
properly it could be the reason why she
does that. And the last story that I'm
going to conclude with, there's only 5 minutes
This is a personal story
that my own cousin told me about,
my own cousin.
And it's partly to do because of what
the friends that his sister had.
There was a sister guys who used to
wear the niqab, her jilbaab, she was dressed
from top to bottom.
She was closed out.
Couldn't see her.
And obviously you have to understand also guys
that women crave attention. When you look at
married, you have to understand that women crave
attention. You don't give her attention, it's a
They crave attention.
And obviously, she has friends now that
put their pictures out on Instagram or social
media, and they get a lot of likes,
likes, likes.
It's a disease today. It's like a drug.
It's like a drug. What happens when you
when you smoke weed or you smoke crack,
you get excited. Right? Become very happy and
that you, you know, you start jumping up
and down.
That's exactly how social media has come today.
The more likes you get, the more happy
a person becomes. And the less likes he
gets, he becomes depressed. Well, that is very
Check it out for yourself. I shared the
man of kiram. Obviously, if a woman is
dressed from top to bottom, then
obviously, you know,
no one's gonna give likes. Right? Because they
can't even see the way she looks.
So slowly slowly,
one garment after the other started coming
Comes off. She's still wearing her jibab.
Starts putting pictures on on social media.
She's gonna get some likes, right? Because her
face, you know, not as many as everybody
else though. Then the next garment comes off.
Now all of a sudden the jilbab, the
buggy one is off, it's been dumped. She's
wearing more, you know, skinnier one.
The knot comes off, it's more light, you
know, dressing a bit more moderately.
Later on the hijab comes off.
The hijab has now come off.
And slowly even more, she started exposing some
even more. What happened brothers and sisters?
She started speaking to this guy, he started
speaking to her,
and he tried to blackmail her. He took
her picture, you know what he done brothers
and sisters? If she doesn't do x y
and zed, read between the lines,
he's going to take her pictures, and he's
spread it around the world. And not just
a picture of her face. You know, guys,
I used to work in Photoshop.
Not the Photoshop, the company. I used to
make, you know, back in the day, I
used to make posters. I was very good
at, you know, that the job that Sami
does for Iran, I was better than that.
So the point is,
I could make post, it's very very easy,
very easy to take someone's head and stick
it on a naked body. That's exactly what
he told her. All you need to do
is put a glow, you need to blur
it a bit, you and just play around
with it, and bang. You can get someone's
head and stick it on something else.
The brother calls her, my cousin calls his
and he says to her, what happened to
you? He used to be an iqabi, he
used to be dressed appropriately. Now all of
a sudden that's changed.
All of a sudden that's changed. Because Wallahi
didn't do it, he tried to blackmail me,
he tried to, you know, push me into
doing x, y, and z. Again read between
the lines,
but I refused.
So, he took a picture and ended up
what? Spreading around the world, just trying to
bring shame to her. So now, now brings
me to the point brother, the Ashaydin Alkanah.
The point of discussion.
Because of your friends
that you are around, don't let it be
the reason
as to why you destroy
your dunya and likewise the akhirah. Look how
the sisters dunya became. Now she wants to
get married, nobody wants her because she has
naked pictures.
Naked pictures on the web.
Are you there with me brother? Says that
nobody wants to deal with that mess.
And you know guys, especially your sisters,
they will mock you. They will call you
they will call you bubble head, they will
call you whatever. You wearing the hijab, dressed
in this appropriate way. But remember,
as the prophet
told. At the end of time they will
holding on to your religion will be like
holding on to hot coal.
What happens when you pick up hot coal?
You drop it. Right? Too hard. It's going
to get very difficult.
They will mock you, they will try to
say everything about you, they will try to
humiliate you in front of the people, and
make you look like an outcast. Somebody who
is not up to reality of the world
I remember when I was working for this
company, got a minute left. When I was
working for this company,
this call center, this like 4 5 years
ago, I said to them that I'm never
gonna take Riba, I'm not gonna take a
mortgage, I'm gonna be happy with my council
flat that Allah gave me.
Wallahi, the people around me they look at
they looked at me as if I'm a
Thinking what you mean? Like everybody
is striving, is dying to get a council
house indeed. In the area that I'm in,
it's a very Islamic area.
Are you with me brothers and sisters?
Like holding on to your religion, people are
looking you all madman.
That's exactly what happened to the prophet salallahu
alaihi wasalam, right?
And the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam himself told
The religion of al Islam is starting strange.
And it's going to come back very strange
as well.
But glad tidings to those who are strange.
Also it could mean that the person will
be given a treat, in
a jannah.
There's another narration that explains even further.
So the Prophet was asked, who are these
people who are strange?
These people that are strange are going to
be those who rectify from my Sunnah, that
which people have corrupted.
Majority of the people today, you'll find they
are almost
You follow the majority of the people on
the earth, they will lead you astray.
And people will look at you as if
you're mad, you're crazy. They will mock you,
they'll take the mick, they'll say to you
every name under the sun, and that's exactly
what happened to the Prophet. He was called
the magician, he was called the madman. They
took the mick out of the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam.
So what is wrong with him?
So asha'idna al kam, brothers and sisters,
Hold on to your religion especially in these
times. And for you is
a reward
that many people
are not going to have. You're wearing the
niqab, they will say to his hot brother.
Say to them
There is the the fire in is more
if only these people knew.