Ebrahim Bham – The extensive Mercy of Allah
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The speakers discuss the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sin in the context of deeds. They provide examples of past experiences that lead to regret and forgiveness, and emphasize the need for forgiveness in a world where everyone wants to do well. The speakers also discuss the importance of forgiveness, including acknowledging and continuously asking for forgiveness. They end with a request for forgiveness and a discussion of forgiveness and mercy.
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Pujur means disobedience
and taqwa means righteousness.
Or you are ungrateful by doing that which
is not good and not righteous.
Has left it towards us
is not happy with the choice and option
that you choose with regard to sin.
And sin is no ordinary matter.
It is,
however, in the nature of humankind,
that humankind
is inclined towards
while he is many a times and those
who are righteous
will make an effort to do righteous deeds
is also by his very nature
going to commit
and going to commit
deeds that are not right. Yes. And he's
gonna commit sin.
It is
who are free from sin.
they cannot commit sin. So that line
The angels never
disobey Allah. They always do what
Now humankind has not like that.
Humankind has got both temptation towards evil and
the ability to do righteous deeds. And sometimes
during the course
of their life, they are going to commit
wrong and they're going to do mistakes and
they're gonna commit sin.
Allah has made mention with regard to it
and Allah has created us with a certain
degree of weaknesses which Allah makes mention in
Quran. Humankind is prone towards argumentation
and disputes.
And today, more than ever before this,
politics manifest,
We seem to be fighting all the time,
and dispute seems to be
the the the raid. Everyone just getting, you
know, involved in arguments and disputes. But
the says,
has created human being that he is prone
towards haste.
He's impulsive. So Allah makes mention about our
Then the biaqarim sahassalam said
Each and every human being other than the
Ambiye Muslim,
they will commit sin.
Each and everyone will commit sin other than
the ambiye Muslimat Muslimah.
The Sahaba iqram are what we use in
the islamic terminology
a phrase they
are protected from sin.
They are by and large protected but they
are not Masoom.
Masoom is only
And you and I we are going to
be committing sin
and had said the best of sinners are
those who repent with regard to their sins.
sin is no ordinary matter.
Brothers, remember this.
Before we speak about
and before we speak
of being merciful and forgiving,
we must understand
to disobey Allah
is no ordinary matter.
To disobey Allah
is a serious matter
which has the potential
to destroy us.
And it's important
that we give.
Before I make mention of this, many times
a person might say, even that Allah would
have just created us without the capacity
or without the inclination towards sin. It would
have been so nice.
But, you know, someone has very beautiful he
said, the wise person one day made mention
and he said, would the world not be
better if there was no evil? Someone asked
the wise person. And he said, if there
was no temptation to be vicious
and there was no temptation to be evil,
then there would be no possibility
of being virtuous.
If there was no temptation to be evil,
there would be no virtue
and there would be no
possibility of being virtuous. You become virtuous
because of your
temptation towards evil. If there was no temptation
towards evil, then what is
the the reward of being virtuous?
You tell a blind person,
you know, a blind person tells you, I
didn't see any strange woman.
Now you tell him my for you is
no command.
For you is no perfection.
Take down
as that is a point of perfection.
That is a reward. Will
give such a great reward for a person
who sees a woman who he is attracted
to and it cast his gaze down.
So if there was no possibility of being
evil, there would be no possibility of being
virtuous. But sin is no ordinary matter. So
as sitting under
a mountain
which has loose rocks
and he's afraid that anytime now
the rocks can come forth upon me.
Anyone who goes to Cape Town knows every
now and then check my feet is closed.
Why it's closed?
Because of falling rocks.
Right? So this is how
said that this is the reality with regard
You don't know that what sin
can bring about
the wrath and anger
and consequently
the punishment of all my dear mother.
But he never feels himself safe
from the punishment of Allah. In Surah.
Allah speaks about the believers in one of
the qualities
going to forgive us we got some guarantee
anyway. It doesn't work that way.
Is in time but we must always fear.
So is no ordinary matter
then after wisdom
because naliyah tarim saw aslim said each and
everyone would what do we do with regard
to our sin then we turn towards almighty
seeking forgiveness
so sin is a disease
and the antidote with regard to sin is
for forgiveness.
The. Many times you and I, you know,
we we normally
we we tell and we feel that, no,
I can't cover and sin because
because the is forgiving and merciful.
Now the example, what I'm gonna have given
very interesting example.
Some doctor,
friend gives you a
first aid tip to keep in your home.
And in that particular first aid tip, he
gives you an ointment and he said, if
per chance
you sometime you or someone in the house,
they burn, they use this ointment.
It immediately
it will help with regard to the burn
Very very, you know, important for you to
keep it at home. Now the next time
there is a bride
in the house,
because he got the first aid kit, he
now want to say, peace, we love everybody,
we want to put his hand in the
So then what you're doing?
Doctor gave me an ointment to put when
I burn.
Now what will you call such a person?
You'll see you foolish man. The doctor didn't
say for you to go and put your
head in the fire
because you got an ointment.
The doctor said if per chance you burn
then you use your ointment
and that is the furorraeem
in a similar manner
the forgiveness of almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Someone asked
one day and
that you will die, if doesn't wish you
will die, why why don't you go and
jump and test? So what a remarkable reply
he said, it is for Allah to test
the bondsman. It is not for the bondsman
to test.
It is for Allah to test the bondsman.
It is not for for bondsman to test.
So we don't test the by committing
if by chance we do it. And then
the first thing with regard to
with regard to seeking forgiveness
is for you to acknowledge the sentence. Now
we got 2 examples in front of us
with the first time disobedience was carried out
in this earth.
One was Iblis
and one was Adam alaihis salatu wa salam.
Both were expelled from Jannah at the same
Right? So when Adam Ali Salam
and when Iblis was expelled what was the
different reactions?
super of the Quran what prevented you from
after I commanded you? So he said
I'm better than him.
He was created from
dust and sand and I am created from
Fire by its nature,
it is more superior than dust.
You you know, put if you light a
fire on the ground, it goes up towards
the heavens.
It goes up towards the sky and the
And if you take sin, even if you
throw it up, it comes down. So I
And then he said an amazing thing which
has made mention of
Before you because you led me astray,
I will stay stand
on the straight path of humankind
trying to prevent them from coming on the
straight path.
Now what did Adam
was o you know, overwhelmed and overcome with
regret over what he had done. It was
the first time, we don't call it a
sin. It was something that happened he was
Muslim and he was deceived.
So when Adam alaihis salatu wa sallam did
it he didn't know what to do. He
you know, he had
regret but he did not know how to
express his regret. Now let me give you
an a first similar
similar type of example in today's time.
A father shouts a small child. He did
something serious.
First time he did wrong. And the father
shouts him.
And now because the father shouts him, he
becomes completely shocked. Because he has always been
accustomed to the father always dealing with him
with love. And now all of a sudden
the father shouts him and you find that
this child is almost like in shock.
He doesn't know what to do. Now the
father realizes,
I have maybe overstepped with regard to discipline.
I have maybe shouted him more than what
I'm supposed to do. So what did the
father say? Say sorry.
Say sorry.
So he tells him to say sorry, he
did wrong, you tell him to say sorry,
he say sorry, the father hugs him.
In a similar manner Allah
And what did he
Oh, and now if you I have I
done wrong upon my soul. If you don't
forgive me and you don't have mercy upon
I will be among the losers.
So the first thing I do respect, my
knowledge, is to acknowledge. Now we all know
that there are certain essential qualities
for us to make. I'm not going to
go into these qualities to a great detail.
I will just give you 3 things. One
of my main mention
says turn towards almighty Allah
a love for forgiveness with your tongue.
Regret in your heart over the wrong that
you have done.
Have done. And
the essence of is
to be regretful of the wrong that you
have done.
That is the essence
of to be regretful.
If you are justifying your wrong, then there
is no
if you are saying no so what about
it what I mean nothing wrong then
tawba means you are supposed to be regretful
and you are supposed to feel
you know, the hurt with regard to what
we have done.
And then
it manifests itself in the organs of your
and the different parts of your body which
become obedient to.
So when tells
us to do the perfect it
consists of 3 things.
Aspects of obedience with your organs of your
body and your body must show it with
regard to it. These are 3 things with
to. Now,
the the aspect with regard to after that
after this we always
feel, you know, one thing that always comes
up to mind I ask for forgiveness. I
made a and sin again.
I made ask for forgiveness, I made a
sin again. Can I ask again for forgiveness?
This always comes about full of my given
very beautiful examples with regard to this. One
of the examples is and one of the
ways they say is when shaitan does not
tire to lead you astray,
then you should never tire to ask
for forgiveness no matter how many times you
break the tawba.
No matter how many times you break the
never never feel tired
to ask
for forgiveness all the time.
Successful is the one
who constantly
is asking Allah for forgiveness.
There is no formula to say that once
you have asked Allah for forgiveness, you are
not gonna do the wrong again.
Constantly, you're gonna do the wrong, constantly, you're
gonna ask the for forgiveness.
It must be a daily routine, a continuous
routine. It reminds you of someone who for
example wears clothes and when he wears clothes,
the clothes become dirty. Now what does he
do? The clothes has become dirty, I'm not
gonna wear the clothes again.
Or not that we regard as insignificant
or not that we take them to be
right but when you send you continuously ask
for forgiveness life grows and get dirty and
constantly after getting dirty you go wash it
again? Or like someone gave example like the
wiper. The rain comes, the wiper wipes it
away. The rain comes, the wiper wipes it
The rain comes, the wiper wipes it again.
That's the way I will go by works.
You are going to continuously if you sin.
You don't never become despondent.
One of our great, you know,
Rumi speaks a lot about the love of
almighty Allah
He was overwhelmed by the love of almighty
Allah He
was overwhelmed
with the perception of mercy. And remember, I
made mention of sin, be signal significant.
And I gave an example of ointment. You
only use the ointment
if perchance you burn.
Alright? So this is something. But
is more inclined towards forgiveness than punishment.
So imam, you know, Rumi
was saying, he was overwhelmed by the love
of almighty Allah. And he was always, you
know, inclined towards forgiveness of all mighty Allah
So Rumi,
you know, the that love that he had
all mighty Allah, I find it very amazing.
You know, you go on Facebook, you see
on social media people use rumi quotes
for love between male and female between your
boyfriend and girlfriend. You Allah what he had
in mind what you have done to him.
I mean he spoke about the love of
almighty Allah you are using ruby codes to
justify your you know, love for for for
feelings or vice versa. And you just see
it everywhere. And it hurts you so much.
It says, you Allah, you realize the value
of You know what was his position?
And one of his most beautiful poems among
the many many beautiful poems was a Persian
This is a refuge
of hope. This is not a refuge of
Allah's is not a refuge of despondency.
Allah's refuge
It is the disbeliever
only who loses hope in the mercy of
The first 10 days is rahma. The second
10 days is seeking the forgiveness. We got
1 or 2 days. Take this opportunity because
Allah is waiting for us.
Whoever does wrong seek Allah's forgiveness,
And the only Quran
Sometimes I think, you Allah, what a great
isle of this is. Allah is not addressing
the amia. Allah is not addressing the pious
people. Allah is not addressing.
Allah is addressing sinners. Look at how Allah
is addressing us.
The entire creation
of become pious till the day of yawba
everyone become the greatest thing, it won't make
one iota of difference to Allah's greatness.
And if everyone becomes a sinner, it won't
make one iota of difference to Allah
come. Hatem Asmari,
one of the great, great scholars was one
day in the Haram. It was a dark
night. That time there wasn't the light that
we have in today's time. So he heard
rendering beautiful poetry
seeking the forgiveness of almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa
Oh Allah, you are the one who removes
the difficulties and challenges of people when they
are difficult.
Long, very long beautiful poem
And one word in that particular poem was
so touching.
then who must the
to when they come at?
Oh, Allah, if your mercy is only going
to be to the people who make the
said I went to go and see who
these beautiful poems.
will put you in such a great family
and you said, Atim, you and Atim.
I do not expect you to say such
a thing. Then to read the verse in
the 17th
When the day of and the trumpet
of is blown,
and no one's genealogy and limits will help
No one's genealogy and only thing that helped
you is good deeds.
Is made mention of an incident in our
Makes mention of
the time. I think it was most likely
subarath. So and that, isa alayhi salaam was
going past the Kaaba and that Allah revealed
the situation of the inmate of the Kaaba
that he was being punished for Allah for
the wrongdoing that he was doing this world.
So he
went and he came back
revealed the situation of the person in the
kabab And this time,
the situation was that had forgiven him. So
were punishing him and now you forgive him.
What was the reason? There was no good
deed that he did after he passed away.
So said, oh, when
this man passed away, his wife was pregnant.
She gave birth.
After she gave birth,
the child grew up. And the child went
for the first time to a religious scholar,
to an
and the son and the child read
in the name of Allah who is most
merciful and most kind
and most beneficent and most forgiving.
So, oh,
I fell ashamed
of punishing a person
when his small son is invoking my mercy,
and I forget him.
I felt
ashamed. The man did wrong.
This time is reading
invoking my mercy. I have forgiven him.
Is an incident of people of the previous
time who used to do all wrongs.
And he was a wealthy person. Used to
have immoral and used to have a life
A woman coming to him every day, different
One day, he was attracted to a woman
and he told her that I would like
to be and fulfill my desire and she
she was in a poor situation. She was
in poor circumstances.
They agreed upon a price, 60 dinars for
him to fulfill his desire with her. Sixty
gold points.
And then this way he was about to
his desire, she started crying. I said why
are you crying? You agreed upon this whole
particular price. She said, I didn't agree because
of my choice,
in my circumstances.
If I could, I I've never done some
act act of immorality like this. And she
started crying and she started weeping.
So he also fell ashamed
that the woman who agreed upon her Christ
because of her circumstances. Now she's crying out
of regret for act of immorality.
So he also started making tawba.
And he after making tawba, Allah took his
right at very same day.
Allah is waiting for our asking for forgiveness.
it will have something that will make a
change in our attitude, change in our life.
Inshallah, it becomes
the means of the change of our life.
So let us ask also together, my dear
respected brothers, let us all
say, you Allah, we repent for all peace.
Lift up our hands brothers. Oh, well now
whatever wrong we've done, you Allah, just forgive
And your extended forgiveness and mercy.