Daood Butt – Sunday Night Essential Fiqh Class – August 1, 2021
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AI: Summary ©
The importance of fulfilling hedge exercises and hedge actions in Islam is discussed, along with the need to not do things that are considered impurities and not do things that are considered sinful or impurities. The steps required to avoid breaking online auctions and avoid misunderstandings are also discussed, along with the importance of fasting and avoiding drinking. The importance of fulfilling a vow and not allowing others to do so is emphasized, along with the importance of implementing Deen and food laws. The upcoming chapter on Deen and food laws also touches on hunting and hunting animals.
AI: Summary ©
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa he was Salah mu b Hill Karim, Allah He often have Sala to attend with tasleem or B Shakti Sabri where Siddeley Emily naka 10 min the Sani of Coco Kohli. My brothers and my sisters, send them where they come from. That's why he will buy cattle. I hope you're all doing well, inshallah Tada. It is Sunday, the first of August 2021. And we are,
you know, here on a Sunday night, of course, for our essential thick class. So we continue and we actually will conclude the chapter on oaths and vows. Today we're going to look at vows which are similar to promises or statements of, you know, stern statements that we make.
With regards to those, the definition for the word in Arabic, in fact, the Arabic word I should say, for a vow is another Nether and we'll see examples of that in Lakota and the plural of it is novoye.
Its root word has a meaning, similar to intimidation or frightening, right being very stern. As I mentioned. Within the deen we see Allah subhanho wa Taala using this word Nether, for example, in Surah Baqarah verse number 270, Allah subhana wa tada says, to be lucky to shape on his regime.
folk Autumn in Africa, tiene una de to mean
for him, no more.
Allah subhana wa tada says, and whatever you spend of your spendings, or for spendings, in the way of Allah subhanho, wa Taala, or whatever you vow, or sorry, whatever value make, be sure that Allah knows all of it. So whatever we spent in terms of the spendings that we make for the sake of Allah subhana wa,
as well as whatever vow we make like a promise or a very stern statement, not an oath not saying well law here I'm going to do this but a very stern very firm statement that we make about something like a promise. Remember that Allah subhanho wa Taala knows it, right? So don't mess around with it is what we learn here. Also, we see Allah subhanho wa Taala Adam mentioning in verse number 29 of swords and hedge, then let them complete. Remember this is about hedge right then let them complete the prescribed duties of hedge for them
and perform their vows and circumambulate the ancient house the Kaaba in Mecca. So Allah subhana wa tada once again mentions the importance of fulfilling these vows, performing them do them. You say you're going for Hajj. Part of going for Hajj is being in Mina going to sorry, going to alpha going to miss Delica right coming back to me, going to the gym Murat stoning, the Jamaat going and performing though awfully father coming back, going the next day stoning the Jamaat going the day after and stowing stoning, the Jamaat the three of them on the second day in the third day as well, right so those vows that we take if we say we're going for hedge part of going for hedge is that we
will fulfill what we said we are going to do that we're going to fulfill the hedge we're not just going to go there and go to sleep and lay down and be like hamdulillah I'm here I did my hedge No, you didn't do anything. Right so Allah subhana wa tada once again says that he knows about it and let them fulfill their vows. In addition to that, if we look at Sora to Nisa, sorry surah insan verse number six, seven, Allah subhana wa tada says, You're following them in any way call phone?
Can I shall
we all?
Allah Subhana which Allah says, they are those who fulfill their vows and they fear a Day whose evil will be widespread.
So Allah subhana wa tada showing us examples in the Quran of this word, nother ufone have been necessary. They are those who fulfill their vowels. Why a homophone a Omen, kana shabu, whom was totally in awe. And they fear a Day whose evil will be widespread. Who are these people, less paranoid that is telling us we have to fulfill our vows, right? You say you're going to do something, do it. Right. And we'll look at the difference between saying we're going to
Do something and then saying we're going to do something that's already permissible for us to do anyways and we don't really need to state it okay we'll see that might minor little difference there shortly inshallah tada here's a hadith of it shout out the Allah, where she narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever makes an oath, okay, whoever makes an oath. Now this is an oath, not a vow, right? To obey a law should obey Him, and whoever makes an oath to disobey Allah must not obey Him. And so generally we take this as a principle, right? If you take an oath or you you vow to do something that is right, according to how Allah subhanaw taala wants it,
you must do it, especially if you take an oath. And if you vow to do something, or even take an oath to do something against the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala You must not do it. Okay? We must not do it. Because as believers we only do what Allah Subhana Allah wants and we stay away from Allah subhana wa tada as I assist or told us commanded us to stay away from Okay.
Now, when is a vow valid? And when does it become invalid? Okay, when is a valid valid and when does it become invalid? Just give me a second I'm just gonna open a lightened chumba
notice it a little bit
dark on the screen on Instagram. So we'll open the lights here.
There we go a little bit better. Okay.
So when is it?
When is a vowel valid and when is a vow invalid? Okay. A vow is valid if it is to do an act of devotion, taking one closer to Allah subhana wa tada as we just saw in the hadith of Chateau viola, okay, a vow is valid, if it is to do an act of devotion or about a submission to Allah subhana wa tada taking one closer to Allah.
Okay, so it's valid if we are doing something that takes us closer to one last Penwith and the vow not talking about the actions that are that, that come from it after it or you know, whether whether the person does what they say they're going to do or not. We're talking about the statement, the vow itself, okay.
Why does my hat look cricket? Looks like it's clicking on my head. Maybe it's my hair. I don't know. It's weird, getting this weird sort of shape.
so a vow is valid, if it is to do an act of devotion, taking one closer to Allah Subhana. What's harder?
In that case, it's obligatory to fulfill that, though. Okay, if we say we're going to do something, we have to fulfill it. Okay. And this is, of course, based on the Hadith that we just finished taking, where I showed what the law says about the,
the oath that is taken
in obedience of Allah subhana wa Tada, right, whoever makes an oath to obey, Allah should obey Him.
A vow is not valid, if it is to do a sinful act. So if one says, I'm going to go and do this and that and they say, we're going to do something that's not permissible, then that is a vow, that is not permitted. Okay? It's not permitted.
In that case, avow that is not permitted, the person said that they were going to do something that is impermissible to do in Islam. Therefore they need to expiate for that vow, just like they expiate from an oath that they took
and did not fulfill or broke, okay. So in this case, a person who takes a vow, that is a sinful act must expiate from it and not do it. So the point is that you don't go and do it and then XP it No, you just don't do that sin, okay?
In that case, a person must not fulfill the vow, and they must expiate, in the same manner that we do, as we mentioned, for an oath that is taken, when we violated so an oath that is violated, shall be alohar now narrated
The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no vow to be fulfilled for an act of disobedience. Its expiation is the same as the expiation for violating an oath. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that there is no vow to be fulfilled for an act of disobedience you do not fulfill that vow that you make you say you're going to
commit a sin, like I said, you know can be anything, right? You say that you're going to commit that sin, and you promise that you're going to commit it islamically We are not allowed to fulfill that. And if it is an act of disobedience that goes against Allah Subhana widad as will in command, sorry, that goes against the command of Allah Subhana Allah, then we are not to do it. And we must expiate, by doing what here's a question, what do we do?
What do we do as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it's expiation is the same as the expiation for violating an oath. So what do we do? Who remembers typing in? Okay, typing in what do we do when a person
takes an oath and breaks it? We learned that which week? Which week? Did we learn it?
We learned it on the 18th of July maybe 18th of July.
Law, aka Malaysia said Mr. Lee, calm hope you're doing well. Baba
shala Terry Marchesi for being with us today. And
mouth is that hidden button. I know it's eat and we didn't get to see you on eat. I hope everything is well in Malaysia. I know things are really not good there and ask a bus finally to add it to make them better for every single one of you in releaser. Okay, so type it in what do we need to do in order to expiate from an oath that we took? What are the steps? Remember, I said most people will simply jump to the fourth thing. Okay, the fourth thing, which is to fast for three days, but before that, what do we need to do? Who remembers type it in? Even if you remember one thing, just type it in? Okay.
I love this Mila. Don't waste time. Because we need to finish in
you know by 830 because of muffet here, who's going to guess who's going to get the answer? Correct? I have some I have some candy I can give out. I got candy. Hold on. I'll be by.
All right, he's gonna answer a question.
Okay, k QQKKQ. First thing feed 10 people
a meal. So each person gets one meal, very good. 10 poor people, right? or
close 10 poor people, or free asleep? Very good. KQQKKQ I don't know your name. But
this is for you. Right? This is for you. How you're gonna get it? I don't know. It's a virtual candy exchange. Right? Or if you want to come to my office and load it, then pick it up then you can write. But I don't know who you are. KQQKK q. So here you go. I'm the law. This is for you. Okay, just come along.
for answering that. Anyone else? No one else answered it.
All right, we got more goodies to go no nonsense. I guess after the class, I will eat these watermelon gummies and Skittles and
Swedish berries, I will eat these myself.
So as we mentioned, the things that we need to do to expiate, from an oath that is broken or violated is first of all to feed 10 poor people one meal, each a meal that is equivalent to the meals that you and I would eat, or we would feed our family. If we can't do that, we're unable to do that. Then close 10 people
and I know you're probably thinking, Wait a second clothing is more expensive than food. Right? But remember that this is the way of Allah subhana wa Tada. And for some people food is more scarce than clothing. Right? Especially when you live in the desert. Right? Food is more scarce than clothing a lot of the time. And so hamdullah here we're blessed with it and we say oh man clothing is so expensive. Food is so cheap. For some people food is a rare thing to eat. Right
So, the first thing is feed 10 poor people. Secondly, clothes 10 poor people, right? Give them garment, clothing, something to wear, don't give them the fabric and then be like, here, make something out of it. Now people don't just wear a piece of cloth around them nowadays, don't just wrap a piece of cloth around them. Right? That's not the way that we do things anymore.
Well, in some places at least, so give them clothing, the same clothing that you would wear, if your shirt is from where's the shirt from Banana Republic, right, your shirts from Banana Republic and it's linen and cotton will make sure that you're giving other people the same kind of clothing that you're wearing as well. Okay?
If you can't do that, then free a slave.
And if you can't do that, then fast for three consecutive days.
So we should not simply resort to fasting for three consecutive days. Most of us, especially those of us that are living in the Western world, right West Western world, right, those of us that are living in, you know, countries where Alhamdulillah, we are a little bit more financially stable,
we should find it very
easy. And I don't mean that it's easy to feed 10 people, but I mean, it should be the first choice. People shouldn't say, Oh, I don't have food to feed others, we have lots of food, we just need to feed them, right, we have to make sure that we attain those resources somehow to be able to and this is why also as Muslims, it's important to have savings. Right? It's important to have some sort of savings. We always say we save for a rainy day, you save for the day when your tires flat, you save for the day, when you need an oil change you save for the day when you need to get something done or you need to buy something, something breaks around your home or you need a new device, a new laptop,
a new phone or something like that you save for that we should save for our Deen and remember that islamically
you know, we need to have extra wealth in our pockets. And as Muslims, we should be wealthy Muslims, not poor Muslims. We see that there's this misunderstanding in the deen that all Muslims are supposed to be poor. No Muslims are supposed to give a lot. They give a lot. That doesn't mean that they're poor. They earn a lot but they give a lot too. And so when you see someone giving all of your wealth, you say Subhanallah they gave all their wealth, they're poor, they have nothing left. No Abubakar, the lover and the next day he received all that wealth back again. He was a business person, right? He would receive wealth constantly.
Alright, let's move on inshallah.
Okay, as for a vow to do something that is usually permissible. So we spoke about a vow, that
is an act of devotion to Allah subhana wa Tada. And then we spoke about the vow that is an act of disobedience towards a less penalty to add. Now we're talking about a vow to do something that is general, something that's general like it's permissible for me to be standing right now. It's permissible for me to be sitting, if I wanted to write, I can go and grab a chair and sit down but then you're not going to see me because my tables too high. So it's permissible for me to do that. If I saying I'm going to teach my class today standing up and I get tired, it's permissible for me to go and sit down. Right? It's not how long it's not an act of very bad for me to be standing and
teaching. It's not an act of very bad for me to be sitting in teaching. I can be standing in teaching or sitting and teaching. The point is the act of very bad or with the intention is good is the teaching, not the standing or sitting. You see the difference there? I told you there's going to be a little minor thing. So a vow to do something that is usually permissible, for example, a vow to make Hajj walking or to stand in the sun. Right.
Such a vow is not to be fulfilled, and there is no obligation of expiation, right, there's no obligatory expiation for it, okay.
Abu hurayrah Viola and narrated the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw an old man walking while leaning on his two sons, an old man walking, while leaning on his two sons right, leaning on them,
putting extra effort on his sons.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked about him, and his two sons said, O Messenger of Allah.
He had made a vow
that he would be standing right that he would not sit down. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him ride an animal all the
Men ride old men, for a law is not in need of you behaving this way, or of your vow.
So what do we learn here? person wants to go somewhere they can go walking, they can go riding, right? It's not an act of rebellion. They're like, Oh, you have to different from Salah you need to be facing the Qibla someone's praying and they say I'm going to pray in the opposite direction of the Qibla. That's not permitted. You can't do that. Right?
So here we're talking about a general thing. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to the men, right old men for Allah is not in need of you behaving this way. Allah doesn't need you to do this. Right? And
Allah doesn't need your vow.
umbrella, right? Simple. We don't need to over exert ourselves. And I've seen this so many times in hedge, right, where people are standing on the day of alpha, right. And they're standing in the in the sun and making draw and making drama and it's like hot sun, and the sun is beating down on their bald heads that are uncovered because they shaved it for ombre. And the sun is shining and you can't put a hat on. And they don't want to hold an umbrella because then you can't hold your hands up to make do. And so they're standing in the sun and they're like, about to have heatstroke. Allah doesn't need that from you. Right? The um, yo Miranda is not to stand specifically stand all day in
our offer. We can sit, it's permissible, okay, you can shade yourself. It's permissible.
And you don't need to expiate, because you're allowed to do that. Well, you're committing while you're conducting your active, any bad of worship. Even our bas narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by a man in Makkah, who was standing in the sunshine, standing in the heat, right in Makkah hot, very hot.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him and they said
he has made a vow to fast
not to seek shade until nightfall. So he made a vow to fast not to seek shade until nightfall, not to speak and to remain standing.
Okay for things. Let's go over it again in our bus narrated that the Messenger of Allah sent along to someone passed by a man in Mecca who was standing in the heat in the sun.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him What is he doing? And the people said, they told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made a vow.
To fast
not to seek shade until nightfall, not to speak and to remain standing.
Okay, now can you differentiate between these four
fasting active very bad, okay, that's different. We're gonna use we're gonna we're gonna deal with this differently. Standing he could sit shade, he could find shade. Okay, speak. Why aren't you speaking? What's stopping you from speaking? Right? You're allowed to speak Allah hasn't told you is how long to Speak. Speak. What's wrong with you? shade permissible, permissible? What's wrong with you? I find shade Sit down. You're tired sit, why are you standing? But fasting? Okay, you're fasting is an act of every bird that devotion submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So I think in your minds now, you should be able to figure this one out. type it in the chat. Based on what we've
learned so far in the last 25 minutes. What do you think is the response of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam typing in Elma? Here we go. This will be
your your gift rockets two years old bunch of nice stuff under law. Who's gonna get this one? What do you think is the response of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.
Based on what we said, he walked by a man who's standing in the sun and he asked why he's doing it. And the people tell him all messenger of a law. He took an oath, he's made a vow to fast to
not to seek shade until nightfall, not to speak and to remain standing. What do you think is the response of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Yeah, just guess. Remember, I'm not asking you what is the actual statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam don't think that if you respond in the wrong you know response that this is
Something Haram. No, I'm asking you, what do you think, based on your understanding of the principles that we just finished learning? You have the tools that have given you in order to answer this question. How would you deal with this? If you don't want to say okay, this is what the prophet said allowing it to send them would have said, how would you deal with it? If you were the person who saw this person? What would you tell them to do?
fast but not to do the other acts KQ que KK que la casa again, this is for you. Right, so now you have to write this one in this one.
I don't know how you're gonna get it because I don't know who you are. KQKQQKKQ. Camilla. Exactly. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said, Okay, here are the response to the Prophet sallallahu I need to send the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said, Let him speak. Seek shade, and sit down.
Let him also complete his fast. So complete your fast old men. Right? Complete your fast. But sit down and speak and seek shade. It's okay. You can do that. Why are you forcing yourself? You don't need to do an explanation for that. It's okay. Just sit down. Shade yourself. Right? speak to people you can speak you can converse you know I'm thirsty. Bring me some water. Hello has asked someone to bring you some water. But you're fasting. Okay? So continue your fast.
Okay, continue your fast.
All right, making a vow and not being able to fulfill it. If someone makes a vow to do an act of obedience, but then is not able to fulfill that vow.
He should perform the same expiation as that for violating an oath, just like we said. So if you say you're going to do something, but you're not able to do it, and it's an act of very bad devotion submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then fulfill as we mentioned earlier, awkward in Ireland narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said the expiation for a vow is the same as the expiation for violating an oath. Okay. And the last thing that we'll learn for today in sha Allah to Allah because the end for motive is in 13 minutes. The last thing we'll take is whoever makes a vow and then dies all
before they fulfill the vow.
What must they do?
If a person makes a vow and then dies before fulfilling it,
his inheritors his heirs, those who will inherit from him or her, should fulfill it on their behalf.
Even our bus or the Aloha Norma narrated, that sad even or better, or the Alomar and asked the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about an unfulfilled vow by his mother, who died before she fulfilled it. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, fulfill it on her behalf, fulfill it on her behalf. So if one of our family members or relative passes away, and took an oath or a vow that they would do something, but passed away before they were able to do it,
then fulfill it for them.
Do that for them.
And if you can't do it,
then fulfill the violation.
Right fulfill the expiation, I should say.
And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to add to make it easy for every single one of us to continue to learn this Deen and implemented in our lives and next week is an interesting one you might want to tell your friends and family to join us because we are starting the chapter on food. The chapter on food and I wanted to just start it briefly today but we'll start because of time we're going to look at food. We'll look at
types of food or types of animals that are prohibited for us to eat. For example, donkeys were not allowed to eat donkeys. Right? I don't know why you'd want to you want anyways but okay.
What is carrying can we carry in? Is it permissible is not permissible? What else what else what else we're gonna look at?
Things that we use the instruments that we use for slaughtering, right if you're going to sacrifice I should say I like to use Word sacrifice, even though slaughter is the right word sacrifice, right. So the Islamic manner
sacrificing animals we will look at that in sha Allah who doubt it
and so on and so forth. Okay hunting, we'll look at hunting we'll look at animals that are sacrificed. We'll talk about the ark deca and sha Allah so different things related to food Okay, that's the next chapter that we will look at in sha Allah who to Allah does not come along will create on Baraka level ficando then for Salatin model is in 10 minutes so use this time to make do those of you that are able to come to the masjid and make it to the masjid in time the event is in 10 minutes and we start solid five minutes after the year then so you have at least about 15 minutes to make it here. Just come on log we'll head on. Some have a colonial will be handicare shadow Allah
stowford Aparna Tobu lake was salam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh