Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 17

Daood Butt
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The customer is on hold and listening to a recorded message from Assurance Wireless. They are prompted to enter their phone number and are put on hold multiple times before being transferred to an agent. The agent greets the customer and is patient while they wait for the transfer.
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Don't be loud I mean we'll have the button in Latino suddenly will suddenly Maharashtra Phil ambia. Even more sunny Nabina Muhammad Denali he offered a solid to attempt to slim my bat. My brothers and sisters in Islam, a Santa Monica Moroccan to LA he will back out.

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We'll continue today inshallah hotelera, from Sula to nemen verse number 60. And we'll go into sort of two classes as well as an uncapped boot

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up until verses 45, approximately, just to make sure that the,

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the story or the, you know, the context of what we're talking about is completed in chama. So we'll start with verse number 6266 of sort of tournament.

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Who remembers what the title of this sort of is?

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Sort of the, the ants correct? And what were we talking about yesterday when we left off?

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Exactly. So,

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so the story of Solomon Allah has sat down with the beast, the queen of submit, and we continue today inshallah Allah Subhana, WA, tada transitions out of that, and then he starts to ask us questions.

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He's asking us in a question format, affirming that He is the Creator. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, showing us he's the Creator, by asking us a set of questions. If you look at the versus last hanway Diana says, Is he not best who made the earth a stable ground? Is he not best who responds to the to the desperate one? Is he not best who guides you through the darkness of the land? Is he not best who begins creation and then repeats it? So Allah subhanho wa Taala asks us in this question format, as though posing a question for us to think, right for us to think to wonder what Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about here. And he is expressing also that he's the Knower of the unseen, that he

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knows things that we don't know of whatever is of the matters of the unseen Allah subhanho wa Taala knows better than we do. From verses 68 to 69. Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses the machete keen and how they say that this Deen is like the tales of the past. So this Dean, or the reminders the message that they were getting from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were just like some tales that they heard in the past. These are just, you know, historical things that we're hearing that we've heard from our forefathers. And you know, as you can see in verses number 68, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us how Allah then goes on to say,

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what is the Cebu feel on the phone?

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Okay for Cana Thema to the majority mean, Allah subhanho wa Taala after the machete Keenan say, these are just tales of people from the past, it's not true. He then says, we'll see you We'll

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go and travel, travel the world go and see see what what has happened to the people of the past.

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And so signs of what these so called tails are, are still present on Earth, that we could still see them and we can still you know, travel to those places. And try to understand and reflect what Allah subhanho wa Taala said to those people. And a lot encourages us to do that to travel the world. Go and travel the world and see see what's out there see what is good and beneficial to you see what you can benefit from see different places that you might want to travel to later on. Check out you know what what places Allah Subhana Allah has, has made different from one land to another land to another land, how the people differ in some areas where it's very, you know, hard to the ground is

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hard. You'll notice that people are very harsh, or they tend to be a little more rough or rugged. And in places where the the earth is soft, that people are more, you know, calm and cool. And you know they're there. They're more lenient. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala has made the world in so many different ways. And he tells us go and travel, go and travel the world. Right see what's out there. And here Allah subhana wa Jalla tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to tell the people tell them that she can travel through the land and go and see what was the outcome of those that disobeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala those that had transgressed the the the rules of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala.

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Then from verse 79, to 81, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah commands or the command to trust Allah subhanho wa Taala is mentioned here fatawa can lorado ma in Can you help me mu be in Allah subhana wa Jalla tells us Fatah what kill Allah Allah has trust in Allah subhana wa wa

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Hello, and I wanted to highlight something here. How many times? Do we make Toba? And ask Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness. But then we wonder to ourself was my Toba accented

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right? So we commit a sin for example, you do something or you know in your life you you've done something, and then you seek the repentance to you seek to repent from Allah subhanho wa Taala or two of us pan with Allah from the sin that you've committed.

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But how many of us know if our toboe is accepted?

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Does anyone know? Is there a way of knowing?

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Exactly, that's that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to when we make Toba? What do we do we stop the sin, we dislike the sin, we don't go back to it, right? We completely leave off that sin that we've committed. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for forgiveness and we repent from that sin that was committed. And then we don't go back to it. But some people live in regret. They live for many many years sometimes, you know holding on to that sin that they've done. Allah is not gonna forgive me How can you forgive me? Why would have lost time without it? Forgive me. And you know, last night I highlighted even today in my

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drama, football. You know how today's a Friday, right, and we'll finish early and shot a lot of data so we can benefit from the time and making but today is a Friday. And it's a day where I was somewhat adequate placed Adam and Adam Allah has sent out in gender, right? And where Allah subhanho wa Taala also removed. Adam alayhis salam from Jenna, the day that he was placed on earth. And it's a day where the day of judgment will begin the Friday so there's a significance in Friday. And on Friday, Allah subhanho wa Taala accepted the daughter of Adam and Hauer when they turned to him after taking that fruit that they should not have touched the tree that they should not have, you

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know, approached Allah Subhana which Allah told them not to touch it. And on that day they went and they took from that fruit and they turned immediately to Allah subhanho wa Taala and asked him for forgiveness, and on the spot to Las Palmas ALLAH forgive them immediately. Upon asking, he forgave them,

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encourages us when we make Toba move on, move on, right? Don't hold on to it. And you notice that Adam and how they didn't hold on to their sin, right? They they of course, were removed and were placed into on Earth, right, they were placed on earth, and they continue to live on Earth. But Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in that example, that he accepts, forgiven urges or he accepts repentance. And so that is an example for us. It's a Friday, we're fasting, it's the last hour on the Friday as well. Allah subhanho wa Taala accepts the door at this time of the day. So we should be asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for forgiveness from the sins

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that we've done, while at the same time trusting Allah subhana wa tada our verse that we're talking about, trust that Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive you of that sin. Trust that he accepted your Toba trust that he's the one who can accept and does accept and wants to accept your forgiveness. you're seeking of forgiveness, should you simply turn to Him. And once you do that, then go on with your life. move on with your life. Anytime the thought comes back into your mind of that sin that you've done, say stuff a little while and continue on. But don't let that sin hold you back. Whatever you do, do not let that sin hold you back from excelling in life. Don't let it bog you

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down. Don't don't feel that regret that immense amount of regret inside of you that you feel I can never get past this. If Adam and Hauer Adam and Eve took from the fruits and they touched something that Allah subhanho wa Taala had placed for them in general that they should not touch. Yet he forgave them immediately. Don't you think Allah subhanho wa Taala can forgive us our sense? Of course he can. And I must hang with Allah says in the Quran, that he forgives everything except what? ship so why would we not turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and feel and know that our our repentance is accepted. So here Allah subhana wa tada commends us to trust in him to have trust in

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is absolutely important.

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And then Allah subhana wa Jalla says that we cannot guide others simply what we can do is simply allow them to hear to hear the message as a last panel with Allah mentions in verse number 81. We can't guide others we are not those that guide as we'll see later on as well diverse industry.

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Hello demon Ubud, while our kingdom, Bahia de Masha that it is not you, it is not any of us that guides anyone to the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala when our kingdom Maha ja demon Yeshua, it is him who invites, sorry that guides, we are simply the messengers, we send the message, how we deliver the message, whether it's verbally, whether it's, you know, through our actions, that is where we have to come into play, deliver the message, they will hear, or they will see they will understand the message through our actions through our belief and what we show and portrayed to them. But we can't guide anyone. And that brings us to a question I was hoping the brother would be

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here, maybe he's coming late. But he'd wrote down on this piece of paper the other day asking, if Allah subhanho wa Taala

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great when it least refused to bow down and prostrate to Allah subhanho wa Taala had to add them adding center. And I'm also kind of wanted to highlight then during the Battle of butter shows us how a police was, you know, fearful of a loss of Hamlet and because the angels were there, and then in other instances, it leases you know, talking about the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala why is it that he doesn't seek forgiveness of Allah and simply repent?

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Right, why doesn't he do that?

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Now, it's the exact same thing, that we don't guide anyone, we can't guide anyone and we don't know why he doesn't accept it. Right? We don't know. That is him and he made that decision. And at the same time, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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that in the dialogue that happened between a police and Allah subhanho wa Taala Iblees asks Allah subhanho wa Taala to remain in that state in that position that he's in meaning he was he was thrown out from being in the presence of the righteous people, but at the same time, he asked for a loss of Hannah Montana delay my punishment delay, what you're what you're going to give me and let me remain, you know,

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traveling on earth, and trying to distract people from your remembrance from coming closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and a lot of grandson diet, a lot grandson that so if he's wanted to do that, he wanted to remain disconnected from Allah subhana wa Tada. And he actually challenges a lot and he tells him, he will come to the people from the, from the front, from the back from the right from the left, he will try to distract us from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as he possibly can. But he can't come to us from where the top why because the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala descends from the top and he can come to us from the bottom because when we go into Salut, we

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are in the closest position that we can possibly get to Allah subhana wa Tada. Right. So we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to fight off and push away the whispers of shaitan when they come closer to us, from verses 82 onwards, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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or talks about the emergence of the beast that will identify the believer from the non believer.

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So verses 80 to two I think approximately 86 Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about, yeah, talks about the beast that will come. And this will be one of the signs of the end of time, in a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned, if you see the moon, so you see the sun rise from the west and set in the east, or the beast comes and the beast will be able to identify the believer from the non believer, those that were true in their, in their belief to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and those that were simply lying. And it is said that he will have this staff of Messiah Allah has sent Him and He will hit the non believers with this stuff. And he will have the, the throne or

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the ring of

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of Solomon alayhis salam and from it will be the new word for the Muslim in right guidance and you know, a good sign for the Muslim in so Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about that in those verses, and right at the end of the surah

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how the beast will emerge. And this is a sign of one of the major signs of the Day of Judgment approaching. We move on into sorta to us who can tell us what's one or two across us means the title

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the stories right or the story, the narration the story. And here we notice that a good portion. In fact, the majority of this sorta is dedicated to the story of Messiah, his sentiment. So we'll go through it but there's some verses as you'll notice in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala talks about the story of Musa and various different chapters or sulis. He talks about the story of the prophets salt until ambia highlights a number of different

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profits, he talks about them in sort of unison, sorta hood in various different sources of the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala touches upon the lives of the prophets, sometimes in a slightly different way, a slightly different manner. So for example, in Surah alpha upon what was the method that Allah soprano attalla used to highlight the lives of those prophets and messengers that he mentioned.

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Speech and narration, dialogue, right dialogue between the companion sorry, the Prophet and his people, or the leader of the time or how the people were trying to call them and others away from following the Prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala had, so that was sort of to focus on right talking about the dialogue between them, and what's right and what's wrong, what should be done, what should not be done, and then concluding with the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Here in this sort of the stories or costs us we noticed that Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the story of Musa Allah His setup because in it is a beautiful lesson. I mean, many different lessons in it, right? But we noticed that in the life of Musa alayhis salam from the time that he's a child, and really a loss of bandwidth and it goes right into it. He dives right into it from verse number three of the sooner the story of moussaka has set up.

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And he talks about how musala has sent him was guided as a child as a young, you know, a young boy. And then growing up into the teenage years and then a young adult, you know, he's guided by a loss of Hannah Montana throughout the entire time. And here a lot highlights. You know, a good portion of the youth of Moosa had a his setup and what happened when he was born. And so

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moves on Musa Allah, his son, he was born at a time where during that year, the Faroe island was killing every single boy that was born and leaving the daughters, the girls that were born simply because he was worried. They're, they're, you know, their advisor, his advisors had told him, there would be someone that will emerge that will try to take over the land. And so he didn't want that to happen. So he, he said, This child, you know, he was told the child would be born on an odd year, meaning every other year, right every other year. So what he did was every other year, from the beginning of the year to the end, he would kill every single boy that was born. Now you wonder, how

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did heroin addicts survive?

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musala sam had a brother, right? How did his brother survive? Did anyone ever think of that?

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How did he survive?

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Right? So when Allah His son was born in the year where the boys were not being killed,

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and who was older musar had one

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who was older.

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You say, Wilson, you say, how Don't you say how do we what do we do? And there's difference of opinion? On mark, okay, I wasn't gonna leave it for homework. You know? How do an ally his center was older, right? And Moosa was younger. And so Moosa added his center

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when he's born, he's born in the year where the boys are supposed to be killed. Right? And Allah subhana wa, tada, you know, tells his mother obviously through the angel to protect the baby, protect the baby. And if you fear that the baby is going to cry, and he will be heard outside of the house, and others might come to know that there's a baby that you're keeping safe inside of your house, and you fear that fear becomes so intense that you can't take it anymore. You can't protect the child you can't safeguard the child, put the child in something that will float in the water and let the child go and Allah subhanho wa Taala will protect the child and that's exactly what

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happened. And Allah subhana wa tada speaks about how his mother the mother of Masada has sent him. she feared so much for her life, for her safety for the safety of the baby as well as the safety of Moosa to the extent that she was worried that someone might find the baby in her possession and then kill him. So she did what Allah subhanho wa Taala had commanded her to do, and put this baby inside what you know, something that floated as you know, the Bible tells us a basket that would float and so he was placed in there and floated off. And then also palitana highlights how

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the Pharaoh's wife the wife of the fairground sees this baby takes the baby in and she tells her own Let's keep this baby let's adopt the child, maybe some goodness will come to us from this child. Maybe some goodness would come to us from this child. middle of the day. No, this is Moosa the person that the phenomenon himself was so worried about and did not want to be born or to be

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Raised in their society, and so they end up taking this child in. But the baby now Moosa when he's a baby, he was crying, he was still small and still needed to be breastfed, right still needed to be breastfed. And so

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what Allah subhanho wa Taala did was a beautiful plan. He

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had the the wife of the phone call for other women that had children that could feed the baby women that had that they were producing milk that could feed the baby feed Moosa and every single one of these women that came to try and nurse him to feed him would not succeed in having him drink. He just wouldn't drink he wouldn't drink from anyone. And he just kept crying and kept crying and kept crying. until it is said that either his sister or her sister Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best who it was. Told them. I know someone whose milk is sweet that babies take from her milk. Right? So let's summon her call her and see if the baby drinks from her milk. And they go in they get the

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mother of Moosa on a salad, and she comes into the home of the throne. And she's, she ends up feeding her own child, to soothe her heart to calm her feelings. Allah subhanho wa Taala brings her right inside of the home of the person who was hunting down her own child, who she had placed into this, you know, basket to float out into the water, and then she realizes she's there feeding her own child, how perfect is the plan of Allah subhana wa Tada. Right. And so most la musala his center

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he ends up feeding from his mother.

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From verses 15 to 17. Allah subhanho wa Taala continues with the story of Musa Allah has set up and he continues to do so all the way down to verses 52 but 15 to 17 Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the incident of when Musa Allah has sent him saw the people disputing jumped in the middle of the fight, as we discussed, I think yesterday or the day before, and he does a one timer, right, one blow to the face of the person that was in the middle of this, this dispute with others, and he ends up realizing that his punch kills this person.

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Now this was a little bit outside of the city. So the next day that you know, they go back into the city and the next day Musa alayhis salam, he sees the same person who he defended the previous day. The same person who he defended the previous day was now you know about to get into another dispute. And Musa alayhis salam comes along, and when he sees him, he now gets worried. right he gets worried because he sees Moosa This is the man who's who's got the powerful punch, right? And then musala has sent him when he recognizes this man, he recognizes him and he thinks to himself This is someone who's up to no good this person. You know, there's something wrong every time I see him he's in a

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dispute some sort of argument and then now I get involved right and this that that Coptic men, right Coptic as we know there's Coptic Christians who still reside in Egypt.

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When he sees musala, his setup, he says, Oh, are you coming to do to me what you did to that man yesterday? Are you going to kill me like you killed him yesterday. And now all of a sudden the people know what happened the day before. They now understand or that the the secret has been exposed. That musalla his son has committed a crime. He murdered someone unintentionally, but murdered someone the day before. This was from shavon as he mentioned, right? So Allah subhana wa tada put it in the heart of moose, Allah has sent him to quickly get some stuff and leave, just immediately leave. So Masada has sent me he leaves and he flees Egypt and goes off to Medina.

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When he reaches there, he notices these two women, right? There's a bunch of men who are shepherds who have their herds their flock and they're allowing them to drink from the water. But these two women that and they're sisters to each other, they are also looking after their flocks, but they're not allowing their animals to drink the water because they're waiting until the men finish. And the men are basically you know, they're and, and dominating and, you know, looking after their animals and not letting these two women bring their animals in to drink from the water. So musala has sent him he sees that he goes over to them and he tells them, you know, let me take your animals he takes

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the animals over and allows them to drink and brings the animals back to them. And then he minds his own business and goes on his way. These two sisters go back to their home in the in the evening. They go and they tell their father, we met this man. He's an honest person. He's trustworthy, he's truthful. He took the animals he fed them for us and brought them back

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To us, we should you know, you should employ him, you should bring him over feed him and so on. So they invite musala has set them over for dinner to have dinner. Now look at how simple it is how easy it is to get married, right?

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Easy to get married. Okay? The Father, all right. He's told by his daughters, this is a good man. He's trustworthy, he's honest. Right? He's helped us. And so they invite him into their home. He comes into the home musalla, his salon is there, he's having dinner, and a very simple agreement. I heard from my children, that you're a trustworthy, honest person, I will marry you to one of my daughters. And you just simply have to work for me for eight years. Or you can work for me for 10 years. And that will just be something that you do is an extra service, right? But 10 years is the amount that you basically pay in a month. If we could say, right, so eight years, you work for the

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family. Look at that. And we'll say it is and I'm getting married. Alright, so simple. So beautiful, nice and easy, over dinner, right with these two sisters that he just helped. And the father says, Hey, you know what, you're a good person. You're honest and trustworthy, simply because he took the animals, allowed them to feed and brought them back, he showed that he was a man, he stepped in, when these two women were not being allowed to go in and feed their animals. So he took charge, he took initiative, he wasn't shy, right? He was honest. He took the amount of animals that they had and return that same amount of animals to them. And then he went in, he minded his own business. He

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didn't go and sit there and chat with them and flirt with them and talk to them or anything of that sort. He left and he just was doing his own thing. He returned the animals, here you go, and he just walked off. And so they knew this is a good man. Right? A good man in his behavior, the way that he spoke, the manner that he dealt with, with the situation, right, he was someone who he could easily mind his own business and not you know, engage in extra conversation, and that was enough for the Father. That was enough for the Father. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala, to make it easy for young adults to get married as easily as it was at the time of some of the previous prophets and

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messengers as well as during the time of the prophets on a long run to us Allah.

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Then, we noticed that musala has sallam, he, he gets married, and then he works the land. And after that, he returns to Egypt. And on his way Allah subhanho wa Taala calls him as we discussed earlier, in the previous sutras that we covered, so we're not going to go through those, you know, through that part of the sutra, or the story, and then he goes in, he starts to communicate with phenomenon and talk to fit our own. And we know exactly what happened in the story of Musa and from.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala and verses 52 to 55. He transitions off into talking about how the pious scholars of the people of the book, which book are we referring to here?

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The Torah, right? The people of the book, meaning the people of the Torah, that was the book of who?

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Musa alayhis salam, the story we're just talking about. So Allah subhana wa tada says, the pious scholars of the book, right, the people of the book, they would believe when they hear the Quran,

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and they would, and they would submit to it. And they would say, it's as though we were already believers. It's as though we were already Muslim. When we heard this, we were already already doing this. Right? Because they were following the true message that had come in Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah talks about the Torah and the Quran, and how after the war, and that is the second best book in terms of its status, and in terms of its message. So Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the the, the tower, and how the people who follow it were people who were trustworthy and good and honest from them, when they would hear the Quran they would believe it and say this is this is definitely a

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word of God. This is a message from God right and they would submit to the Quran

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verse number 56, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights like we said earlier in Ghana, Demon

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Daddy, indeed Mohammed right? I was telling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Naga led demon. But it's not you don't think it's you who guides people to to Islam who you wish the people that you like to enter Islam has nothing to do with you, as in you're the one that guides them. You deliver them the message right? While I kinema? Yes, the manjusha but it is a loss of hanworth Allah who guides who he works, and we know that because we see a beautiful example, in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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His own uncle, Abu pardot, who he loved so much, and who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, cherished his uncle, and he sought protection from his uncle and Uncle Paul and loved his nephew, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he protected him with it with his wealth protected him with his lineage with his link in the in the the tribal link that we could say or talk about, right, the corporation how they had this tribal, you know, association that we still see up until today. Those of you that heard my story.

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Story of usage? No, no, no, I mentioned another time where something happened in Medina, and one of my professors came to me and he said, I'm sorry, I can't help you, because that person is not from my tribe. Right? So this is being recorded going on the internet. So we'll leave the story out, but we'll tell you another time when we're not recording it inshallah. So even up until today, we noticed that even though the tribes, you know, are, you know, people still have their tribal link, that tribal link or tribalism is still so powerful that it can it can make or break you, you can either assist you and like literally remove all barriers that could possibly come in your way, or it

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can make every single, you know, roadblock come in front of you. And we'll notice that is not only in the traditions or the customs of the Arabs, many other people hold on to this tribalism sort of, you know, mentality. So how do I know in the Pakistani culture like if you're who hears Kashmiri, anyone Kashmiri, right? Can you marry someone who's not Kashmiri?

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You can but with the family and the, you know, the people and everyone except it? No, it'd be like, boba. What did you do? Right? Kashmir? Do you gotta marry Kashmiri, and I'm half Kashmiri half Punjabi from my dad's side. Right. So that's an interesting mix there. But so Pamela, we notice that some of our, you know, uncles are fathers, and even mothers, they will not marry off their children, even if they're 2530 3540. until they find the right match someone who's or has to be someone who's from our tribe, or our area or our caste, you know, has to be the same. And Subhanallah that is one that is one, what you're doing is promoting the shape on bye, bye, lengthening or discouraging your

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children from getting married at the time when they're ready to get married and requesting to get married and wanting to get married. If we delay it simply because of these petty issues, then some Hana lower encouraging shavon by encouraging those who are not married, to eventually give in to their desires and do things that are displeasing to Allah subhana wa mitad. So we have to be very careful with this. When our children and youth are ready to get married. Let's help them to get married as quickly and easily as possible.

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How do we talk about marriage again, Allah knows best. Right? From verses 71 to 73, verses 71 to 73, Allah subhana wa attallah talks about night and day, and how he sent the night for us to sleep and rest. And he mentioned What if I had given you only night until the day of judgment? It was always dark. How would you feel? And who would bring you a day? Who would bring the sun? And then Allah Subhana, which Allah says, What if I brought you the sun? And it was always daytime? Who would bring you the night? Right? Who has the power to do that? Does anyone have the capability to do so? So kind of I went to the mustard the other day in Milton, and for some reason, the lights, it was an

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electrical problem. The lights weren't working. So there's one socket that worked, they had a spotlight, they plugged in the spotlight till today that spotlight is plugged in. Right who can bring the light who made the light disappear in the first place. All of us kind of made something happen somewhere where it shorted out and the lights went out. Right? No one touched it. No one did anything. Nothing happened. But Alice palitana made that happen. The wires are inside the wall, how what on earth would make something happen to the wire? nothing except the plan of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that if we had night all the time, we would be

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plugging things in using, you know, even the flashlights on the back of our phones, trying to have some daylight, and it would affect our bodies, and so much harm would come our way because of constantly having night. And the same thing. If we had day. How would we be able to sleep? How would we feel comfortable at night laying down? You'd have to put these thick curtains on our windows like we see many people in northern Canada doing a friend of mine. He went to be a principal in a school in one of the Eskimo villages. And so kinda he said, you know, for the two years that I was there, we had only four days. So what do you mean? No, no, sorry, only two days. So what do you mean you

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only had two days. He goes for six months. It was day, six months. It was night. Then six months of his day and six months. It was

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So in the two years I was there, I only saw two days. So well, Mashallah, when did you first

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so that's, that's the plan of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, right? He sends date and he sends night night for us to sleep and rest. And it's such a beautiful routine that he gives us. And daytime for us to get up, go out, enjoy the sun, we go and we do our work and, you know, finish off our business, and we still have some daylight and Subhanallah we come home and then we rest when it's dark. And you know, it's nice and peaceful and cool. I know and I travel a lot in airplanes and the sun, you know, the light is on and you want to go to sleep, you're like, Man, this budget airline, why don't they give you those things to cover your eyes, right. So you can just have some darkness

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and go to sleep, or at least rest, you feel rest, right, you feel refreshed, even if you're not sleeping, but you close your eyes, but close your eyes with a spotlight in front of your face and see how refreshed you feel. You're not gonna feel refreshed, try it, put a light in or a lamp in front of your face. And just close your eyes and try to rest. Don't go to sleep, and see how comfortable you feel. Then turn the light off and close your eyes and rest and see how you feel completely different. Right? And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that in the Quran that he spent the night in the day, and who else could bring night and who else could bring day

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in versus 79 to 82 loss of Hannah, which Allah talks about Koran, and how he was one of the people of the people of Musa and he has sent him

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and he was extremely wealthy have loads of wealth. And he thought you know, he was going to live on this earth, you know, enjoying his wealth for a period of time. And it is said that his keys, the keys to his treasure to his treasures, right? Just the keys to go and open the safe where his treasures were kept. It would take a number of strong men to carry just the keys to go and open that. Like that's how much wealth he had. Like, that's how many keys and how, you know, big and grand this person was in terms of wealth on Earth. But Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded the earth to swallow him up with his home. Just swallow him up. Right. And the people who used to say around

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him now we're fast forwarding the story because of time, but the people who used to say from around them and those that used to work would say Look at him, he's got so much wealth, you know, we wish we could be like him. We wish we could have that. And then when he was swallowed up, they realized so Pamela he had everything but he did not have Allah subhanho wa Taala he didn't have Allah subhanho wa Taala and they still had the opportunity to realize that and that was a sign from Allah subhanho wa Taala we move on to sorta to Lanka boot, which is the 29th sort of the poor and we still have

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how many there's 114 sutras in the Quran was 114 minus 29

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mathematicians 114 minus 2985 Mashallah, I will do you

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may Allah Subhana Allah bless you in gratitude, the mind of the super calculators of the world Mashallah. So Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is still has another 85 sources. Hopefully that number is right, left for us to cover in the course. And we don't have 85 days to go through it but the sooner I start to get much shorter as we go along. So here in sort of the Lanka boots, what is sort of Lanka boots, what is it called in English?

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The spider, the spider now must palitana Mashallah has interesting names in the Quran for the students, right? You have the sort of bacala which is a massive solar named after the cow and then you have sort of till field which is an even bigger surah writes the biggest suit of the Quran because it's an elephant. It's so big, right? No, it's such a small Surah At the end of an lm Terra cafergot or buka vs haberfield. But Allah Subhana Allah gives it the name feel right the elephant because of the story of the elephant. We notice Allah subhana wa tada spoke about the story of what?

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The End, right so what's the number? The number, the number, the end right? And then Allah subhanho wa Taala now is talking about a LAN cable, the spider and we'll see we'll finish today with the story of or the reasoning why Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the spider from verses one to three of this surah Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah says Bismillah R Rahman analyzed

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kabini him

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AR and Ma,

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Ma lettino Sadako one AR n mn care DB in the last panel which begins this surah asking us the believers don't mean a question. He says and Islam mean, we know that these are the hurdles, that that we don't know the meaning for, or we don't know the meaning of, and we leave that to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. Then Allah says, and he's asking each and every one of us do the people think that they will be left to say, we believe, and they will not be tried? Do we think that we will simply say, I'm a I'm a Muslim, I believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And therefore, Allah will not test me anymore. That's it. And we noticed that some people when they enter Islam, or Muslims,

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that are going through a difficult moment, maybe it might be an illness, it might be some sort of challenge in terms of wealth, it might be some family problem, whatever it is, those that believe, when they're going through an extremely difficult trial and test.

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They say, why is not doing this to me? Why is not doing this to me? How come this is happening? I'm believing I'm a believer, I pray, I fast I give up, I go for Hajj. Why do I get this? I'm a believer? Shouldn't this go to the non believers? Shouldn't this go to the non Muslims? Or the last panel which Allah says, Do you simply think you're going to believe and we're not going to test you? You simply think we're going you're going to believe and say, yeah, I'm a believer. helaas there's no more tests for you know, there's going to be tests. Why to test your belief, to see, like we said earlier when we began, right, when we said Allah Subhana Allah commands us to seek torquil in him to

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trust Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, when you're given the test, are you still going to have to work? Or are you going to trust the law? Are you simply saying, you know, we need to trust a lot? Will we be able to trust Allah subhanho wa Taala when a test comes our way, when times get difficult, when we are tested with, let's say, an illness, I know Subhana Allah, sometimes when I visit people who are sick, they asked me they start to cry, and they don't want to ask, but they end up sometimes asking, Why? How can I get this? Why does Allah give us this? Why do we have these sicknesses? Why do we have these illnesses? Why does the law bring this our way?

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That is the test. That's the test. And those people who from amongst us might have an illness might have some sort of difficulty. Allah has made you assign for others understand that, understand it, that you might be struggling, you might have a speech impediment, and you struggle to speak. Or you might be someone who can't walk properly, you might be someone who's been bedridden because of an illness that Allah Subhana Allah has given you, a law has made you assign for those who have health. Look at this person, who still continues to worship me, who still continues to pray, who still continues to ask me and make do I'll constantly over and over look at this person who I've given to

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you as a sign that even though they can speak even though they might not be able to feed them their own self, they can't even go to the bathroom, they still worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. So those that are sick, those that have an illness, know that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah has made us or made them a sign for others to understand, to reflect, to ponder, I haven't been given this I can run, I can walk, I can eat, I can taste the food, I can smell, I can hear I can see the beautiful colors of the earth. I can breathe, I can, you know, I can go places I can rest. I can work out, I can push myself, I can exert myself, I can sweat, I still have hair. I have so many things that I

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can enjoy.

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But we say Oh nice, difficult. Man. I need a better job. Right? Things are going so well in my life. But somehow others people who are bedridden have we thought about them. And that's why it's a sin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to go and visit the people who are sick constantly. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us or Yeah, the total Murrayfield

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yeah that will marry it comes from that word that is very similar to read. What is married, when does eight come?

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after Ramadan good and either of which is during the time of Hajj. Every single year at that time, read write? is a never missing. Is it ever go missing? No. So that word means something that is recurrent, something that constantly come

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It is always going to be there.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us a year that will Marines not to go and visit the sick once and that's it. I've done I fulfilled the sadhana handler. Now I need to find another center to do no, or Yeah, that will marry it means go and visit that sick. And when you come back, think and plan for the next time you're going to go and visit that sick, constantly visit people who are sick, go and spend time with them. Why it reminds us of who we are, who we are, what we've gotten from Allah subhanho wa Taala what we have what we benefit from what we enjoy from the blessings and bounties that was handed over to Anna has placed on earth for us to just take an

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indulgent, but we don't realize it because we haven't been put through the hardship yet. But when we see people who are going through the hardship, and we feel for them because of the hardship they're going through, we then trust the loss of pandahall attallah, we start to develop that trust that when it comes to a time where I might go through this, and I get old, and my bones start to become weak, and my joints are starting to give out and give out right give away. So Panama now, I remember that I had health and I had wealth, and I had moments in life that I enjoyed, and I will continue to enjoy worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala when he takes it away, then we move on to verse number

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seven, those who believe and do righteous deeds will succeed as Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions, right so he spoke about giving us tests and testing us and we know that those who are more righteous will receive the more difficult tests from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So don't think you know what, I'm going to get closer to Allah and then everything's gonna be okay, the closer you get through a lot, the more difficult the test becomes, because your level of emotion is increased, you can handle the harder test the other people can't. And you know, Subhanallah just to fast forward, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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he highlights in this surah from verses 16 to 18. Ibrahim Allah has set up then from verses 24 to 25. Ibrahim again, then 26 to 27. Luther and his Sena 36 to 37 prophet show 38 to 40. I had an thermowood right of us a panel attallah highlights those people in this sort of ask yourself though, ask yourself, if you were you who you are now, and you were taken and transported and placed at the time of any of those profits, and we hear their stories and we're like, Man, it's so obvious why didn't people just believe? Why didn't people believe in know, Hannah has sent me a message 950 years he called to the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala you have less than 100 people were

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following him 950 years, you do the math, how many people per year and the number was decreasing. It wasn't increasing, it was decreasing. And that's when he made the door out to all of us from Honolulu to Island. And you ask yourself at the time of Fibonacci, there were worshipping idols. His words were so beautiful and eloquent. Surely anyone who heard about him Allah has sent him with simply follow if I was at that time, I would believe that's what we think sometimes, right? If I was someone who is as a hobby, as a hobby, living at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, life would be beautiful. We'd be living with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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really? What guarantee do you have? What guarantee do we have that we would be from amongst those that are believers that are meaning at that time? What guarantee?

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no guarantee? We know the famous statement at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Sahaba or the Aloma unknown, we're lacking in 10%. of their Deen, that was a problem.

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But at our time, at the later times, if the Muslim mean hold on to 10% of their Deen, that's good. That is great. Right? Holding on to 10%. Whereas the Sahaba was the opposite. If they if they let go of 10% there's a problem. So what guarantee do we have that if we were placed at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we would be able to withstand those, those trials and tests that they went through, there's no guarantee and that's exactly what we're trying to highlight here in this surah

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in verse number eight, Allah subhana wa tada very quickly, he talks about parents,

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and how he's granted as parents and that we should obey our parents, so long as our parents don't ask us to do that which is displeasing to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. As soon as they ask us to do something that goes against the command Allah subhana wa Tada. We don't listen to them.

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In that issue in that, you know, incident or that problem or that question that they've asked from us, that doesn't mean that we completely disobey our parents and neglect our parents know, if someone's parents is calling them to do something that is taking them away from the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In that thing, you disregard it. And that Allah Subhana, which Allah tells us, but we still have to be nice and respect our parents, even if they harm us, in you know, ways, maybe verbally, right? Even if they're doing things against us because they disagree with our Deen or disagree with what we're doing in the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You still have to show

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respect to your parents. Respect. Respect, okay? It's not easy. It is not easy, and every single one of us knows it's not easy. And the older they get, the more difficult it becomes. We know that. But that is our test. Allah subhanho wa Taala said in the Quran, don't say off to your parents. Why did he say that? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala knew that we would get annoyed with our parents. He knew that we would get annoyed. That's why he said don't say off to your parents. Because you will get annoyed with your parents. But don't show your annoyance to them. Don't express that you're annoyed to them. Keep that inside, he knows we will get annoyed. But keep it to yourself. Don't show

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it to your parents. And SubhanAllah. Last night, I was thinking how you know our parents if we really sometimes sit down and think of what our parents did for us, right? Regardless of how old we are. So even those that are sitting here that might be 4050 6070 years old, your parents still did a lot for us for you, right?

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Last night in Milton, just before we left my daughter, she tripped and she literally hit the ground headfirst. Right. And so kind of love for some reason, every Ramadan, something happens to her. Right, every single Ramadan, something happens to her. And I was sitting in the car. And my wife was telling me what happened, how she felt. And I'm feeling it like I was telling her I don't want to hear it. Just don't tell me. like seeing her in the pain that she was in was enough. I don't want to hear how she fell in what happened. You know the details. It hurts just to hear how our children get hurt. But then my wife tells me imagine the people in different parts of the world

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who are going through such difficulties and challenges, that they're seeing their children being hurt, limbs are being cut off. They're seeing their children being shot and stabbed. And imagine she says those who are sitting there and are forced into watching their children be raped? How would you feel as a parent?

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how would we feel

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my wife is telling me this in the car, driving down the four one and I'm like

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the pain I feel thinking of my daughter hitting her head on the ground is unbearable. Imagine seeing your own child being raped by some army, or some tyrants or some people that are coming simply to invade and take your land.

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And they're abusing your children and killing your children and harming your children. And then I remembered just a few days ago, I saw this picture of you know, people that were fleeing Syria

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and going into Turkey, and they cut through a part of a fence. And so Pamela was thinking borders, like borders are what stopping these people from living a border of a country. How sad is that as human beings, that offense is what stopping these people from living life. They will be killed. They will be killed. That's why they're fleeing, they will be killed. But there's a fence that stopping them there and saying, sorry, you're not a citizen of our country. So you're going to be killed. How sad is that?

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Absolutely. You know, and then I was thinking the other day on Canada Day. This stuff I'm like, okay, we celebrate Canada Day people are celebrating Canada Day. Great. We enjoy what we enjoy Alhamdulillah and we're so thankful and grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala that we enjoy peace and we enjoy living on earth beautifully and you know not we live in like a surreal land. That's what my wife was telling me in the car yesterday as well. She's like, we live in Canada like it's a bubble. And that's why I'm so grateful and thankful to have us panel with Aaron

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I get to travel. I've seen people dig in garbage bins and take bones out. And I've watched them go home and cut them in pieces and fry it and put some spices and water and eat it.

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And hamdulillah I've seen that. So when I have like a date for a thought, and handed in that it's clean, it's a date. It's fresh,

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and handed in that, right. And that's why Allah subhana wa Jalla tells us travel the world, travel the world, go and see what's out there. Go and experience it. And when you go on vacation, don't just go on vacation to the nice places on earth. Because every single nice place a few kilometers away, there's a slump, or there's poverty, there's something and in Canada, kind of like just go anywhere downtown, you'll see poverty. And what is the most beautiful city in Canada that people say the nicest climate the nicest place to be in Vancouver, go to Vancouver. It's the world's Sorry, it's Canada's capital for homelessness. It's the homeless capital of Canada, because the weather is

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cool. And the homeless feel more comfortable sleeping on the street in Vancouver all year round where there's no snow and no ice, then to sleep on the street here in Toronto, or in Montreal, where it's freezing cold, right.

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And that's a beautiful city that people wish and desire to go and live in. drugs, alcohol, homelessness

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peaks in Vancouver than the rest of Canada. So Canada, right? And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us go and travel the world will conclude with verses 41 to 43 the parable that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives with regards to the spider uncoupled very quickly in sha Allah to Allah. The Parable of the machete keen are those who seek help from other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah says, those who seek help other than Allah, so they go to like lesser Gods little gods, right? He says they are like those who go to the home of the spider, which is the spider web, right? The web is their home. What is the spider web, it's the weakest home, you blow on it, it breaks. Now we know that the

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design is a strong design. And we know that you know Allah Subhana Allah has given the spider the ability to show us in terms of you know, architecture and strength of you know, design, we see that in the web, but at the same time, it is the weakest of homes because a little rain breaks it right, a little wind breaks it but yet people or insects get stuck to it. They stick to it, and they cherish it, they love it. They enjoy that what those lesser gods, those false gods that Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about, but that home is weak. The home is weak, it can be blown away. There's nothing real in it. There's nothing fab it in it. It's false, it's fake, and it can be

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destroyed so easily. And Allah subhanho wa Taala uses that to compare with those who worship other than Allah subhanho wa Taala We ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to learn these verses of the Quran and to bring a reality of them in our lives. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to forgive all the Muslims on earth including us. We ask Allah Subhana which Allah to grant safety to all the Muslim in as well as the non Muslims that are being harmed in different parts of the world. As human beings we care for one another. And that was the mission of the prophets on a lot of it. He was in the desert and a lot of Hainan or sun a lot of senemo American and abena Mohammed bin Salman

Explanation of Surah An-Naml verse 60, Surah Al-Qasas, until verse 44 of Surah Al-Ankaboot

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