Explanation of Surah Al-Mu’minoon, Surah an-Noor, and the first 20 verses of Surah- Al-Furqaan
Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 15
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The speaker discusses the importance of regular prayer, sharing good deeds, and respecting others. They stress the need for faith in oneself, privacy, and privacy in Islam. The importance of personal development and working towards a larger goal is emphasized. The speaker also touches on the challenges of working from home and how it affects mental health, including mental health and mental health.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa rahmatullah Matatini, Sunday, Sunday Maharashtra, India even more sunny Nabina Muhammad in any form of Salatu word Muslim Ummah bad. We're going to continue today inshallah to Allah and we do wonders a day in sha Allah. So today we will cover
sort of mean on the entire Surah Surah to know, as well as surah four upon the first 20 verses of it. So we'll begin with sort of tumino in which is the 23rd surah of the Quran and for those that I mean we all know what I'm you know, it means the soul of the believers, right believers and what we know and I wanted to recite the first few verses because this is a very beautiful suit on I wish we can go through every single one of the verses of the soul, but obviously time doesn't permit so oversight the first
11 verses in sha Allah tada and then we'll take it from there.
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the reason why I wanted to recite these verses
is sort of known as obviously the sort of about the believers. And a must handle with Allah here is talking about each and every one of us. And these are characteristics that Allah subhana wa jal and loves and wants to see come from us. So as Allah subhanho wa Taala says called the Atlantic
the minion, certainly will the believers have succeeded?
Who are they? A Latino movie Sala team crushing your own they are those who during their prayer humbly, are submissive or serve during their slaughter, they are submissive and humble to Allah subhanho wa Taala will let you know who man in love with Marty dawn and they who turn away from ill speech so they refrain from whether it's backbiting as we'll see shortly in sha Allah to Allah slander, saying nonsense about people or things that might not be true. Just basically making sure that we speak nicely and present ugly to others
and staying away from that which is displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of speech, will levena homeless at 30 noon. So Allah subhana wa tada here says, and they are who are we talking about the believers, those who are observant of their Zakat, and sadaqah. Of course, this falls into the category of South Africa as well. Well, lettino lifou jeem Houthi loon, and they who guard their private parts Illa Allah as YG him oma malakut Amen, or whom for in Omaha romelu mean except from their wives and those that the right hand possess, for indeed they will not be blamed
for many bits of our daddy Kapha hula hula doin but whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors those that want more than what Allah subhanho wa Taala has made halal and permissible, those that expect or try to gain more from the dunya from what Allah subhanho wa Taala has not made permissible for them, then obviously they go against what Allah subhanho wa Taala has, has declared as permissible for us, or lettino homely America to him were anti human our own and they who are
to their trusts, and their promises, attentive Meaning, if we give our word for something we follow through. And we are people who respect America when something is put in our trust that we must look after a certain thing or a certain person or maybe even our own selves. As we know of us pan with Allah gave us our bodies as an Amana. We look after it. And so those are qualities of the believers as Allah Subhana weiteren it says, then he says, and they who carefully maintained their prayers, now last pan with Allah mentioned prayers, but now he mentions it again. Right that they carefully maintain their prayers. Firstly, I must panaway to Allah mentioned at the beginning of the surah,
those who in their Salah are humbly submissive, they submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala. But here he mentioned those who are carefully, who carefully maintain their prayers, that their prayers are regular. And that's important for us to remember, during the month of Ramadan, like we always say we focus a lot on tarawih. But the point of tarawih is, as the Word says, that all we is that comes from a moment of relaxation. And so we relax in our prayer, we submit to a loss of Hannah Montana, we are comfortable in that, that mode of prayer with a loss of Hannah Montana, and it trains us in getting used to praying regularly so that we can fulfill our five regular prayers throughout the day
know a lot of people wonder,
with regards to prayer, how do we protect our five daily prayers. And there's one thing that I learned from my teachers in Medina, and it's, it's, you know, very easily done, but somehow many of us don't look at it that way. So for those of us that want to protect our five daily prayers, and make sure that we pray them regularly, a way of doing so is to pray the sun out allotted, after or at the times that are obviously recognized by the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, which is basically, if you're going to pray sold out to fudger before it's what do you pray to garrison, right? After a vote, you pray your son, after Muslim you pray your son, after Asia, you pray your
son, and so on and so forth. So you're focusing on the Sunnah, that you have to pray. And by doing so, whenever it comes time to pray your prayers, you feel guilty in missing out on your Sunday, and sometimes if you're in a rush, you might actually jeopardize the summit and say, You know what, today I'm not going to pray this Sunday, but you will not jeopardize your compulsory prayer with the person who doesn't pray those submit regularly. Sometimes you will find them jeopardizing their compulsory prayers. I go on busy Okay, I'll print later. I print later. I pray later. And next thing you know, the time's up, didn't end up praying because you don't feel guilty enough to miss out on
the compulsory prayer. But someone who's so particular with the compulsory prayers and with the Sunnah prayers, when they are short on time, they will miss out on the Sunnah, but they will make sure that they don't jeopardize their faith or compulsory prayer. And when I say jeopardize, I don't mean not to pray it. Like sometimes people will miss out on the Sunday prayer or not prayer. But jeopardise could also mean quickly praying it so praying it quicker than normal, right, which is good sometimes make us lose ourselves. If we go too fast. We actually can break the Salah, away from being performed, and those who pray their Nuffield prayers, right and nephele prayers. So every now
and then you will pray enough. When you're really in a rush, you will jeopardize the Nuffield meaning you might not pray them but you'll fulfill the sooner you like okay, at least have to pray to God. Right? So you might come from God and you're like in a rush. you'll pray vote for sure. And then you'll say okay, I'll pray to God that I can't miss I have to pray soon I feel guilty right? So you pray your son and then you leave but you'll notice that that person will not miss out on their compulsory prayers because they feel so bad missing out on the sudden. So because they're so you know that guilt is inside of them for the Sunnah prayers, they are.
They're so punctual with the actual thought and compulsory prayers. So Allah subhanho wa Taala here points out those who carefully maintained their prayers will eco homosexuality throne, those are the inheritors of what a lesbian a throne and filled dosa fee. How are they doing? They will inherit a third dose, what is alpheus dose?
gender, but what part of gender the highest part of gender, right? They will inherit the highest part of genda those that fulfill what Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in these first 11 verses. Now of course, there's many other things that come into play with regards to this
Dean but these are the basics. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala is making sure that we fulfill the basics of our Deen.
Then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on in verses 18 to 22 mentioning the signs that Allah subhana wa Taala has placed for us on Earth, but at the same time he touches upon an important aspect of cattle. And he mentions Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how one of the signs of Allah subhanho atanas greatness is how he puts milk in the belly of the animal, and we take the milk out, and we drink it, we consume that milk, right. And normally, if you sit back and you think of it, like wait a second, if you're someone who's never wondered or net, we're never taught where milk comes from. And then all of a sudden, today, someone tells you Hey, did you know that milk comes from the belly
of a stomach, like it's not a drink that's produced inside a factory like Coke, and you know, some of the juices that you get from fruit and you squeeze it and you know, all these, you know, power drinks and stuff that people like to put inside of them. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us milk from the inside of the belly. And imagine if you were the person who never knew where milk came from, and today, someone sat you down and said, Hey, I'm going to teach you a lesson. Milk, it actually comes from the inside of an animal, and then we squeeze it out of the animal and you drink it. You'd be like, what? We drink milk like it comes from the animal. That's kind of weird.
You wouldn't you would start thinking well, how does it How does that happen? Is it even? Is it highlighted for us? First of all, can we consume it? And secondly, if we consume it, is it harmful to our body? And then can we just drink it like that? Or do we need to pasteurize it? Do we need to boil it? Is it is it okay to just drink or, you know, do we need to put it through some sort of process to clean out some of the bacteria which in fact is probably killing the good bacteria for us. But so kindly you start to think of all of that. You have Allah Subhana Allah says that he gave us to drink from what is inside the belly of the animals, right, the milk that we drink of that is
good for us that has that has nutrients and nutrition inside of it that's good for the body. And so Allah subhana wa tada highlights some of his blessings there, in in these verses,
in verse 57, to 61, of pseudo tumino.
Allah subhanho wa Taala describes, or gives us a description of the people who do good deeds. And we'll look at that in sha Allah to Allah verses 57 to 61, a description of people who do good deeds.
So Allah subhana wa tada mentions, indeed, they are sorry, they who are apprehensive from fear of their Lord, and they who believe in the signs of the Lord. We're living in a big, big European Union. And they who do not associate anything with their Lord, and they who give what they give while their hearts are feel fearful, because they will be returning to their Lord. It is those who hasten to good deeds, and they outstrip others they're in so they outdo others, and they quickly rush to do good deeds for others. Now, this is the month of Ramadan. And in the month of Ramadan, we always try to connect and get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. But we tend to fall into the
typical ways, the ways that normally we're told to do which is fasting during the day, you know, having a thought and eating what's halal and good for us. And then going to the mustard and praying tunnel we, but if we can highlight the most important aspects of Ramadan, what do people focus on?
fasting, right, what else? charity, maybe praying, right? What are we What else? If thought prayer, okay, we mentioned those, what else?
Okay, what else hasn't been caught?
Those are the main things that most people focus on. In fact, there's three main things, I wouldn't even consider charity to be one of the main things, right. It's it is good. And people do do give charity a lot more during Ramadan, especially at the end of Ramadan, because we have the captain fitted, right that you have to give that you have to contribute towards. Right, which is a set amount, very small. Something basic, I think this year is probably set around eight or $9. Right? And you give that to look after people who don't have what we have, and they can enjoy a nice day on eat with maybe a meal and something good for their family members. But the three things that we
could focus on that most people will think of when it comes to them Yvonne, firstly, fasting. Secondly, what are we and third?
Right? Three things. But it's the month of blessing. It's the month that Allah subhanho wa Taala multiplies our good deeds multiplies them more than other times throughout the year. And it's a month
Where we have to think of others like charity, right? It's a month where we're reminded, we're fasting, we're feeling the hunger, and then we're reminded of those that don't have. So at the end of the month, we give and you know, a lot of people will only focus on it at the end of the month, some people will not even remember and they'll only pay it on the day of eat, which is already too late. Then you'll notice that during the month of Ramadan, you have people who has a less panel data is pointing out here, the qualities of believers who excel or better or not better than others, but pushed themselves to try and be better than others. Now, I must have done what I mentioned here, and
he highlights
the fact that they fear Allah subhanho wa Taala, they look for the signs of Allah subhanaw taala they don't associate anything with him, and they give while their hearts are fearful. Now they give because they remember that Allah Subhana Allah loves when we give. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you know I had to come into your home, or he may your head good enough, see that you will not completely fulfill your email and be a someone whose belief whose email is complete, except and until you love for your brother or your sister, what you love for yourself. And during the month of Ramadan. Not many of us focus on that, even though we should. And some of us think about it, but
how much do we really focus on it. Like when we sit down for if thought we all would like for example, we all come to the mustard during the month of Ramadan. And most of us actually think all of you have been here pretty much the entire month of Ramadan. Now, we're missing out on the reward of inviting someone to our house and feeding them so they can break their fast with something that we've provided them with, right? We love for someone else, what we love for ourselves, that someone gives us food, we feel happy. If we were to give food to someone else, they wouldn't feel happy as well. And we've missed out on that reward. Pretty much somewhat, right. But when we sit down for a
thought, we can still get the reward, take the data from your plate and give it to the person sitting in front of you or sitting next to you and exchange data and say here I'm giving you my date, I want to get the reward of you breaking your fast on what is mine, because someone gave that to you. And now this is their right the person who's sponsoring and giving that food, they get the reward regardless, but they gave you that food so you can get so you can eat from it, and they will get the reward, you take from some of that food and you give it to someone else, you notice how you're multiplying the rewards. Someone could have simply just sat at home and ate. But they come
and they say okay, today I'm sponsoring the food. So they sponsor the food in the mustard. Now everyone who gets to eat and break their fast, that person gets the reward of all the good deeds that that person has done throughout their day of fasting, right, the reward for helping that person to break their fast and all the good deeds that they get from it. No, you take from that and give your date to someone else who's sitting in front of you or beside you, maybe you get three dates, you give it to the two people beside you and one person in front of you. And someone sees you doing that and they take their date and give it to you as well. Now you multiplied the reward by you
getting rewards for helping or for giving something to the person in front of you and on the sides of you. So you multiplied it three times now, plus the person who's getting the reward of everything they are getting the reward of you giving to someone else from the food they provided you so they get the reward that you're getting from that person and those two people. And then the person who's sitting next to you gives you a date, the person who's sitting next to you and thinks, hey, let me give someone else a date as well. They give it to someone else, the person who's sitting in front of you helps that person, and it just spreads. And you'll notice that every single person almost at
least if we sit down early enough, and we do this, everyone who gives someone else something to eat, the reward is multiplied so much more simply by giving a date to someone else. And the person who sponsors is not getting the reward of feeding everyone that's there. They're getting the reward of giving the food to everyone that's there plus all the reward of everyone's exchanging. Imagine that, how we simply multiply the reward that Allah subhanho wa Taala had given us by doing good deeds, that's the month of Ramadan by doing good deeds, right. And that's just an example of a date. You're walking down the street you see someone who's elderly and they need help you help them you move, you
know something out of the way from the path that someone is walking down. That's harmful. That's the lowest level of emotion. Right? Help each other man settimo Muslim moon I mean, listen, he were the the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a true believer is one who a Muslim who safeguards another person from their words and from their actions. So when we're sitting down, speaking and talking, as we'll see shortly, talking about others,
during Ramadan is terrible, talking about them outside of Ramadan is terrible as well. But Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that our are sort of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlights that our fasting can can be gone completely. And we would just have reserved ourselves away from food and drink throughout the day without getting any reward from the actual fast, simply because we end up speaking about others and breaking our fast on what the flesh of another Muslim brother or sister,
right because that's what backbiting is backbiting is as though you're eating the flesh of another Muslim brother or sister when they've died
when they've died, so after they've died, it's as though you're eating the flesh off that body. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam actually showed us that through the the example that he gave with the companions that were backbiting at his time. And we know that story very famously.
Then if we move on in sha Allah to Allah after discussing the description of the people who do good deeds,
and lots of upon which it goes on in verse 71,
following our whims and desires is not the truth as a loss of Hannibal with Allah mentions here. So let's just read it together in sha Allah. But if the truth had followed their inclinations, the heavens and the earth, and whosoever or whoever is in them, would have be ruined. Rather, we have brought them their message, but they from their message are turning away. So following our whims and desires is not from what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to do, which is the truth, right, the Huq of Allah subhanho wa Taala discipline is absolutely important in our Deen. So here, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about those that just simply follow their whims and desires that Allah has given us
the truth, the Quran, which in it is a guide for each and every one of us. If we follow our whims and desires, we are not following the truth, we are moving away from the truth and going towards what is wrong. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the aspect of following what Allah sent meaning discipline, we need to be an oma that is disciplined, and disciplined in every single aspect of our Deen including parking in the parking lot during Ramadan, right? Because that's always what people talk about, oh, the parking, the parking, the parking, the parking, and you go to other massages. And you know, like, I know, brother, I mean talks about it. And, you know, in the
evenings, I need to leave because the parking lot fills up. And I'm not saying I mean is contributing to this, but he quickly, you know, leaves after motive to go to esna because that's where, you know, he gets together with his family and they pray. Tada, we have over there. And the parking lot fills up very quickly. And hamdulillah here at this mustard, the parking lot is extremely big and large. Is it a park? Is there any parking issues during the night? I don't think so. Right? It's usually not an issue over here. But in some massage it it's a big problem. In fact, the other night there was a brother panela he took a picture and he showed me after Juma. He said,
Look, last night, you announced about parking because I announced the night before during tonight we I was talking about parking and how we should be disciplined in our parking. And he took a picture and he said last night I came out of the mustard and I waited an hour and I think five or 10 minutes in the parking lot until 1235. Then he left the person came out and move their car at 1235 and he was sitting there just waiting and waiting and waiting for the person to leave. And he took a picture and he said you know and we announced inside the license plate and the person still didn't move their car. So somehow Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. But our Deen teaches us to be
disciplined, disciplined in many different aspects, including aspects that are going to be disturbing to others. As we just finished saying Munson demon Muslim una melissani the quality of a believer of a Muslim of a woman someone who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the other Muslims are safe from their words as well as their actions and parking in a decent parking spot or coming into the masjid and putting your shoes properly. Are you going to use the bathroom and you spill water all over the place? You need to clean it up. That is part of the deen as well. That's following respect for others that other people are safe from your words and from your actions. If
someone needs to quickly go and use the bathroom and the floor is all wet, they slipping, they hurt themselves. Well, you didn't clean it properly. So now they hurt themselves because you spilled water all over the floor. So we need to take care of what we do every part of this Dean. So Pamela is so beautiful and so perfect. And that's one thing I love about Japan, you know, and I recently went to Japan and I've always wanted to since I was a child. And so panela you know, just a month ago I was there and I was I took the train and it was going around and I was trying to find a place. Literally I was trying to find a place that looked
You know, shabby a place that didn't look so clean. And then I said, I wanted to find this place so that I can go and use a public bathroom and see how clean it was. Because I was amazed with how clean their bathrooms were. Everywhere I went. Usually in the airport, the bathrooms are dirty, right? So I spent a day in Tokyo and I went around to different places took the train and went to public places. I even went to the masjid The, the jemat. They call it Tokyo jammin the mustard, some having that and I went and the mustard bathrooms were beautifully clean as well as Canada, if only the Muslims around the world could see an example of this, right? This is a mustard but because it's
in Japan, the people are so used to being clean and neat and proper and hygiene. And there was never a minute or a moment I should say where I saw garbage on the floor. Never. I just didn't see garbage. It didn't smell bad. And I walked through the streets. to us. They're alleys they're really tiny, right? The streets, but that's a regular street for them. And so panel I was walking through and I'm thinking this is like an alleyway for sure it's going to be dirty. And the garbage truck was coming up the opposite way. And the garbage the way they put it out. It's like their garbage bank for the whole week was this big. That's it, that's their garbage. And then they had recycling and it
was at classified by bottles. So you notice they had bottles that were tied up and papers and everything was just so neat. So proper. And I thought this is like Islam, but in a non Muslim country. It's just so clean. So nice. People are nice to each other. You ask them something I looking at this map I'll bring it maybe tomorrow inshallah and show you the train how it goes zigzag left, right and center and all the words are foreign, you don't understand the thing. And I would ask someone to make any to go to this station. And somehow the employee would come out of their business come outside into the street and show me Okay, you see that go there? And then you turn
here, okay, do this do that. Wow. So Panama is like these other qualities of the Muslims. And so so Pamela, if any of you have the opportunity, after going to Makkah and Medina and visiting those places that are that are important for us to visit trying to visit Tokyo or not Tokyo sorry, visit Japan because Tokyo itself is very advanced. Try and visit anywhere in Japan and just observe and and try and compare the qualities of Islam with the qualities of the people that live there so canalys amazing, absolutely amazing. So we move on in sha Allah to Allah as Allah subhanho wa Taala then goes on into verses 99 and 100.
Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the hope that the disbelievers have, when death approaches them so unless upon which I mentioned in verse 99 to 100 had
a headache
or no
lanie li
in kenema twin wapo
one megawatt
him on Isla yummy yoga.
So I was paired with Allah here says had either had a home remote the disbelievers when death comes to them, call or build your own. So this is when the Angel of Death comes to them. And they're on the footsteps of of dying and leaving this world. And they say or build your own return us they call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala return us so that what we can do good righteous deeds, like Holly Herman was highly hand female attacked, so that I could do good deeds that I'd left off. I didn't end up doing them in my life. And what does Allah subhanho wa Taala say? Can
no way no way can?
in Cali Martin who are called iroha. He's simply just saying that he's going to return and do something good. He's not going to do anything. He's just saying that he will return and do goodness. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
mommy wha him barossa han Ella young neoga Hassan, the barossa is the life of the grave. And what will happen to us in the grave that moment that we will spend there right? And for those that did good, Allah subhanho wa Taala will make the life in the grave of beautiful pleasant time. For those that did bad. Well it will be a time where you will go through some sort of hardship. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help each and every one of us to grant us a grave that is wide open, sweet smelling and like a garden of Jenna, where we can smell the smells of trees
And coming our way. I mean,
we move on into Sula to Northern Chateau laterra. So we'll have to know what is the 24th surah of the Quran? Who can tell us what it means? What is Surah? A nor what is no light? What light? What type of light are we talking about in this surah? Anyone know?
The light of the Quran and
angels? What did you say? guidance we'll see in Charlottetown a very famous reverse in this sort of as Allah subhana wa tada highlights for us. So we'll go through the beginning very quickly, the verses one to five Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the ruling for the zenni Okay, the person who commits
illegal sexual relations, someone who has relations with someone before marriage.
So Allah subhana wa Taala talks about that here, whether male or female, so basically someone who commits this sin and they are not married, then Allah Subhana Allah mentions here that they are deserving of 100 lashes. Then Allah goes on into discussing the iron from verses six to 10. And Neon is an oath of condemnation. So an oath of condemnation basically here,
someone who takes an oath and swears by Allah subhana wa Taala, that their spouse has committed Zina
that their spouse has committed adultery, right?
unlawful relations with someone that is not their husband. And so here Allah Subhana, WA tada focuses on the husband, saying and stating that his wife has committed this action with someone other than Him.
And so that's detail there. And Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about it, and it can be reversed. So this person will come and testify four times that they have,
that they know that their wife has done this, and, you know, committed this sin. And the fifth time as Allah Subhana Allah says, the fifth time they take that oath, that is their oath stating that if the husband is lying, then the punishment of last man with Allah will give to them to the husband, and the wife can reverse it. The wife can say, No, I didn't do this, this is wrong, and do the same thing for oaths, tape testify four times, I didn't do it. Right. And the fifth time that she does it, that she says I'm innocent, then if she is lying, then the punishment will be upon her as well. So Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about that here in Surah. to note, then, in verses 11 to 21 of us,
which Allah talks about, if what is if Who knows? Who can tell us
if very famous incident that happened when he showed up the old man who was falsely accused of exactly what we were talking about, falsely accused of having a relationship with someone other than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so I had a shadow of the lover and I was innocent. And Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about that, in this solar.
He mentions as we'll go through some of the verses, in the Latina jet will bill if key, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Indeed, those who came with false hood are a group among you group of Who among you believers, so it was this habit of the long run home, those that were testifying or those that were saying this, do not think it bad for you rather, it is good for you, for every person among them is What punishment he has earned from the sin that they obviously commit. And he who took upon himself the greater portion thereof for him is a great punishment. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says in verse number 12 why when you heard it did not the believing men and believing women think
good of any thing good of one another and say this is obvious. falsework now what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did here is when I shut up the Allahu anhu was accused of having this relationship with someone else. The prophets on the lung or the USL him left this up to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. He didn't know what to do, he was disturbed by this. People are saying that his wife shall be a lover and had done something which which is wrong to even accuse someone of that caliber, right without any evidence.
So then I settled the dilemma and how she goes and she stays with who with her parents with a blue bottle, the loved one and her mother. And so, in the next few days, Allah subhanho wa Taala eventually clarifies the
issue by revealing these verses, but then also kind of want to add highlights. Why is it that you as believers didn't say something good about her? Why did you continue to say falsehood? And Allah subhana wa Taala goes on and says in verse number 13, why did they who slandered? Why didn't they produce for it for witnesses, those who claimed that she had done something? Why didn't they produce four witnesses? And when they do not produce the witnesses, then it is they in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who are liars. Now we spoke about this many days ago at the beginning, right when we were talking about these verses earlier in the Quran.
And so Allah subhanho wa Taala here highlights slander, what is the difference between backbiting and slander? Who can tell us what backbiting is
backbiting could be true, but what is backbiting?
talking behind someone's back
when they're not present, and they and it could be true. Okay, so 123
right, so saying something behind someone's back, right, when they're not pregnant when they're not present, when they would dislike it, but it could be true, right? That's backbiting. What is slander?
The exact same thing, but it's not true. It's even worse. It's not true. And here last palitana highlights it as slender. Why? Because it's not true. What happened was not true. So they were backbiting a shuttle de la vida. They were saying things about her. And they went on to say things behind her back when she wasn't present when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wasn't present as well. People were saying, Well,
why do you think she did this? And I can't believe she did this backbiting going on and on and on. And it wasn't even true. It had not even happened. And Allah subhanho wa Taala clarifies it in these verses. And that's the lesson for us. It's the month of Ramadan is the month of Ramadan. And sometimes we hear it we're sitting for a thought and you hear people talking about other people.
And that's where you need to quickly stop them and say, Hey, Ramadan, are your fasting, stop it. Right, you're sitting there waiting to break your fast. And instead of making do out, you're asking, you know, instead of asking the last panel with added goodness, we're talking about other people, ruining our fast literally all we're doing is just not eating and not drinking.
It's useless. It's pointless fasting, right? You just fasted for absolutely no reason. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to fast with quality, quality fasting, that we don't break our fast by backbiting about others and talking about others. And here Allah subhana wa tada highlights it in the incident of if and the incident of a shadow the level and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
ends up you know, receiving these verses from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he goes and rectifies the issue with a shot of the Allah and I don't want to go through it too long, because we have a lot to cover still in shallow tat. So verses 23 to 25. Allah subhanho wa Taala
is warning us not to think we will always be free from sin. So don't think that we're always going to be free from sin, just because someone else's or someone from amongst us might be pious, that doesn't mean that we are free from sin. So when we talk about others and say, Oh, how can someone so person do this? How can this person do that? How come he did this? How can she did that? Right? She should know better? Don't talk about people like that. Just because we might think we're more pious than them and we Oh, we didn't do it. We're not doing that so and so person is doing this sin. So until a person has committed a sin and upsets Allah subhanho wa Taala don't think you're free. That
the rest of your life you will never be a person who falls into that. So Allah subhana wa tada warns us about it right after he talks about the incident of that shuttle, the lover Mmm hmm. And how she was falsely accused. He warns us from talking about other people and saying he said she said this person that person went here did this did that and so on. Don't think that you are free from one day falling into that sin yourself. And that's what Allah subhana wa tada is trying to tell us here. Verses 27 to 29. seek permission before entering someone's home as Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights seek permission. Either knock, ask call out to them ring the doorbell. seek permission
before entering someone's home. They'll simply walk in. Now it's a time of us to have little the love and home. We know that their homes were not like our homes right. their homes could easily be walked into today. We have locks
Then we have other locks and then we have locks on the on the knob. And then we have, you know, deadbolt blocks. And we have security systems and all these different things, locking our homes. But here in Canada Alhamdulillah, we noticed that some of us leave our doors unlocked. Right, as some documentaries have proven that you know, Michael Moore, I remember many years ago, he made this documentary, he came from the US crossed into the border in Canada. And he's like, look at these people. Like he literally went to homes and opened the doors, right? So Canadians have Hamdulillah, we feel safe. And that's a good thing. That's a good sign that we feel safe. But we still have to
seek permission. Not only when we're walking into someone's home, someone's office, someone's place, you know, that's their place. That's their space. We seek permission before going into it. And that is the son of the Prophet son a lot more ambiguous on them.
In verse 31, now, this is a powerful verse.
We won't read the whole verse because it's very long. But in this verse, Allah subhanho, wa Taala talks about a number of things. And he says, tell the believing women to lower their gaze, right, lower their gaze, and to guard their private parts. Now, when Allah Subhana Allah here says lower the gaze. He's not telling the men and you'll notice that we always point the finger at the men here so today we're going to point it at the sisters and children. Right? We always in our Dean will tell the brothers lower your gaze. Don't look at the sister stuff it a lot. What's wrong with you? It's either dressed up nicely lower your gaze, lower your gaze, don't look at the sisters, right? model
loss or paddle attallah. Here in the Quran, he tells you that believing women lower your gaze. Why does he say that? Because women can do exactly the same thing too. Don't think that men are the only ones that are attracted to women and men are the ones that go wild and can control their desires. Women as well need to be warned and need to be spoken to lower your gaze. Just because it's a men and women women are not looking at men. No women look at men. And women think men are attractive as well. And women talk also. And if you ask your wife and your wife is 100% honest, she will tell you how she hears things about other people talking, right? That's what happens. And so Allah subhanho
wa Taala here tells us at the beginning of this verse, he's warning the women and so sisters this enough, this is a warning for you. Right, lower your gaze, the day that he does coming and Mashallah all the brothers are going to put on their bling bling, and they're nice clothing and they're going all the single guys are gonna be standing at the door, right? So make sure that you lower your gaze for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala look down control ourselves, then Allah subhana wa tada transitions off and he goes into talking about the hijab.
So he talks about the hijab and the importance of the hijab and how the hijab should be worn. And it should be covering the covering, obviously the hair, but also covering the top part of the body, at least right covering the chest, at least as a loss of pan which Allah says, Let your female come down, be lowered upon your chest, right, so to cover the chest as well. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about covering the body. And then at the end of the verse, When I did not be Julie hiner. Lee, the urine, Emma, may your feet I mean zenity hinda. What does the last panel with Allah say here, I want you to try and read this and understand it the last panel Dionysus and then
let them not stomp their feet or stamp their feet.
Why not? Now at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and before that in the times of Jeopardy as well. women would wear anklets and you'll notice even in the Arab culture today it's common for women to wear anklets right? So when they wear these anklets and they stomp their feet on the ground, what do you hear the nice sound the jingle right of the of the anklets and that's calling them calling attention to themselves. But here it says
tell them or let them not step their feet on the ground to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And here the scholars I remember when I was in Medina, we would sit with our teachers and they would tell us this also applies to high heeled shoes. Why high heeled shoes? What do high heeled shoes do to a woman's body?
I can you can google it right now. And you'll see pictures Google high heel you know the effects of high heeled shoes to a woman's body, click pictures, and then or images. And you'll see you'll see pictures that medical you know students and medical doctors have put out there and there's also I remember have it somewhere on my other phone is a new phone. there's a there's a diagram or an image of a woman whose posture is perfect without the high heeled shoes, and an image of a woman whose posture has been distorted because of the use of high heeled shoes, and it points there's lines with arrows pointing to all different
parts of the body like joints like the knees and the ankles and, and the toes and the back end, you know, the shoulders and all different parts of the body that have been harmed by the use of the high heeled shoes. But if you go and read the effects of the high heeled shoes as well, you will notice that one of the effects is it makes the body sway and it makes the woman's body become more attractive.
And what does the last palitana talk about in the Quran?
warning the women from stomping their feet on the ground and when women wear high heeled shoes, what do you hear?
Right, you hear that stomp on the ground, whether they're stomping their feet or not, you still hear it. And then what's happening you notice the sway the sway of the hips, and medically the doctors you know stated as well, that this is something that happens. This is an effect of wearing high heeled shoes, and a loss of hand with Allah says let them not stomp their feet on the ground, so that they will expose their body that they conceal and they show it off by wearing those high heeled shoes. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for our sisters to get rid of their high heeled shoes in sha Allah or to wear it inside of their house for their husband alone. Number 20
versus number 32 to 34 Allah subhanho wa Taala gives the command to marry so those that need to marry go ahead and get married that's mentioned in verses 32 to 34 as the last panel which are the highlights there and for those that have not gotten married and need some assistance, well go and read the verses and you'll note so the young guys Mashallah read verses 32 to 34 of swords to north.
In verses verse 35, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives the parable of the light of a loss of power which I had.
And the last panel which it says on Laguna summer, T one method uno de cammish
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camel camel.
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honor to
be here. Yeah, can
you be
wherever Tim Setsuna
no Nana
yah, yah, yah
tchi my
way up
more Ruby code Nisha in the sun, so I must have handled what Allah talks about what his new, the new, robust handle what Allah so Allah is Lord of the heavens and the earth. The example of his light is the niche. And you can read through the verse, Allah Subhana, Allah gives us an example in Surah, to know of the lure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And how beautiful it you know, it sounds in this parable that he gives in this one verse. So in one verse, He sums up the note of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Then the virtues and etiquettes of the mustard are highlighted in verses 36 to 38. And we won't go through them and shuttle Montana to save time, verses 43 to 44. Loss of panel data goes into talking about his power in the creation of the clouds. And so Allah subhana wa Jalla created the clouds and from clouds upon clouds, those that are thicker, those that are less dense, right and then from the clouds come rain, and then from the from those clouds also comes lightning as Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions and the lightning is bright, and you know, bright to the eye or to the site. So Allah subhana wa tada talks about his signs there and his power in the creation of the clouds
versus 58 to 60. The three times of privacy that Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights three times where you should request privacy from your family members within your home. And so you can read through them. But the reason why I'm highlighting this verse is because Allah subhanaw taala here talks about us as parents notifying or letting our children know, three times in the day fudger
and Asia time, obviously the morning time, the night time and the noon time when you take your kalola your siesta, that is the time where your family members should seek permission before entering your room.
And so recently, we've been talking about
about, you know, the new changes in the curriculum in the in Ontario right in the province. And a lot of Muslim parents have been saying, you know this is wrong and so on and so forth, which we do think is wrong, right. But at the same time, we need to highlight the importance of us as Muslims, educating our children with regards to this aspect of life, right, the aspect of husband and wife, mother and father and having the privacy of their bedroom and so on. And so if we educate our children with regards to it and teach them the verses of the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala highlights this in and then go into the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with
regards to it, we wouldn't worry so much. We wouldn't worry so much because we've educated our children our children already know what takes place they know what happens they know how children are created, they know how Allah subhana wa tada forms them. And they slowly as they grow older will know more details from their parents with regards to what happens in you know, childbirth and counter conception and so on and so forth. So here Allah subhana wa tada highlights those three times of privacy that parents should educate their children with regards to and they need to seek permission before entering their room without just barging in and walking in the door. Then we move
on into sort of for con
sort of recon will only take 20 verses of the suit on shuttle avatar on it, it is the 25th surah of the Quran and who can tell us what it means quickly the criterion because you're all sitting there with your must have right and your English translation on your iPads and phones and so on. Right? So the criteria what criteria what is the lesson that Allah referring to?
Right? Okay, between right and wrong, what is the criterion that was sent from Allah subhana wa tada
the Quran so the Quran Allah subhanaw taala highlights in the very first verse about ockendon levena Xenophon upon rnrb de Leah coonan. In line Amina, the last pen which Allah says the word for poem in the first verse, so he says, bless it is he who sent down the criterion which is alpha con, aka also known as the Quran,
upon his servant who Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so that he may be to the world's a warner a person who tells people what is right and what is wrong what is liked by the last panel with Anna what is disliked by last panel what to Hannah. So the criterion is the Quran as Allah subhanho wa Taala has given to us through the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in verses four to six Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us what the machete can say about the Quran. So they say you know certain things about the Quran that this you know, is fabricated, and so on and so forth. They're talking about the Quran, as we know, and we've discussed earlier in the verses that we took, but
from verses seven to 14,
the machine they go on to mock the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for being a typical man, or a typical human, right? He's just a typical human just like us. And they talk about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and say, He is someone who eats someone who goes in the markets, he walks through the markets, he does business, he's a human being, why didn't Allah Subhana which Allah sent an angel? Why didn't God send an angel who can maybe be his partner or work with him to teach the people between what is right and wrong? Right? And so here Allah subhana wa tada highlights this, then a mutt transitions from that, and talks about the gods of the machine, the the
idols that they would worship, and how those idols and this is from verses 17 to 19, how those idols would not be a witness for those people on the Day of Judgment. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, will bring the machine again and bring the gods and make the gods testify in front of them and say, we never asked them to worship us. We had nothing to benefit them with. Right? We never asked them to worship us. And then Allah subhana wa, tada will leave them like that, in that state in that position, they will testify and then you go on your way. Thank you, you've done your job. Right? you prove to these people that they did not listen to the messenger that had come to them. And then
Allah subhanho wa Taala and verse number 20, which is the last verse that will take Allah subhanho wa Taala refutes those mushrikeen and their initial statements of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being only a human being, by reminding them that all of the previous prophets that came that were sent by God, were human beings as well. And so there's nothing different about Mohammed, or there's nothing special about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then in this case, Allah sent only men, and in the previous cases, there were there were angels. There were never angels as prophets and messengers. There were all human beings.
That was the plan of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that exactly why those motion again, we're making fun of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he's a man he eats, right? And he goes in the market, he does business and he walks through the people and he tells them what's right and what's wrong. He's only a human being. Well, yeah, that's the point is that he's a human being. And if he's capable of doing this and worshiping Allah subhanho, wa Taala, the way that Allah wants, then you as a human being as well can do that also. And so here of us, palitana highlights the aspect of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the fourth one, which is the Quran that was given to the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So before we conclude, there's four things that we need to go over. The first one is homework. I gave you homework yesterday, right? And we said that praying and mustard is multiplied how many times 1000 times who did their homework?
You did your homework you did your homework. Anyone else?
Some people or you tried to
you tried to you couldn't find it. Okay? Mashallah. So I'll tell you the answer to your homework insha Allah praying and must be the number we said is multiplied by
1000 times praying in mustard oil, how long which is around the carrabba and it's being expanded so getting into it is a lot easier now right? is multiplied by how much 100,000 times so imagine going there during Ramadan and being inside the home and worshiping Allah subhana wa tada and pleasing Allah subhana wa tada and praying where your saw that is multiplied 100,000 times and your good deeds are multiplied more than the outside of the house. But we said yesterday your sins as well inside of the atom. Allah subhanho wa Taala warned against don't commit sins there stay away from evil actions, because the sins are multiplied as well as our scholars tell us. So Allah subhanho wa
Taala multiplies, by far 100,000 times. Now imagine you go to the Holloman mcca
and you pray one
unit or we should say to Raka of salata, tarawih
that says though, you prayed how much
it's as though you paid 200,000 Raka right 100,000 times. So we should try to go to Mecca and simply pray a lot and make a lot and recycle and a lot and not do what a lot of people do when they go there they go there and they start taking pictures. Hey, you can take a couple of pictures nothing wrong with that right? But don't make it the goal or you know what you spend so much time doing going and then shopping Mashallah so many people go and they shop so much in Makkah, right just because they want to go home and give gifts and say this is from Makkah, this is from bucha this is from Becca, what would be nice is you returned from MK Can you tell the person you know what, there
was a day when I was there for Ramadan? And I was sitting in front of the door of the Kaaba and I remembered you and me to have for you there in front of the camera. Wow that person would feel special right that person would be like oh don't give me dates don't give me some some don't give me a job that's made in China don't give me anything right? Just wow Mashallah, you remembered me in front of the door of the caravan. Right and the place in front of the door, like from the from the black stone to the beginning of the door of the cabinet, that spot which is very small, you make dua to Allah subhanaw taala that's a spot where door has answered, right? So imagine you tell the person
you know, one day I was sitting down, I was on the roof of the cabinet, not the character that must have that hat on right on the roof. And I was sitting down looking at the cabinet. And I remembered you and me to have that last panel it's Allah bless you and grant you a good life and graduate nice pious wife and you know, a good husband who's helping you with the cooking and the cleaning and the children and so on and so forth. Mashallah, right, that person would feel amazing. touched, that you remember them there in Makkah, we don't do that. We go there and we take pictures and we post online and be like, tagging all our friends a guess what the gram nananananana I'm sitting in front of the
camera, right? That's what we do. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to understand the reality behind going to Makkah and Medina and the importance of going there the importance of praying there the importance of making sure are there the importance of reciting Quran there, and we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give each and every one of us the ability to go to Mecca to go to Medina to visit the places where the prophets on a longer AlLahi wa sallam walk the streets and to learn the history of what we learned in the Quran as we pass throughout those streets in Montana.
Three more things in sha Allah. Firstly, please remember brother Sajid. I don't know who this brother said it is but brother Sajid is written
Here. So brother Sajid, who is sick requests that we remember them in their Dora. So we asked the last panel where to add it to make it easy and grant a cure to Brother sajit and make his whatever difficulty and sufferings he's going through easy upon him.
Secondly, sister haven nice up,
nice up passed away in Karachi May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless her, and grant her grave, a sweet smelling, open, wide open garden agenda for her to stay in that life of the bounds of mean. And thirdly, in general, all the sick and deceased, often request for your heart so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for all those from amongst us that are sick, and those from amongst us that don't even know that they might be sick. We ask Allah subhana wa attallah to cure each and every one of us and to grant us ease and to forgive us of our sins. Because that is what is happening through the sickness that we are given from Allah subhanho wa Taala all summer long Santa
Monica and Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam