Daood Butt – Ramadan Gems 08
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The importance of praying during cold weather and the difficulty of praying in the winter lead to health issues and wealth. Prayer in the winter is also a habit. The use of the NFC polyoma and the parody of the NFC fob NFC volumes to show the judge's lack of deeds is dangerous and dangerous. The importance of educating oneself and not just saying things, and sharing knowledge to avoid losing respect for the people around is also emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa rahmatullah wa salli wa sallim wa ala and a V Hill Karim. Allah He of all of Salatu attempt tasleem rubbish. rocklea Sabri. We are certainly Emily aka 10 min lissoni of kaha Kohli, my brothers and sisters SNM we're Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
and hamdulillah. It's a beautiful hot day outside and I know for some people that thinking is too hot Ramadan, we're fasting we don't need this heat. But I actually really enjoy it and love it. I love the heat and I don't want to say that I wish it was like this every day. But it's just nice that we have this break from all this cold rainy weather to nice warm weather and hamdulillah also from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala today we'll continue taking a few verses from soda to a salt like we did yesterday we began with the first verse of salt salt.
We'll take a few more inshallah and then we'll move off to salt ammonium Today's the 16th day in the 17th night of Ramadan. So we are seeing changes already happening in the month as you could see you know the mustard is being prepared already for t calf and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to accept all those who have intention to go for it calf or to perform RT calf this Ramadan. I mean,
we begin similar to a lot with verse number
14 nine so in verse number one basically what we see here, as we mentioned yesterday and sort of Allah subhanho wa Taala begins by praising himself who is capable of doing something none of us could even think would even be possible, right, which is taking someone from one land to another land and then up to receive the message from Allah subhanho wa tada madonnina Mandala, Lena Hey, hey, we're not talking okay? Don't distract anyone. Okay. So, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here the instruction that was given to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam during the
happening or the incident shouldn't really say incident, but the event the event of LSR will Mirage how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes up and is commanded by Allah subhana wa tada to pray 50 times a day 50 How many times do we pray?
Five right five times a day. But we actually get the reward of praying 50 times a day because what happened was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went up and every time he would come down, who would he meet?
So he goes up to meet Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, obviously Allah meets him behind a hijab. So you he could not see Allah subhana wa Tana directly. And Allah Subhana Allah gives him the command to pray 50 times a day he leaves and who does he meet when he comes down?
musalla his son Um, so prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meets musala his Salah Musa alayhis salam knows that this is something very difficult for the people. There's no way that we are going to be capable in 24 hours to pray 50 times, we have such a hard time praying five times in 24 hours, right? It becomes challenging, especially with the shift in the hours of the day. In the summer. The days are really long. The nights are short, in the winter, the days are really short. And you'll notice a lot of people say praying in the winter is more difficult than praying in the summer. Because they'll have a certain month later on all you know squished together. They happen
within like an hour and a half or two hours of each other. And so it becomes very challenging. Imagine if we had to pray 50 times a day, in the winter when our days are really short. But here we notice that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would come down meet Musa alayhis salam he would say go back to Allah subhana wa Tada. And that was the courage that moose Allah has Adam had the courage that Musashi Sam had he was known as who what was the nickname given to Mossad a setup?
Does anyone know?
He was known as
Kalima law. Very good. So, musala Hassan was known as Kelly mala, the one who would communicate the one who would speak with Allah subhanho wa Tada. Now, that doesn't mean that the other prophets and messengers, you know, did not have the ability to interact with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Of course even us we can communicate to Allah we make dua to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, but Musa alayhis salam had that courage. And we see that in the example of when Musa alayhis salam was approached by the angel of death. So the Angel of Death comes to him and Moosa Allah has sent him he's not going to take any, you know, sort of nonsense, right from anyone. So the Angel of Death comes to him and
the angel is, you know, obviously, fulfilling his his command from Allah subhanho data coming to
Take the soul of musataha sent him away. And Musa alayhis salam hits the angel of death so hard in the face that it damages his eye, right damages the eye of the angel of death. And the angel returns to Allah subhanho wa Taala and complains and says Look, this is what your, your servant did to me. And so you know the Angel of Death is sent again from Allah subhana wa it's added to return to moussaka his center and to tell musala his setup, put your hand on the back of a sheep right Put your hand on the back of a sheep and for every strand of firm that is underneath your hand you will live for one year
you'll live for one year now you can imagine how many strands are further because we just like I noted over there Mashallah. He's got shorter hair that's why we're picking on you, because your hairs thicker but shorter, my hair is Mashallah it's on its way out, right?
So if we were to put our hand on his head, imagine how many strands of hair would be underneath our palm or underneath our hand. Lots hundreds 1000s right and for every year musala his sentiments told you will live at one year for every strand of fiber that is underneath your hand. And so Masada has sent him his courage once again, he asked the angel he says and then what? Like what happens after every single year for the strands of fiber that's underneath my head every single year that I live, what will happen after that, and the angel says death after that death, like you have no choice you need to you need to die, you will die. And so Masada has sent him he says to the angel, then take me
now. Right you may as well take me now. If I'm going to die later I might as well die now. amaze will return now. And so he returns to Allah subhanho wa Taala to Hannah. And so Musa alayhis salam is known as Kenny Mala. He's known as the one that communicates with Allah subhana wa tada he has that level of courage. He has the ability to, you know, tell prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, go back to Allah and request for reduction. So he goes back to a loss of Hannah Medina and the 50 prayers a day comes down by five and now it's 45. So he comes down, and he sees musala his son and once again, and musala his Salaam says go back to Allah. So he goes back to a va subhanho wa
Taala. And Allah reduces it by five once again, and this keeps happening back and forth coming down, going back from musala, send them to Allah subhana wa tada and so on and so forth. And what happens there is, it continues to happen until the numbers reduced to five from 50 to five. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala informs the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that for every single one of the five prayers, we will be rewarded for performing 10 so it will be multiplied by 10 right? So we are technically still praying 50 prayers a day, but each prayer is multiplied by 10. And so we ask Allah subhana wa tada who is merciful always to have mercy upon us. Just as he was so merciful upon us
when the command of prayer came to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he reduced it from 50 to five, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is merciful. We asked a lot to be merciful upon us throughout this month of Ramadan. I mean, we move on to verse number 14, in verse number 14, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us
to read our own book of deeds right to read our own book of deeds and this is something that will take place on the Day of Judgment. Allah subhana wa tada says, If going on kita but gafa BNF see can young man he can see
Allah subhanho wa Taala will tell us on the Day of Judgment after giving us our book key Tada. Read your own book, read your book of deeds, what we did in our lives. And so Pamela last week, I gave the example of the CCTV camera, right or a camera that catches our actions as we move. And you can imagine how many things we do in our lives not realizing that we're actually being watched by Allah subhanho wa Taala. As in He knows everything that we're doing, and the angels are recording it. And on this day, Allah subhanho wa Taala analysts a key topic read your own book, and what does he say? katha VFC can the Omaha ceiba sufficient is yourself against your own self on that day. As in we
will you know, you look at that book and Subhanallah I did this I said that I went here I did this and you know, all of these things will be listed in our books. And we will say to ourselves, you know, what did we do? Right? How did we do? We'll question our own selves. And Allah says Kapha the NFC polyoma
fob NFC glioma alayka has Eva it is sufficient for you to be the judge upon yourself this day. And that shows going back to the beginning of the surah Allah subhana wa tada here just you know 11 verses sorry 13 verses later.
is showing us that we ourselves would claim that we have not done enough that we have fallen short. It's not sufficient the amount of good deeds that we've done. It's, you know, there's no way that we can enter Paradise without seeing all the deeds that are written in our book, the good deeds and the bad deeds. But go back to the very first verse. What do we learn in the first verse of the slaughter? Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that he is capable of doing anything, taking his servants Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Mecca to Jerusalem and from Jerusalem up to meet with Allah subhana wa tada all in one night and then return him back before the morning. And we see
that if Allah Subhana Allah is capable of doing so. And he reduces our prayer from 50 to five and he is so merciful wanting to be merciful upon us. Then definitely Allah subhana wa Adana here when he's saying ketomac read from your own book Kapha BNF ck Leona alika has Eva, it is sufficient for you today to be the judge. However, Allah does not let us judge. Allah does not give us the power or the position to judge our own selves. He takes that right away from us. It's not even our right. It's his right. But if we were to judge ourselves, we would not judge ourselves or sorry, we would judge ourselves, honestly. But we would see that our judgment is leaning towards something that we didn't
assume or didn't expect. But Allah subhana wa tada with his mercy, with his compassion upon us, places us in positions where we would never even imagine granting us agenda even though we see all of these sins, and we highlight the example of the person who comes before Allah subhanho wa Taala. Had I mentioned this a few days ago in you know, at a different location, about the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
the Hadith of the birth aka, the person who comes in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala with just a simple cart, right? And before the cart is brought out, Allah subhana wa Adana asked the angels to bring the books or the scrolls of bad deeds that this person would have committed. And the scrolls each one if you were to unroll it go until the end of the horizon as far as your eyes can see.
And that's one scroll. And there were 99 scrolls that will come in front of this person 99 each one unrolled until the end of the horizon until we can't see anymore. And every single one of those 99 scrolls is filled with bad deeds filled with sins that we've done. panela
and the person imagine on that day will feel destruction, right? How on earth could I face Allah subhanho wa Taala knowing that I have 99 scrolls of bad deeds. And then Allah subhana wa tada asks the angels to bring the good deeds, the scrolls with good deeds, and it's nothing more than just a Baka a cart. Mine has my name on it, right? But you can imagine the card says la isla de la. That's it. And the angels put the scrolls the 99 scrolls on one side of the scale, and then take the pitaka that has written the card, the daka means card, that is written law, Allah in the law on its on the other side of the scale. And when this is placed on the scale, it outweighs the bad deeds, showing
us how merciful Allah subhanho wa Taala is that a person can commit sin upon sin upon sin, but because we continue to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala because we continue to have hope in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah is merciful upon us, and we seek forgiveness from a lot regularly and constantly and Allah subhanho wa Taala grant says that if he so wills and chooses to do so, so here Allah subhana wa tada highlights that if we were to be our own judge, the judgments would be different but Allah subhanho wa Taala changes that for us. Hey, Alina, Tally, Tally, Tally, come, come. Come tidy. Lina.
tidy. Come sit down here. Okay, so sit down. Sit down.
It's not nice that you're disturbing other people. Hey, sit down.
123 you sit down.
Okay, I'm gonna
stay sitting down, okay, and stop making noise and start making trouble. Don't bother uncle said don't bother anybody or come and sit in the frontier.
So that's with regards to verse number 14 of salt until a song. Okay, verse number 14 of soda, salt.
If we move to verses number 3238 in verses 30 to 38, we see a number of prohibitions things that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us not to do that we should stop doing and Allah Subhana Allah And in verse number three
He says, indeed your Lord extends provision for whom He wills and restricts it. So Allah subhanaw taala gives. And he takes away. So he gives provisions I know earlier today. So Pamela, you know, just thinking of it because we're fasting. I went, and I was at another program earlier today. And they gave me as a gift, this massive fruit platter. And I'm thinking so Pamela, we're fasting, right. And these fruits, some of them are dipped in chocolate, and I'm just looking at it like, Oh, it's too early in the day to be given this massive fruit platter dipped in chocolate made by what is it edible arrangements or something like that. So somehow, there's this beautiful thing that you
want. And I thought to myself, even if we could eat it, it's so much food. So Pamela, and so Allah subhanho wa Taala gives so much sometimes in abundance, right? So much is given to us. And at times, it's restricted, it's taken away as well. We just don't have it when we want it, we don't have it. So you'll notice a panela. Probably earlier in the day, we're at home, and we're seeing all this food in our fridge and in our homes. And maybe because it's Sunday, we went into groceries, and is one of the most difficult things during the month of Ramadan to go and do groceries because we see all the beautiful things in the grocery store. And all the things we would never purchase we
purchase during the month of Ramadan. You'll notice that right? popsicles and chocolate and chips and all these beautiful things. But somehow a lot what happens at night, we might be here and we're thinking, Oh, we were we went grocery shopping, we bought all of these things. And now it's restricted from us because we're here. We're not at home, we can't eat it, we can't indulge in all the beautiful things that we bought. And then we get home after them after Tada, we and we completely forget because we're already full from eating if thought were completely forget all the nice goodies that we purchased. And it's only until tomorrow while we're fasting that we realize oh
the fridge is full of nice things. The cupboard is full of all these amazing, you know the types of junk food and things that we bought that we wanted to eat, but we can't eat them now either because we're fasting. And so that's a simple example of how sometimes we have so many things in our home that is still restricted from us as well even though we have it we can't have it. And so Allah Subhana Allah mentions he gives any he takes in now who can read it he hubiera embassy Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala says indeed he is ever concerning His servants upon us Acquainted and Seeing he knows what's going on in our lives. Then Allah subhana wa Jalla says
one dunkel to know
wanna come in,
in national Santa Rosa, he come in katella. Can,
can be Allah subhanho wa Taala says and do not kill your children for fear of poverty. And this was something that took place during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Arabs at the time and we will focus on just their nation because we're talking about the nation where prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent during the time of jelenia we know that they would take the lives of their children, because they feared they would not have enough wealth to provide for their children. And here a loss of hanway to Anna says no, no, not Zuko home. We as in he has zoa jell O Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who provides for them. Do not fear poverty of
law is the provider will come and upon you as well upon us, Allah subhana wa tada provides. So he's highlighting the fact that he provides for our children, and he provides for us as well. So that's the first thing Do not be harsh upon children don't think and I know a lot of the times Pamela, instead of talking about you know what was done during the time of Jamia some people that our time are scared of having children because they fear poverty. So they're married or they get married, but they fear having children because they fear poverty. Don't be scared. That is from Allah subhana wa tada provisions is from Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is usually a time in a person's life where
they've gone through their education system, they're, you know, getting their degree or just finished getting their degree and they think, you know, how am I going to have any wealth? I'm going to get married now or they just got married, they finished their degree, they're struggling to pay rent and so on and so forth thinking to themselves, how on earth am I going to, you know, survive if we have children? We can we can barely even afford rent, we can't afford a car, we're taking the bus to work and so on and so forth. Don't fear poverty, Allah Subhana which Allah provides, when the time is right, we don't have because we probably don't need that extra money right now. As soon as
the child comes along, the loss of Hannah Montana provides and a lot provides for us in ways that we could not even imagine. Then in verse number 31, Allah subhana wa tada says,
One takanobu Xena
can heisha tim
Sabina awesome Hannah with Anna says and do not approach unlawful
relations. Okay, unlawful relations because I know we have some children here. So don't have a relationship with someone of the opposite gender that is not permissible, as in premarital relations. This is not permissible or even when someone is married but having an affair with someone else. Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us about this. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us that someone who is about to indulge in that remember and remind yourself at that moment that Allah subhanho wa Taala could grant you one of the highest statuses on the Day of Judgment, if we have the strength to pull away if we have the strength to refuse to indulge, and at that moment
we know Subhanallah is very difficult for someone to say no and to turn away. But the Prophet sallallahu Ida usnm says about Julian direct who Emirate in the two months we've been with geminin for color in the a half of law, a person, a man or a woman, right and here in the example the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is just using one context right? A man being invited by a woman but it goes both ways. A woman who's being invited by a man as well, or julen dad to attend that woman sleeping with a man who a man who is invited by a woman, the two months he was a man of high status, well recognized and also of extreme beauty.
For color in the half a law but says no, I fear of loss of habitat. I'm not going to indulge in this. I'm not going to take part in this and turns away from it. That person is one of the people who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says sir baton, Yulin Lu Houma, la houfy Lydon de oma La Villa Illa window, seven categories of people will be under the shade on the Day of Judgment, when there is no shade except his shade, the shade that Allah Subhana Medina will provide. And one of those categories is this category. And so we see some kind of law, the importance of it now and Allah Subhana Allah mentions in the Quran, while Takara booziness
do not get close to Xena rights to unlawful relations. What Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying here is not just don't commit the action. He is saying do not get close to it, by all means. Whether it's having a boyfriend or a girlfriend, right, that boyfriend girlfriend relationship, and I know some handler for some of us were thinking, Well, why would we do that we never encourage our children to have a boyfriend or girlfriend anyways. But in fact, in some cultures, and we live in Canada, so it's a multicultural environment. In some cultures, the Muslims encourage their children to date. But the dating is different. The dating is and this is not according to the dean, I know some of the
youth are like, Oh, really? No. Okay, is not according to the dean, they encourage their children to get to know someone, before trying to even get serious as in, be with someone go out, speak to each other, and so on, never doing anything that's wrong. And some kind of I actually know some people that did this. And in their culture, even though it's promoted for them to, to sort of date, it's discouraged and actually extremely, extremely bad for them to even have contact with each other. So they might go out, have dinner, talk to each other, go to school together, and so on and so forth. But they will not hold hands, they will not you know do anything like kissing, they will not do
anything that they're not supposed to do. islamically and so there's, I know there's a balance there that the parents are like, Well, you know, they're not doing anything wrong, but somehow to law, our knifes takes us away. As in our knifes, we are sometimes controlled by it, we give in to what our desires are. And we might think to ourselves, okay, our parents are letting us do this, but a loss of Hannah Montana does not let us do that. Allah subhanaw taala does not let us or allow us to continuously go and meet and you know, mingle, and so on and so forth. If it's a controlled meeting, as in, you're you're planning on marrying this person. So you're meeting them, you discuss a few
things, you maybe need to have another meeting and so on and so forth. You do it in a public place. That's a different story. We could talk about that in detail another day. But like I said, there are some cultures that encourage it. And be careful because Pamela that encouragement has led many youth to doing things that they regret later on. And a lot of them blame their parents and say we wish our parents never let us do this. So we ask Allah subhana wa tada for guidance. And he gives us this guidance in the Quran. He tells us Lata karabo Xena do not approach it. And that also includes in the online world, the online world some kind of law where a lot of people will you know, I don't
In this, Facebook, how many of us use Facebook, raise our hands. And I'm not going to put you on the spot, just want to know how many people use Facebook, if you don't use Facebook, your hand is down. If you use Facebook or you have a Facebook account, Your hands should be up in the air. So we just have an idea. There we go, double the amount of hands went up, right? Many people use Facebook, or we'll use Instagram, or we'll use Twitter or we'll use WhatsApp or telegram or Snapchat or whatever else is out there. Right? There are so many social media platforms. And what happens on social media is a lot of the time discussions take place that are not even permissible.
Right discussions take place when we ask Allah Subhana Allah to help us it's a, it's a very, very scary realm. And it's dangerous. And any single one of us can fall into this trap. But one thing that I just want to focus on is the Facebook face, right? Because a lot of people still use Facebook or even Instagram,
and Facebook, some kind of law, you'll notice that people can invite you, or will request for you to be a friend of theirs. And I always say this, try not to invite or try not to accept the friend invitation of someone who's not your mom, or someone who's not my home to you. Okay, the reason why I say this, you now have access to see all these pictures and all the things that are going on in that person's life. And it's not needed. And I know sometimes some of us are married and say Alhamdulillah, we're married, you know, we're not, we're not worried about that we're not going to date anyone, but it can still happen. And even if it doesn't happen, we don't need to look at the
pictures or look at the profiles of other people that we are not even supposed to be in touch with. Right? So Facebook's of handle, just stay away from it, I could show you I have hundreds of friend requests from both brothers and sisters from all over the world. And I don't accept them. And I'm not saying that to boast. I'm saying that because it's something we need to do. It's something I've learned how to do, I'm telling you Subhanallah, it's important that we do this, if you have people on your Facebook page that you are not supposed to be in direct contact with, or you don't need to be in direct contact with go and remove them as your friend, they're not going to get offended
because believe me, the 1000s of people that people have his friends on Facebook are not real friends anyways, they're fake friends. They're not real friends, when you need them, they're not there. Right? And I'm talking about your personal profiles, people who just want to be friends with you. But for no other reason. If they're learning from you, that's a different story. If you're benefiting them, or they're benefiting from you, that's a different story. Right. But even though if that's the case, they should have a public profile. Like right now I'm broadcasting on a public profile. So I can't be friends with anyone who follows my page. You can't so if that's the case, if
someone is a public person, or someone who you're learning from aneema, Chef, etc, or a mom, or a chef, or who you're learning from, then you should be following their public profile. The public profile is one that is more controlled, one that you cannot see a person's profile, you can't go and see their personal pictures and so on and so forth. They can follow you so they can benefit you, but they cannot go in and pry into your personal life. If anyone is following someone that has access to their personal life, remove that. Remove it. If anyone who's not Muslim to you, is following you or friends with you and you are not friends with them in terms of friends according to Allah subhanho
wa Taala Hannah, right. It's not your immediate brother or sister or your husband or your wife, etc, etc. Then remove them for the sake of pleasing Allah subhana wa Tada. And we ask Allah subhana wa to add it to protect every single one of us. I mean,
let's move to verse number 34 in verse is it already 840 Subhan Allah in verse number 34 loss of Hannah Montana says, while takanobu man and Nia Timi in Benin, Letty he
had he should
be in la de in LA Deccan Ms. Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, voila, Takara boo, Mallya teamie in lability here accent, you know, sometimes people look after orphans, and people will benefit from the orphans, right the wealth that belongs to the orphan even though that orphan is a child, that wealth belongs to the child. So for example, someone that may be looked after a child in our society, we don't know there could be someone sitting here that is being looked after by their uncle or Auntie or someone else. That is, you know, taking care of them as an orphan, someone whose father has passed away islamically an orphan is someone whose father is not with them, and that child is
below the age of maturity, that's an orphan, the mother can still be alive and that child is considered an orphan. So how many
single mothers do we know loads? Now single mother as in not that she's just divorced, but single as in, she's widowed, right her husband passed away. There are many, many brothers in our community who've passed away leaving behind the young children, those children are orphans, Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it tells us if we're going to look after these orphans, the money that belongs to those orphans belongs to the orphan, okay? Well, that's equitable malaria team in liability here accent had a shudder. If we need to test the orphan with their wealth to see if they're capable of keeping their wealth for themselves, then we can do so give them a little bit of money, see if they can hold
on to their money, if they can invest their money, that's something that's permissible, we can do that. But also some handler we should not do is look after an orphan simply so that we get the money,
the money of the orphan or the money from the government, or whatever the case is, okay. And sometimes you'll notice that a parent will pass away, or both parents will pass away, and those children will inherit whatever their parents left behind. And families sometimes will fight over who's going to take in that child or those children simply to look after them. Because they have a house, they have cars, they have lots of money in the accounts, they have all these properties and stuff that have been left behind. And everyone in the family is like, Oh, we need to look after our nieces and nephews. Why? Because of the money or because they're your niece and nephew. There's a
difference there. And so some handle on many, many, many people. And I'm saying this very, frankly, very openly, because people come and ask me these questions, right, and it happens in our communities. And I'm not saying here alone in Canada, but a lot of the time it's back home, we're back home, relatives will pass away, and then we look after their children and so on and so forth. It's a great responsibility. it renders us next to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like he says, no caffeine and your team can attain myself and the person who looks after the orphan child are like these two fingers right side by side right next to each other. That's what the prophet
sallallahu wasallam is teaching us. So we run after the opportunity to look after the orphan. Because we want nearness to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the Day of Judgment. We want closeness to him in Paradise, a level close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we want to attain righteousness and goodness from Allah subhanho wa Taala had. So those are things that Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us be just an honest with your dealings with the orphans.
Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says and do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. don't pursue things if you have no knowledge with regards to it. I know earlier today. So Pamela, on one of the groups that I was on, someone was talking about a
product from a store that contains alcohol. Okay, so one of the brothers mentioned on the group, this product has alcohol in it. And then someone else said, No, that can't be alcohol in it. That doesn't make sense. How would they sell the product without telling people there's alcohol in it? You know, people drive cars, you can't sell a product with alcohol, when someone's gonna drink it, become intoxicated, and then go and drive and have an accident? Well, what the brother meant was that there's a small amount of alcohol in that product, not enough to intoxicate you. But right away on the group, people started to message and say things, and Subhanallah that's interesting, because
what happens is immediately, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us here and this should kick into our minds do not say things and this is in verse number 36 of swords. So for those of you that just came in, Allah subhana wa tada is, don't pursue that which you have no knowledge of, if you have no knowledge of something, then educate yourself with regards to it. Right? Don't just say, Oh, I don't know. So I'm not No, go and educate yourself. And we don't tell people will because you don't know You have no right to speak about this topic. No, we say educate yourself about the topic. Because as Muslims, we're not supposed to just say, you know, stay dumb. Just be dumb. don't learn anything.
No, the very first thing that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was,
what was it? The first word, if caught up, read, read ekra this middle because he had read not only from the Quran, but read, educate yourselves recite, learn, study, knowledge, it's important in our Deen Subhana Allah to constantly be educated, and we should be from amongst the most educated in our society. Everyone should look at the Muslims. And I've actually seen this, I've witnessed it. I've gone to countries, non Muslim countries like non Muslim majority countries where Muslims are minority, but the Muslims are so educated, and so well versed in various things in society that they are looked at as those that are educated. I've been to countries like Panama, where the Muslims are
the most educated ones, or the Muslims own the majority of the businesses or the biggest businesses. The wealth is in the hands of the Muslims and these are non Muslim countries. So Subhanallah it's important for us to
Do that we are meant to be educated. We are not meant to be dumb. We are not meant to just, you know, just Just be quiet don't learn No. And that's something that is needed to change, especially when it comes to Islamic knowledge. Because many of us were brought up and no, I have these conversations. I used to talk to my dad about this all the time. How growing up for him, my father's from Pakistan, if you didn't know, right, growing up for him, it was, you know, you had to do what you were told to do, even if you did not understand it. And when we were being raised growing up in Montreal, we especially for the first 10 years of my life, there was no there was no regular Imam in
the masjid. Like the masjid whoever you know, there are a few brothers that were appointed to lead Sala because they can lead saw that they knew some of the Quran or they were half of the Quran. But there was no appointed Mmm, there was no designated Imam who was learned. So whatever customs and culture took place back home, also shifted over here. So I remember even being told once and this was this was not when I was in the first 10 years of my life. This was when I was in my 20s I was told I went to the mustard once for a hustle. And I was told not to the hustle. And I came straight from work. And I was wearing pants and a shirt. And I was told brother Don't you know, you can't
pray like this in the mustard. And I was like, Okay, what am I supposed to pray in? Like, is something wrong? And the brother was telling you have to go home and put on a Shabbat kameez. And I was like, whoa.
And this is not even a brother who's Pakistani. Okay, so don't don't think oh, this is someone no is not even someone who's Pakistani. It's because the culture was so normal, especially in our massage in Montreal at the time we didn't really have, like I said many imams to teach us and educate us. And we see that that culture is still present and still alive, that some people feel you have to dress a certain way. You have to be a certain, you know, image in order to pray. Now there are certain standards that are needed to be set according to our Deen according to what we learned from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and according to Allah subhana wa Tada. But
those standards don't debt and don't specify, it has to be clothing from a specific country. Okay, so somehow that these are things that we need to learn and educate ourselves with regards to don't just take the deen that you hear without questioning. If it's coming, let's say no, we're learning the Quran. It's coming from the core earn. Other evidences and proofs were given from the Sunnah from Hadith of the prophets and along with any who ascended, if we still don't understand, ask Allah Subhana. Allah says in the Quran first Aloo decree in kuntum, latinum. Ask the people of knowledge, those who have knowledge in whatever fields, it's not just ask the scholar of the dean, it's ask
someone who has knowledge. So for example, going back to this initial example that it was giving the product that contains something that is how long, okay?
If the scholar of Dean says that, okay, yes, this is how long
but doesn't know for sure, if the product actually contains that, then we should go and ask the company, or the people who have the knowledge of the ingredients of that product? Is that the Islamic scholar? No. It's the person who or the company who manufactured the product, right? So when we say, decree go and ask the people of knowledge, it doesn't just mean ask the people have knowledge of the deen. It also means ask those who have knowledge in the fields of knowledge that they that they are specialists and, and this is important for our scholars as well, to be educated across the board, to know something about science to know something about physics, to know something
about the world, to know something about the human beings and their development, right psychology and so on and so forth. To know something about the dynamics of this world in terms of finances, to know something about property to know something about mortgages to know, we need to have our Islamic scholars educated in many different things. Of course, they can't be specialists, but they need to be educated in various different fields. Similarly, for those of us who are educated in various different fields, if you have a type of knowledge that you can share with your community, let us know. Let us know we have programs here we every Friday we're here learning something we can have
you come in teach the community what you know, if it's martial arts have the law we have the martial arts class that already takes place. If you know something about finance and you know business or something of that sort we can learn from you. And this is very much needed in our Deen we need that. Right? So it's important if any of us have skills has knowledge that we can share that is already not are not already being shared, then please approach the mustard management let them know you'd like to set up a workshop we can do it. That's nothing, you know, no, there's no problems. There is something really easy that we can do and we ask Allah Subhana
Added to make that easy for us. I mean, we'll take one more verse in sha Allah verse number 37.
In verse number 37, Allah Subhana Allah says one, Tim Sheffield, Lima,
Allah subhana wa Jana says and do not walk upon the earth, boastfully arrogantly showing as though you own this earth. You know sometimes people walk the earth so Pamela today I saw BMW, right it was a seven series 750 I saw this BMW seven series and I thought to myself as it was driving, I was like wow, Mashallah that cars like owning the road, right? Just Just the way that it looked? It was just driving around. I'm in my, you know, 2001 Toyota Camry, right next to me the seven series BMW, it's owning the road, right? And I'm seeing this car like Mashallah, and I'm a car guy, I love cars, Honda law. And I was looking at this and I was thinking Subhanallah, just like this car owns the
road. We should not be people that own the ground that we walk on. As in we should not feel or show as though we own this earth. Don't walk around, boastfully don't walk around, you know, arrogantly showing off like, Who do you think you are, you know, with with our noses up in the air Subhanallah we are not that type of person. We should not be that type of person. islamically. We are believers in Allah subhanho wa Taala. We follow the example of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
he would walk this earth respectfully. He would walk this earth showing respect to the people who see him as well as to the earth that he was walking on and everything that he would pass by the prophet sallallahu. And he was telling them would not just pull something off of a tree for no reason.
Like, for example, we walk by and we just see something we just pulled a bunch of leaves off and throw it on the ground, he wouldn't do that. And in fact, when we go to Macau, and we go to Medina, within the the, the Haram, this the sanctuary of Makkah and Medina, the holy grounds, we are not even allowed to do that. We are not allowed to destroy the nature of Makkah and Medina. And that's an example. Again, this is a training grounds for us training in the good sense, right, not in what the world wants us to be tricked into thinking, training in terms of good training, training, where Subhanallah we learn to respect the world. And we learn after coming back from Mecca and Medina to
also not destroy the plants and not destroy the trees and to respect the insects and respect the animals that we see. And so on and so forth. We don't walk this world, boastfully we walk through this world humbly. And that's how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam entered MCC as well. When he conquered mcca either on a sort of law he will forget what I eat and nursia to Hulu and Effie de la he of wotja you would see people entering the deen of Allah subhana wa Tana, in you know, like waves wave upon wave of people entering Islam. But how did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam enter mcca he entered humbly. they conquered mcca after many years of being outside of Mecca, and
after many years, 13 years of living in Mecca, and going through so much hardship. Finally mcca is returned to the Muslims and the loss of habitat it shows us how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returns, he walks in humbly
humbly showing that you know what we could have been on the same page this entire time. We are brothers and sisters to one another. We are cousins of each other. We are family to each other. Our tribes are the same tribes. We are the same people. And we've been fighting for so many years. He didn't walk in Haha, no. Look, we took over mcca we own mcca Who are you? Who do you think you are leave get out of this land? No, he didn't do that. He went in writing humbly showing them that you know sadness in a way we could have been together this entire time. That's the method of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to learn from his
example and to learn from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu who are around him. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to allow us to learn from the Quran and the verses that are found within and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to accept our fast our tm, our, our sujood in our record and our recitation of the Quran and all the good deeds that we do throughout this month of Ramadan. I mean, what is the level of hate on a subtle level? I send them all back and Anna Vina Mohammed Ali, he was like me or something.